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MH370 - buried under an ocean of rumours: Thai editorial


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The 5 points I have stated are "facts reported CNN and BBC" : you probably prefer to believe the airplane has been taken away by "aliens" as in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

I do not think it is stupid speculation to say that this plane was not on autopilot but controlled by a "person" with experience of flying a B-777

- "disappearance" happened at a grey area between Malaysian and Vietnamese monitored air space

- the return flight over Malaysian territory - with switched off transponder - made it look like an UFO... avoiding carefully Thai territory

- the deep dive made over the Strait of Malacca was made to avoid detection by other aircraft

- the flight around Aceh was made to avoid Indonesian airspace

- the plane went consequently to an area of which the "person" knew it was the very deep, unexplored Indian Ocean... outside intense satellite supervision.

It all looks as if that "person" wanted to bring the plane down and make it look like an accident (so that insurance would be paid to his family?)

"I do not think it is stupid speculation...so that insurance would be paid to his family..."

But your post is.

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Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Sorry, but such a foolish comment. If you would have said "extremist" conspiracy theorists then it would have made sense, just like extremists in anything such as politics, science, religion, you name it. Regular conspiracy theorists seem to have quite an open mind and are smart enough to doubt the BS mainstream media feeds them on a constant basis. Besides that, they are fun to be around and are creative in a good way.

Oh I like a good ole conspiracy theory (well the ones of old anyway), but since the internet and 911 truthers, they've all gone a bit obsessive and loony. You only have to watch those megalomaniac lunatics Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and David Ike and hear their followers to know they go way over the top.

We all know the media and the government have their own propaganda and lies to us, we all know their have been and still are false flag ops.

But to an extremist conspiracy theorist if, you don't take their side of the story, you are a sheep and need to "wake up", when they're the ones who blindly follow and believe everything these theories say. Hypocrites!

The only thing I do agree on is some people who do follow the truth movement find out about what kind of real stuff is happening in the world and are able to open their minds. They soon then move on from the theorist stuff and look at the proper wider picture. So from that, there's good in it.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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You make a poor case wandasloan and actually "you" are the one cherry picking. You quote from wikipeadia....

Oh my. I believe I have a case for criminal defamation there. Laugh at my dancing, post calumnies against khao thom, but never EVER accuse me of "quoting from Wikipedia". Blows do not come lower or more libellous and harmful than that.


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Facts that are never answered

Where are the pilots family (all moved from home day before flight)

Why was D G island one of the last inputs on the pilots home flight simulator

MH370 twin plane (they are made in pairs) was bought by Israel in 2013 and stored..... bought from Malaysian Airlines

A MH jet was seen by many eye witnesses flying over the Maldives from N to S in the time frame (so now both planes are sitting on D G island)

D G island is a US military base that’s leased from the UK….it is within the flights fuel range

why were so many mobile phones connecting? ......because they all switched them on (before confiscation)

The photo taken by the US passenger HAS the GPS settings for D G island in its exif data

20 passengers all worked for the same US chip company …they have just made a chip that will change modern warfare .

Don’t be surprised by a false flag event within the year involving aircraft hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

You are either an extraordinary conspiracy theorist or very well informed.

Of course, you could be both.

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I do not believe nothing, as long the U.S. are involved. It is comprehensible, that D.G with its presence of a part of the Strategic Air Command has the most powerful and advanced radar and satellite surveillance system. Why D.G. did not supplied the other nations with their radar/satellite information in the first place?

Why were the sightings of some Maledivian residents ignored, who saw a low flying plane on the island of Kuda Huvadhoo?

One question at http://www.haveeru.com.mv/news/54062 came stated: "If you fly from the last know position IGARI towards the waypoint VAMPI, which primary radar data suggests and maintain the same magnetic heading / track from that point on - you will end up over that island!"

Within the short future an Australian laboratory will present their findings, that the oil sample of the small oil slick, which had been found in the Indian ocean, "must have been from the MH-370 plane."

But the real truth will never be revealed.

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Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Every stupid comment needs a Hitler reference. thumbsup.gif

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You make a poor case wandasloan and actually "you" are the one cherry picking. You quote from wikipeadia....

Oh my. I believe I have a case for criminal defamation there. Laugh at my dancing, post calumnies against khao thom, but never EVER accuse me of "quoting from Wikipedia". Blows do not come lower or more libellous and harmful than that.


double post.

Edited by dude123
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You make a poor case wandasloan and actually "you" are the one cherry picking. You quote from wikipeadia....

Oh my. I believe I have a case for criminal defamation there. Laugh at my dancing, post calumnies against khao thom, but never EVER accuse me of "quoting from Wikipedia". Blows do not come lower or more libellous and harmful than that.


LOL, but the long paragraph you quoted was word for word on wikipedia except you left out the NASA part!!! Anyway, it's all good crazy.gif

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Conspiracy theorists believe anything they want to believe and only accept things that fits into their criteria and are impossible to debate with, relying on theories and discarding evidence.

If the internet was around in the 1930s they would somehow find a link to blame America, Rothschild or the Illumaniti for Nazi Germany and claim Hitler is innocent.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Sorry, but such a foolish comment. If you would have said "extremist" conspiracy theorists then it would have made sense, just like extremists in anything such as politics, science, religion, you name it. Regular conspiracy theorists seem to have quite an open mind and are smart enough to doubt the BS mainstream media feeds them on a constant basis. Besides that, they are fun to be around and are creative in a good way.

Oh I like a good ole conspiracy theory (well the ones of old anyway), but since the internet and 911 truthers, they've all gone a bit obsessive and loony. You only have to watch those megalomaniac lunatics Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and David Ike and hear their followers to know they go way over the top.

We all know the media and the government have their own propaganda and lies to us, we all know their have been and still are false flag ops.

But to an extremist conspiracy theorist if, you don't take their side of the story, you are a sheep and need to "wake up", when they're the ones who blindly follow and believe everything these theories say. Hypocrites!

The only thing I do agree on is some people who do follow the truth movement find out about what kind of real stuff is happening in the world and are able to open their minds. They soon then move on from the theorist stuff and look at the proper wider picture. So from that, there's good in it.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I'm not going to debate you on that one as I've come across extremists in the consipiracy circles that won't do one second of research and just repeat everything they read. They are an odd bunch that's for sure.

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