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Yingluck denies talking to Thaksin


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She insisted she is willing to do whatever the majority want and bring peace to the country.

'The majority'. Is that Thaksin's new nick-name? The word seems to be used in that context by pro-government posters on this forum.

"'The majority' wants this", "'The majority' wants that". Now substitute 'Thaksin' for 'the majority' and you get their true meaning. Tha same with the word 'democracy'. To PTP and UDD supporters it means, 'Thaksin dictatorship'. There are a lot of code words used by PTP and UDD. Be careful how you read/listen to, them.

Edited by rametindallas
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Didn't know anything about it until this advisor of my brother made a statement, denial as per usual. Until she goes we are having problems trying to get fairness back to the polling stations.

So she is staying until the majority do not want her. oh my god, she is on a self inflicted endurance test.facepalm.gif

Well my first thought was to ask a moderator if I could have an unlimited number of cheesy.gif.

It would not surprise me if he didn't talk to her. He has a hard time thinking of any one but himself and he see's the end is near and figures this phony gesture will let him out with out loosing face. given his history tommarrow may have a 180 degree different story. Truth is not on his agenda.clap2.gif

Also she was willing to do what ever the majority of the country wanted. Well 52% of them voted they did not want her. Of the remaining 48% How many were just to get Thaksin?wai.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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Think of your son Yingluck get out now while you still have a little dignity.

Write a letter of resignation, say you are doing it for the good of the country and the people in the belief that it will act as a catalyst for peace.

Say you can not stand to see the people suffer any more and you are making a personal sacrifice and you hope this will be an inspiration for others to put aside personal differences for the common good.

The cases against you will still go ahead whether you are caretaker PM or not for the offenses were committed while you were PM but at least you will be seen by some as having some dignity.

Unless she suggested that reform would be needed particularly on the election process before an election. Most people would see through her.violin.gif

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.

Indeed, that is the problem . . . the fact that you DON'T see any problems with Thaksin or Yingluck or any of the other idiots in PT/UDD/CAPO . . .

i couldn't have asked for anyone better to illustrate my point on my behalf, thank you.

wai.gifSorry moonao but that was not a complement. Get a dictionary and look up the word don't.wai.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The Shinawatra's are all about self-interest with empty assertions about democracy & national interests.

Trouble is, many Thais do not see through the veneer presented, primarily by Thaksin.

Even, when he said the family would leave politics, it was with conditions; always playing politics with Thai people's lives.

The chaiman has spoken and everyone jumps , thats what Thaskin wishes, he vertually runs the place as a business

A crooked business I might addthumbsup.gif

All I see is 6 lines of reporting from a bias newspaper that is very short on detail.

But it's enough to get the yellows drooling.

Read the Bangkok Post you will wind up crying.

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The PTP are experts at one thing. Denying. They have had a lot of practice.

She said she won't resign. He said he will sacrifice the family. So what is it? One of them is lying? They can't both be right.

The Shins lie so much that it is expected now. It is not even questioned anymore or held to account.

So if she denies then they go back to thaksin he won't recollect what he said? His full time legal advisor will say he was misquoted? He won't admit he lied just like he won't admit guilt for his crimes.

From reading the multitude of your one dimensional posts the PTP are experts in many things.

1) Denying

2) Lying

3) Cheating

4) Corruption

5) Intimidation

6) Vote buying

are just the start of your continual ravings. Give it a rest and find something new to say.

Oh, for someone on their high horse about morals, you seem rather proud to display your loyalty to a football club that is proven to have cheated.

Oh my I take great satisfaction when one attacks me as opposed to my post. It shows they are unable to articulate a response or they quite simply agree and through frustration at being presented with uncomfortable facts (PTP's greatest enemy) attack me instead.

So who is lying? thaksin or yingluck? Both can't be telling the truth.

As for the football comment, feel free to raise an OP regarding that in the AFL section of the forum. It would be a lively debate.

Take care and hope you are able to answer the question you decided to ignore when attacking me and an AFL football team?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This one has to qualify for the all-time great Only in Thailand award.

An overseas fugitive criminal, who denies any involvement in politics, offers to remove himself and the sitting prime minister, his sister who denies being a puppet, from politics in exchange for something or other. And no one blinks an eye.

Wow! ohmy.png

So good I thought it was worth repeating.

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Is there a law against sister talking to her brother or vice versa. Get real, she gets advise from Taksin all the time. What's wrong with that? Ahbisit gets advise from Suterp who is on numerous arrest warrants. No double standard.

Nothing that's wrong, but the Shins are wanted for far more serious things that the latter pair. Was suthep and Abhisit the topic ??? I have an idea you are trying to switch the focus. You little devil.

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.[/quonote]

Now this one I see the humour in. This guy is a crack up!

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Talking would suggest a two way conversation... cheesy.gif

"Now listen here dear sister... do as you are told and don't answer back..."

You were party to the conversation were you?

you dont see humor do you..you just attack for no reason.....get a grip or a life..

I guess that when I have read the same joke a thousand times it ceases to be funny. But hey judging by the number of likes you clearly have a number of fans who still find it/ you amusing so carry on with the humour. I myself find it mind dumbingly boring and juvenile. . . mabybe because I do have a life. wai.gif

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Talking would suggest a two way conversation... cheesy.gif

"Now listen here dear sister... do as you are told and don't answer back..."

