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Farmers may be paid after Songkran

Lite Beer

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IMO if it were left up to Yingluck all the farmers would have been paid promptly as they have been for previous crops. She made a tactical error by dissolving the government BEFORE she had made arrangements to earmark and acquire these funds. I think she underestimated Suthep and did not think he would block the acquisition of these kind of funds.

Forgive my ignorance but, at the time that she dissolved parliament there were already hundreds of thousands farmers countrywide that hadn't been paid for months, some even for almost a year.

So your statement of been paid promptly for previous crops doesn't really apply.

I don't know where you got your information but my wife has been paid within 2 weeks of selling her rice to the government for the past couple harvests. This includes the prior crop sold earlier this year. I never have heard of any problems regarding payment until the rice sales beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

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ref. post 61, Now bill have you been in the company of the chairperson of the rice program, you both profess to have about the same amount of awareness to knowing what was going on. The warning started when the first public disclosure of monies to be spent on the program vs benifet to the farmer became public and has grown progressively louder/intense as the monies kept disappearing and additional money was requested.

The famers in this area who pledged 3 or 4 crops per year the first year and a half had enough sense to see the writting on the wall and went back to the 2 crop/year rotation. If you go ''all in'' enough times you loose everything you gambled, as many are finding out including many of the political bandits.

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And when the unpaid farmers marched on BKK they were turned back by the people who are supposed to represent them, given promises that they would be paid by the end of March.

The utter contempt in which the PTP holds the people who brought them to power is astounding.

Another thing I find astounding is the number of people here on TVF that defend every move and deed of the Yingluck administration knowing full well the contempt in which the PTP holds the rule of law and the people of Thailand. Sometimes I think they post just to keep a debate going. There is absolutely no way they honestly and sincerely believe some of the things they post. But as I have stated before everyone is free to post what they wish as long as forum rules are not violated.

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There's a sign outside my village (next to the "This is a Redshirt Village") that reads (roughly): "Stop fighting! Bring Thaksin back to save the nation!" One of many in the neighborhood. In 2010 people believed that TS would return and personally pay off their debts--one of the reasons they voted PTP, in spite of Abhisit's more responsible and more effective "populism". Faith seems to be waning, but I can't ask such questions directly & get a straight answer. How steadfast that faith is will determine the next election. In addition to the rice fiasco, the talk of separatism cost the red leadership much support (BTW, the non-reds in the village, including the fanatically-red mayor's wife have demanded that the signs be taken down. No luck).


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I fully expect that the rice farmers will receive their money after songkran, way,way after. The government will setup a time payment plan over, lets say, 20 years on a monthly schedule. And of course, a 5% intrest will be charged against each payment each month.

As a result of this scheme, the farmer will actually have to pay the government to take their rice.

Guys you got what you voted for.

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IMO if it were left up to Yingluck all the farmers would have been paid promptly as they have been for previous crops. She made a tactical error by dissolving the government BEFORE she had made arrangements to earmark and acquire these funds. I think she underestimated Suthep and did not think he would block the acquisition of these kind of funds.

Forgive my ignorance but, at the time that she dissolved parliament there were already hundreds of thousands farmers countrywide that hadn't been paid for months, some even for almost a year.

So your statement of been paid promptly for previous crops doesn't really apply.

I don't know where you got your information but my wife has been paid within 2 weeks of selling her rice to the government for the past couple harvests. This includes the prior crop sold earlier this year. I never have heard of any problems regarding payment until the rice sales beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

Well you say that the problems started in the 3rd quarter, but Suthep started his protests only in the 4th quarter. w00t.gif

And that the problems have been since 2012, you can acknowledge here for instance.


Some warehouse owners have suffered because the government has not paid them rent since 2012.

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IMO if it were left up to Yingluck all the farmers would have been paid promptly as they have been for previous crops. She made a tactical error by dissolving the government BEFORE she had made arrangements to earmark and acquire these funds. I think she underestimated Suthep and did not think he would block the acquisition of these kind of funds.

Forgive my ignorance but, at the time that she dissolved parliament there were already hundreds of thousands farmers countrywide that hadn't been paid for months, some even for almost a year.

So your statement of been paid promptly for previous crops doesn't really apply.

I don't know where you got your information but my wife has been paid within 2 weeks of selling her rice to the government for the past couple harvests. This includes the prior crop sold earlier this year. I never have heard of any problems regarding payment until the rice sales beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

If we are to believe that your wife was paid within two weeks, then we must also believe that you and your wife are hardcore Red Shirts, as it is common knowledge that they have consistently been the first to be paid for their harvest.

