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Thai Democrat Party can play saviour role: Abhisit


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Dems can play saviour role: Abhisit

The Nation

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva leads party members and prominent figures, including former prime minister Chuan Leekpai, to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the party

BANGKOK: -- Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis - but both sides to the conflict must first reach a comprise on the exit strategy, the party's leader said yesterday.

The party's ideology over the past 68 years has never changed. It still believes in the democratic system with His Majesty the King as head of state, party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said.

Three things are necessary to solve the country's problems, he said.

First, legal disputes must be sorted out by respecting the legal process - those holding power must honour the law.

Second, the political polarisation should be patched up through negotiations.

Finally, the country should author a clear roadmap for reform, Abhisit said.

"We need the political process to make clear exactly what democracy, reform and justice are," he said.

Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Suthep Thaugsuban, head of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee, must cooperate to determine the shape of reforms and elections, he said.

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who Abhisit said is the crux of every problem in the country, must realise that he cannot get what Thai laws cannot give.

The public's faith in the democratic system is faltering, as politicians abuse their power, condone corruption and betray the people's mandate, he said.

"It's no surprise that 14 million out of the 44 million eligible voters - excluding the five million who were blocked - were not willing to participate in the [House] election," he said.

Only 16 million out of the 49 million eligible voters cast ballots in the recent Senate election, he said.

"We should open a forum to explore answers for the people on how to reform the country to restore the faith of the people in the political system," he said.

"How can we return to the normal system - I mean elections?"

The Democrats are ready for an election whenever the election process is fair enough, he said.

"This is the path we have walked over the past 68 years," he said.

Chuan Leekpai, a former prime minister and former leader of the party, said the political crisis was caused by immorality and abuse of power.

The Democrats rely on democracy with the King as head of state, transparency, honesty and suppression of corruption, he said.

Prompong Nopparit, spokesman for the ruling Pheu Thai Party, congratulated the Democrats on the occasion of their 68th anniversary.

The party does not need to do many things to bring the country out of crisis - just end its boycott of the election, the spokesman said.

The Democrats should stop joining the protesters in street battles and restore the faith of the people in the party and electoral system.

If the Democrats lack faith in elections, their 68-year history is worthless, he added.

-- The Nation 2014-04-07

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Abhisit and Chuan Leekpai, two dynamic Thai leaders with lots of character, principle, charisma, and clean from any corruption stains and cronyism.

Chuan is a good guy, but I would never say he oozed charisma or dynamism. He was always a bit of a plodder to be honest. There is a corruption stain from his last administration, not against him personally mind, and he's got a dodgy brother as well.

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This two faced guy can play any roles as long as the democrats can reach the top. One day he joined the protesters going against the government, the next day he encouraged Suthep and Yingluck to talk, the following day he filed suits to dishonor the votes and now he plays the saviour role. He is so insincere and untrustworthy.

Nah,he's a politician.

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This guy is a straight up loser. In the real world if you lose 4 elections on the bounce and then get charged with the unlawful killing of 200 people you shut the up and stop embarrassing yourself. Not here it seems.

When you get basic facts right people might consider your post valid.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Are you really that thick in the head or just brainwashed. The democrats chose not to be in the election. One cannot make a party a failure by not attending. Your words are just plain stupid lies.

Fact: Thai wife says we all want elections, but we want fair elections

The Thai People who are not sheep of a corrupt Government, we the people are aware of alleged corruption and abuses of authority by the current PTP Party

and the negative effects on the country associated with the influence of former prime minister Thakin Shinawatra.

In Jan 2014 the Election Commission (EC) had repeatedly stated it could not guarantee a fair election, but the Caretaker Government insisted on going ahead with it in a bid to whitewash its wrongdoings.

In Feb... was this a Democratic Election .............. No

Unless an election is fair, it can not be democratic.

Government supporters continued to threaten independent organisations, the people and political parties which opposed it. and the police fail to perform their duties.

Ms Yingluck had never called for the pro-government and red-shirt demonstrators to behave, suggesting that she supported the actions of these same redshirt demonstrators.

We the Thai People have witnessed red-shirt demonstrators threaten other party members without facing arrest.

The Democrat Party has also been threatened, many times if they want to campaign in Issan

During the 2005 general election, a political canvasser belonging to his party in Phichit province had been told to stop his campaigning.

When the threat was ignored, the canvasser was shot dead in front of his house three days before the election. Police have still not arrested any suspects

In 2014 things are even worse. Anti-government demonstrators were being ambushed on a main Hyway and no suspects had been arrested.

Under these circumstances, No other party but the PTP is safe to campaign for votes in the North East of Thailand

“The [Democrat] party conducted a survey of potential candidates nationwide and found that 80% had no safe place to campaign for votes, except those in the South, Bangkok and parts of the Central Plains.

So, is this a democratic Election, is it fair if only one political party can campaign for votes but others cannot,

FACT: Before we can have another Election in Thailand, the next Election must be FAIR to all Parties

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Politicians are always fair game to criticize, especially when not in your own country. and there is a large unmentioned part of this discussion that is the key. Painful as the current situation is, the country is evolving, in its own way, and while I may be critical sometimes, and want to get involved,Thailand is not my country, and I will always be a guest here.

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Didn't Abhisit resign from politics so he could join the demonstrations. Is it not those aligned to the Democrats ie Suthep and Co who are holding the country by the balls whilst the world is laughing at Suthep. Definitely not the people to be saviours. If the demo want to save the country the win the hearts of the reds because that is the only way.

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To all the posters pouring scorn on the only politician speaking sense, show me an alternative from the current administration. They have all abandoned their stations.

Some more questions for the same group who will surely decline to answer because they lack the ken.

What should happen to a candidate when votes are paid for?

What should happen when the opposition is physically abused when canvassing?

When MPs cheat in house voting, what should their party do?

If their party fails to discipline them, do they have the moral ground to complain when they are charged?

Should the offending party criticise the courts and legal bodies?

In cases such as the amnesty bill, would you expect you MP to vote for what is right or vote with the party in a censure debate?

If you can't answer these questions then you should not be posting your twisted distorted nonsense in response to someone who can.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

Everyone is served better via competitive elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

How do you get all that from this?

"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis"

Seems like the usual "vote for me BS" all parties put out before an election to me.

"He has a dream!"

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

Everyone is served better via competitive elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

I agree with your last sentence. Exactly how is that to be achieved given the behaviour of the PTP and the Red Shirts?

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