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PDRC to stage new rally on Thursday


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OMFG! These pad/pdrc supporters truly are delusional.. I love the way you capitalize MAJORITY, well, 'costas', if the MAJORITY of Thai people supported this idiot then he would just run in the election and win and we wouldn't have this problem.. in the real world, his party-the democrats are loosing elections by a landslide-doing worse and worse in the polls in every successive election since 2007, NONE of the other 50 parties that are not PhuaThai support the democrats in their election boycotts and election sabotage , AND the international community has urged Thailand to hold an election and that the people's democratic rights be respected; so it's this idiot defacto leader of the democrats against the 90% of the Thai people and the world.

Why would the heads of any state enterprises want anything whatsoever to do with Suthep?

Because, they support him, as does the MAJORITY of Thai people:thumbsup:

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violence is being let off the leash to attack people that believe in reform, believe in accountability and believe in 15 principles of democracy, one of which is the rule of law is paramount to ensure democracy is stable.

This troll nonsense really gets boring.

Find a new hobby "dj"

What nonsense? His "15 principles of democracy"? His statement that the rule of law is paramount to ensure democracy is stable?

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Lets hope the rallies go peacefully and the UDD minority supporters do not feel a need to unleash violence on the PDRC supporters AGAIN as they had been accused of when the PDRC guard was shot.

Violence does not bode well for the majority nor does a lack of accountability when perpetrating that violence.

What the kicker is that of late, violence is being let off the leash to attack people that believe in reform, believe in accountability and believe in 15 principles of democracy, one of which is the rule of law is paramount to ensure democracy is stable.

Again, safe and incident free rallies are in my thoughts and hopes.

Sorry djjamie, the security guard's death was, in the vernacular, blue on blue.

With all due respect what has vernacular (native language of a specific population) and "blue on blue" got to do what what I said? Which was I hoped no violence was unleashed with an example being an accused attack by a UDD supporter on a PDRC guard.

Remember I said this with due respect and I did not condescend you.

So please afford me the same courtesy. If you reply, don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't quote me out of context, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick.

Seeing as you are so sensitive I hesitate to reply in the fear that you may find something that will offend your sensibilities, but I'll try.

I was referring to this

"Lets hope the rallies go peacefully and the UDD minority supporters do not feel a need to unleash violence on the PDRC supporters AGAIN as they had been accused of when the PDRC guard was shot."

The UDD had nothing whatsoever to do with the PDRC guard being shot dead so I was curious as to why you should mention them. Hence the "blue on blue" reference. You mention a "accused attack by a UDD supporter on a PDRC guard" but no specifics so I can only assume you were referring to the death of the guard I mentioned.

Should I make random references to PDRC guards and supporters attacking pro government supporters. I can provide links for those and it will balance the argument don't you think?

Oh and speaking of patronising, I can read the dictionary for the exact definition of vernacular at any time, but I don't need to, thanks. Vernacular is used in this way by the Brits to refer to the everday speech of ordinary people.

Edited by fab4
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Why would the heads of any state enterprises want anything whatsoever to do with Suthep?

Because, they support him, as does the MAJORITY of Thai peoplethumbsup.gif

Hey mate, i think you have got your crash helmet on backwards, no wonder you can't see anything. cheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Why would the heads of any state enterprises want anything whatsoever to do with Suthep?

Because, they support him, as does the MAJORITY of Thai peoplethumbsup.gif

Another new falang who thinks that the majority of the Thai population lives south of Bangkok.

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Peoples Dispensary for Ruthless Criminality are back

You definitely have that backwards, the PDRC have been the victims of the majority of 'criminality' judging from the numbers of people shot and blown up by 'unknown assailants'. How many hand grenade and gun attacks did the red rally suffer from the other week ? ZERO - because it is the reds committing the violence. You seem to have a chronic case of Thaksinbrainwashedsheepleitis.

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Why would the heads of any state enterprises want anything whatsoever to do with Suthep?

Because quite simply.....Suthep is a Winner..... and we all like winners... plus, why would they not ? biggrin.png

He is a winner of big money. Collecting so much and just put it in his own pockets

YES! just how much did he collect for the Thai farmers, and how much did they receive...............probably ZILCH !

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Peoples Dispensary for Ruthless Criminality are back

You definitely have that backwards, the PDRC have been the victims of the majority of 'criminality' judging from the numbers of people shot and blown up by 'unknown assailants'. How many hand grenade and gun attacks did the red rally suffer from the other week ? ZERO - because it is the reds committing the violence. You seem to have a chronic case of Thaksinbrainwashedsheepleitis.

The clue is in the phrase "unknown assailants". Yet you have concrete evidence that it was the "reds" based on the stunning criminal detection theory that they held a rally and nobody was hurt, ergo, the redshirts are committing the violence.

Watch out, there's a new Sherlock in town.coffee1.gif

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violence is being let off the leash to attack people that believe in reform, believe in accountability and believe in 15 principles of democracy, one of which is the rule of law is paramount to ensure democracy is stable.

This troll nonsense really gets boring.

Find a new hobby "dj"

It isn't trolling, it is the truth. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it is wrong. Keep up the good work telling the truth DJ and busting apart the bs lies spread by the red sheeple.


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violence is being let off the leash to attack people that believe in reform, believe in accountability and believe in 15 principles of democracy, one of which is the rule of law is paramount to ensure democracy is stable.

This troll nonsense really gets boring.

Find a new hobby "dj"

It isn't trolling, it is the truth. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it is wrong. Keep up the good work telling the truth DJ and busting apart the bs lies spread by the red sheeple.


I don't blame him. He has learnt from the party he supporters to demonize people that tell the truth like Supa and to defend people that lie like Kittiratt. The truth hurts them. Lies give them warm feelings of legitimacy.

Yingluck response to Supa - Have her investigated and transferred.

Yingluck response to Kittiiratt - "He had good intentions for the country"

So with warped ideals like that to guide your moral compass I only have pity for tully, not anger.

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Peoples Dispensary for Ruthless Criminality are back

You definitely have that backwards, the PDRC have been the victims of the majority of 'criminality' judging from the numbers of people shot and blown up by 'unknown assailants'. How many hand grenade and gun attacks did the red rally suffer from the other week ? ZERO - because it is the reds committing the violence. You seem to have a chronic case of Thaksinbrainwashedsheepleitis.

The clue is in the phrase "unknown assailants". Yet you have concrete evidence that it was the "reds" based on the stunning criminal detection theory that they held a rally and nobody was hurt, ergo, the redshirts are committing the violence.

Watch out, there's a new Sherlock in town.coffee1.gif

You are correct Fabby one. The RTP have so far failed to arrest and charge anyone for the murders of innocent children and adults and attacks on anti-Thaksin demonstrators or their elderly relatives. Not one.

Even the 4 men detained and found with grenades and guns weren't charged - apparently they had a good attitude and only had the weapons for self defense. The lady driving the car from which shots were fired at anti-Thaksin demonstrators who was caught - whatever happened to her? The off duty policeman caught shooting at the anti-Thaksin demonstrators from a motorcycle - what happened to him? Any progress in any of the other cases?

Yet, the same RTP seem to be able to arrest anyone suspected of attacking pro-Thaksin demonstrators.

Guess just the luck of the draw eh? All these unknown assailants are likely to remain just that.

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