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Should ASEAN change to driving on the left side?

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It must be hell to ever change the side of the road that cars use. Has any major country every tried it. I saw on a recent Top Gear that Burma moved from the left to the right but most cars there are still right hand drive.

Sweden switched from left to right driving in 1967



As any major change, the change of driving side takes some time for people to adapt.

Therefore it's better to do it gradually.

Week 1: Motorbikes and bicycles will switch to ride on the right.

Week 2: Cars and vans start to ride on the right

Week 3: Lorries, busses and the rest completes the change and switch to the right.

In other words, Total mayhem!

Week 4, establish a week of national mourning for all those killed week 1 and 2 and allow heavy bulldozers to enter the streets to clear the wreckagecheesy.gif

Edited by sirineou
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It must be hell to ever change the side of the road that cars use. Has any major country every tried it. I saw on a recent Top Gear that Burma moved from the left to the right but most cars there are still right hand drive.

Apparently it was changed at very short notice because the head of the country at the time was told by a spiritualist that it would bring good fortune - so the nutjob just went and did it.

It is chaos in Myanmar, the busse's have the exit doors on the left side so now the passengers exit the bus straight into the traffic flow!!

Driving around Yangon is mental!!

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It must be hell to ever change the side of the road that cars use. Has any major country every tried it. I saw on a recent Top Gear that Burma moved from the left to the right but most cars there are still right hand drive.

Apparently it was changed at very short notice because the head of the country at the time was told by a spiritualist that it would bring good fortune - so the nutjob just went and did it.

It is chaos in Myanmar, the busse's have the exit doors on the left side so now the passengers exit the bus straight into the traffic flow!!

Driving around Yangon is mental!!

Driving around Yangon is not that bad. Easier than Bangkok, and a dream compared to driving in Manila.

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I was in Okinawa when they switched from the right to the left side. It was interesting, to say the least.

As far as the question posed by the OP, taking China out of the equation makes no sense. China is sitting there with 20% of the world's population, and ignoring it to try an justify a stand is not logical.

I would argue that as a right handed person, I would rather use my right hand to shift a car, but that is merely personal preference. One thing that is not personal preference, though, is that Thailand is an automotive manufacturer. Shipping Thai-made autos to Australia, Japan, and other left-driving nations coincides with the manufacture of autos for the domestic market. However, the export market for right-hand-drive cars is much, much larger than for left-hand-drive cars. From a business strictly business sense, it would be better for Thailand to focus on the larger market and have their domestic market be the same.

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I'm just wondering where the OP had this information from. It's a highly classified topic and explains why the farmers didn't get their money.

150,000 units Mercedes Benz were being ordered at the motor show. All for the government officials.

A few million Fords with two steering wheels will be given to the Thai teachers nationwide.



Edited by sirchai
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bikkalad, on 17 Apr 2014 - 06:39, said:

What a stupid post ??? They cannot drive properly on the side of the road they are now.

I have to be careful what I say, as I have already been suspended twice...but I believe in Thailand many have it worked out, they simply drive down the middle, the biggest problem seems to be the visa run drivers who can't make up their minds what side they want, it seems like a country of dodgem cars, and those on bikes just ride any side and in any direction.

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After the Island of Okinawa was given back to Japan. A few years later they changed from driving on the right to driving on the left. It was a nightmare. It all changed in one day. Needless to say, there was a record amount of accidents. Plus all the traffic lights and road signs had to be changed. There were also a great number of "right side "cars. Just think about it. You come home from work one night on the right side of the road and the next morning, you have to remember to drive on the left side.

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laobali, on 17 Apr 2014 - 10:24, said:

Ridiculous, pointless, not to mention the cost for vehicle conversion as well as redesign of highways (camber).

Take China out of the equation? Myopic too.

Um, sorry to burst your bubble, but whether "right hand side" or "left hand side" the camber remains the same. The camber is set for a right hand or left hand bend/curve, not the side, of the road, you drive on. The two biggest issues when travelling between countries with different sides to drive on are 1) sub conscious mind verses conscious mind in an emergency 2) when turn left or right at junctions.

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Ridiculous point really, there is no need to change. The UK is part if the EU, and has not changed, and will not change. Countries should have more important issues to be dealing with.

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If people can't get their heads round driving on the other side of the road they shouldn't be allowed to drive a vehicle.

I am inclined to agree with Mooner. After all it only takes a little more concentration.

Make the task just a little bit more difficult and people will fark it up just a little bit more often. With all that that entails.

I once made a ridiculous and dangerous error driving in the USA because I'm used to right-hand drive. The only reason there was no accident is that the driver of the only other car in the vicinity was on the ball at the time. I don't claim to be a great driver, but I don't think I'm particularly scatterbrained either. People make mistakes.

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A few years ago an Aussie family, of Italian descent, went to Italy to visit their relatives. They hired a car and were killed at the first roundabout leaving the airport. Unfortunately the unconscious competence can be a very big influence.

