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Ko Tee and Tang 'under protection' in Isaan, Thai Democrats say


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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

Even Suthep claims he only speaks in hypothetical scenarios; he doesn't really mean what he says according to his supporters. His advocacy to overthrow the government by other than electrorial means and be appointed by the King as the interim PM isn't Lese Majeste, just outloud wishful thinking. He even admits that his so-called reforms requires the suspension and reformation of the constitution, and the indefinite suspension of elections; but that isn't Lese Majeste.

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rickirs post # 31

Even Suthep claims he only speaks in hypothetical scenarios; he doesn't really mean what he says according to his supporters. His advocacy to overthrow the government by other than electrorial means and be appointed by the King as the interim PM isn't Lese Majeste, just outloud wishful thinking. He even admits that his so-called reforms requires the suspension and reformation of the constitution, and the indefinite suspension of elections; but that isn't Lese Majeste.

What like Thaksin and that Noppadon geezeer and that crummy Robert Amsterdam too. All social misfits and mentally challenged.

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Be thankful for small mercies.

At least now we don't have to suffer the sight of Ko Tee filling his face on cooking shows and acting like a complete prat on what seems like every other program on Television.

How many times I gotta tell you farangs.... 630.jpgI am the One and Only Goh Tee, Numbah One Like a Rocket Original Gangstah TV Star. You see a red or yellow shirt on my beautiful body? Huh???? Get it right! I love Everybody!!! Everybody loves ME!!!

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The gist of this article?

The DP, acting as judge, chief prosecutor and police detective, declaring that Ko Tee is "hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast."

Recall that this is from a party that when in government ranted about "men in black" but produced no evidence of any worth about them and seemed unable to locate any even with the support of the Army.

Recall that this is the party that when in government committed gross acts of violence against protesters and threw hundreds in jail.

Recall that this is the party that when in government implemented a vast censorship campaign against political opponents.

This holier-than-thou smoke seems to be in their political genes. Another glaring example is when they bleat on about other guys engaged in vote buying, while they are angelically pure in that regard......Idiocy of the first order.

All that said...Why are they so frenzied about this Ko Tee guy? We can all speculate about that. One speculative thing I think, is they really want to get anyone who will be a difficult opponent when they pull their "Coup" trigger.

Are you not facing charges as well, Bob??

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@Djjamie & @rickirs I agree entirely and am outraged that this is allowed to happen by the various parts of the government that should be all over this. I am beginning to believe in Thailand that ones integrity, character and actions really amount to zero. I am so intrigued that thais accept behaviour contrary to what one is expected or required to do as if it means nothing.

At what point does contradicting what you are supposed to stand for actually begin to matter to thais in general.... I not sure it ever really does. It is like A.D.D it is easy 1,2 oh look theres a bird...... And on it goes.

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The gist of this article?

The DP, acting as judge, chief prosecutor and police detective, declaring that Ko Tee is "hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast."

Recall that this is from a party that when in government ranted about "men in black" but produced no evidence of any worth about them and seemed unable to locate any even with the support of the Army.

Recall that this is the party that when in government committed gross acts of violence against protesters and threw hundreds in jail.

Recall that this is the party that when in government implemented a vast censorship campaign against political opponents.

This holier-than-thou smoke seems to be in their political genes. Another glaring example is when they bleat on about other guys engaged in vote buying, while they are angelically pure in that regard......Idiocy of the first order.

All that said...Why are they so frenzied about this Ko Tee guy? We can all speculate about that. One speculative thing I think, is they really want to get anyone who will be a difficult opponent when they pull their "Coup" trigger.

Lol. Why are you defending KT? Anyhow i shouldn't be surprised i guess because it is not the first time you support/defend criminals wink.png

Keep in mind that this particular... specimen, had the opinion, back in 2010 that the soldiers that were killed at the Victory Monument shootout deserved to die for merely setting up barricades around the Red Shirt protest site.

