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MH370 - buried under an ocean of rumours: Thai editorial


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Buried under an ocean of rumours

The Nation

The investigation into the fate of Flight MH370 has been muddied by five weeks of frenzied speculation, none of which has helped the search mission

BANGKOK: -- Science and data analysis is slowly but surely leading us to the final resting place of Flight MH370. Meanwhile, five weeks of speculation and conspiracy theories have been worse than useless in the quest to find the missing airliner.

The last "ping" from the black-box flight recorder was detected last Tuesday as its battery ran down. But hope among the search crews has not faded, with an assortment of scientific methods and advance technologies zeroing in on the wreckage.

The mystery must be solved not only to provide answers to relatives of the flight's 239 passengers and crew, but also to discover the causes of the accident and take steps to guard against a recurrence.

The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 lost contact with air-traffic control in the early hours of Saturday, March 8, shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, bound for Beijing.

According to satellite data, the wide-body jet then inexplicably turned around and headed south into the Indian Ocean. Those are the facts as we know them. As yet, we know nothing about what happened on board in the hours after the flight lost communication with the ground. The information vacuum has inspired five weeks of frenzied speculation among the media, public and analysts. All that "chatter" has brought us no closer to solving this mystery, but it has undoubtedly damaged the feelings of relatives of those on board and discouraged the search teams and officials in their tireless efforts.

After picking up several signals believed to be from the Boeing 777's flight recorder, search teams have now narrowed their focus to a 300-square-kilometre patch of the ocean floor 1,550km northwest of Perth.

The black-box battery has exceeded its 30-day lifespan, so the mission has switched focus and is now using sonar and cameras on unmanned subs to scour the seabed. Dozens of aircraft and ships are still patrolling the surface, helping to record and analyse data that are gradually narrowing the search.

Meanwhile, away from the search location, people are still indulging in speculation and conspiracy theories. Armchair analysts are wracking their brains for "solutions" to the mystery. According to one, the Boeing 777 was forced to land at a military base on the remote Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia, where a passenger called relatives to say they had been hijacked but were still alive. The US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur quickly quashed the rumour. Meanwhile, a newspaper quoted a Russian "spy" who said the plane had been hijacked and flown to Afghanistan.

These plots might be useful to Hollywood moviemakers, but they only serve as distractions for the search teams, and false hope for relatives of the missing.

Of course, the search mission must remain alert for any clues. Malaysian authorities say they have considered all leads, probing a possible hijacking, terrorist plot or a pilot gone "rogue". The pilots' backgrounds have come under heavy scrutiny. Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on Sunday rejected a recent newspaper report that claimed co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid tried to call the tower just before the plane diverted from its course.

In the absence of any significant clues from the investigation, no one should jump to conclusions. Malaysian authorities are facing a tough job handling this crisis, buffeted by frenzied speculation as well as criticism from China. They deserve our faith in their ability to do the job diligently and without cover-ups.

-- The Nation 2014-04-15

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Facts that are never answered

Where are the pilots family (all moved from home day before flight)

Why was D G island one of the last inputs on the pilots home flight simulator

MH370 twin plane (they are made in pairs) was bought by Israel in 2013 and stored..... bought from Malaysian Airlines

A MH jet was seen by many eye witnesses flying over the Maldives from N to S in the time frame (so now both planes are sitting on D G island)

D G island is a US military base that’s leased from the UK….it is within the flights fuel range

why were so many mobile phones connecting? ......because they all switched them on (before confiscation)

The photo taken by the US passenger HAS the GPS settings for D G island in its exif data

20 passengers all worked for the same US chip company …they have just made a chip that will change modern warfare .

Don’t be surprised by a false flag event within the year involving aircraft hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

DG seems to be the most accepted answer. Glode and Mail in Canada even wrote an article on it early on, that two military craft, which were spotted on radar, remotely took control of 370 and the 20 on board who were involved with the nano technolody seems to be the most logical reason why. The rest, including the search seem to be a good smokescreen and nothing more.

Edited by dude123
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Facts that are never answered

Where are the pilots family (all moved from home day before flight)

Why was D G island one of the last inputs on the pilots home flight simulator

MH370 twin plane (they are made in pairs) was bought by Israel in 2013 and stored..... bought from Malaysian Airlines

A MH jet was seen by many eye witnesses flying over the Maldives from N to S in the time frame (so now both planes are sitting on D G island)

D G island is a US military base thats leased from the UK.it is within the flights fuel range

why were so many mobile phones connecting? ......because they all switched them on (before confiscation)

The photo taken by the US passenger HAS the GPS settings for D G island in its exif data

20 passengers all worked for the same US chip company they have just made a chip that will change modern warfare .

