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Talks on holding senate session to officially axe Nikom continue

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Talks on holding senate session to officially axe Nikom continue

BANGKOK, 19 April 2014, (NNT) - The discussions of the Senate concerning a special senate session to officially impeach Senate President Nikom Waitratchapanitch have ended without a conclusion.

The Secretary General of the Senate, Norarat Pimsane yesterday invited related officials to a meeting on the matter, after the Cabinet Secretariat Office rejected a request to hold the session. Attending the meeting were the Secretary to the Cabinet Ampol Kitti-ampol and Secretary General of the lower house Suwijak Nakawatcharachai.

The meeting took more than an hour, Ms. Norarat said, adding that no firm conclusion was reached, while implying the discussions were mostly about the legality of the idea. She said the topic is rather delicate and is difficult to solve, as a special senate session has never been held before.

She believed that another discussion would be held soon, and mentioned that while the Senate was not considering asking the Charter Court to rule on the matter, it nevertheless had not dismissed that approach as an option.

-- NNT 2014-04-20 footer_n.gif

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Who cares if they can't impeach him yet.... He is already suspended from duty and can't do anything related to the senate. So this is just boll-x really.

I am more interested where he got the 250 million baht from over the past 2 years.

Edited by WoopyDoo
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When the lower house can meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties, then the upperhouse(senate) can meet and fulfil it's constitutional duties. A bicycle needs 2 wheels to roll. There is no 'urgency' here, especially if we are to believe the EC when they say the election is only a few months away.

Everyone knows that the anti-democracy 'establishment', nacc/cc/dems/pdrc/pad whatever are only pushing for this special senate session so they can illegally create a 'politcal vacuum' so that this group that can hardley muster 10% of the vote gets to 'appoint' a 'ruler and council' that has full powers, even though the constitution clearly states that the PM be an MP from the lower house.

This is destined to be decided by the Constitutional Court, and they will doubtless affirm that the Senate can indeed meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties !

And everyone knows that PTP aren't remotely democratic, interested in the rule of law, justice or governing for the benefit of the people; anymore than Yingluck has ever been the real PM or DM. Oh but wait, my MiL doesn't - she still believes all the red shirt bs. So guess our assertions "everyone knows" are wrong.

Wonder if there'll ever be any kind of investigation into his unusual increase in wealth over the last 2 years? Doubt it,

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When the lower house can meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties, then the upperhouse(senate) can meet and fulfil it's constitutional duties. A bicycle needs 2 wheels to roll. There is no 'urgency' here, especially if we are to believe the EC when they say the election is only a few months away.

Everyone knows that the anti-democracy 'establishment', nacc/cc/dems/pdrc/pad whatever are only pushing for this special senate session so they can illegally create a 'politcal vacuum' so that this group that can hardley muster 10% of the vote gets to 'appoint' a 'ruler and council' that has full powers, even though the constitution clearly states that the PM be an MP from the lower house.

This is destined to be decided by the Constitutional Court, and they will doubtless affirm that the Senate can indeed meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties !

And everyone knows that PTP aren't remotely democratic, interested in the rule of law, justice or governing for the benefit of the people; anymore than Yingluck has ever been the real PM or DM. Oh but wait, my MiL doesn't - she still believes all the red shirt bs. So guess our assertions "everyone knows" are wrong.

Wonder if there'll ever be any kind of investigation into his unusual increase in wealth over the last 2 years? Doubt it,

Or an investigation into Suthep's ability to buy large land parcels within the last 5 months with cash when he had declared himself last year to have a negative net worth?

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"Or an investigation into Suthep's ability to buy large land parcels within the last 5 months with cash when he had declared himself last year to have a negative net worth?"

Interesting. Or maybe just unsubstantiated partisan rumor mongering. Can you point to facts showing that he actually bought large amounts of land?

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Why do Thais shilly-shally all the time and never actually get on and DO something?

Because the simple fact is that they hate confrontation in whatever form.

that's not quite true, they are very enthusiastic at the 10 vs.1 fight...

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The PT 'is not remotley democratic' because they win the election by a landslide-so the pad/pdrc accuses them of being a 'dictator'--that's one way of looking at it.. in a democracy when you win by a landslide you get this thing called a mandate. The reason the PT wins by a landslide is that since 2004 the dems have been self-destructing, dirty triks, election boycotts, lobbying the military into a coup, and now election sabotage.

What if the dems had just played by the rules? It's not unusual for a 'red' party that focuses on rural voters to win 2 landslide elections in a row--that's what Reagan did.. They say Thaksin and 'money politics' is stopping them, but they have their own billionairs ..

You throw out these vague barbs like 'doesn't respect rule of law' 'doesn't govern for the benefit of the people' guess what, the opposition in every country makes the same digs; its just in those countries they have real courts, not military coup appointed tribunals that call everything she and the PT do 'corruption'

It was the NaCC that made this asertion in the media that Yingluck's wealth had increased, they never produced anything to back it up, or anything that indicated that the increase in wealth was due to something illegal, this is the same NaCC that is desperate to remove her on vague charges like 'derilection of duty' If there's anything there they will be all over it, fact is Yingluck has not done anything illegal so they have to pursue these bogus cases like 'supporting an amendment to the constitution that would have made the upper house fully elected' 'transfering a civil servant'

When the lower house can meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties, then the upperhouse(senate) can meet and fulfil it's constitutional duties. A bicycle needs 2 wheels to roll. There is no 'urgency' here, especially if we are to believe the EC when they say the election is only a few months away.

