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Thailand as a SERIOUS country


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There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future.

There are also theories about how the earth was created in seven days.

What these theories have in common is that they have not been validated scientifically.

And, of course, there is a very good reason for that...


And if our skin colour is a result of natural selection from a climate, why wouldn't our brain functions be, too?


There's a great writer named Malcolm Gladwell.


First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond.

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slipperylobster, on 21 Apr 2014 - 12:32, said:

Nobody take America seriously anymore either.....

The other countries are all broke...

Australians just run around shooting kangaroos

Brits just drink in the pub and complin about America, Aussie Kangaroo hunters, and the broken European Economy...

I forgot....what was your point?

"Australians run around shooting kangaroos", now we have entered the world of idiots.

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Comos said :

"First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond."

My reply.

I believe you may be wrong...skin colour is determined by "natural selection" and has to do with the amount of vitamin D the body requires... do some reading http://www.nasw.org/vitamin-d-levels-determined-how-human-skin-color-evolved-1

Edited by Rorri
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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement. I am fully aware of U.S. Shortcomings but cannot tolerate uninformed statements such as this.

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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement. I am fully aware of U.S. Shortcomings but cannot tolerate uninformed statements such as this.


I thought everybody read the Drudgereport.

Edited by thailiketoo
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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement. I am fully aware of U.S. Shortcomings but cannot tolerate uninformed statements such as this.


I thought everybody read the Drudgereport.

Thanks, but too many false or inaccurate reports for my use.

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slipperylobster, on 21 Apr 2014 - 12:32, said:

Nobody take America seriously anymore either.....

The other countries are all broke...

Australians just run around shooting kangaroos

Brits just drink in the pub and complin about America, Aussie Kangaroo hunters, and the broken European Economy...

I forgot....what was your point?

"Australians run around shooting kangaroos", now we have entered the world of idiots.

Welcome....it's a might hot outside, come in for a drink?

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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement. I am fully aware of U.S. Shortcomings but cannot tolerate uninformed statements such as this.


I thought everybody read the Drudgereport.

Thanks, but too many false or inaccurate reports for my use.

Breitbart broke Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, the resignation of Shirley Sherrod and the ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy.

The Drudge report broke the Monica Lewinsky story. (According to Quantcast, the site has more than 3 million page visits per day.)

Both are reputable news agencies. Now is when you present alternative evidence or apologize.

See that's how it works. You called me a liar by writing, "You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement."

I gave you proof. Now is your turn to discredit my proof or apologize.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.

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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.


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with my limited experience and with respect...

It reminds me of a group "discussion" we had somewhere between the ages of 17 - 20?

What if ...

we could be in charge of a "New" country - what would it be like?

Everybody could be free to do what they wanted (within reason)

No laws (unless someone was really bad)

No politicians

Be soft on soft drugs. (I didn't inhale)

Have easy going bars - where you could wear what you want and close when the owner wants.

OK for sexy girls to dance naked on tables (It was an all male group)

"Rock" concerts every full moon

People get paid if they can't work

Everybody gets to retire at 60 with pay!

"free" health and Education (Including a free university place)

A place where the weather is great (with some rain for the abundant crops)

Free water toys to play with (OK that was a dream too far...)

Hospitable, smiling people to make you feel welcome (cough - for a fee)

Who all speak an International language (sigh... one day soon)

A place where police didn't need or want to take bribes

A place where you could wear a flower in your hair - especially if you were wearing plastic boobs (Oh now I've gone off subject)

...Wait! is this an addictive computer game - or is it Thailand.

And for the Maroons -

I could add

a place where they don't shoot children in schools or families in Malls

a place where you could follow any religion (within reason and without force)

a place where women can dress to impress other women (that's what they tell me)

and yes... a place where young people don't knife other people in drug wars or for easy money.

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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement. I am fully aware of U.S. Shortcomings but cannot tolerate uninformed statements such as this.


I thought everybody read the Drudgereport.

Thanks, but too many false or inaccurate reports for my use.

Breitbart broke Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, the resignation of Shirley Sherrod and the ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy.