Dont be surprised by a false flag event within the year involving aircraft hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

DG seems to be the most accepted answer. Glode and Mail in Canada even wrote an article on it early on, that two military craft, which were spotted on radar, remotely took control of 370 and the 20 on board who were involved with the nano technolody seems to be the most logical reason why. The rest, including the search seem to be a good smokescreen and nothing more.

The patent had nothing to do wuth warfare , just a way to plot waffers so they can make a few more in 1 go , do amuse yourself to have a look at the near to 4000 posts topic here on thaivisa , its all been discussed there.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I notice the article discreetly ignores the highly contentious aspect of an unidentified plane flying west across Malaysia being picked up on military radar yet no effort made to challenge the aircraft let alone intercept.

Mentioning this would have course brought up the less than creditable part played by Thailand who took 10 days or so to admit the plane had also been picked up on Thai radar but they hadn't bother to tell anyone because " no one asked us . "

Why would Thailand be worried about an unidentified plane flying over a Malaysian airbase( Butterworth) , the creditability is on the part of the Malaysians who did not put up any fighters to intercept , why not, Malaysia is very quiet on this, if you remember the search area at the time was the Gulf of Thailand , Sth China sea , not off the west coast of Malaysia.

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I notice the article discreetly ignores the highly contentious aspect of an unidentified plane flying west across Malaysia being picked up on military radar yet no effort made to challenge the aircraft let alone intercept.

Mentioning this would have course brought up the less than creditable part played by Thailand who took 10 days or so to admit the plane had also been picked up on Thai radar but they hadn't bother to tell anyone because " no one asked us . "

Amid the wild rumours, speculations, misinformation and non-disclosures by many countries of the region involved in this 'mystery' - namely

- hijack by some (?) would be terrorists;

- 'crazy' pilot gone 'rogue' and/or 'suicidal';

- mysterious failure of every possible air-land and land-air communications;

- massive decompression;

- invariable possibilities of the extra terrestrial involvement;

- 'Bermuda Triangle' forces moving to our doorstep due to climate changes;

- new wonder chip worth billions and its patent holder multi billion company connection (?);

- passenger's mobile phones multiple anomalies;

- and to top it all 'The Israelis Connection' - highly suspicious of-course!!! tongue.png

- etc., etc.

There are many more of 'contentious aspects' on top of mentioned by NKK - namely

- a suspicious huge jumbo jet inadvertently goes rogue - drastic course change and no communication(?);

- a 'potential' 9/11 in the making (?); maybe 'Petronas' twin tower this time (?);

- no tracking by any civilian or military radars possible (?);

- the official warning to the World comes after the 'mysterious' disappearance (?) when there is nothing to see/track;

- the stupid Australia, China, America looking for what (?) where (?) but free of charge nevertheless;

Rant is over. Discard it as a lunacy of yet another 'Conspiracy Theory' nut. But the World loves its 'Mystery Theories'.

Like everybody else here I do not know the truth but I do not believe in 'mysteries' either...

Nobody can find something that is not wanted to be found...

Edited by ABCer
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I notice the article discreetly ignores the highly contentious aspect of an unidentified plane flying west across Malaysia being picked up on military radar yet no effort made to challenge the aircraft let alone intercept.

Mentioning this would have course brought up the less than creditable part played by Thailand who took 10 days or so to admit the plane had also been picked up on Thai radar but they hadn't bother to tell anyone because " no one asked us . "

Why would Thailand be worried about an unidentified plane flying over a Malaysian airbase( Butterworth) , the creditability is on the part of the Malaysians who did not put up any fighters to intercept , why not, Malaysia is very quiet on this, if you remember the search area at the time was the Gulf of Thailand , Sth China sea , not off the west coast of Malaysia.

Thailand would not necessarily be worried about a plane over Malaysia but when the story broke and the whole world knew MH 370 was missing Thailand still didn't think to volunteer the info they had which could have been important.

