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Problems with AIS 3G

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Hi. Using AIS 3G as it is the only 'fast' option here in the village.

Speeds are very erratic and this morning can't even load the mobile versions of Facebook and BBC although other websites will load albeit slowly.

Anyone else experiencing similar?

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I'm guessing that everything worked acceptably until this morning?

Based on what little detail you've provided it sounds like a DNS or routing issue within the AIS core, or perhaps further upstream.

Do you have a phone? Air-card? Can you check with anyone else nearby to see if they are experiencing similar issues?

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Thanks for the quick reply.

Agree with you that its AIS issue as just tethered to my notebook and have the same issues.

Most sites load fine, some even quickly 555 but no luck with FB and BBC loads incredibly slowly.

Oh well....wait and see.

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