The Drudge report broke the Monica Lewinsky story. (According to Quantcast, the site has more than 3 million page visits per day.)

Both are reputable news agencies. Now is when you present alternative evidence or apologize.

See that's how it works. You called me a liar by writing, "You have a misinformed knowledge of the U.S. Resulting in a false statement."

I gave you proof. Now is your turn to discredit my proof or apologize.

Drudge Report is also cited for several false reports. Public accessible knowledge. Thanks, but I choose to use my time otherwise than countering. All can google Drudge Report to get both the good and the bad.

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And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


Rank Thailand by GNP of its close neighbors. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma?

All populated by tropical peoples.

It's all in the climate and feed resources.

You wrote, "Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?" It is.

It is 16th out of 37 Asian countries in GDP per capita, China is 17th. And 24th out of all the nations of the world. That's a success. By anyones numbers.


THE economic leader meaning THE leader, as in number 1 'The' being singular

I need to edit the statement to ' The number 1 leader..." .

I have too many personal day to day living here experiences to know how unproductive Thais are. Everthing from not getiting service in a grocery store with 15 workers around me and putting a prospective purchase back on the shelf, to not being able to renew a driver's license without taking a day off work - to not getting my car serviced as an entire establishment's workforce must eat lunch at the same time - multiply it by a 60 some odd million populace and you get Thailand .

Everybody get out the tissues(cue violin).Op does not know how to operate in Thailand.He has been told many times but wont take advice and wants the country to change to suit his way.Aint gunna happen,so better get out of town while you still have your sanity,or we are gunna have to listen to you whinging for the next decade.

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Drudge Report is also cited for several false reports. Public accessible knowledge. Thanks, but I choose to use my time otherwise than countering. All can google Drudge Report to get both the good and the bad.

The quote is from Breitbart.


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Comos said :

"First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond."

My reply.

I believe you may be wrong...skin colour is determined by "natural selection" and has to do with the amount of vitamin D the body requires... do some reading http://www.nasw.org/vitamin-d-levels-determined-how-human-skin-color-evolved-1

While a post by a "senior English and Biology major" should perhaps not be taken too seriously, there is indeed a need to modify my statement on scientific consensus; skin colour differences are generally believed by scientists to be the result of a combination of the natural selection and sexual selection mechanisms, and quite possibly in combination with other mechanisms. (For those who might think the natural selection link to sunlight is "obvious", note that skin cancer typically develops slowly and kills the indidual after reproduction. In fact, skin colour differences are still not fully understood.)

This only emphasizes the message in my response. Many phenomena in nature are far more complex than one may think at first. Therefore they are best left to skilled scientists to research and explain.

Edited by Cosmo88
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Well i learned in Thailand: nothing is serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always ask myself where there was found the slogan: Thailand Land of Smile!

The smile thais show is just the smile of uncertainty!!!!!!!!! They not know and smile!

Nobody respects anything! Laws are excisting, quite similar to european laws but: no body take care as if there is a problem it can be solved by money!!!!!!!!111

So: the system of corruption in this country wont let come up anything that can be similar to our "western/european" way of Government system and law and order to start a new way of development of this country:

And! no free press who doing investigating journalism and put all the things on the table!

But anyway not many want to hear and see that!

Sanuk Sanuk and life is going on!

Sad for this country!

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THailand is fine as it is, for Thailand. The pros and cons are what makes it such an interesting experience. The only thing that need change is some security and safety issues, such as the roads.

Wait till you have to deal with corruption, might make things look a bit different..........whistling.gif

Actually, the corruption, well, some type of corruption, is the beauty of Thailand...

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And if our skin colour is a result of natural selection from a climate, why wouldn't our brain functions be, too?


There's a great writer named Malcolm Gladwell.


First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond.

Absurd !! Darker skin colour is such from high melanin that protects it from the sun. The paler it is the liklier the owner has a northern heritage.

I'm referring to genetic mutation, not impregnating a pick -up on a night's whim.

And sorry I don't discount writer's ideas because of their labels. That's for rigid conservative "thinkers" who cannot stand having their boxed in, thoroughly pc'd ideas challenged- which Gladwell does so superbly.

