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Local people and Honda dealers in rural Thailand


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I came home from the big village about 8.30 pm last night and about 1.5 km before I got home my Honda CB 400 just wound down and stopped.

I had fuel in the tank and a couple of tries at starting worked briefly and then it died again.

OK so I started to push the bike home which wasn't too hard as there a couple of downhill bits when along comes an older guy on his 115cc bike.

In mangled English and Thai we worked out that yes I had Nam Mun or fuel but the bike wouldn't ackle.

He tells me to get on and puts his bike close to mine, his foot on my exhaust pipe and off we go home.

We get to the bottom of the drive and helps me to push it up the slope to the bike shed.

I was knackered and sweating hard and by the time I got my beath back he was on his way so I thanked him very much and didn't even have time to give him anything before he was gone.

I had to go to hospital in Khampaeng Phet this morning so I stole the truck from my wife, did my bits and came back to the big village 6 km from home.

I talked with they guy who normally does all my bike work and drew what I thought was a flow chart for the fuel system on the CB 400.

I took the truck back to my wife 400 metres down the road grabbed the scooter and went back to the Honda guys. Two of them followed me home a few minutes later with a pickup truck to take the bike to the shop. They had a look at it first and found a rubber pipe either broken or disconnected, got some from the truck and swapped it out which fixed the problem.

They charged me 200 baht for the callout and I gave them 50 baht each as a tip for the 10 minutes of work.

I then asked them asked them if they could take my Phantom down and fix the puncture in the back tyre and 1 1/2 hours later they called and said that was done too.

What a great place rural Thailand is. Friendly people, good service and low prices.

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As I was saying on another forum today, I was walking down the main st of PhiChit and people were staring at me in a strange way. I checked to see if Big John was zipped up....OK, I looked around to see if I was being followed by an impressive LB.....or a Pattaya BG, but no. My impression of Thai people in the country is to use an Australian expression....boguns!

And no, I am not ugly. Slightly wrinkled maybe, but not ugly!

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nice, we dont get that nice door to door service in bangkok!

Maybe not on your side of Bangkok.

I have been helped out by locals on more than one occasion.

i have been helped many times in Thailand. By locals, by police, by motorsais. Bike carried by police truck due to no petrol, pushed by motorsais, helped by locals...Thailand is the best country i have been for that. They dont help you that much even in my own home country!

i was talking about door to door service OP got.

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nice, we dont get that nice door to door service in bangkok!

Maybe not on your side of Bangkok.

I have been helped out by locals on more than one occasion.

i have been helped many times in Thailand. By locals, by police, by motorsais. Bike carried by police truck due to no petrol, pushed by motorsais, helped by locals...Thailand is the best country i have been for that. They dont help you that much even in my own home country!

i was talking about door to door service OP got.

Yes, and I was talking about Bangkok where you can get the same service.

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