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Divorcing and messy


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just continue to stay calm and keep in mind in the legal system she has no grounds to divorce you or at the very least it will be years in the future.

also money to support your kids is not calculated as percentage of salary, but on costs of living with bkk being highest with perhaps some 20-30k per month for 2 kids till 18 years or so old including school etc...

of course all assets after marriage may have to be shared 50/50 like house car etc, but example you wanna move back to your country with 1 kid so sell house and you will have a good deal of cash recovered in your half while of course the wife may think she can keep all & not able to pay you your half of the house value!!

although your wife seem to behave a bit violent it seems you have still some control but slow down see how it looks after staying apart a while. let her know you will support kids, but cut or stop all support to wife for now and take it from there...

it may also be that in the end you can find a way back together again if this is more like a extreme situation which will not get worse?

in this case you may consider family therapy/counseling...

best of luck

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I am 45.. i do not

work officially in LOS but i own a share in a UK company. My 15

mth old son has a thai and uk passport. she has the thai passport i have the uk. i built the house on her land which she says has not been given land papers yet. It was started when she was pregnant and then we were married and it was finished 3 mths later. My finances are ok. I am not in debt but have no savings.Do you hold any legal ownership position in your home or vehicles? No i do not think so.. i think nothing is in my name.Do you have the ability or interest to take 100% custody of one or both of you children? Yes i do.

I have marks on my body from when she hit me yesterday. I have been advised by some friends to go to the police but I

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but i am a little worried that it may backfire. I have faith in the judicial process but I'm worried that she will hurt herself and tell the police i

done it. i'm also worried that she would just lift the boy and disappear.

I am stuck.

she wants 50,000 by the end of the month so she can look after both kids until we divorce.. I don't have a problem with that except the way she talks to me and the fact that some of the money will probably go to her parents... I have also ordered for window grills to be fitted to the house and an air conditioner which should set me back about a hundred thousand and now I'm tempted to cancel these.

do i go to the police ?

do i give her the money and start saving 400,000

to get a new visa to take care of the


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Amazing how so many guys are suckers and dont understand what "most " Thai women are.Rarely is the cultural barrier bridged for more than a year or so,and if the woman is " damaged material" (as many are) then it's more calamity

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Perhaps as an informative break, some interesting stuff which suggests that the chips….the genes…..are already in place and upbringing doesn't make as much difference as we think it does…….certainly seems the case in adoptive studies.


ps No doubt there are two sides to a story but IF things are as you describe them, I agree with others that a complete mental reset is in order for this woman perhaps starting with you disappearing for a while. A break in another place and a bit of time may put you in a better more detached mindset to make a decision too.

That's my prescription.

Edited by cheeryble
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This is a very dangerous situation ,file a police report about the assault , then leave this woman as soon as possible , take your son for his own protection ,, does he have a foreign passport ???... do not trust her family and do not show weakness to her .

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No experience in Thailand with this kind of thing but this is from experience in another country. May be OP can seek advice from local lawyer using my example.

Go to police station and file a report for assault, make sure to have doctors certificates and photo's.

Create another fight(make sure you are safe) and again get medical reports and if possible hidden cam.

Again file police report.

After all is done and have police, medical and hopefully video evidence , file in court for full custody of your kids and forced hospitalization until the new born is out on the grounds of mother being mentally unstable and unfit to care for the new born and existing child.

Argue that she is violent and provide all the evidence.

Courts would grant it and you free to take away the kids .

My cousin went little further, he created a fight and pushed her (verbally ) all the way, while in the mean time calling the hospital , when ambulance arrived they saw a crazy maniac, she was hospitalized for 2 weeks and eventually he got full custody.

Hope it helps

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I know someone who was in your situation. Get your kid a passport and take him back to your home country without her knowing. Just wash your hands of the physco bitch. Your son is the only good thing you will get out of the relationship.

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It sounds like OP does not hit her.

He is in the right!

What does he want?

He wants to look after his children

Go to court and sort that out.

There is no point giving the Wife money.