Tropical people not planning for the future as foods sources are abundant makes a lot of sense. And it really explains a bit about Thailand's lack of .. well, maturity?

Edited by EBlair48
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Comos said :

"First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond."

My reply.

I believe you may be wrong...skin colour is determined by "natural selection" and has to do with the amount of vitamin D the body requires... do some reading http://www.nasw.org/vitamin-d-levels-determined-how-human-skin-color-evolved-1

While a post by a "senior English and Biology major" should perhaps not be taken too seriously, there is indeed a need to modify my statement on scientific consensus; skin colour differences are generally believed by scientists to be the result of a combination of the natural selection and sexual selection mechanisms, and quite possibly in combination with other mechanisms. (For those who might think the natural selection link to sunlight is "obvious", note that skin cancer typically develops slowly and kills the indidual after reproduction. In fact, skin colour differences are still not fully understood.)

This only emphasizes the message in my response. Many phenomena in nature are far more complex than one may think at first. Therefore they are best left to skilled scientists to research and explain.

Ok so skin colour is a result of natural selection from climate factors , seems we can agree, yet no way brain function can be- is that your argument?

'cause I disagree.

The same mechanism that makes skin dark, or light-also shapes the brain.

Tropics ; Lots of food around, bananas, fish...no need to plan for a future. No need to work hard to survive .


North; Long cold winter limited food, need lots of planning- smoke meat and gather roots like mad, work hard to survive.

Why is this such a repulsive idea? It seems like common sense to me.

Edited by EBlair48
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Sexual selection is just one mechanism of natural selection, and was considered so by Darwin from the very first edition of "The Origin Of Species".

A female bird choosing to mate with a male bird with a longer tail, so increasing the frequency of genes for longer tails in the population is not intrinsically any different from a lion chasing a gazelle and increasing the frequency of genes for faster running in the gazelle population by catching the slower ones. These are both "natural selection".

Also, if you believe in evolution, you must believe that intelligence (for example) is genetically determined. If you believe humans are more intelligent than the ape-like ancestors from which they evolved, then that must be because of the genes we have inherited. Evolution can only work by selecting genes - if it did not then differences would not be handed down to the offspring and preserved.

If we are more intelligent than the common ancestor that gave rise to us and the chimpanzee it is because of evolution through gene selection, and is genetic in origin. Dawkins writes on this in the Selfish Gene.

However there is no evidence whatsoever that the cosmetic differences between races, caused by relatively few genes, have any relationship with complex traits like intelligence which result from the interactions of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of genes. It is a very common observation that there are more genetic differences between members of the same ethnic group, than between members of different ethnic groups, and this makes consistent systematic differences in traits like intelligence between ethnic groups overwhelmingly unlikely. However it is not impossible in theory.

What is just stupid is saying things like "tropical populations don't need to plan ahead because food is available all year round", and somehow claiming this unproven difference is genetic. There is little to no evidence that any such differences (if they exist) are genetic, rather than cultural. Culture accounts for far more differences in human behaviour than genes do.

In any case, the idea that planning ahead is less necessary if you have a lot of tropical fruit around is dopey in the extreme. The ability to plan ahead is a generally invaluable and universally applicable trait , e.g. for avoiding predators, hunting animals, carrying out complex cultural and social interactions, making tools and so on.

Suggesting that general availability of tropical fruit somehow cancels out the other invaluable advantages of forward planning does sound like what a scientifically inadequate writer like Gladwell would come up with though.

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Comos said :

"First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond."

My reply.

I believe you may be wrong...skin colour is determined by "natural selection" and has to do with the amount of vitamin D the body requires... do some reading http://www.nasw.org/vitamin-d-levels-determined-how-human-skin-color-evolved-1

While a post by a "senior English and Biology major" should perhaps not be taken too seriously, there is indeed a need to modify my statement on scientific consensus; skin colour differences are generally believed by scientists to be the result of a combination of the natural selection and sexual selection mechanisms, and quite possibly in combination with other mechanisms. (For those who might think the natural selection link to sunlight is "obvious", note that skin cancer typically develops slowly and kills the indidual after reproduction. In fact, skin colour differences are still not fully understood.)