You were party to the conversation were you?

you dont see humor do you..you just attack for no reason.....get a grip or a life..

I guess that when I have read the same joke a thousand times it ceases to be funny. But hey judging by the number of likes you clearly have a number of fans who still find it/ you amusing so carry on with the humour. I myself find it mind dumbingly boring and juvenile. . . mabybe because I do have a life. wai.gif

Do what I do don't read the same joke a thousand times. My life does not allow me that kind of time.

All so no matter how many times it is told if it is a fact then it is still true.

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.

We would expect that response from you.. More useless information....hang on !! ...no information at all...just another slag off at anyone who doesn't see things the way you do. Perhaps you could do some research and come up with information about anything that this Government has accomplished in the past 3 years. Thaksin stated that he wants forgiveness etc....perhaps he could start by paying the Tax that he avoided when selling Shin Corp to the Thai Govt. Treasury....this may help in paying some of the farmers that are in deep financial mire. Yingluck could assist the Treasury by paying the Taxes she avoided when selling her shares.

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Why would anyone deny talking to their brother? With all the other sh!t she is guilty of, why would it matter?

By the way, Thaksin is Yingluck's father, but also her brother by adoption. It's one of those family things. No big deal.

Sounds like a Tasmanian thing !!

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.

We would expect that response from you.. More useless information....hang on !! ...no information at all...just another slag off at anyone who doesn't see things the way you do. Perhaps you could do some research and come up with information about anything that this Government has accomplished in the past 3 years. Thaksin stated that he wants forgiveness etc....perhaps he could start by paying the Tax that he avoided when selling Shin Corp to the Thai Govt. Treasury....this may help in paying some of the farmers that are in deep financial mire. Yingluck could assist the Treasury by paying the Taxes she avoided when selling her shares.

Usually failed or unpopular governments are removed from power by elections, something you and countless others clearly dont understand.

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.

We would expect that response from you.. More useless information....hang on !! ...no information at all...just another slag off at anyone who doesn't see things the way you do. Perhaps you could do some research and come up with information about anything that this Government has accomplished in the past 3 years. Thaksin stated that he wants forgiveness etc....perhaps he could start by paying the Tax that he avoided when selling Shin Corp to the Thai Govt. Treasury....this may help in paying some of the farmers that are in deep financial mire. Yingluck could assist the Treasury by paying the Taxes she avoided when selling her shares.

Usually failed or unpopular governments are removed from power by elections, something you and countless others clearly dont understand.

You are quite correct in what you say in your post. BUT BUT.

This PTP is not either of the 2 you mentioned in fact they are unlawful, totally corrupt in most of what they handled. so we understand.

What you do not understand is seeing sense and looking at reality.

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Northern John, apparently Basil B was trying to be funny, unless he was sitting next to Thaksin or Yingluck, then his post was not based on facts. Indeed, all accusations made about Yingluck by Sutheps follower are suppositions. I have yet to see any proof of corruption or her being controlled by her brother. I am sure if Suthep made a rant about Yingluck eating new born babies some of those posting on TV would believe it. It seems to me that some posters on TV should pay a visit to the lost property office at Suvarnabhumi airport, where they can be reunited with their brain.

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I don't see the problem with any of the statements from Thaksin, Yingluck or Noppadon. In any case they sound a lot more reasonable and thoughtful than the boneheaded, giddy reactions from their opponents.

We would expect that response from you.. More useless information....hang on !! ...no information at all...just another slag off at anyone who doesn't see things the way you do. Perhaps you could do some research and come up with information about anything that this Government has accomplished in the past 3 years. Thaksin stated that he wants forgiveness etc....perhaps he could start by paying the Tax that he avoided when selling Shin Corp to the Thai Govt. Treasury....this may help in paying some of the farmers that are in deep financial mire. Yingluck could assist the Treasury by paying the Taxes she avoided when selling her shares.

Usually failed or unpopular governments are removed from power by elections, something you and countless others clearly dont understand.

You are quite correct in what you say in your post. BUT BUT.

This PTP is not either of the 2 you mentioned in fact they are unlawful, totally corrupt in most of what they handled. so we understand.

What you do not understand is seeing sense and looking at reality.

I have spent long enough in Thailand to know that very few politicians are not corrupt . . . Infact, not just Thailand. We would all like a corruption free society, but how do you achieve it. One thing is certain though, Suthep should have no part of it.

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Talking would suggest a two way conversation... cheesy.gif

"Now listen here dear sister... do as you are told and don't answer back..."

I think you've found the technicality that would make her statement true. Like you said, she didn't actually talk to Thaksin because in only allowed to listen. Do these two really not understand that to people with even a morsel of intelligence it's very obvious she is only Thaksin's puppet?

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How would anyone know what goes on in a private tel conversation ?

Congratulations you just got trolled by the Nation

It is in the Bangkok Post also.

Congratulations you have just been trolled by your own bigotry.

Given neither paper are known for quoting sources I say again how would they know...? they dont its just press gossip.

So ill just reword it... Congratulations you just got trolled by the tabloids.

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