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Suthep tells PDRC supporters to 'prepare for final battle'


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The sad thing is, when this is all over and this current Caretaker Government, with the help of the courts, gets turfed, not many people will remember, who made it possible.

If Suthep would not have gotten the people out against the Amnesty Bill, Rice Corruption Scam, Infrastructure Bill rip-off, etc., the courts would never had the chance to do their jobs, because laws were being changed and PT was busy pulling the teeth of anything that stood in it's way.

Just like hardly anybody remembers now, that it was Khun Chamlong Sonthi and such, ,who helped get rid of Thaksin last time.

These people fight in the background and others will take the credit later.

Is either side better? I don't know, but I do know that the current caretaker Government is very corrupt and bad for Thailand. Suthep opened the door, to have them removed (peacefully)

Not just him, he has a lot of people on his committee, too, who deserve credit and all the civil servants, who have come out to join, at the risk of their jobs, if this movement fails.

yeah, I admit, the continuous "Final Battle" cries, are a little cheesy, then again, they seem to work for him as he has some fairly big numbers down there, when most people would spend their time at home with family.

Anyways, this is Songkran...a time of joy laughter and partying, for most Thai people, so why not enjoy it and forget about politics for a few days. (I should listen to myself...back to the water fight) wai2.gif

You mean the amnesty bill also for Suthep and Abhisit (and army) over 2010, aka the reconciliation bill. Or the stolen rice money to Hong kong, that was not stolen, he simply made it up. Or the high speed train bill, high speed trains Abhisit promised but never delivered. Or your claim of nepotism in putting the competent police chief into the NSC? (He's not related BTW, an ex-brother in law is not a relative at all, and before he was 'ex' he was never family). The PM has the right to move civil servants, just as Abhisit moved Thawil into the job.

No, Suthep will be remembered and not favorably and he's lost.

It's now down to how much of Thailand does he drag down with him.


What a BS post !!

But what do you expect from a red shirt flag waver

Edited by GeckosDiving
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How many ' final ' battles etc. have we had so far ?

this idiot has been calling for "final battles" for the past year! I believe this is the fourth "final battle" he is calling for! when is the Thai Gov't going to get a pair and take this fool off teh road? he already has had three arrest warrants against him yet struts around with his fat belly like a peacock!

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If the Justice Minstery had any courage to arrest Suthep for the 2010 murders, Suthep's final battle will be fought in the courts. Maybe Buddha Issara can offer the police another 500,000 baht bounty for Suthep's arrest to get things rolling.

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Groundhog Day - Suthep keep's re-running the "Final Battle" tape in his brain but cannot seem to get it "finished" so he just re-plays it for a "FINAL time" and the dwindling flock of sheep follow...

Plan B! saved by the judiciary!!! (at least temporarily) at least THEY can be relied upon to rid us of this elected bunch - oh but wait... what happens at the next election? how do we ensure the 'sub-standard electorate' vote the way we want?

Hmmmm this needs a cunning plan - maybe we'll just disrupt the whole thing again!!! I mean we know the courts will support us and the Dems won't stand because they can't get the votes! job done!!!

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Ahh, the Mandela of the East at it again.

I see some people are time travelers again and can predict what people will think of him in 50 years time.

I might do some time traveling too. I see a savor of Thailand that will have brought reform to a country desperately needing it. The writing on the plaque under his statue in the North might well read. "This man, that freed the majority, that let them live without fear or intimidation for what they believed in and for showing us that there are 14 more principles to democracy" That big cheesy grin imprinted onto a 25 foot Bronze statue in the Chaing Mai inner city park.

Plausible? Well it is as plausible as saying "he won't be remembered" UNLESS you have a time machine.

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Oh THE FINAL BATTLE cheesy.gif Sorry I fell off my chair. Is that the same as throwing yourself in front of a train. I guess not since you can only do that oncegiggle.gif

Suthip get a new writer this is getting real boring All your doing is hurting the Thai people and living in a dream world that will never happen

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Ahh, the Mandela of the East at it again.

I see some people are time travelers again and can predict what people will think of him in 50 years time.

