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Slain Thai general's widow vows to continue fight for justice


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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin. Everyone has their own take on who is the source of violence this time.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. What about the widow of Seh Daeng? What about the widows and parents of over 90 Red Shirts who were mowed down by the Coup-maker incited military...........Plus, it should not try to weave political innuendo into it. All those other's have political opinions as well, and perhaps more valid than this lady.

Let's separate Politics from grieving relatives, so one can sympathize with them, instead of being affronted by narrow political interests.

Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today.

Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He may not answer until tomorrow, unless he has a good mug of café. Now it is 11:59 PM in Toronto coffee1.gif

He might be very close to Thailand. Just like Thaksin was when he told his red army to start attacking security forces.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes she is right.

Same thing happened 4 years is happening again now and the crims still haven't faced court.

This is what happens when you deny people the right to vote and chose to turn your back on democracy .

How do you think people are going to react when a looney in a park declares himself the peoples medium and wants to set up a sovereign state and everyone must answer to them.

The sooner an election the better otherwise the same mistakes of four years ago will be repeated by both sides

What possible difference will another election make right now? It just puts us all back to square 1 and only delays the inevitable, sweeping reforms. The only way out of this is dialogue and serious reforms of Thailand's political and social scene. I don't think Thailand's 2 extremes are anywhere near talking, do you?

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Yes she is right.

Same thing happened 4 years is happening again now and the crims still haven't faced court.

This is what happens when you deny people the right to vote and chose to turn your back on democracy .

How do you think people are going to react when a looney in a park declares himself the peoples medium and wants to set up a sovereign state and everyone must answer to them.

The sooner an election the better otherwise the same mistakes of four years ago will be repeated by both sides

What possible difference will another election make right now? It just puts us all back to square 1 and only delays the inevitable, sweeping reforms. The only way out of this is dialogue and serious reforms of Thailand's political and social scene. I don't think Thailand's 2 extremes are anywhere near talking, do you?


An election, without much needed reforms, will most probably only justify Thaksin's corruption.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Without strongman Thaksin, Thailand would have been at piece long time ago. Same applies to Cambodia where Thaksin's eternal friend Hun Sen is also the root cause of all injustice, division and violence.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Peace of course, not piece. Edited by Nickymaster
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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. And not try to weave political innuendo into it.

You said " The red shirts were protesting a coup that had stolen their electoral choice" ???

You did not mention why there was a coup ??? you did not mention Thaksin ???? the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo, Forget the photo's did we, you are one biased poster out to gain what??? an opinion is one thing a wind up is another. This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone, and it is ingrained to this day, for the sake of a convicted Thai national on the run.

You post on some true events BUT omit the most important ones that go against your stand supporting the reds.

There is another article today discussing how Thai society deeply polarised.

The above comments show why.

Framing the pro-democracy protests of 2010 as being in a political vauum....Magnifying and denigrating the protesters reactions to a coup, but never mentioning the coup.....Trying to characterize them as anarchistic with no motive other than generalized mayhem

The above comments reflect arrogant PAD-Dem disrespect for their political opposites, manifested via their many statements denigrating Red Shirts as being lesser people, mindless dolts and uni-dimensionally attached to Thaksin, only raised to political advocacy according to what they are paid.

This understandably engenders hatred from them.

Talk about polarization!

Complete rubbish, your lot have been thrown out the last three time in power---I wonder why ???---coincidence--or did they commit crime ???

"---I wonder why ???-"

Because of the crime of non-competitive elections primarily...The underlying reasons those who are electorally disadvantaged agitate to attain political power via non-electoral means.

One sees it repeating itself again currently...Although they try use the cover of their user-friendly judiciary, Independent Organizations and military.

But it all boils down to non-competitive elections.....If they could win an election, everything would be different.

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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. And not try to weave political innuendo into it.

You said " The red shirts were protesting a coup that had stolen their electoral choice" ???