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I do not think it is stupid speculation to say that this plane was not on autopilot but controlled by a "person" with experience of flying a B-777

- "disappearance" happened at a grey area between Malaysian and Vietnamese monitored air space

- the return flight over Malaysian territory - with switched off transponder - made it look like an UFO... avoiding carefully Thai territory

- the deep dive made over the Strait of Malacca was made to avoid detection by other aircraft

- the flight around Aceh was made to avoid Indonesian airspace

- the plane went consequently to an area of which the "person" knew it was the very deep, unexplored Indian Ocean... outside intense satellite supervision.

It all looks as if that "person" wanted to bring the plane down and make it look like an accident (so that insurance would be paid to his family?)

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...presenting FACTS that have been suppressed by mainstream media.....has nothing to do with conspiracy theories....

....on the other hand...suppressing these facts.......does.....

...to pretend something normal happened to this flight reinforces the theories of COVERUP....

...a military patent has changed hands due to the disappearance of this flight....

...keep deleting the posts that point out such important FACTS...and...

...1) You do all of humanity a disservice..2) Lose more credibility in members' eyes....

...a forum implies free speech....opinions.....ideas.....and presentation of little-known bits of information to be shared....

...then we all can make our own conclusions or decisions.....

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There are a lot of rumors surrounding the missing plane,until they actually find the plane they will persist! The theory behind Diego Garcia is actually an amazing story in itself. a new patent filed by four of the passengers out of 20 from the same tech company and in the event of there deaths the patent is transferred to the company they worked for! The company was purchased by Blackstone who is a war monger and the largest contractor to the military in the US, and is financed by The Rothschild's who in turn finance the bank of Malaysia who in turn Bankroll Malaysia airlines.! The new chip technology will change all weapons based systems. the four patent holders were all Chinese nationals on a way to a conference with fellow workmates. Someone didn't want them to get there and the resulting financial benefits to the company who now inherits the patent is Billions $$$. it may sound like a plot from a movie and it may sound like a conspiracy theory however these are facts! and as of today not a single item has been found and the media is playing the distraction card! The company and whomever may be responsible for the missing plane could not give a toss about the relatives and in most cases to find an answer you have to follow the money! And Israel who is a world leader in technology systems and weapons bought the copy plane of MH370 in November and has it in storage, The Chines have bought most of the worlds precious metals and are forbidden by law to sell outside of china .these new precious metals are or for use in the new age of weaponry. But without the new chip technology they will lose there advantage! Until the wreckage or any bodies are recovered the media is playing everyone for a fool...and if the wreckage is discovered buried deep in the Indian Ocean the patent technology story is still very real The families and relatives of the missing flight are unfortunately victims in this saga.

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"The manufacturer of the underwater locator beacons (ULB), that were mounted to the flight data and cockpit voice recorders of MH-370, specified their ULB would transmit ultrasonic pulsed sounds at 37.5kHz +/- 1kHz at 160dB (re 1µPa). After a period of 30 days the ULB would still transmit at that frequency at 157 dB. The manufacturer did not publish any data beyond 30 days (certification criteria). Other manufacturers specifying their ULBs also at 160dB initially and 157dB after 30 days state the ULB would still transmit after 90 days though at around 150dB, the frequency drift may exceed 1kHz."

I'm tired of hearing from every news source that the pings suddenly stop after 30 or so days, according to aviation herald and other reputable technical sources this is not the case and adds to the impression of being mislead (along with all the other discoveries which ended up unrelated)

(the above info should be commented to various news sources as they obviously didn't do their research or 'simplified' their reporting)

The deep Indian ocean, along with it's bad weather, silt bottom, huge distance from Australia and 'ping Doppler analysis' (traveling @ 300 m/s is 1ppm of light-speed thus Doppler effect on 1.5 Ghz is only 1,5 Khz... why would anyone bother to apply Doppler correction even with 20 Khz spaced channels?) defining SAR areas the size of entire countries etc... make it a convenient place to loose such an aircraft for ever, not to be found again.

A commercial 777 flying unnoticed for 7 (!!!) hours after last contact is absolutely unheard of and makes no sense what so ever...

But I'm not going to add to the speculations here, but instead suggest that information such as the one above be sent to news media to be verified so they stop misleading the whole planet, unless today's reality about being an intelligent journalist is a choice between intellectual prostitution or unemployment?

(added note: Reuters writes today, april 15: "The batteries in the plane's black box are now two weeks past their 30-day expected life", which is almost a week off! amazing!)