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If anything, Asean will conform to a Chinese standard whistling.gif

Not the other way around. But probably will remain as is. (just my guess)

Below from wiki Red drives on the right side, Blue drives on the left


The reason we drive on the left is, when England had its knights of old, they would ride their horses on the left in case the encountered an hostile rider coming the other way. It actually freed up their sword hand for combat if needed. And looking at the red sectors on the map the greatest majority looks where the British Empire was.
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Most thai drive slow on the fast(right) lane ,the rest drives in the middle and the left lane (slow) is considered the lane -of -shame .

I just arrive from hua Hin back in Pattaya,slow drivers on the middle and right lane block all traffic and are making driving dangerous.

Those drivers dont do this on purpose ,they are just telephoning ,sleeping,picking their nose ........and did not even notice the thousands of cars

around them .They can hit the brakes in the middle or right lane just to do a left turn ,as if they are alone on that road.

So ,who wants to change the side of driving ?coffee1.gif

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Well some of the replies are getting very close to a compromise solution...Let me try to summarize my understanding....

For most normal single carriageway roads: Minibuses (going in either direction) travel in the middle spanning the central line. Cars and newer trucks stay mainly in the left hand lane. Motorcycles and older trucks go in either outer hard-shoulders.

For dual carriageways and motorways: Slow drivers on the right, faster ones on the left, as is.


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Okay, In ASEAN Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Brunei, all drive on the left side of the road with a total of 122,661,000 vehicles. Burma drives on the right hand side with a total of 2,326,000 vehicles, of which a large number are right hand steering, so it probably would not be that difficult for Burma to switch back to driving on the left hand side, and remember India with a total of 114,952,000 vehicles (and rising rapidly) drives on the left hand side. Laos, and Cambodia, with a combined total of 2,662,000 vehicles, drive on the right hand side, but I think a portion of those vehicles are right hand drive, so it would not be that hard for those countries to switch over to left hand drive. You would then have a total of 9 countries, including India, that would drive on the left hand side, and also combined be the largest population in the world. This is a huge market that can be served by trucks that would not have to worry about switching sides. The Philippines, dont really matter, because they are an island nation separated by a long distance from the rest of ASEAN, Vietnam which has 33,136,000 vehicles, probably has too many vehicles to make the change practical.

For Burma Laos, and Cambodia, the change would probably be in their better interests, especially Burma.

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is it just me,

but i thought the thais just drive whatever side they like,

even on the hard shoulder going the wrong way,,

they have tried changing things with roundabouts,,,lol,, its he who dares wins at them,, they just dont have a bloody clue,,

i keep saying to the wife, everybody gives way to trafic from the right,,,lol,, then it works good,

but as the old saying,,,, T I T,


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pigeonjake, on 17 Apr 2014 - 18:02, said:

is it just me,

but i thought the thais just drive whatever side they like,

even on the hard shoulder going the wrong way,,

they have tried changing things with roundabouts,,,lol,, its he who dares wins at them,, they just dont have a bloody clue,,

i keep saying to the wife, everybody gives way to trafic from the right,,,lol,, then it works good,

but as the old saying,,,, T I T,


There seems to be a problem with the "give way to the right" rule, seen in countries that drive on the left side of the road Section 71, of the "Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522" states :If two vehicles enter a junction from different directions at the same time, the vehicle on the left has right of way, except when there's a designation of "principle roadway" in which case the vehicle on the principle roadway has a right of way." I honestly think they got it wrong, but whose silly enough to tell them.

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pigeonjake, on 17 Apr 2014 - 18:02, said:

is it just me,

but i thought the thais just drive whatever side they like,

even on the hard shoulder going the wrong way,,

they have tried changing things with roundabouts,,,lol,, its he who dares wins at them,, they just dont have a bloody clue,,

i keep saying to the wife, everybody gives way to trafic from the right,,,lol,, then it works good,

but as the old saying,,,, T I T,


There seems to be a problem with the "give way to the right" rule, seen in countries that drive on the left side of the road Section 71, of the "Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522" states :If two vehicles enter a junction from different directions at the same time, the vehicle on the left has right of way, except when there's a designation of "principle roadway" in which case the vehicle on the principle roadway has a right of way." I honestly think they got it wrong, but whose silly enough to tell them.

youve got me now,,,lol

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Every educated man of substance knows that driving on the left is the right side to drive, along with all the other things we gave the world...


Very funny videolaugh.pnglaugh.png

Though I wish the comedian spoke English 'cause some times I could not understand a word he said.

PS : you guys drive on the Left we drive on the Right, even with people as challenged with the English language as the Brits are, it should be obvious which is the right side to drive on


Feeling up you GF with your left hand, what a bunch of <deleted word> laugh.png

left to the imagination what the deleted word wastongue.png

Edited to explain delition

Edited by sirineou
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