You did not mention why there was a coup ??? you did not mention Thaksin ???? the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo, Forget the photo's did we, you are one biased poster out to gain what??? an opinion is one thing a wind up is another. This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone, and it is ingrained to this day, for the sake of a convicted Thai national on the run.

You post on some true events BUT omit the most important ones that go against your stand supporting the reds.

There is another article today discussing how Thai society deeply polarised.

The above comments show why.

Framing the pro-democracy protests of 2010 as being in a political vauum....Magnifying and denigrating the protesters reactions to a coup, but never mentioning the coup.....Trying to characterize them as anarchistic with no motive other than generalized mayhem

The above comments reflect arrogant PAD-Dem disrespect for their political opposites, manifested via their many statements denigrating Red Shirts as being lesser people, mindless dolts and uni-dimensionally attached to Thaksin, only raised to political advocacy according to what they are paid.

This understandably engenders hatred from them.

Talk about polarization!

Why did they wait 4 years to protest the coup?

Thaksin's trial verdict and a call to arms

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Demonizing the UDD/RS as being uni-dimensionally attached to Thaksin will prevent the DP from ever winning an election...They believe that nonsense and never evolve a diverse electoral planks that will appeal to a diverse electorate.

How does one win votes from an electoral majority that one doesn't respect and denigrates at every turn....the answer?.....They don't.

Why did it take four years?.....Not sure of exact dates, but for arguments sake, let me work with four years.....That is when they gravitated to Bangkok. The anti-coup forces began organizing shortly after the 2006 coup, had ever-growing rallies throughout Thailand which were studiously avoided by the mainstream media......Given that biased media black-out, it is no wonder Bangkokkians wondered where the H... these people had materialized from.

But materialize they did, to the eternal grief of the ever-present coup-makers when they lose ANOTHER election....The growth of this pro-electoral and anti-coup majority was an unintended consequence of the 2006 coup, and is befuddling them now.

They are knee-jerk coup-makers, often using surreptitious means to advance themselves, but they are hesitating now....They are worried...If they pull the coup-trigger via their judiciary and so-called Independent Agencies, they are not quite sure what will happen....That wasn't a concern before 2006.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin. Everyone has their own take on who is the source of violence this time.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. What about the widow of Seh Daeng? What about the widows and parents of over 90 Red Shirts who were mowed down by the Coup-maker incited military...........Plus, it should not try to weave political innuendo into it. All those other's have political opinions as well, and perhaps more valid than this lady.

Let's separate Politics from grieving relatives, so one can sympathize with them, instead of being affronted by narrow political interests.

Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today.

Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Diversionary nonsense in the face of Military killings of over 90 pro-democracy demonstrators in 2010.

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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin. Everyone has their own take on who is the source of violence this time.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. What about the widow of Seh Daeng? What about the widows and parents of over 90 Red Shirts who were mowed down by the Coup-maker incited military...........Plus, it should not try to weave political innuendo into it. All those other's have political opinions as well, and perhaps more valid than this lady.

Let's separate Politics from grieving relatives, so one can sympathize with them, instead of being affronted by narrow political interests.

Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today.

Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He may not answer until tomorrow, unless he has a good mug of café. Now it is 11:59 PM in Toronto coffee1.gif

He might be very close to Thailand. Just like Thaksin was when he told his red army to start attacking security forces.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is a spin I have heard from many PAD-Dem's....suggesting the coup-maker attack, including this General, on the pro-electoral R'song protesters, was a matter of security.

Similar to today, where the military is trying to hide their participation in Suthep's coup-advocacy activities, as being one of providing security.

It doesn't fool too many people, unless they want to be.

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That is a spin I have heard from many PAD-Dem's....suggesting the coup-maker attack, including this General, on the pro-electoral R'song protesters, was a matter of security.

Similar to today, where the military is trying to hide their participation in Suthep's coup-advocacy activities, as being one of providing security.

It doesn't fool too many people, unless they want to be.

The spin from the other side seems to get to the level of totally unbelievable and just stubborn sticking to stated untruths.

So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?

