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its getting close now. The Mrs has spent the week sorting out lucky-dip (fish on tree) prizes and making ribbon bows. I'll be helping set up the stall on Saturday and Sunday. I do not know our pitch number/position so can't give reference, though I'm going to knock up a TV flag and pin it to the tent.

In reference to The Butcher's suggestion, I am happy to forward a list of mobile numbers to everyone who PM's me with theirs - I'll do this Friday night to give as much time as I can for people to send - I will not send out to anyone who does not supply their number for obvious reasons - and I understand if people don't want to make their's avaialble. We did it last year and there were no issues (apart from Rin's strange text messages - get the hang of it yet Rin?)


If you want to keep your numbers to yourself, then look for the flag (there will be a couple of xmas trees with fish and some dancing girls/kids on the stall - Its a charity stall for the Edinburgh Temple) - I'll be there on and off and will have some numbers of other folks - and maybe their whereabouts (beer tent).

May the sun shine strongly, the rain stay away and the beer overflowing!


for those that have been before - where/whats the parking situation for this event....

1. good/near?

2. get there early..youll be alright!

3. far..?

4. you're kidding, right?

for those that have been before - where/whats the parking situation for this event....

1. good/near?

2. get there early..youll be alright!

3. far..?

4. you're kidding, right?

NO Prob......just stow the wheels outside the park..... :o


for those that have been before - where/whats the parking situation for this event....

1. good/near?

2. get there early..youll be alright!

3. far..?

4. you're kidding, right?

NO Prob......just stow the wheels outside the park..... :D

thanks Rin - "outside the park" that could refer to all of wandsworth, but i guess theres a car park around the outside of the park????? ill go google it

could you fine tune it down a smidgin please :o



Off-street car park charges : Cars and private vehicles (maximum 16 passenger seats and not exceeding 6.5 metres in length)

Monday to Friday

up to one hour - £1.20

up to two hours - £2.40

up to three hours - £3.60

up to four hours - £4.80

Over four hours - £18.00

Saturday and Sunday

up to two hours - £2

over two hours - £4

School buses with more than 16 passenger seats must display a School Coach Permit available from the Park Office and must use the Rosery Car Park or the coach bays on Carriage Drive North. Other coaches may not park within Battersea Park.

Motorcycles can park free of charge without time limit and Blue badge holders may park for up to three hours free of charge providing they display a valid badge and time clock.

Weekend charges apply on ALL Bank Holidays.

Battersea Park closes at dusk.

Coach Park-Priority Red Route

Battersea Park CPZ

Operational 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Maximum stay per visitor - 4 hours.

Permits for Battersea Park Area CPZ are NOT valid in Battersea Park.

BK Permit Holders only may park in Kersley Mews

Private/Housing Estate roads (Permits not valid)

Solo motorcycle bays-Disabled Parking Bay.... :o



...a ltttle bit more....

Most people just seem to park on the outer peri road but I tend to get the puff puff..... :o


Hiya! I never knew about this event before and just read about it today so I'm pretty excited. I've only recently joined this board so you may not know of me yet but it would be good to meet up with some of you on the day if you're up for it!


right then - after being let down by estate agents and solicitors yet again :D:D:D:o we will not be getting the keys to our new house this weekend, and will therefore be present on Sunday....

ill be the one looking pissed off with everything and everyone.... more so cos im driving too :D

see you sunday - and fly that TV flag high :D


Hi, for those checking before heading to the Festival, my pitch is opposite the beer tent (real shame) I'll put up a flag TV), but the wind may have other options. Look for dancing girls and christmas trees - and the guy in the bright yellow shirt!

I'll text Buthcher, Spee and Rinrada at about 10:30 - I'll be there from 7am.

Have fun.


Its gloomy,overcast.cloudy and been pizzing down ALL night (got soaked coming back frae the pub)but looks as though....No cant be....wonder what....YES it just could be ....the SUN.... is trying to break through...... :D

...time to check the charabang timetables and see if the Victoria/Piccadilly lines are running normally or are being delayed or held up due to funda-mentalist hi jacking the dem things... :D ...so....time for a cup of rosie and holy ghost before wife gets in (p/t job round corner..workaholic :D )

Mia lai de plough...... :o

Its gloomy,overcast.cloudy and been pizzing down ALL night (got soaked coming back frae the pub)but looks as though....No cant be....wonder what....YES it just could be ....the SUN.... is trying to break through...... :D

...time to check the charabang timetables and see if the Victoria/Piccadilly lines are running normally or are being delayed or held up due to funda-mentalist hi jacking the dem things... :D ...so....time for a cup of rosie and holy ghost before wife gets in (p/t job round corner..workaholic :D )

Mia lai de plough...... :o

http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?world=0008 :D


After much debating, myself and Mrs will be leaving in a few minutes. I will look around for Thaivisa symbols and introduce myself accordingly... :o


Just got back. Very wet, but lots of people did not seem to be put off. IMO not as good as the bi-annual Thai festival that runs in Godalming. Will pray for better weather next year!

Hi, for those checking before heading to the Festival, my pitch is opposite the beer tent (real shame) I'll put up a flag TV), but the wind may have other options. Look for dancing girls and christmas trees - and the guy in the bright yellow shirt!