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No offense but it seems like you let what was a small flame turn into a raging inferno. The whole idea of male/female relationships is a lot different here than the developed world. You had the chance -- and the responsibility -- to lay down the law early on and let her and her family know who was calling the shots. You didn't do that and now you see what has happens. You basically need to be the exact opposite of the person you have been to this point if you want this thing to end on better terms.

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It happen to someone who is nearly finish financial as may ladies though getting a farang husband able to get luxury goods but we understand we need saving for the children as demand was not meet it ends this way, police will not help much get someone who you know have back power will solved. House will sold and you might kick our or already out, Hotel rental not the answer get a small apartment for monthly rental 4,000-5,000 Baht better near the house so the poor kid have father to look after.

Don't blame yourself it's money talk as when she going to compare that's end of it.

Consult a lawyer that you might able to award one of the children by court then leave or find a good wife for kid later, try not to find bar girls and I am not talk bad but most are poor and need support family, now have many middle class ladies available and sure won't slap you like this, cool down with your friends and get a cold beer try not to think too much as time pass by things will get better. Plan to get income to raise your children bank saving will be empty one day work hard for your kids when they grown up I am sure the will decide who is right and wrong , they will loved you much then other people. Look forward as the world still turning..

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It happen to someone who is nearly finish financial as may ladies though getting a farang husband able to get luxury goods but we understand we need saving for the children as demand was not meet it ends this way, police will not help much get someone who you know have back power will solved. House will sold and you might kick our or already out, Hotel rental not the answer get a small apartment for monthly rental 4,000-5,000 Baht better near the house so the poor kid have father to look after.

Don't blame yourself it's money talk as when she going to compare that's end of it.

Consult a lawyer that you might able to award one of the children by court then leave or find a good wife for kid later, try not to find bar girls and I am not talk bad but most are poor and need support family, now have many middle class ladies available and sure won't slap you like this, cool down with your friends and get a cold beer try not to think too much as time pass by things will get better. Plan to get income to raise your children bank saving will be empty one day work hard for your kids when they grown up I am sure the will decide who is right and wrong , they will loved you much then other people. Look forward as the world still turning..

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"What the hell can i do to stay near to my son and stop this lunatic from either hurting me , stopping me from seeing my son or soon to be born daughter, taking everything i have or calling the police after hurting herself and telling the police i did it ???????"

File a complaint at the local police station, the complaint is assault, insist they photograph your injuries and keep a copy of their photos yourself.

You may need to employ a Thai solicitor to help you with this.

Get your solicitor to apply for a court order, excluding her from the house and surrounding roads.

Do not allow her access to your home, do not meet with her, do not talk with her on the phone.

All contact must be via your solicitor, not you and her together anywhere at any time.

Really, allowing her access to your house and documents, what are you thinking of?

As you are married, under Thai law, they cannot order you, her husband, out of a house that is in her name until after a divorce.

The house is considered a marital asset, no matter what paperwork has been signed previously, until a judge rules otherwise.

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No experience in Thailand with this kind of thing but this is from experience in another country. May be OP can seek advice from local lawyer using my example.

Go to police station and file a report for assault, make sure to have doctors certificates and photo's.

Create another fight(make sure you are safe) and again get medical reports and if possible hidden cam.

Again file police report.

After all is done and have police, medical and hopefully video evidence , file in court for full custody of your kids and forced hospitalization until the new born is out on the grounds of mother being mentally unstable and unfit to care for the new born and existing child.

Argue that she is violent and provide all the evidence.

Courts would grant it and you free to take away the kids .

My cousin went little further, he created a fight and pushed her (verbally ) all the way, while in the mean time calling the hospital , when ambulance arrived they saw a crazy maniac, she was hospitalized for 2 weeks and eventually he got full custody.

Hope it helps

Hey man, either take the advice to cut and run with the kid you've bonded with or take the long way home by playing dirty as some of these last posts suggest. You do NOT have even the vestiges of a legal system here so for get about anything like a negotiated settlement here.

I do not care HOW brilliant the sex was first time around . . . . . You have to bail.

Plan your escape and bail.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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