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It Becomes clearer by the day that the Shin clan is want to get rid of KT. Now we can only hope that the army or public finds him first. For sure a few trails will lead to Dubai when KT starts talking. Thaksin must be sleeping even less now.

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@Djjamie & @rickirs I agree entirely and am outraged that this is allowed to happen by the various parts of the government that should be all over this. I am beginning to believe in Thailand that ones integrity, character and actions really amount to zero. I am so intrigued that thais accept behaviour contrary to what one is expected or required to do as if it means nothing.

At what point does contradicting what you are supposed to stand for actually begin to matter to thais in general.... I not sure it ever really does. It is like A.D.D it is easy 1,2 oh look theres a bird...... And on it goes.

You must remember that in Thailand, there is no requirement that something said in public needs to be the truth. It is just meant to sound good. That's why the PM can say the soldiers on the streets don't look nice and the general offers to add pink decorations. Obviously that was not the subject of the discussion !

In Thailand, a lie only needs to be good enough that those pretending to believe it do not loose face.

Edited by rabas
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.....this 'guy' is calling for the murder of___________...........???

....and he works for Y_________.....??? ...or is part of her government....???

....makes one wonder when some serious action will be taken against such types......

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Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

Other than keep the Thai public alert to the corruption in the existing government what has he done. He has constantly urged his protestors to not commit violence he has in no way hinted that they commit violence. Can you say that about Jatuporn. I see you omitted him. You jumped right from a red shirt saying things he shouldn't under Thai law to a man who is open and above board. He just doesn't like the corruption that has been increasing ever since the PTP red shirts took power.

The man is rite out in the open if the police want to get him. He is not hiding. There is no way that he has enough guards to protect him if the police decided they were going to get him.

Please try to stay in 2013 and 2014.

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The bounty on him is 500,000 baht. If I go out and round him up, and take him to Bangkok, would

I need a work permit for that ??

No,but you would need what the Americans sometimes refer to as a large pair of cojones.

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Censorship is childish and undemocratic,,,, by Thai law (if you watch the Vice news video "BKK rising") you can hear him say things clearly anti monarchy. I am surprised the vid has not yet been blocked in T-land.

If you watch that Vice news video, you are committing lese majeste and can be arrested and locked away for many years awaiting trial. That's not a theory, that is stated government and police policy.

A close friend of mine claims to have watched this video, and when I learned of this, I was thinking, "When was the last time something was actually censored by the government"? And it has been quite a while, actually. Anyone have any recent examples? Porn aside, virtually every infamous block I could think of is now open and available.

I suppose that is progress of... what? ... a sideways sort.

Just watched that video. Very clear that Ko Tee is in violation of Art.112.

I think you meant to write that someone you know well has just watched it?


I'm sure that will be taken care of once the"reforms" are rolled out!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Chavanond said it was time police proved that they were law enforcers and not servants of politicians."

Meanwhile the PDRC gets a pass from police protecting Suthep with 1,000 armed guards to prevent Suthep from being arrested in public on a warrant for MURDERS. Meanwhile Suthep meets with the Justice Ministry in the Justice building during normal hours of operation without being arrested for the same warrant. Meanwhile Suthep is WELCOMED AND EMBRACED by the Justice Minister who arranged that meeting with Suthep. The day that Thai police and justice authorities bring ALL charged law breakers to justice without political bias is the day Thailand will begin to move towards complete democracy. But not today.

Well I don't agree with you that he has 1,000 armed guards willing to have a shoot out with 5,000 police if the police really wanted him. Right now the police are not interested in taking risks of any kind for trumped up charges. They may not be the smartest people in Thai society but they are not that stupid. That is a rite reserved for people safely hiding behind their key boards.

If the police had wanted him they could with a minimum of effort had him when he was visiting with the Justice Minister.

It would not surprise me one bit if Thaksin had put the word out to leave him alone.