Edited by hopdafru
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Assuming MH370 is where they say it is:

The best and most convenient place to dump a plane is precisely where it is. The odds against it ending up there accidentally are high but not impossible.

This fact hints at intentional dumping/ditching,

The maneuvers and loss of communication in the way they occurred were probably exactly what someone would do if they were highly skilled and wanted to make a commercial flight disappear. The odds against this happening accidentally are high but not impossible.

This fact hints at criminal activity in the cockpit.

The odds against all of this being accidental are stacked, total communication failure, but plane was maneuverable and flew for many hours after initial incident. And it flew to the hardest point to find it. Perfectly avoiding all opportunities to be noticed

So the smart money is on criminal intent, which leaves: rogue pilot, hijack, or black ops.

Unless a hijack was commissioned by someone that simply wanted to take out the plane, there seems to be a lack of motive. No one has claimed responsibility for this, and basically no ideological points were gained. If a hijack, the motive must have been economic. This seems unlikely but not impossible. The plane was full of defense engineers. there must been quite a few corporate secrets and or knowledge destroyed in this crash.

If the pilot has done this, what is the motive? Suicide is a possibility. It is a rather extravagant plan, but there is the motive of an insurance payout, and everything that occurred to this plane would represent a well thought out plan to get that payout for the family. This one is a little more plausible, and has the fewest holes.

If it was Black Ops, for eg a CIA backed unit. They would have the means. Potentially the plane could have been hijacked by remote, either by drone or jet escort through the anti hijack system installed by Boeing. The pilot may have even been a player. or they could have had a team aboard. They even could have had a device in cargo to hack the anti-hijack and take control. The rest would be easy, make it look like an accident or a rogue pilot, and dump the plane. There is also the potential that the plane was taken to DG, contents removed. plane crashed in shallow bay and then collected and dumped where the corresponding false ping trail led everyone to. They had about 25 days to accomplish this. Of course all black op theories are disregarded immediately, so do with that what you will. But consider the shining history of CIA involvement in world affairs, and all those defense engineers aboard with Chinese Passports.

For me this one is equally plausible to the rogue pilot theory. It was very possibly a high value target.

Edited by canuckamuck
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There are a lot of rumors surrounding the missing plane,until they actually find the plane they will persist! The theory behind Diego Garcia is actually an amazing story in itself. a new patent filed by four of the passengers out of 20 from the same tech company and in the event of there deaths the patent is transferred to the company they worked for! The company was purchased by Blackstone who is a war monger and the largest contractor to the military in the US, and is financed by The Rothschild's who in turn finance the bank of Malaysia who in turn Bankroll Malaysia airlines.! The new chip technology will change all weapons based systems. the four patent holders were all Chinese nationals on a way to a conference with fellow workmates. Someone didn't want them to get there and the resulting financial benefits to the company who now inherits the patent is Billions $$$. it may sound like a plot from a movie and it may sound like a conspiracy theory however these are facts! and as of today not a single item has been found and the media is playing the distraction card! The company and whomever may be responsible for the missing plane could not give a toss about the relatives and in most cases to find an answer you have to follow the money! And Israel who is a world leader in technology systems and weapons bought the copy plane of MH370 in November and has it in storage, The Chines have bought most of the worlds precious metals and are forbidden by law to sell outside of china .these new precious metals are or for use in the new age of weaponry. But without the new chip technology they will lose there advantage! Until the wreckage or any bodies are recovered the media is playing everyone for a fool...and if the wreckage is discovered buried deep in the Indian Ocean the patent technology story is still very real The families and relatives of the missing flight are unfortunately victims in this saga.

As they say "follow the money". It's just too bad that so many innocent people had to suffer the consequences.

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There are a lot of rumors surrounding the missing plane,until they actually find the plane they will persist! The theory behind Diego Garcia is actually an amazing story in itself. a new patent filed by four of the passengers out of 20 from the same tech company and in the event of there deaths the patent is transferred to the company they worked for! The company was purchased by Blackstone who is a war monger and the largest contractor to the military in the US, and is financed by The Rothschild's who in turn finance the bank of Malaysia who in turn Bankroll Malaysia airlines.! The new chip technology will change all weapons based systems. the four patent holders were all Chinese nationals on a way to a conference with fellow workmates. Someone didn't want them to get there and the resulting financial benefits to the company who now inherits the patent is Billions $$$. it may sound like a plot from a movie and it may sound like a conspiracy theory however these are facts! and as of today not a single item has been found and the media is playing the distraction card! The company and whomever may be responsible for the missing plane could not give a toss about the relatives and in most cases to find an answer you have to follow the money! And Israel who is a world leader in technology systems and weapons bought the copy plane of MH370 in November and has it in storage, The Chines have bought most of the worlds precious metals and are forbidden by law to sell outside of china .these new precious metals are or for use in the new age of weaponry. But without the new chip technology they will lose there advantage! Until the wreckage or any bodies are recovered the media is playing everyone for a fool...and if the wreckage is discovered buried deep in the Indian Ocean the patent technology story is still very real The families and relatives of the missing flight are unfortunately victims in this saga.