This only emphasizes the message in my response. Many phenomena in nature are far more complex than one may think at first. Therefore they are best left to skilled scientists to research and explain.

Ok so skin colour is a result of natural selection from climate factors , seems we can agree, yet no way brain function can be- is that your argument?

'cause I disagree.

The same mechanism that makes skin dark, or light-also shapes the brain.

Tropics ; Lots of food around, bananas, fish...no need to plan for a future. No need to work hard to survive .


North; Long cold winter limited food, need lots of planning- smoke meat and gather roots like mad, work hard to survive.

Why is this such a repulsive idea? It seems like common sense to me.

Maybe you want to compare the Vikings and the Eskimos as they lived together for a while. Or the Mongols and the Cantonese. Or in the US compare the plains Indians with the Indians living in Florida or the West coast?

If you don't mind can I ask do you feel seriously at a disadvantage when discussing things like the above with a person who is a college graduate? Do you think there is a parallel between your lack of education and people taking you seriously?

It strikes me that people who don't take Thailand seriously have not been taken seriously themselves because of lack of education or reasoning ability or whatever.

Seems like going through the all the old racial stereotypes would at some point seem repetitive and better left in the 1930's.

Edited by thailiketoo
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..and although statements from populists are generally not worth commenting on, I'm a bit bored so I'll add a couple of (admittedly superfluous) reflections anyway:

Just like EBlair48's own argument about the "northern" Chinese migrants, Indian migrants are similarly found all over the world, and thriving at business and other advanced occupations to at least the same degree as the Chinese. In fact, many of the most successful scientists (inluding Nobel prize winnners), physicians, technologists and businessmen in the world are of Indian descent. Anyone would have to agree that those positions cannot be obtained if one is not good at long-term thinking.
Even if EBlair48's argument (for some unknown apparently arbitrary reason) would be restricted to only the tropical climate zone, take note that significant parts of India are indeed in that zone. Also, these successful Indian people are for sure not all from non-tropical India, and even large parts of non-Tropical India are very warm with an abundance of produce.

Also, interestingly, in the US and UK for example, Indians are even over-represented compared to supposedly long-term thinking "caucasians" in certain high skill occupations.

Furthermore, if EBlair48 believes in his hypothesis so strongly, he could go ahead and prove it instead of speculating and implying that it is not "allowed" to be proven.
The most famous test for "delayed gratification" (a good embodiment of long-term thinking) is the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment". However, as a populist with an agenda EBlair48 would likely ignore correct test planning. One would need to test ethnically different kids but from exactly the same background. Only then you would one get relevant results related to only "delayed gratification" vs. "ethnicity", due to the background environment and hence "trust" factor being different otherwise.

As noted by "partington" above however, there is no scientific reason whatsoever to suspect any such difference to exist.

Edited by Cosmo88
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How quickly people are to twist the theory of evolution to suggest darker skinned people are both less intelligent and lazy.

Like out of the Third Reich or the USA South.

And then when it's protested, somehow it's "PC" and therefore an invalid argument.

Thais work a 6 day, 54 hour week and it's bloody hot. There is no 3-5 weeks paid vacation, only the public holidays.

How long or hard do other countries work on average? Maybe contrast it to France?

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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

You're right about the breakdown of western countries & culture. But not to worry. Thailand has long list of its own...

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Thailand's problems stem from it being a relatively newly formed state, enabled by the penetration of the railways, which has not yet successfully integrated the southern region, the northern Lanna kingdom and the eastward looking Isaan plateau.

Furthermore the revolution of 1932 that was to have abolished feudalism is not yet complete and is still being fought on the streets of Bangkok. It is interesting that such revolutions (cf France, China and even England) often take many years to resolve and are followed by long periods of instability as new power structures establish themselves and vested interests are divested.

Only when these issues are dealt with can the country truly achieve the objectives suggested.


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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.

Not quite...

The real rotten fruit of humanity is the type of ignorant, deluded bigotry you display here.

It is beyond absurd to expect groups of humans to NOT be vastly different with thousands of generations of evolution geared toward survival in a particular climate.