Everyone knows that the anti-democracy 'establishment', nacc/cc/dems/pdrc/pad whatever are only pushing for this special senate session so they can illegally create a 'politcal vacuum' so that this group that can hardley muster 10% of the vote gets to 'appoint' a 'ruler and council' that has full powers, even though the constitution clearly states that the PM be an MP from the lower house.

This is destined to be decided by the Constitutional Court, and they will doubtless affirm that the Senate can indeed meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties !

And everyone knows that PTP aren't remotely democratic, interested in the rule of law, justice or governing for the benefit of the people; anymore than Yingluck has ever been the real PM or DM. Oh but wait, my MiL doesn't - she still believes all the red shirt bs. So guess our assertions "everyone knows" are wrong.

Wonder if there'll ever be any kind of investigation into his unusual increase in wealth over the last 2 years? Doubt it,

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When the lower house can meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties, then the upperhouse(senate) can meet and fulfil it's constitutional duties. A bicycle needs 2 wheels to roll. There is no 'urgency' here, especially if we are to believe the EC when they say the election is only a few months away.

Everyone knows that the anti-democracy 'establishment', nacc/cc/dems/pdrc/pad whatever are only pushing for this special senate session so they can illegally create a 'politcal vacuum' so that this group that can hardley muster 10% of the vote gets to 'appoint' a 'ruler and council' that has full powers, even though the constitution clearly states that the PM be an MP from the lower house.

This is destined to be decided by the Constitutional Court, and they will doubtless affirm that the Senate can indeed meet and fulfill it's constitutional duties !

" A bicycle needs 2 wheels to roll." I have to show that that is not true.


The only roadblock to the Senate doing Senate business is the Thaksin controlled caretaker cabinet wanting to delay the inevitable. No need for the Parliament to be in session to impeach Nikom; that is strictly Senate business. No need for the Parliament to be in session to approve an appointment to the NACC; that is strictly Senate business.

When Thaksin wants something, they will pass the bill at 3:30 in the morning. When he doesn't want something, they will throw up every delaying tactic they can. The Democrats have nothing on the PTP when it comes to disrupting something they don't want.

illegally create a 'politcal vacuum'

The political vacuum was created by Thaksin when he instructed baby sister to dissolve Parliament. There was zero legal pressure to dissolve Parliament; it was strictly a cynical ploy to quickly regain a mandate that had clearly been lost.

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The PT 'is not remotley democratic' because they win the election by a landslide-so the pad/pdrc accuses them of being a 'dictator'--that's one way of looking at it.. in a democracy when you win by a landslide you get this thing called a mandate. The reason the PT wins by a landslide is that since 2004 the dems have been self-destructing, dirty triks, election boycotts, lobbying the military into a coup, and now election sabotage.

What if the dems had just played by the rules? It's not unusual for a 'red' party that focuses on rural voters to win 2 landslide elections in a row--that's what Reagan did.. They say Thaksin and 'money politics' is stopping them, but they have their own billionairs ..

You throw out these vague barbs like 'doesn't respect rule of law' 'doesn't govern for the benefit of the people' guess what, the opposition in every country makes the same digs; its just in those countries they have real courts, not military coup appointed tribunals that call everything she and the PT do 'corruption'

It was the NaCC that made this asertion in the media that Yingluck's wealth had increased, they never produced anything to back it up, or anything that indicated that the increase in wealth was due to something illegal, this is the same NaCC that is desperate to remove her on vague charges like 'derilection of duty' If there's anything there they will be all over it, fact is Yingluck has not done anything illegal so they have to pursue these bogus cases like 'supporting an amendment to the constitution that would have made the upper house fully elected' 'transfering a civil servant'

As General Chatichai loved to say whenever allegations of corruption within his government were aired in parliament or the media, "Show me the receipts".

I am sure you right Pkspeaker. No one will ever produce receipts signed by Yingluck confirming bribes received or money skimmed off from fake rice exports.

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>illegally create a 'politcal vacuum'

The political vacuum was created by Thaksin when he instructed baby sister to dissolve Parliament. There was zero legal pressure to dissolve Parliament; it was strictly a cynical ploy to quickly regain a mandate that had clearly been lost.

wrong, She felt forced to dissolve parliament when the democrats resigned in mass, any PM would seek anew mandate in that situation, the empty seats in parliamnet need to be re-filled and the democrats insisted on 'boycotting' the democratic process, so other parties will run instead and fill those seats. The new election will give her a new mandate, re-affirming the one she got just 2 years ago-no one denies that. But maybe you are right, if it wasn't 100% necessary to dissolve, she should have just stayed on , i don't think she anticipated that the election would be sabotaged, that was anew trik by the pad/pdrc/dems.


It really is possible to prosecute graft, you follow the money trail-even if it's 'cash' and fake receipts-that's alot of cash-it came from somewhere and they can find it, this is why we have this fully staffed bureaucracy called the NaCC with their big office building.. the fact is the NaCC has not prosecuted a single case 'skimmed money' in the provinces where this graft would have taken place, they just insist that the rice scheme was too expensive and it was 'corruption prone' it's a fake 'corruption' case.. and the notion that Yingluck was skimming money from rice sales and pocketing it is a joke..there is no evidence of that.

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