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Ko Tee and Tang 'under protection' in Isaan, Thai Democrats say


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Ko Tee and Tang 'under protection' in Northeast, Dems say

BANGKOK: -- PRO-GOVERNMENT red-shirt leader Wuthipong Kotthammakhun, who faces an arrest warrant for alleged lese majeste, is believed to be hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast.

Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said yesterday that Wuthipong, aka Ko Tee, was hiding in the Kingdom and had not left the country. Chavanond said it was time police proved that they were law enforcers and not servants of politicians.

He said if police made the effort, they would be able to nab both Wuthipong and Ekkapob Luara, aka Tang Acheewa, who is wanted for alleged lese majeste offences following a speech he gave at a red-shirt rally last year.

Police issued an arrest warrant for Wuthipong after a YouTube clip of an interview he gave to a foreign media outlet in which he allegedly made remarks offensive to the monarchy went viral on social media networks.

Chavanond called on the police to get information about the plot to topple the monarchy from Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tarit Pengdith, saying Tarit had knowledge of the plot and links within the Pheu Thai Party.

He said police should start probing the alleged plot against the monarchy by looking into the case of Wuthipong. "If police are reluctant to take necessary action for fear of negative consequences to vested interest groups, the country will continue to face political conflict," he said.

Deputy Democrat Party Spokesman Jurit Laksanawisit said Wuthipong may have now realised the meaning of the saying "Butcher the donkey after it has finished its job on the mill," because it looked like the Thaksin camp had severed ties with him. He said United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship co-leader Korkaew Pikulthong had said that if Wuthipong said what was in the YouTube clip, he had to take responsibility.

But former Pheu Thai Ubon Ratchathani MP Somkid Chuakong dismissed speculation Wuthipong was hiding in Isaan, saying the man was more familiar with Bangkok and Pathum Thani, his stronghold where he has led political activities. He urged Wuthipong to turn himself in to fight the charges.

Petrol bombs at 'red' radio station

Police searched Wuthipong's Red Guard radio station and his house in Pathum Thani, looking for him.

The arrest warrant had been circulated online in the police department's information system nationwide.

A person found guilty of lese majeste, according to Article 112 of the penal code, could face from three up to 15 years in jail. These offences have a 15-year statute of limitations.

Meanwhile, petrol bombs have been thrown into the red-shirt community radio FM 105.25 in Pathum Thani's Lam Luk Ka district.

Manont Sailektim, 35, filed a complaint with police that an unknown number of assailants threw molotov cocktails into the plastic bottle recycle factory which also operates as a radio station.

Police said after inspecting the scene the air conditioners and wiring systems in the factory had been damaged after the petrol bombs exploded and sparked the fire.

Police suspected the assailants intended to destroy equipment to prevent the station broadcasting.

Arthit Jitsawaeng, DJ of FM 105.25, said the People's Democratic Reform Committee might have believed the station was linked to Wuthipong and there had been threats before the incident.

He said Wuthipong had nothing to do with the broadcaster. "We have different opinions from Wuthipong. We have only campaigned for democracy but we also have been attacked," he said.

-- The Nation 2014-04-14

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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

Censorship is childish and undemocratic,,,, by Thai law (if you watch the Vice news video "BKK rising") you can hear him say things clearly anti monarchy. I am surprised the vid has not yet been blocked in T-land.

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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

Censorship is childish and undemocratic,,,, by Thai law (if you watch the Vice news video "BKK rising") you can hear him say things clearly anti monarchy. I am surprised the vid has not yet been blocked in T-land.

Just watched that video. Very clear that Ko Tee is in violation of Art.112.

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"Chavanond said it was time police proved that they were law enforcers and not servants of politicians."

Hey without the warlords who run Thailand it would b a very uncivilised place....they are the only ones keeping some sort of order.

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Censorship is childish and undemocratic,,,, by Thai law (if you watch the Vice news video "BKK rising") you can hear him say things clearly anti monarchy. I am surprised the vid has not yet been blocked in T-land.

If you watch that Vice news video, you are committing lese majeste and can be arrested and locked away for many years awaiting trial. That's not a theory, that is stated government and police policy.

A close friend of mine claims to have watched this video, and when I learned of this, I was thinking, "When was the last time something was actually censored by the government"? And it has been quite a while, actually. Anyone have any recent examples? Porn aside, virtually every infamous block I could think of is now open and available.

I suppose that is progress of... what? ... a sideways sort.

Just watched that video. Very clear that Ko Tee is in violation of Art.112.

I think you meant to write that someone you know well has just watched it?


Edited by wandasloan
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People who help Thaksin should bear in mind that he uses people. When the time comes, he "throws you away" like waste paper. If you end up in jail, he won't or can't help you. If you die or get injured, he finds others to replace you.

Ko Tee's usefulness is now over. He was fine while organizing violence, but now he has revealed too much about the real intentions of his Red Shirts, so he has to be "thrown away". He's also said some terrible things, which overstep the limit, and which Thais could not accept, if they knew that he had said them and that the Red Shirts supported them. It's not the first time a Red Shirt leader has said such things.

When will the Red Shirts learn? One day Jatuporn's and Natthawut's expiry dates will come up, and they'll suffer their fate too. All the while, the Boss lives in luxury in the safety of Dubai. His supporters should think whether it is worthwhile helping him. But this is their decision. I'm just an observer.

I remember not so long ago when another Thaksin acolyte was bragging to a journalist about how he was in charge of Thakisn's Ronin terrorists bla bla bla and rather unexpectedly his head exploded. I wonder if poor Ko Tee will suffer a similar fate for clearly outlining Thaksin's goal? Thaksin's pawns seem to have difficulty remembering what happened to the ones before them that outlived their usefulness.

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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

Yes he should be locked up. No, the article has nothing whatsoever to do with Suthep so leave it out. Whilst I agree the laws can be absurd here and I disagree with harsh punishments for speaking your mind whilst real criminals get off with 500 baht fines, there is clearly no 'metaphor' in what Ko Tee said - it is crystal clear what is in his mind. This added to his statements that he wants violence and the clear evidence he has been trying to instigate it - I don't care what reason they get him for as long as he is sent where he belongs for a very long time to think about what a <deleted> he is...

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The gist of this article?

The DP, acting as judge, chief prosecutor and police detective, declaring that Ko Tee is "hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast."

Recall that this is from a party that when in government ranted about "men in black" but produced no evidence of any worth about them and seemed unable to locate any even with the support of the Army.

Recall that this is the party that when in government committed gross acts of violence against protesters and threw hundreds in jail.

Recall that this is the party that when in government implemented a vast censorship campaign against political opponents.

This holier-than-thou smoke seems to be in their political genes. Another glaring example is when they bleat on about other guys engaged in vote buying, while they are angelically pure in that regard......Idiocy of the first order.

All that said...Why are they so frenzied about this Ko Tee guy? We can all speculate about that. One speculative thing I think, is they really want to get anyone who will be a difficult opponent when they pull their "Coup" trigger.

Delusional rantings of a damaged brainwashed sheeple...

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