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Woman throws shoe at Hillary Clinton in Vegas


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Woman throws shoe at Hillary Clinton in Vegas

LAS VEGAS: -- A woman rushed past security and threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas on Thursday, but it missed and the former US secretary of state laughed off the incident.

The woman launched the projectile at the 66-year-old former First Lady as she was addressing a meeting of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI).

Clinton, the presumed frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, ducked as the object whizzed past at head height to the left of her.

"What was that, a bat?... Is that somebody throwing something at me?" Clinton said initially at the event at the Mandalay Bay hotel/casino, according to video footage by the local KTNV station.

Regaining her composure and sense of humor, she added: "Is that part of Cirque du Soleil?" -- a reference to the acrobatic dance troupe, which has several shows in Vegas.


"My goodness, I didnt know that solid waste management was so controversial. Thank goodness she didnt play softball like I did," she said, drawing laughter and cheers from the audience.

The blonde woman who threw the shoe was immediately escorted out of the hall, her hands in the air. She was later arrested, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

A spokesman for the organisers said the woman was not accredited for the meeting. "Our staff denied her access before she later rushed past security. An ISRI staffer then stopped her as she approached the stage. She was then handed over to law enforcement," ISRI spokesman Mark Carpenter told AFP.

He added: "We are grateful that Secretary Clinton continued in a professional manner to share her firsthand knowledge and experience of how the recycling industry has a positive impact on the economy and environment."

A spokesman for Clinton did not immediately respond to request for confirmation or comment. The most famous shoe-thrower of recent years was the Iraqi journalist who hurled his own footwear at president George W. Bush at a press conference in Baghdad in December 2008.

Muntazer al-Zaidi was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a head of state. That was reduced to one year on appeal, and his sentence was cut further for good behavior.

In February 2009 a German research student threw a shoe at Chinese premier Wen Jiabao during a speech at Cambridge University. Martin Jahnke, 27, was cleared of committing a public order offense.


-- The Nation 2014-04-11

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The blonde woman who threw the shoe was immediately escorted out of the hall......

​Although she was clearly limping the guards refused to give her assistance !!!


​Although she was clearly limping the guards refused to give her assistance !!!

Without bothering to look at the video, I'm guessing that if she was wearing only one shoe that would have been the cause of her limp ... that and possibly a few hours in the nearest bar pre-showtime.

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"Muntazer al-Zaidi was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a head of state. That was reduced to one year on appeal, and his sentence was cut further for good behavior." Yeah, the "good behavior" was throwing the show at Bush.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The blonde woman who threw the shoe was immediately escorted out of the hall......

​Although she was clearly limping the guards refused to give her assistance !!!

clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

Maybe she was limping because she was walking on only one shoe?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Looking forward to finding out why she did it. Maybe her husband was killed at Bengazi and she wants HC to know that it makes a very big difference....?

JHC. Maybe she was having an affair with Bill and was jealous of Hillary. Maybe Bill rebuffed her and she is striking back through Hillary. Maybe she's a nobody and didn't like Hillary's success. Maybe she was a setup to give Hillary voter sympathy and free press.

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"Muntazer al-Zaidi was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a head of state. That was reduced to one year on appeal, and his sentence was cut further for good behavior." Yeah, the "good behavior" was throwing the show at Bush.

he was sentenced to,3 years for throwing the shoe at BUSH and MISSING.

His punishment was reduced when he undertook classes to improve his aim

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Women used to snap their thong at her husband. Payback is a bitch!

And so is she.

A minority isn't ready for a strong woman president. Too bad! She's coming!

Why not? They've had a useless black one. Maggie Thatcher was the best Prime Minister the UK had since Winston Churchill, but then again comparing Clinton with Maggie??? Lord help everyone!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Looking forward to finding out why she did it. Maybe her husband was killed at Bengazi and she wants HC to know that it makes a very big difference....?

JHC. Maybe she was having an affair with Bill and was jealous of Hillary. Maybe Bill rebuffed her and she is striking back through Hillary. Maybe she's a nobody and didn't like Hillary's success. Maybe she was a setup to give Hillary voter sympathy and free press.

What freaking success..??? Success at lying.....Successful at Not having any remorse.

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Wish she had hit the Witch

Aren't you the classy chap.

May you find inner peace this year and reflect upon the emotional turmoil that causes you to wish injury be inflicted upon others.

May you cease to express violent antisocial tendencies and learn to be a productive and law abiding person.

Peace be with you.

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Women used to snap their thong at her husband. Payback is a bitch!

And so is she.

A minority isn't ready for a strong woman president. Too bad! She's coming!

Why not? They've had a useless black one. Maggie Thatcher was the best Prime Minister the UK had since Winston Churchill, but then again comparing Clinton with Maggie??? Lord help everyone!

Ms Thatcher was not so Iron when she acquiesced to China, and gave them Hong Kong. She could have hung tough, and HK would still be British or would have become independent- and HK residents would be better off if she had had enough resolve.

Hillary hired the lady to throw the shoe...how else can you get any attention...speaking about recycle scrap crap...

That's a low blow. Hillary is doing things very smartly. She's got just the amount of attention she'd like to have at this juncture, leading up to primaries. The Republicans are paying her a lot of attention, because they'll be hard pressed to come up with anyone who can fill Obama's shoes. Hillary looks increasingly, like the best candidate to become president in 2016.

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