Spot on.

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I think we will fibd out shortly that what happened to the T7 was both catastrophic and simple. Manmade or a sequence of events

Whilst the lack of data may provide some scenarios for the fledgeling Flemming's, it will have a straightforward explanation when the facts have been unearthed

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Facts that are never answered

Easily refuted, but first of all, let's use proper English words. Your conspiracy theories are not just answerable but all have been answered. Mixing a few cherry-picked facts in with rubbish only produces a larger amount of rubbish.

The problem with conspiracy nuts and their idiotic conspiracies is that it takes thousands of words and hundreds of hours to do what is necessary to them. So I'm not going to take that time or those hours, but I'm going to take a bit of time and effort to make it obvious that one of your claims is moronic. And that includes the equally idiotic "questions" of the "have you stopped beating your spouse" type, with no factual basis and thus no correct answer. All of them are Dee You Em, but let's choose an easy one (for me), your last one.

Facts that are never answered

Where are the pilots family (all moved from home day before flight)

Why was D G island one of the last inputs on the pilots home flight simulator

MH370 twin plane (they are made in pairs) was bought by Israel in 2013 and stored..... bought from Malaysian Airlines

A MH jet was seen by many eye witnesses flying over the Maldives from N to S in the time frame (so now both planes are sitting on D G island)

D G island is a US military base that’s leased from the UK….it is within the flights fuel range

why were so many mobile phones connecting? ......because they all switched them on (before confiscation)

The photo taken by the US passenger HAS the GPS settings for D G island in its exif data

20 passengers all worked for the same US chip company …they have just made a chip that will change modern warfare .

Don’t be surprised by a false flag event within the year involving aircraft

Freescale Semiconductor, a 10-year-old spinoff from Motorola, is a US-based company with worldwide operations. It has sold, so far, 17 billion chips that are in use, mostly in cars, phones and consumer electronics like refrigerators, stoves and the like, which use microcontrollers. That makes it the 16th biggest semiconductor company in the world at present. It is best known among geeks and nerds for a chip that CAUSED the 2008 leap year bug in clocks.
Twelve employees from Malaysia and eight from China were on MH370. That is 20 employees from two Freescale locations — out of 22 countries and 18,000 employees. The 20 were all employed at plants in their home countries. They were working on upgrades of the Tianjin and KL plants, which had some similarities, so they were consulting one another.
Freescale in various forms makes imbedded processors, and has done so for at least four decades. The chips do not cloak stealth airplanes or make ships invisible. They make refrigerators defrost and cars report when they are overheating.
You do not have any evidence whatsoever that this very well-known consumer company has any connection, in any form, anywhere, with any kind of warfare, modern or otherwise. Your saying it's so, in a post containing nothing but rubbish, has no authority. And of course you can no more provide proof of an unknown chip "changing modern warfare" than you can back up any other of the ridiculous points in your collection.
Your claim does not even pass the most elementary "HUH?" test. A Texas company putting its only chip to change modern warfare in the hands of mid-level engineers in China and Kuala Lumpur? Yeah, sure, that happens a lot.
I don't agree with the OP about how all the speculation hurts the hunt for this airplane. But that doesn't mean that an ill-intentioned person trolling for attention with ridiculous, disprovable conspiracy theories has any claim to respect.
Edit: I'm sorry. I had this in mind and totally forgot. Please PLEASE do not answer "because Rothschild". You will only further beclown yourself, assuming that is possible.

You make a poor case wandasloan and actually "you" are the one cherry picking. You quote from wikipeadia but you leave out the NASA link so you can spin it your way. Nice try but no cigar. Your misinformation may work on mass media outlets, but not around here where many have time to relax and sort through things rather than take them at face value.