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What was her husband doing in the conflict zone? Protecting the protesters (like the popcorn man); or for firing at the? Maybe France24 have the clip with answers.

He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists.


hiding in a temple and slaughtered by the army no doubt under the Generals control. They had no weapons.

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She deserves the sympathy she gets (and then some) but not the free publicity to promote absolutist political views.

She's an extremist and a true believer who needs to be protected against those that exploit her loss for political purposes. She cooperates too willingly.

The article is on the whole revealing, instructive, a red warning flag. I hadn't considered the Nation could go this far over to the far right. Feudalism here is an ideology that goes far deeper than even I had thought. Feudalism is indeed sacred and democracy pales by comparison.

Well, in one sense you're right. It seems a red flag for some to get out of the woodworks and proclaim a widow has absolutist political views.

So, just for the fun of it, where did she promote absolute political views? Didn't youl ike the ""We need brave people to say what is right and what is wrong. We need a society that accepts rules and regulations."

Or didn't you like the "adding that all parts of society must share the responsibility of setting good moral standards." ?

Or is it just a kneejerk reaction on having Ms. Yingluck put in a less positive light?

"We need brave people to say what is right and what is wrong. We need a society that accepts rules and regulations."

Implying of course that Suthep is a very brave person, trying to eliminate electoral democracy with a Civilian Dictatorship....

The other point in this quote is trying to normalize the abnormal state of the judiciary and so-called Indendent Agencies....Suggesting their anti-democratic diktats should be accepted...... If not, one is unlawful.

It is all "in the eye of the beholder"

I have seen other references to fuzzy-wuzzies such as in this case, talking of 'moral standards". Suggesting that aversion to coup advocacy activities and their self-serving justifications, have connotations other than political.

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She deserves the sympathy she gets (and then some) but not the free publicity to promote absolutist political views.

She's an extremist and a true believer who needs to be protected against those that exploit her loss for political purposes. She cooperates too willingly.

The article is on the whole revealing, instructive, a red warning flag. I hadn't considered the Nation could go this far over to the far right. Feudalism here is an ideology that goes far deeper than even I had thought. Feudalism is indeed sacred and democracy pales by comparison.

Well, in one sense you're right. It seems a red flag for some to get out of the woodworks and proclaim a widow has absolutist political views.

So, just for the fun of it, where did she promote absolute political views? Didn't youl ike the ""We need brave people to say what is right and what is wrong. We need a society that accepts rules and regulations."

Or didn't you like the "adding that all parts of society must share the responsibility of setting good moral standards." ?

Or is it just a kneejerk reaction on having Ms. Yingluck put in a less positive light?

"We need brave people to say what is right and what is wrong. We need a society that accepts rules and regulations."

Implying of course that Suthep is a very brave person, trying to eliminate electoral democracy with a Civilian Dictatorship....

The other point in this quote is trying to normalize the abnormal state of the judiciary and so-called Indendent Agencies....Suggesting their anti-democratic diktats should be accepted...... If not, one is unlawful.

It is all "in the eye of the beholder"

I have seen other references to fuzzy-wuzzies such as in this case, talking of 'moral standards". Suggesting that aversion to coup advocacy activities and their self-serving justifications, have connotations other than political.

Implying of course?

now please excuse me, I have to look for some rosy-pink glasses. The spectacles I'm wearing now let me see things too clearly

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What was her husband doing in the conflict zone? Protecting the protesters (like the popcorn man); or for firing at the? Maybe France24 have the clip with answers.

He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists.


hiding in a temple and slaughtered by the army no doubt under the Generals control. They had no weapons.

The army had been and was still in gunfights with those unarmed protesters. That's when you get these very unfortunate incidents.

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If you knew khun Nicha personally, I am convinced that the words that some of you are typing would not be tainted with so much hate and prejudice. But it is very easy to be depersonalized when hiding for too long behind the keyboard, even to the point of forgetting that we are human beings.

And so are these people

There's been more than enough hate and prejudice aimed at these people on this forum over the years and it's still happening - just read the posts above this.

