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Follow up on Chinese stepdaughters graduation and being uncomfortable


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I read the OP's story carefully, twise. and I still fail to see where the "Chinese" part come's in.


His wife is Chinese who was married before with a Chinese man. Stepdaughter is Cinese. Enough for you now ?

where was any of that in the OP? Did I miss something?

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I read the OP's story carefully, twise. and I still fail to see where the "Chinese" part come's in.


His wife is Chinese who was married before with a Chinese man. Stepdaughter is Cinese. Enough for you now ?

where was any of that in the OP? Did I miss something?

This is a follow up thread to:


Well, at least I assume it is....other thread started by a member named "Honky" .....Same?

So if your interested in the whole story....read that first! Also in Title to this thread it is stated "Chinese Stepdaughters graduation"

Hope that helps you understand more fully

Edited by beachproperty
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window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

Let's not forget that when divorcing nine odd years ago, the daughter was looked after by her grandparents , who it would appear to be not too impressed. By his fathering interest considering they only lived a couple of Kms apart.

Perhaps this is retribution time, but I really don't need or want to be in the middle

Wife's parents know which street the ATM is on ! thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

Actually that statement is far from the truth, my Chinese wife and I are doing well with our businesses one in China and one in BKK, my wife has two brothers, one is acknowledged as the top cancer surgeon in China, whilst the other is the major Toyota distributor in Yunnan Province

I read the OP's story carefully, twise. and I still fail to see where the "Chinese" part come's in.


His wife is Chinese who was married before with a Chinese man. Stepdaughter is Cinese. Enough for you now ?

where was any of that in the the OP.

This is further in the topic.....and the titlethread....must have rang a bell 2.

Edited by benalibina
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I read the OP's story carefully, twise. and I still fail to see where the "Chinese" part come's in.


His wife is Chinese who was married before with a Chinese man. Stepdaughter is Cinese. Enough for you now ?

where was any of that in the OP? Did I miss something?

This is a follow up thread to:


Well, at least I assume it is....other thread started by a member named "Honky" .....Same?

So if your interested in the whole story....read that first! Also in Title to this thread it is stated "Chinese Stepdaughters graduation"

Hope that helps you understand more fully

Apparently I did miss something but it was not in this OP.

I know it stated "Chinese Stepdaughter " in the title and that's why I was wondering what the Chinese connection was, and how the fact that the stepdaughter is of Chinese descent was apropos to the story.

Thank you for that Link, smile.png

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Again Thanks to Beachproperty for that link.

I read the OOP and the story is a little more clear now.

IMO this is the girls day,

she worked very hard to get there, and should not be diminished in any way by making her feel guilty for wanting her biological father to be part of it.

They should be more concerned with the girls feelings rather their discomfort . But then again I only have a limited knowledge of the family dynamics that lead to this.


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At to further keep things straight, the OP now states in a post today he was divorced from a Filipina 5 years ago even though 'Honky' says regarding his Chinese wife "Eight years ago we married."

Oops you are correct that was a typo I missed should read fifteen not five. Aplogies

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That's OK -- with some guys on here with their marriages it is like the response of 2008 US presidential candidate John McCain when asked how many houses he owned. He said: I'm not sure ... I'll have to check with my staff and get back to you.

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For various reasons too long and boring to go into I think that the OP could be a difficult man to live with. Not content with continually bragging about how fabulously everything goes for him in Asia all his life he then rubbishes Asian people - cant see beyond the end of their nose etc including his own stepdaughter who is so fabulous as well though. And playing it out on

TV, sorry its a Thai soap opera on an internet forum

I am sorry I don't watch Thai soap operas, If you have the ability to read what I was trying to convey, and that was I feel it is a trait in Asians that they have difficulty in looking ahead and planning. Let me give you a classic example, in the very early days when the HK Cross Harbour tunnel was completed, a very good English friend of mine was promoted and became the tunnel manager. His first comments were, that it shouldn't be difficult to find local staff !! Now if that was too high for you, I will explain, he was saying that the local people in HK suffered from tunnel vision.

I have never forgotten that, and. Over the years and working elsewhere in Asia including Manila, Korea , Thailand and China for long terms plus working visits to nearly every country that makes up Asia and South east Asia, I have seen it regularly.

Remember the military expression regarding the 6 P's Proper Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance, absolutely true.

There was also no need for your personal attack, but I feel that a lot of my success has come from preparing and planning. I am not a difficult person to live with but I am very impatient with idiots. If people who work for me refuse to listen to suggestions and build a hole to fall into then it's their responsibility to dig themselves out. As for my stepdaughter, it was my responsibility to help dig her out, and that's what I tried to do.

Sorry if you thought it was personal, just an observation from someone who has followed this topic and it's previous

version started by you under an alias as you didn't want people's opinions to be tarnished by previous run-ins with you as a bit of a tetchy poster. But anyway I thought it was prior planning prevents piss poor performance maybe the Aussie version was a bit

different, but by that measure you have failed. you stated that it was your responsibility to dig her out but your planning has

failed, ie your stepdaughter who is a valedictorian can't see beyond the end of her nose, even though that is a bit strange in

itself, it was your planning wasn't it? Some things in life can't be planned like a military operation.

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  • 1 month later...

I think it will end that this guy has to grow up, and certainly NOT do the thing you NEVER EVER should do. And that is to make children choose between parents.. And using the guilttrip with who pays what in this situation is bloody stupid in my opinion. The only ones doing this is people that havent had too much relationships with kids...

But for the sake of the daughter, iIhope it all went well..


Edited by glegolo
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