Edited by dude123
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Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Here's a theory: the plane malfunctioned/got diverted by pilot and is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Surely if someone wanted certain passengers taken out, would they not simply bomb the thing, blaming terrorism, rather than make it disappear and enable even more exposure?

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What is the pint of this article? Is it simply to get a little more mileage out of the MH370 story?

Are we really supposed to believe that rumors and speculation are harming an underwater search at sea? How could that be possible?

Mysteries are solved through speculation.

I think you're getting investigation and speculation mixed up, 2 completely different things.

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I do not think it is stupid speculation to say that this plane was not on autopilot but controlled by a "person" with experience of flying a B-777

- "disappearance" happened at a grey area between Malaysian and Vietnamese monitored air space

- the return flight over Malaysian territory - with switched off transponder - made it look like an UFO... avoiding carefully Thai territory

- the deep dive made over the Strait of Malacca was made to avoid detection by other aircraft

- the flight around Aceh was made to avoid Indonesian airspace

- the plane went consequently to an area of which the "person" knew it was the very deep, unexplored Indian Ocean... outside intense satellite supervision.

It all looks as if that "person" wanted to bring the plane down and make it look like an accident (so that insurance would be paid to his family?)

"I do not think it is stupid speculation...so that insurance would be paid to his family..."

But your post is.

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Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Sorry, but such a foolish comment. If you would have said "extremist" conspiracy theorists then it would have made sense, just like extremists in anything such as politics, science, religion, you name it. Regular conspiracy theorists seem to have quite an open mind and are smart enough to doubt the BS mainstream media feeds them on a constant basis. Besides that, they are fun to be around and are creative in a good way.

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Facts that are never answered

Where are the pilots family (all moved from home day before flight)

Why was D G island one of the last inputs on the pilots home flight simulator

MH370 twin plane (they are made in pairs) was bought by Israel in 2013 and stored..... bought from Malaysian Airlines

A MH jet was seen by many eye witnesses flying over the Maldives from N to S in the time frame (so now both planes are sitting on D G island)

D G island is a US military base that’s leased from the UK….it is within the flights fuel range

why were so many mobile phones connecting? ......because they all switched them on (before confiscation)

The photo taken by the US passenger HAS the GPS settings for D G island in its exif data

20 passengers all worked for the same US chip company …they have just made a chip that will change modern warfare .

Don’t be surprised by a false flag event within the year involving aircraft hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

The best conspiracy theory yet... I just can't wait till the movie comes out.

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What is the pint of this article? Is it simply to get a little more mileage out of the MH370 story?

Are we really supposed to believe that rumors and speculation are harming an underwater search at sea? How could that be possible?

Mysteries are solved through speculation.

I think you're getting investigation and speculation mixed up, 2 completely different things.

You don't think that speculation is part of investigation?

Speculation is another way of saying hypothesis.

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There are a lot of rumors surrounding the missing plane,until they actually find the plane they will persist! The theory behind Diego Garcia is actually an amazing story in itself. a new patent filed by four of the passengers out of 20 from the same tech company and in the event of there deaths the patent is transferred to the company they worked for! The company was purchased by Blackstone who is a war monger and the largest contractor to the military in the US, and is financed by The Rothschild's who in turn finance the bank of Malaysia who in turn Bankroll Malaysia airlines.! The new chip technology will change all weapons based systems. the four patent holders were all Chinese nationals on a way to a conference with fellow workmates. Someone didn't want them to get there and the resulting financial benefits to the company who now inherits the patent is Billions $$$. it may sound like a plot from a movie and it may sound like a conspiracy theory however these are facts! and as of today not a single item has been found and the media is playing the distraction card! The company and whomever may be responsible for the missing plane could not give a toss about the relatives and in most cases to find an answer you have to follow the money! And Israel who is a world leader in technology systems and weapons bought the copy plane of MH370 in November and has it in storage, The Chines have bought most of the worlds precious metals and are forbidden by law to sell outside of china .these new precious metals are or for use in the new age of weaponry. But without the new chip technology they will lose there advantage! Until the wreckage or any bodies are recovered the media is playing everyone for a fool...and if the wreckage is discovered buried deep in the Indian Ocean the patent technology story is still very real The families and relatives of the missing flight are unfortunately victims in this saga.

As they say "follow the money". It's just too bad that so many innocent people had to suffer the consequences.

Absolutely! But since when has a military organization cared about loss of life!
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