One "side" pointing out that the making of political capital from the unfortunate death of an Army Officer is perhaps not appropriate on this "anniversary". the other, well sadly, par for the course:

"Truer words have never been spoken. The UDD are back in town".

"He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists"

"Amsterdam & Peroff is working early in the morning".

"BS. They were protesting on behalf of Thaksin and his confiscated billions".

"the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo.........This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone"

"are you human?"

"Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today".

"Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something".

"So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?"

Ah, but even our dear publicus condemned the widow with

"She deserves the sympathy she gets (and then some) but not the free publicity to promote absolutist political views."

while she just said

"The people between the two sides [of the political conflict] should focus on justice, rather than just being neutral."

BTW reading problems still? I wrote "less easy cases including that"

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If you knew khun Nicha personally, I am convinced that the words that some of you are typing would not be tainted with so much hate and prejudice. But it is very easy to be depersonalized when hiding for too long behind the keyboard, even to the point of forgetting that we are human beings.

And so are these people


There's been more than enough hate and prejudice aimed at these people on this forum over the years and it's still happening - just read the posts above this.

One "side" pointing out that the making of political capital from the unfortunate death of an Army Officer is perhaps not appropriate on this "anniversary". the other, well sadly, par for the course:

"Truer words have never been spoken. The UDD are back in town".

"He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists"

"Amsterdam & Peroff is working early in the morning".

"BS. They were protesting on behalf of Thaksin and his confiscated billions".

"the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo.........This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone"

"are you human?"

"Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today".

"Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something".

"So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?"

Yes there has been more than enough hate propagated by both sides over the years and all you are doing is the same.

The army officer's wife has a damn site more entitlement than you to express her feelings as she lost a loved one. Mentioning 'political capital' is hypocritical when you are doing the same by posting a political photo.

I'm not going to bore other forum users with a stupid one-sided list of the PTP/red shirt supporters hate-fueled quotes. It would be far too long.

Edited by khunken
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The Red Khwai garbage posted in this article is not surprising.

Well done Khun Nicha for seeking fair and lawful justice for the murder of your husband at the hands of the Dubai peoples court convicted criminal's band of "Blacks" and Red Khwai thugs treasonous attack on Thailand, the Thai Army and the Thai people,

The usual Red looneys are right at the front turning the topic to Suthep and spinning other bull sh!t like the Army killed 90 when in fact 91 died including some tens of the Army personnel at the hands of Thaksins Black goons supported by the Red thugs. Also more bullsh!t is spun that the 2010 Thaksin terrorist attack on Thailand, its Army and its people was to protest at a coup elected government. More Red bullshit...two Thaksin proxies were PM of another Thaksin lackey government after the Army seized power, amended the constitution to try and protect it against criminals like Thaksin then held elections......minor parties led by the Dems joined to form a coalition government...the same as happens in the top democracies of the world...but hey that does not fit the Thaksin Red Book of Democracy. The Red bullsh!t is amazing but what is low is the lack of respect for the justice that Khun Nicha is seeking for her slain husband shown by the Thaksin lovers in this thread..but is that really surprising?

What is not surprising is that the same justice that Khun Nicha seeks and deserves is also equally entitled and deserved to Khun Payao for her daughter the young nurse assisting those in need around her...Khun Kamonkate Akhard..also slain...unnecessarily and cold bloodily by Army troops. I guess my support goes to those who can see that Thailand is not one or the other. But hey lets have another election. After all that is all democracy is...

Edited by Roadman
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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin. Everyone has their own take on who is the source of violence this time.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. What about the widow of Seh Daeng? What about the widows and parents of over 90 Red Shirts who were mowed down by the Coup-maker incited military...........Plus, it should not try to weave political innuendo into it. All those other's have political opinions as well, and perhaps more valid than this lady.

Let's separate Politics from grieving relatives, so one can sympathize with them, instead of being affronted by narrow political interests.

Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today.

Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Diversionary nonsense in the face of Military killings of over 90 pro-democracy demonstrators in 2010.
It's not nonsense and you and Thaksin know it. It's the truth but it doesn't suit your nasty agenda. And by the way, your 90 include my 20. So you are wrong again. Shame on you. Edited by Nickymaster
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If you knew khun Nicha personally, I am convinced that the words that some of you are typing would not be tainted with so much hate and prejudice. But it is very easy to be depersonalized when hiding for too long behind the keyboard, even to the point of forgetting that we are human beings.

And so are these people


There's been more than enough hate and prejudice aimed at these people on this forum over the years and it's still happening - just read the posts above this.

One "side" pointing out that the making of political capital from the unfortunate death of an Army Officer is perhaps not appropriate on this "anniversary". the other, well sadly, par for the course:

"Truer words have never been spoken. The UDD are back in town".

"He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists"

"Amsterdam & Peroff is working early in the morning".

"BS. They were protesting on behalf of Thaksin and his confiscated billions".

"the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo.........This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone"

"are you human?"

"Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today".

"Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something".

"So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?"

What is your point? Have i said something that isn't true? Remember, your hero Thaksin needed fatalities in order to send scum like Amsterdam after the army. Edited by Nickymaster
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Something wrong with grieving the loss of a family member to disseminate political inaccuracies.

>>>"Nicha's husband General Romklao Thuvatham was killed in a clash with red-shirt protesters at Khok Wua intersection in 2010. The red shirts were at the time protesting against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"

The Red Shirts at the time were not protesting "against the Abhisit Vejjajiva government"...They were protesting a coup which had stolen their electoral choice and the imposition of a coup-rooted Govt....It was all about Electoral Democracy....Not about the Govt. in place at the time...Same as today.

>>>"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014"

No they are not.

Trying to link the Lumpini coup-advocacy crowd with anti-coup protesters of 2010, is again an example of PAD-Dem's trying to contextualize historical events according to their spin. Everyone has their own take on who is the source of violence this time.

Articles of this nature ought to express concerns about all grieving relatives of those killed in 2010, not just one. What about the widow of Seh Daeng? What about the widows and parents of over 90 Red Shirts who were mowed down by the Coup-maker incited military...........Plus, it should not try to weave political innuendo into it. All those other's have political opinions as well, and perhaps more valid than this lady.

Let's separate Politics from grieving relatives, so one can sympathize with them, instead of being affronted by narrow political interests.

Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today.

Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something.

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He may not answer until tomorrow, unless he has a good mug of café. Now it is 11:59 PM in Toronto coffee1.gif

He might be very close to Thailand. Just like Thaksin was when he told his red army to start attacking security forces.

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That is a spin I have heard from many PAD-Dem's....suggesting the coup-maker attack, including this General, on the pro-electoral R'song protesters, was a matter of security.

Similar to today, where the military is trying to hide their participation in Suthep's coup-advocacy activities, as being one of providing security.

It doesn't fool too many people, unless they want to be.

If the military doesn't provide protection for the protestors, who will?

Edited by Nickymaster
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"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014. Although we can't find them and bring them to justice, we all know who is behind all the violence. They are cruel,"

Truer words have never been spoken.

Indeed the popcorn shooter is a great example of the idiocy of the above statement.

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"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014. Although we can't find them and bring them to justice, we all know who is behind all the violence. They are cruel,"

Truer words have never been spoken.

Bit harsh on Abhisit.

Suthep is the only repeat offender of the two.

Abhisits responsibility stops at the 2010 murders.

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If you knew khun Nicha personally, I am convinced that the words that some of you are typing would not be tainted with so much hate and prejudice. But it is very easy to be depersonalized when hiding for too long behind the keyboard, even to the point of forgetting that we are human beings.

And so are these people

There's been more than enough hate and prejudice aimed at these people on this forum over the years and it's still happening - just read the posts above this.

One "side" pointing out that the making of political capital from the unfortunate death of an Army Officer is perhaps not appropriate on this "anniversary". the other, well sadly, par for the course:

"Truer words have never been spoken. The UDD are back in town".