Furthermore, if you haven't heard of any problems regarding payments for rice, then you clearly need to get out more and stop watching the Thaksin propaganda channel...!!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Farmers may be paid after Songkran


Songkran's over, but...

Farmers continue demanding payment of the rice pledging scheme

SURIN, 25 April 2014 (NNT) Farmers in Surin Province have sent an official letter to the Deputy Provincial Governor so that it can be forwarded onto Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to demand for payments in their rice pledging scheme.

President of the Farmers Network of Surin Thongchai Thuranutch along with related representatives have sent an official letter to Deputy Governor Phiphop Damthongsuk in order to be passed on to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and demand payments from the rice pledging scheme.

Mr. Thongchai stated that there are still numerous farmers who still have not yet been paid after theyve enrolled in the rice pledging scheme. Narong Ngampring, the Director of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BACC) reported that the number of Surin famers that still have not been paid is around 98,000 accounting for 540,000 tons of rice and more than 9 billion baht worth.

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I lost my sympathy Farmers months ago when they turned around and went home, believing that they would be paid...for the fifth time.

They are in real danger of never being paid if the current administration is ejected and the new administration says it'd not their problem, or at best delays it till next years budget.

You had you chance to make a stand and your gave in and turned the Kubuta's around.

It's time to stop with the hollow demands, mount up, ride to Bangkok and make a stand.

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IMO if it were left up to Yingluck all the farmers would have been paid promptly as they have been for previous crops. She made a tactical error by dissolving the government BEFORE she had made arrangements to earmark and acquire these funds. I think she underestimated Suthep and did not think he would block the acquisition of these kind of funds.

Forgive my ignorance but, at the time that she dissolved parliament there were already hundreds of thousands farmers countrywide that hadn't been paid for months, some even for almost a year.

So your statement of been paid promptly for previous crops doesn't really apply.

I don't know where you got your information but my wife has been paid within 2 weeks of selling her rice to the government for the past couple harvests. This includes the prior crop sold earlier this year. I never have heard of any problems regarding payment until the rice sales beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

Well lucky you,we sold ours ( 50 tons ) beginning of December and we are still waiting.You can bet that in my village in Isaan nobody is very happy with PTP. I am 350,000 Baht down due to outlay,planting,fertilizer,harvest etc. so as far as i am concerned Yingluck can take a running jump.

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IMO if it were left up to Yingluck all the farmers would have been paid promptly as they have been for previous crops. She made a tactical error by dissolving the government BEFORE she had made arrangements to earmark and acquire these funds. I think she underestimated Suthep and did not think he would block the acquisition of these kind of funds.

Forgive my ignorance but, at the time that she dissolved parliament there were already hundreds of thousands farmers countrywide that hadn't been paid for months, some even for almost a year.

So your statement of been paid promptly for previous crops doesn't really apply.

I don't know where you got your information but my wife has been paid within 2 weeks of selling her rice to the government for the past couple harvests. This includes the prior crop sold earlier this year. I never have heard of any problems regarding payment until the rice sales beginning in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

Well lucky old you. My mates wife has been waiting since September for her money and has been fobbed off constantly but of course she is only one of the little people and being married to a rich farang doesn't need the money anyway.

The 2 lies in that statement is that her farang husband is not rich and she does need the money.

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Wouldn't it be inferesting if the Democrats win the next election and the first thing they did would be to pay all the farmers.

I think that would kick the support out from under the PTP in one fell swoop.

What would the PTP/UDD/RedShirt lovers have to say about that?

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Wouldn't it be inferesting if the Democrats win the next election and the first thing they did would be to pay all the farmers.

I think that would kick the support out from under the PTP in one fell swoop.

What would the PTP/UDD/RedShirt lovers have to say about that?

Regardless of who wins the next election the unpaid farmers need to be paid,

The economy need to be stimulated and payments to the less well off in society always stimulate the economy more because the money is normally spent rather than going into savings. As this money is owed it makes sense for the very fist attempts at economic stimulus should be by payments of debt to the less well off. Other stimulus expenditure needs to be consider second.

Payments to farmers will help liquidity with the financial sector as it will reduced the number of bad and nonperforming loans, thus reducing the need to make provision for bad and doubtful debts helping liquidity and the ability of the private sector to invest and stimulate the economy.

Payments to the poor in the rural sector will also help to stimulate the economy in the cities. This is because many rural families are being supported to a greater extent than normal by family members working in the city. This will increase the disposal income and as many of these people are also less well off it can be expected to flow through to the economy more effectively than payments to the rich.

None payment of farmers will add to post election unrest that in addition to causing problems in its self will detract from the willingness of the private sector to invest.

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