The day that Thai police and justice authorities bring ALL charged 
law breakers to justice without political bias is the day Thailand 
will begin to move towards complete democracy. But not today.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Name me one country that has achieved that goal.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Besides Thailand is not interested in complete democracy. that would mean the people would get to vote for who they wanted to be Prime Minister.coffee1.gif

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If Thais would finally grow up and stop worshiping and bowing down to the wealth of all the ‘influential figures’ aka ‘the untouchables’ this country would be a much better place. This part of Bahtism they accept as Thainess is simply pathetic.


Well what you say has some merit in it.

How ever if it wasn't for those wealthy individuals Thailand would still be nothing but an agricultural country. No manufacturing or exporting of any thing but food.

It would be what Pol Pot tried to bring about in Cambodia every one working in the fields.

Are you sure that is what you want. If you have a Thai friend with a car ask him how he would like to give it up and go work in a rice paddy.

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The gist of this article?

The DP, acting as judge, chief prosecutor and police detective, declaring that Ko Tee is "hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast."

Recall that this is from a party that when in government ranted about "men in black" but produced no evidence of any worth about them and seemed unable to locate any even with the support of the Army.

Recall that this is the party that when in government committed gross acts of violence against protesters and threw hundreds in jail.

Recall that this is the party that when in government implemented a vast censorship campaign against political opponents.

This holier-than-thou smoke seems to be in their political genes. Another glaring example is when they bleat on about other guys engaged in vote buying, while they are angelically pure in that regard......Idiocy of the first order.

All that said...Why are they so frenzied about this Ko Tee guy? We can all speculate about that. One speculative thing I think, is they really want to get anyone who will be a difficult opponent when they pull their "Coup" trigger.

oh you again. Now the government needs a coup so,they can blame the army for the farmers not getting pai.

Now back,under your rock,you go.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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The gist of this article?

The DP, acting as judge, chief prosecutor and police detective, declaring that Ko Tee is "hiding under the protection of an influential figure in the Northeast."

Recall that this is from a party that when in government ranted about "men in black" but produced no evidence of any worth about them and seemed unable to locate any even with the support of the Army.

Recall that this is the party that when in government committed gross acts of violence against protesters and threw hundreds in jail.

Recall that this is the party that when in government implemented a vast censorship campaign against political opponents.

This holier-than-thou smoke seems to be in their political genes. Another glaring example is when they bleat on about other guys engaged in vote buying, while they are angelically pure in that regard......Idiocy of the first order.

All that said...Why are they so frenzied about this Ko Tee guy? We can all speculate about that. One speculative thing I think, is they really want to get anyone who will be a difficult opponent when they pull their "Coup" trigger.

Ko Tee is one of you, or least he was until your demented boss in Dubai cut him loose. The bottom line is Thaksin created these monsters and the people know that, so Thaksin and the likes of you will have blood on your hands again when he is taken out. There is no way that the Dubai Psychopath is going to let him talk with what he has been privy to. Has it ever entered your little pea brain that the people protecting him may have their fill of Thaksin and the like. If I was you, I would keep looking over my shoulder because you have had a little bit too much to say and honestly you are pissing the wrong people off ... I am one of them

about "him" pudding people off? I am one of them

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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If Thais would finally grow up and stop worshiping and bowing down to the wealth of all the ‘influential figures’ aka ‘the untouchables’ this country would be a much better place. This part of Bahtism they accept as Thainess is simply pathetic.


Well what you say has some merit in it.

How ever if it wasn't for those wealthy individuals Thailand would still be nothing but an agricultural country. No manufacturing or exporting of any thing but food.

It would be what Pol Pot tried to bring about in Cambodia every one working in the fields.

Are you sure that is what you want. If you have a Thai friend with a car ask him how he would like to give it up and go work in a rice paddy.

How ever if it wasn't for those wealthy individuals Thailand would still be nothing but an agricultural country.

...and you agree with the common view, this justifies their privilege to stay above the law?

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