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in many parts of Europe the season of white asparagus starts soon (from Germany-Greece). Does anybody knows where I can buy white asparagus in CM or where I can eat it????

Appreciate any serious answers.


You might try Talaad Mai, the daily big fresh market along the Ping.

Many times not as fresh as they should be. There is simply no big demand for white asparagus.

Rimping used to have them too, but last two years or so, never saw them back again. Same reason maybe.

Think season for fresh white asparagus is almost/already over. Remember, in Europe they come befor the stawberries. Same here.

The green ones will grow in hords now.

You can eat them most probably in the more hi-so establishments/restaurants.


I very much doubt they grow white asparagus in Thailand. Thailand only appears to be capable of producing sprue, so it would have to be imported. I've never seen it fresh in the usual upmarket supermarkets in Bangkok, and suspect Chiang Mai would be the same. (They do have it in jars - not the same, I know.) I have, however, occasionally seen it on the menu of upmarket hotel restaurants. One hotel in Bangkok earlier in the year even had a white asparagus promotion.


I very much doubt they grow white asparagus in Thailand. Thailand only appears to be capable of producing sprue, so it would have to be imported. I've never seen it fresh in the usual upmarket supermarkets in Bangkok, and suspect Chiang Mai would be the same. (They do have it in jars - not the same, I know.) I have, however, occasionally seen it on the menu of upmarket hotel restaurants. One hotel in Bangkok earlier in the year even had a white asparagus promotion.

Thank you for doubting my words.

1. Rimping did sell the white ones and they were not imported.

2. I once bought the white ones at the Chiang Mai big fresh market.

If Thailand can produce 'sprue' then they can produce white asparagus too if they would.


I very much doubt they grow white asparagus in Thailand. Thailand only appears to be capable of producing sprue, so it would have to be imported. I've never seen it fresh in the usual upmarket supermarkets in Bangkok, and suspect Chiang Mai would be the same. (They do have it in jars - not the same, I know.) I have, however, occasionally seen it on the menu of upmarket hotel restaurants. One hotel in Bangkok earlier in the year even had a white asparagus promotion.

Thank you for doubting my words.

1. Rimping did sell the white ones and they were not imported.

2. I once bought the white ones at the Chiang Mai big fresh market.

If Thailand can produce 'sprue' then they can produce white asparagus too if they would.

I wasn't doubting your words. I was replying to the original poster with my opinion, which is exactly the same as you did.


They often have them during this season in our local Makro (Samui). In fact, tonight I will have 'asparagus a la flamande' on the menu

Good luck


The only fresh white asparagus i have ever tried here came from China. Utterly tasteless.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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