"He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists"

"Amsterdam & Peroff is working early in the morning".

"BS. They were protesting on behalf of Thaksin and his confiscated billions".

"the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo.........This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone"

"are you human?"

"Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today".

"Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something".

"So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?"

Ah, but even our dear publicus condemned the widow with

"She deserves the sympathy she gets (and then some) but not the free publicity to promote absolutist political views."

while she just said

"The people between the two sides [of the political conflict] should focus on justice, rather than just being neutral."

BTW reading problems still? I wrote "less easy cases including that"

I have no problem with understanding "snide" - that is the language you speak, isn't it?

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What was her husband doing in the conflict zone? Protecting the protesters (like the popcorn man); or for firing at the? Maybe France24 have the clip with answers.

He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists.


hiding in a temple and slaughtered by the army no doubt under the Generals control. They had no weapons.

The army had been and was still in gunfights with those unarmed protesters. That's when you get these very unfortunate incidents.

Only the thai army could get into gunfights with unarmed protesters. You're not saying the that the civilians killed at the temple were involved in a gunfight with the army are you? Good grief, your blind acceptance of anything the army does as beyond criticism is frightening.

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If you knew khun Nicha personally, I am convinced that the words that some of you are typing would not be tainted with so much hate and prejudice. But it is very easy to be depersonalized when hiding for too long behind the keyboard, even to the point of forgetting that we are human beings.

And so are these people

There's been more than enough hate and prejudice aimed at these people on this forum over the years and it's still happening - just read the posts above this.

One "side" pointing out that the making of political capital from the unfortunate death of an Army Officer is perhaps not appropriate on this "anniversary". the other, well sadly, par for the course:

"Truer words have never been spoken. The UDD are back in town".

"He was protecting Bangkok from brute barbarians and arsonists"

"Amsterdam & Peroff is working early in the morning".

"BS. They were protesting on behalf of Thaksin and his confiscated billions".

"the red shirts were just not protesting (peacefully) they were armed to the teeth, kids with them behind barriers of sharpened bamboo.........This was a mob that was prepared to fight anyone"

"are you human?"

"Please explain why the red shirts that killed 20+ officials (in 2010) haven't been caught? Please also explain why the guys that killed 20+ peaceful protestors (in 2014) haven't been caught. In fact, in both cases nobody has been caught till today".

"Why is Thaksin's government not interested in catching and bringing these brutal (child) killers to justice? They are obviously hiding something".

"So, when will the DSI finish with the 'easy' cases of the 2010 deaths and continue with the less easy cases including that of the colonel and staff who got grenades lobbed on them by friendly opponents who even caused the military to have to withdraw in near panic while exchanging gunfire with the peaceful protesters?"

Ah, but even our dear publicus condemned the widow with

"She deserves the sympathy she gets (and then some) but not the free publicity to promote absolutist political views."

while she just said

"The people between the two sides [of the political conflict] should focus on justice, rather than just being neutral."

BTW reading problems still? I wrote "less easy cases including that"

"The day that PM Yingluck [shinawatra] said she wasn't being treated fairly by the National Anti-Corruption Commission with regards to the rice-pledging scheme, I chuckled inside because when other people called on her for justice, she did not care."

"I used to call on Thai society to learn from losses, but when I met bad people in power, who are ready to do anything for the sake of power, I realised that my efforts were a waste."

"Those who were responsible for the wrongdoings in 2010 are once again threatening the lives of innocent people in 2013-2014. Although we can't find them and bring them to justice, we all know who is behind all the violence. They are cruel," she pointed out."

Perhaps you missed those pearls of wisdom, rubl?

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What was her husband doing in the conflict zone? Protecting the protesters (like the popcorn man); or for firing at the? Maybe France24 have the clip with answers.

He was having a meeting with other senior officers just behind the army line at Kok Wia and they were hit with an explosive device. Gen Walit, now in charge of troops in the South was badly injured by the same blast. The hit was attributed to Seh Daeng which may explain why he is no longer around.

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