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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure


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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.

-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

If the letter mentioned that, then it would have been circulated in image format.

That would have been something Surapong and the PTP would be salivating at and would more than happily show the public a scan of the letter.

Of course, we will never be allowed to see the actual latter.

Because it probably doesn't even say that.

Come on Surapong.... Get it out.... we all want to see the letter.

I am sure it will be leaked out, or maybe he burnt it to make sure it can't be.

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Seems that Kerry has a similar stance as the PDRC that violence is a catalyst that will hurt Thailand economically and affect it's overall stability in the region. This will be a good opportunity for yingluck to show she has strength of character and echo Kerry's narrative to the PTP armed militia wing. The best way will be to officially denounce any violence perpetrated by the UDD that would cause the army to step in to protect the Thai citizens from this UDD minority scourge.

Lets hope the 1/15th democracy party take heed in this and that yingluck takes the advice and warnings from Kerry seriously. I very much doubt it though and the PTP caretaker deputy commerce minister, Nattawut, will continue on his path of leading a 200 000 strong armed militia against a majority driven voice.

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But on the flip side..... Since when has it bothered the US administration about supporting tyrants with violent thugs that rape and pillage a country and murder its subjects???

They have done their best to support and even install a few of these governments here and there with little or no regard for public opinion.

They certainly turned a blind eye to all Marcos did in the Philippines because he said and did all the right things especially about communisim.

At the time it was clear Marcos was finished they did support People Power but it's usually overlooked that Ronald Reagan tried to save Marcos' face asking he be allowed to serve as a joint president with Cory Aquino but president in name only and the US assured they wouldn't let him get involved with actually running the country.

Aquino was an earlier version of YL and out of her depth but was advised to refuse Regan as Marcos' would be a problem from Hawaii but nothing like the problem he would be if still in the Philippines where he would be an on the spot figurehead.

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This is cause for concern everywhere, Thailand was Australia's fifth biggest customer ,I don't think so now, however the political impasse is only there because one doesn't trust the other, Suthep is at the cross roads, because he has made he's bed now he must sleep in it , if the PTP get back into power Suthep is a mangled cat, so the ultimatum , reform before elections, the PTP have shown how inapt they are that people voted with there feet in Rayong and the turn out to a piece-full election was 10%, so the stalemate, however Suthep has the most to loose, probably he's neck if he's attempt fails.coffee1.gif

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You can red it 2 ways. The bold headline adds---and power seizure.

John Kerry handed over a letter saying U.S. expresses concern over the political situation.

Who adds on bits extra ???? are they there in the original letter. There is no wonder people get answering wrongly, can we get the original letter ??? if a reporter does add on he can twist things upside down.

I have my doubts that the USA would include POWER seizure. Will we ever know, as these 2 words alter the letters meaning.

Expresses concern would seem apt at this time, as there has not been a power seizure YET.

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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

Why do you think Thaksin want a coup ?

If a military coup happens, his sister and most of the PT party definitely will be history.

Two very good reasons from his point of view.

For a start he knows the PT Govt is finished so if the army stepped in he could yell that it has been overthrown in a military coup then he can then get international sympathy and also form a Govt in exile.

Secondly he will have the excuse he needs to bring out his armed reds to fight, we have already seen from statements from Ko Tee and others that this 'fight' would include plunder.

This fight would not be directly against the army but against soft targets similar to what we see in the south.

This would create a situation of a no win for the military, again as we see in the south, with negotiation as the only way to bring any peace to the country.

And who would the negotiations be with ? That's right, the Govt in exile.

That the country would be wrecked would not matter, in fact possibly a bonus to the great hero peace maker who would come back and save and rebuild the country.

Spot on RobbyNZ. (and your earlier post). What we have been seeing in recent weeks is a publicity campaign wherein PTP are preparing for international sympathy; The announcement of them going to the UN, the announcement that they are appealing to the US and other nations and so on. Then, when Kerry sends this letter, they use it to IMPLY that they have US backing to garner support.

I think Thaksin would only make for a mediocre chess player. He may be able to play gambits that fool the peasantry, but he is certainly no Kasparov.

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Well, Surapong managed to get his letter. Now what does he do ? He can start by congratulating himself. Due to a careless slip of the tongue of Suthep, Surapong sees a bright future for democracy. It includes -

- a continuation of an administration being directed by a man living a luxurious existence in a Dubai hotel room.

- an administration that has a strong tolerance for intimating judicial agencies and not recognizing judicial verdicts.

- an administration that is confident that when all this has passed, they can get back to the normal business of the administering of programmes of massive graft and corruption, and manage to more successfully dodge judicial inquiry for them, through a complete revamp of those pesky independent agencies, and getting down more to the business at hand of appointing judges.

- an administration that can get back to the business of finally getting that amnesty bill through and allowing said man in Dubai to return, in order to accelerate the democratic process.

Yes, Surapong can now see a bright future for democracy.

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Very interesting yesterday Surapong quote US not agree with judicial remove of Premier... but when you read NNBT report, US just warm against a military seizure of power.........

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Note that we only know about the bit of the letter that the government chose to share with the media which implies continuous US government support for the perpetuation of the Shinawatra kleptocracy, in contrast to US support for the ousting of the Yanukovich kleptocracy in Ukraine.

The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.

What kind of a joke is that? What policies has Thailand initiated in the international arena since the Shinawatra government been in power and installed the cousin at the Foreign Ministry? Does caretaker status reduce the flow of worthwhile international initiatives.

Does the US consider the hand delivery of a passport to a convicted fugitive overseas an example of the types of foreign policy initiative it is worried about being curtailed? I don't think caretaker status makes any difference to this sort of stuff.

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

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As usual the US government doesn't give a hoot about who is running the country as long as they kow tow to the US. That is after all their primary concern.

Surapong is kidding himself if he thinks anyone in the White House cares if Yingluck gets her arse kicked or not.

Apart from Michelle of course....! wink.png

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Dallasrantin posted

The current US administration is Democrat. US Democrats have traditionally allied themselves with the banksters. US banksters want to rule the world. You may be correct.

Google Caryle Group, Bilderburg Group, Trilateral Commission, Trans Pacific Partnership.

Sorry to rain on your fine conspiracy effort but it is the Republican party that has traditionally allied itself with bankers, wall street plutocrats and big business in general.

Perhaps another conspiracy angle .... biggrin.png

and both republicans (Bush and the boys) and democrats like Obama, do not like Thaksin .... but that doess not make them friends of the Dems/Yelows/PDRC/PAD either.

It's a complicated world ........................ biggrin.png thats why people like conspiracy theories. It makes the world a simple understandable place.

Yeah, Lloyd Blankfein, the Republican. Try again. It's hard to know who owns who. Do the Democrats own Goldman Sachs or does Goldman Sachs own them.

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