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..and although statements from populists are generally not worth commenting on, I'm a bit bored so I'll add a couple of (admittedly superfluous) reflections anyway:

Just like EBlair48's own argument about the "northern" Chinese migrants, Indian migrants are similarly found all over the world, and thriving at business and other advanced occupations to at least the same degree as the Chinese. In fact, many of the most successful scientists (inluding Nobel prize winnners), physicians, technologists and businessmen in the world are of Indian descent. Anyone would have to agree that those positions cannot be obtained if one is not good at long-term thinking.
Even if EBlair48's argument (for some unknown apparently arbitrary reason) would be restricted to only the tropical climate zone, take note that significant parts of India are indeed in that zone. Also, these successful Indian people are for sure not all from non-tropical India, and even large parts of non-Tropical India are very warm with an abundance of produce.

Also, interestingly, in the US and UK for example, Indians are even over-represented compared to supposedly long-term thinking "caucasians" in certain high skill occupations.

Furthermore, if EBlair48 believes in his hypothesis so strongly, he could go ahead and prove it instead of speculating and implying that it is not "allowed" to be proven.
The most famous test for "delayed gratification" (a good embodiment of long-term thinking) is the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment". However, as a populist with an agenda EBlair48 would likely ignore correct test planning. One would need to test ethnically different kids but from exactly the same background. Only then you would one get relevant results related to only "delayed gratification" vs. "ethnicity", due to the background environment and hence "trust" factor being different otherwise.

As noted by "partington" above however, there is no scientific reason whatsoever to suspect any such difference to exist.

India is a large country spread outover many climate zones- How do we know which zone these successful Indians are from?

It is simply abundance of food that makes the difference in future planners. People from regions with long cold winters make better planners. it isn't necessarily race , but heritage. Get a few thousand generations of this heritage, and then you have a race suited for a certain climate.

If you want to assign worrying as a positive attribute then please do, but it's these value judgements that initiate knee jerk reactions of such theories as "Nazism" .

Maybe not giving a damn about anything is a better way to live ...

Edited by EBlair48
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..and although statements from populists are generally not worth commenting on, I'm a bit bored so I'll add a couple of (admittedly superfluous) reflections anyway:

Just like EBlair48's own argument about the "northern" Chinese migrants, Indian migrants are similarly found all over the world, and thriving at business and other advanced occupations to at least the same degree as the Chinese. In fact, many of the most successful scientists (inluding Nobel prize winnners), physicians, technologists and businessmen in the world are of Indian descent. Anyone would have to agree that those positions cannot be obtained if one is not good at long-term thinking.
Even if EBlair48's argument (for some unknown apparently arbitrary reason) would be restricted to only the tropical climate zone, take note that significant parts of India are indeed in that zone. Also, these successful Indian people are for sure not all from non-tropical India, and even large parts of non-Tropical India are very warm with an abundance of produce.

Also, interestingly, in the US and UK for example, Indians are even over-represented compared to supposedly long-term thinking "caucasians" in certain high skill occupations.

Furthermore, if EBlair48 believes in his hypothesis so strongly, he could go ahead and prove it instead of speculating and implying that it is not "allowed" to be proven.
The most famous test for "delayed gratification" (a good embodiment of long-term thinking) is the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment". However, as a populist with an agenda EBlair48 would likely ignore correct test planning. One would need to test ethnically different kids but from exactly the same background. Only then you would one get relevant results related to only "delayed gratification" vs. "ethnicity", due to the background environment and hence "trust" factor being different otherwise.

As noted by "partington" above however, there is no scientific reason whatsoever to suspect any such difference to exist.

India is a large country spread outover many climate zones- How do we know which zone these successful Indians are from?

It is simply abundance of food that makes the difference in future planners. People from regions with long cold winters make better planners. it isn't necessarily race , but heritage. Get a few thousand generations of this heritage, and then you have a race suited for a certain climate.

If you want to assign worrying as a positive attribute then please do, but it's these value judgements that initiate knee jerk reactions of such theories as "Nazism" .

Maybe not giving a damn about anything is a better way to live ...

You wrote, " People from regions with long cold winters make better planners." Could you compare Eskimos with Guangzhou, Cantonese?

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