I might do some time traveling too. I see a savor of Thailand that will have brought reform to a country desperately needing it. The writing on the plaque under his statue in the North might well read. "This man, that freed the majority, that let them live without fear or intimidation for what they believed in and for showing us that there are 14 more principles to democracy" That big cheesy grin imprinted onto a 25 foot Bronze statue in the Chaing Mai inner city park.

Plausible? Well it is as plausible as saying "he won't be remembered" UNLESS you have a time machine.

Please refer to Catmacs post #14

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How many ' final ' battles etc. have we had so far ?

I'm wondering whether he knows what is the meaning final? I hope all Thais will united after songkran and stop fighting for these crooks.

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Ahh, the Mandela of the East at it again.

I see some people are time travelers again and can predict what people will think of him in 50 years time.

I might do some time traveling too. I see a savor of Thailand that will have brought reform to a country desperately needing it. The writing on the plaque under his statue in the North might well read. "This man, that freed the majority, that let them live without fear or intimidation for what they believed in and for showing us that there are 14 more principles to democracy" That big cheesy grin imprinted onto a 25 foot Bronze statue in the Chaing Mai inner city park.

Plausible? Well it is as plausible as saying "he won't be remembered" UNLESS you have a time machine.

Please refer to Catmacs post #14

There is nothing in post #14 suggesting anything about future speculation or predicting the future.

There is also nothing in my post to suggest Suthep is the Messiah.

What I did say is that to suggest history will judge him as a messiah is as plausible as suggesting he will be forgotten. For this to be history we would need to be in the future. We aren't.

I hope I don't have to add the default reply I give selected UDD supporters?

Don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't take my comments out of context to suit an agenda, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick when replying.

Edited by djjamie
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No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

I suppose you suport a total dictatorship also? That is all suthep wants and when you suthep lovers get it through your heads it may be to late for Thailand.

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I heard next week he is going to turn Thailand into Marshmallows and chocolate! And that promise will be like the previous 16 promises.

Very similar to PTP's promises and Yingluck's vows to pay the farmers then?

they are being paid and many have already BEN PAID. Get your facts straight.

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If the Justice Minstery had any courage to arrest Suthep for the 2010 murders, Suthep's final battle will be fought in the courts. Maybe Buddha Issara can offer the police another 500,000 baht bounty for Suthep's arrest to get things rolling.

Do not mention his name, you know what I am talking about or I have to inform the ministery of magic....

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

Which cause? I ask because Suthep seems to come with a large assortment "causes" such as;

- Corruption and croneyism as demonstrated by his reign as Deputy Prime Minister in the Abhisit government and the long time political boss of Thailand's hub of corruption (Surat Thani, Krabi, Phuket, Nahkon Si Thammarat).

- Chaos and an absolute disregard for the law as evidenced by his ongoing squatting on public lands and disruption of Bangkok

- Sabotage and damage to Thailand's economy

- A special approach to having family members develop land.

- An ability to successfully invest in palm oil

- Political blackmail

- A double standard

So please help me out and indicate which cause.

Just to revise, may be you get some help.

Point 1: An electoral system free from vote buying

Point 2: Effective measures to end corruption

Point 3: People should have the power to remove politicians and administrative power should be decentralised by electing provincial governors

Point 4: A police reform, so that the police force would "truly belong to the people" and perform their duties under the command of the elected governor of their respective province

Point 5: A bureaucracy reform

Point 6: Solving the problems inherent in education, social affairs, public health and transport, an economic system free of monopoly. Investment in transport infrastructure as answer to the country’s needs, not to politicians’.

If you have any more queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

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No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

I suppose you suport a total dictatorship also? That is all suthep wants and when you suthep lovers get it through your heads it may be to late for Thailand.

No, I was born and grew up in the country where Democracy was born.

Yes, it will be too late for Thailand if we let this clan govern us.

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This time is different.

This time is a real "final battle".

A battle that end all battle.

A better that permanently ends all corruption in Thailand, as the Shin family will be driven out totality.

No Shin = no corruption.

Thai people can finally live in peace without the evil Thaksin or Yingluck.

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