I'll text Buthcher, Spee and Rinrada at about 10:30 - I'll be there from 7am.

Have fun.

yeah i found the flag - but unfortunately hadnt checked the forum till now - i went bounding into the tent next door making myself known to 2 poor blokes that looked blankly and said "errrr what"

after i regained some dignity the rain came and i couldnt get into your stall for $h**

think i did spot you as we were leaving though - yellow shirt, buddha's hanging round yer neck...?

i promise ill do better next year :o


what a rain out yesterday. :D The organisers should set up canopied areas for this kind of thing. :o It put a real downer on our day too as we were looking for some of hubbies mates to turn up but left early due to the rain. Still, nice to see the thai community out in force & to get some yummy kanom jinn :D

Your wife did a good job on those prize trees though wolf, hopefully enough can be raised to keep the temple open :D


Hi, for those checking before heading to the Festival, my pitch is opposite the beer tent (real shame) I'll put up a flag TV), but the wind may have other options. Look for dancing girls and christmas trees - and the guy in the bright yellow shirt!

I'll text Buthcher, Spee and Rinrada at about 10:30 - I'll be there from 7am.

Have fun.

yeah i found the flag - but unfortunately hadnt checked the forum till now - i went bounding into the tent next door making myself known to 2 poor blokes that looked blankly and said "errrr what"

after i regained some dignity the rain came and i couldnt get into your stall for $h**

think i did spot you as we were leaving though - yellow shirt, buddha's hanging round yer neck...?

i promise ill do better next year :o

Sorry I was unable to make it yesterday. It was a combination of bad weather and work priorities. At my planned departure time it was pouring buckets where I live, and one of my mates that I was going to pick up in West London said it was pouring there, too. One of my work mates and his TGF went and said they had a good time. I hope everyone had a good time. Try again next year. Cheers!


Yep not a bad day all in all, shame about the weather but it was nice to see a few familiar faces again.

Does anyone know if the Secretts Farm event is on in Godalming this August bank hol??


and another couple ..tink i got it right... :o

Mixture of everything..Battersea park ..Foodie Fest 2006 :D

Secretts will be next year as it is held every other year, were the Gestapo confiscating food brought in again this year?

Bit of a Lo....nnnng Q but suppose they were just trying to be carefull after the bomb scare last year which emptied the place about an hour before it was supposed to shut.

The security was quite heavy but the bag check was a bit superficial and although people were chucking their bottles of cola and sweets into the big bin at the door I still managed to take in my cheese sarnies and tins of Heine....very polite and WELL ORGANISED..

Also the local council/park guys keep the place pretty clean...rubbish picked up and dispossed of almost as you dropped it...but nobody did.

I used to go to the Philli Fest down at Houndslow but after a couple of hours the park was like Smoky Mountain...a right PIG Sty.....rubbish and rotten smelly food piled up everywhere...YUCH...never again... :o

Battersea on the otherhand was a tribute to all concerned and a good DAY OUT... :D


Hi all,

Sorry about the placement of the flag - it could be interpreted as nect door (and was by just about everyone!). Placed it there as the monks kept moving everything every two minutes for no reason I could fathom. Only place that was left alone. In retrospect an arrow may have helped!

Nice to meet KrupNic - albeit for a minute before I had to shoot off to video the Mrs on stage again. At least you didn't miss the Muay Thai demo you thought you had KrupNic. Good luck with the plan.

Great also to see Rin and Mrs and BKKButcher and friends again.

Yep Rio that was me - I'm in Rin's photo Yellow 'I Love The King' shirt. Sorry about the Buddhas - I always wear them, but usually they are hidden (not wanting to look like a 70's porn star), but they kept escaping as I was bending down every three seconds to get a prize out (tombolla), and I gave up tucking them back in again. That 'Thai Diet' is working you'll notice :D

Next year I am staying well clear of running stalls again - just far too busy all day, hardly touched the Thai food and had hardly a dozen beers all day!

Couldn't believe the weather - rain was worse than last year, but in the middle of a supposed draught, its d4rn well ridiculous. Some of the stall holders were 6 inches deep in water - mine was OK. Every time the heavens opened, we were inundated with people trying to keep dry - everyone ignored my suggestion of an entrance fee :o

Oh, quick note: When the public was turfed out at closure, the beer tent (draft one, not the Chang or Singha tents) was giving the beer away free to empty their barrels - to the traders and artists. As they were the only beer tent that had no seating and didn't give away freebies, they had a fair bit left. So, the Mrs drove home after all!

I have about 70 odd pics and some video of the event, will pick out the most interesting pics and post them as soon as I get around to it.


I eventually got there with the Mrs at about 3pm , spent ages finding a parking space for the 3 wheeler.. :o

Then I did a 'Rio' , saw the 'Thaivisa' sign and went into the wrong bleedin tent!

I should have read this thread properly.

I was sat on the, then dry, ground scoffing some somtam and squid, a chap who looks a lot like the one on Rinrada's photo came scuttling past me towards the Dunnies. I now realise it was Wolf!

Oh well , hope you raised enough money for the temples :D Just wished I'd gone into the correct tent... :D

The dancers in the pink cowboy hats made the journey worth it alone... :D

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