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German tourists sue over Turkey vacation "ruined by Islamic prayer call"


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Beats me why a German would travel to Turkey anyway... Surely there are more Turks in Germany than in Turkey.

Interested to know if ueber liberal German law permits free expression of muslim call to prayer inside Germany at any volume, because I remember that you could be arrested for hammering a nail into your condo wall on a Sunday......

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Ignorant tourists. If they did their homework properly they would have known what to expect. In my experience of German tourists they expect to be treated as special people instead of the same as others. The old 'Germanic Superiority Complex' it seems.

Rubbish,can't leave it alone can you. I noticed in a German newspaper some 10 years ago where German families asked for advice where they could go on holiday where there weren't any Brits as they were generally obnoxious and drunk so it works both ways.

The last time I was in the UK, I didn't see many traditionally British looking people. Maybe they should be advised to go to London!

I wouldn't know about that, i left the UK 40 years ago and haven't been back even for a holiday. I lived in Munich most of that time,met lots of Brit ex-pats,not one of them missed UK.

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I always found the prayer calls interesting and a fun part of my stay in Muslim countries. I don't mind the chant-style announcements and also found it interesting to watch what people did--who went, what percentage, where. All those factors and more change depending on the country. I didn't mind the morning one because I would wake up at 5AM or whatever and have a warm feeling as I knew I could sleep another few hours.

Sounds like this couple should just discover the wonders of Germany for all of their subsequent holidays.

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Before I moved here for good, I stayed at an inn here in Bangkok, next to a mosque, and I never found it disturbing. In fact, I found it pleasant, soothing...

In Nirvana,

Everything is pleasant and soothing...

Wish I could join you there....whistling.gif

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Perhaps this delightful couple will visit Thailand next time.

Surely, they could never find the slightest thing to dislike.

You never hear of farangs making any complaints about Thai life . . whistling.gif

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Ignorant tourists. If they did their homework properly they would have known what to expect. In my experience of German tourists they expect to be treated as special people instead of the same as others. The old 'Germanic Superiority Complex' it seems.

How a post with such cheap and dumb racist remarks could become popular and remain here undeleted is a miracle to me. Best jump under a Train, trainman - but before you do, I suggest you to invest a few bucks and take some extra lessons in English grammar...

Edited by catweazle
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Went to Koh Lipe. Some rough weather. Kept awake by the noise of the waves on the beach. Holiday absolutely ruined. Taking legal action to get my money back.

Went to soi cowboy. Very disturbed by the sight of clantily clad women hanging outside bars and very loudly requesting that I enter the establishment to drink. Holiday absolutely ruined. Taking legal action to get my money back.

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Some of the posts remind me to a story that happened in The Netherlands a couple of years ago.

In Tilburg the chaplain of some Roman church was forbidden to ring the bells at 7 AM daily, because it woke up the muslims living in the neighbourhood..

So in stead of ringing them at 7.00 AM, he rang them at 7.30 AM. He got arrested after complains of the muslims in the neighbourhood!!!

I have seen and heard enough the one time I was crossing the Red Sea from the south to the north. As I don't want to have any thing to do with muslims, I just don't visit muslim countries.

Edited by FredNL
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I lived in the Middle East for quite a while. The only time I ever overslept was when the loudspeaker broke one morning.

I wonder why people go to a Muslim country if you don't like the call to prayer? I wouldn't go to the Vatican if the sound of church bells bothered me.

I don't mind it when it is not amplified. It is playing it through speakers that bugs me.

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Actually, I think it's because there is just as much complaining about the UK as there is anywhere, which reminds me, this thread is about German tourists suing over their vacation in Turkey. We should try to veer the discussion back in that general direction.

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Beats me why a German would travel to Turkey anyway... Surely there are more Turks in Germany than in Turkey.

Interested to know if ueber liberal German law permits free expression of muslim call to prayer inside Germany at any volume, because I remember that you could be arrested for hammering a nail into your condo wall on a Sunday......

and when you hammer two nails on a sunday into your condo wall you are deported to Siberia where you will spend years of hard labour in an uranium mine.

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Anyone that visits a Muslim country for a holiday or to live is a nutter, steer well clear of those countries

As for the decision what <deleted> Christian Churches ring their Bells 1 DAY A WEEK on Sunday Morning not 5 TIMES A DAY EVERY DAY

Serves themselves right for going to a Muslim country I say.

Ah, I had to laugh. Can't work out if this is a poor attempt at satire or if you are just ignorant. Sadly the latter I suspect.

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Anyone that visits a Muslim country for a holiday or to live is a nutter, steer well clear of those countries

As for the decision what <deleted> Christian Churches ring their Bells 1 DAY A WEEK on Sunday Morning not 5 TIMES A DAY EVERY DAY

Serves themselves right for going to a Muslim country I say.

Ah, I had to laugh. Can't work out if this comment is a poor attempt at humour or you are just ignorant. Sadly the latter I suspect.

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I'm reminded of my religious kitsch collection, which contained the tackiest items representing many religions. The Islamic example was a made in China 'Allah Akbar' deluxe alarm clock, which had a plastic dome and minarets sprayed with gold paint. The alarm went off at an ear splitting volume that probably rivaled what the German tourists had to endure, you can still buy them on Brick lane I believe.

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I go quite often to Marrakech. Of course one hears the Mizzen all the time AND it can be irritating, but you are in a Muslim country. I wouldn't dream of complaining. The same when I go on the visa run to Penang, but I'm a bit further away thank goodness.

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I'm reminded of my religious kitsch collection, which contained the tackiest items representing many religions. The Islamic example was a made in China 'Allah Akbar' deluxe alarm clock, which had a plastic dome and minarets sprayed with gold paint. The alarm went off at an ear splitting volume that probably rivaled what the German tourists had to endure, you can still buy them on Brick lane I believe.

Better a smoked salmon bagel with cream cheese. wink.png

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I lived in the Middle East for quite a while. The only time I ever overslept was when the loudspeaker broke one morning.

I wonder why people go to a Muslim country if you don't like the call to prayer? I wouldn't go to the Vatican if the sound of church bells bothered me.

I don't mind it when it is not amplified. It is playing it through speakers that bugs me.

The Koran does not recommend the use of pressure chamber speakers, that is a fact. And today, almost everybody has a smart phone and can use the 5-times-prayer-alarm app. ( http://softadvice.informer.com/5_Time_Prayer_Azan_Alarm.html) So there is a different solution, which could be implemented in Muslim countries to support tourism. Five times the prayer call, Fajr (pre-dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), 1.5 Isha'a (night) with those speakers truly is disturbing.

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I'm lovin' this thread. Normally, a thread like this is like a red cape to a bull and the anti-Islam crowd would be out in droves, but there's less than usual of that here. I suspect it's because the "get-off-my-lawn" crowd are conflicted between their anti German feelings and their anti-Muslim feelings and may be having a deer in the headlights moment and are confused about what to post.


haha, could be. But I think there are also a lot of smart people on TV who have experience in Muslim countries (or just a well-functioning brain) who actually do understand that you shouldn't go on holiday to a country to fight its fundamental values and practices. You go there, check it out, form an opinion and learn. I do agree that this thread could have turned in a very different direction, though.

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