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Thailand Post told to 'go raise buffaloes'

Jonathan Fairfield

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Like TV Gerry I have had no problems with Thai Post over many years. They have even been good enough when I appeal against their sometimes import duty either revised it or cancelled it completely. They also provide a good service in packaging for all types of postage. I returned something to the UK last week in a moderately large box and it arrived in 4 days for a reasonable fee.

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Have they also warned their employees not to steal packages send from abroad, or letters with replacement credit cards?

You are not wrong there! I am into my 4th week waiting for my parcel sent from the UK, second one this year to go AWOL - (Sadly the company that sends from the UK do not use registered post, even though I offered to pay the extra) If you send anything to Thailand by ordinary post it is like playing the lottery!

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

If it says do not fold it usually means....DO NOT FOLD. Wondering who the arrogant dimwit is.....

Maybe they employ some ex Royal Mail Expats to deliver these type of things, I can remember a distant relative of my father that worked for the UK post 25 years ago, they would deliberately fold anything marked do not fold, deliberately drop anything marked fragile, open up all of the brown jiffy bags that usually contained adult magazines etc. just for the hell of it!

The last I heard the guy and some of his cronies had been sacked and prosecuted for stealing premium bonds - It was sad really, it practically killed his old man, who was as honest as the day was long and had worked for the Post for years after being a prisoner of war on the Burma railroad - he vouched for his son to get him the job and he brought only shame on them.

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

He should have packed it better if he knew if was so special...between a few pieces of strong cardboard.

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Have they also warned their employees not to steal packages send from abroad, or letters with replacement credit cards?

Why would you send such important documents in a letter and not by DHL ? (credit cards)

Personally, no I wouldn't. That's why I was shocked recently to see that whilst some won't even send a credit card to Thailand one UK bank sent a new one by registered mail. And my son's new Thai passport was delivered in the same way. Even worse a neighbor was allowed to signed for a registered letter a few weeks ago.

To be fair Thailand Post used to be very good and nothing ever went missing however two packages sent from home from different sources this Christmas failed to show up here. That's not to say the same thing doesn't happen everywhere in the world because in varying degrees it does.

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

I would appreciate your suggestion as to where one can find "appropriate packaging" for mailing photographs.

I have searched all the main stationers for board backed envelopes to no avail.

Mind you even the post in the UK were not adverse to folding such envelopes even though they had DO NOT BEND printed on the front.

The only solution I have found here is to make a 'sandwich' with glassine paper and cut corrugated plastic sheets to size before popping in a brown envelope.

I'm all for posts taking greater care with the post.

You can buy a small cardboard box from the post office for about 12 baht, they wont bend them, you can even buy bubble wrap to put inside the box for extra cushioning, job done.

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

The first two words look ideally self descriptive for you. Usual knobby know it all smart arse remark. You are quick to belittle the guy for complaining about very poor service. Of course a smart western gent like your good self would have arranged suitable protective packaging or even a courier.

The arrogance and patronizing attempts at wit by belittling Thais, and other Asians by some western "geniuses" displays that in-built colonial style belief of their superiority. What a fitting avatar you have chosen.

Besides, Khun Abhisit, who made the complaint, was not the sender but the recipient. He could hardly be responsible for the choice of shipping materials, especially since it was a gift. On the other hand, I do congratulate you on your English language skills since English is apparently not your mother tongue and still you had been able to read and comprehend some of the article.

Edited by tonypace02
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In four years, I received every registered or EMS mail from different places in the world ; but for normal letters from my home country in Europe, I think there are about 10 or 15 letters I never received

I don't trust thai post very much, it's maybe or not ... very bad !

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

Once again, it is YOU that is the arrogant dimwit.

No explanation required.

If you are going to make a defamatory remark you should provide explanation.

If you can't, then maybe you should engage your brain before replying to a post.

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Have they also warned their employees not to steal packages send from abroad, or letters with replacement credit cards?

I have always found the Thai post to be very reliable and honest if somewhat slow. My sister, who now lives in AUS, sent my son cash in an envelope for every one of his 6 birthdays,always reached us. If i remember rightly they even delivered post during the Bangkok flooding, i can't fault them.

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Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

Arrogant dimwit?? Seriously how difficult is it for the postal workers to not fold the envelope when it's clearly written on the package to not fold it. I suppose that you'd have the same response to packages with "Fragile" or "This Side Up" on them. Who's the real dimwit?

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edgarfriendly, on 25 Apr 2014 - 14:47, said:
Prbkk, on 25 Apr 2014 - 13:57, said:

Arrogant dimwit....all he needed to do was arrange for it to be sent with the appropriate packaging for the item and it would have be fine. Too stingy to pay the extra cost.

Once again, it is YOU that is the arrogant dimwit.

No explanation required.

Have to agree with you, the guy did the right thing by writing on the envelope, that's all that is necessary in Oz...

It ought to be sufficient. However, this is Thailand.

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There is a lot of people that could need a year of raising buffaloes. Including, but not limited to, the bigmouth currently holding Bangkok hostage.

I didn't know Thaksin had a big mouth. It does however spout a lot of <deleted> so it must be bigger than average.

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Have they also warned their employees not to steal packages send from abroad, or letters with replacement credit cards?

"Amen brother" I'd like to know the answer to that very real/significant question. I recently ordered an item from eBay. It was delivered, which prompted me to order two more items. They have no made it "through enemy lines." Guess I just "lost my head" and became confident with the success of the initial purchase. NEVER - well probably not lol - again. Sorry I have absolutely NO confidence in the Thai postal service.

Knock on wood but I've never had problems with Thai Post. I order a lot of stuff from Amazon and from Hong Kong and they've always made it through. Countless orders over the years and no problems so far. One thing I love about Thai Post is that they actually deliver EMS items on SUNDAYS also. I mean even DHL and Fedex don't do that. Bad luck for those who have had bad experience but for me, they're pretty good.

OK, it comes. If you're American, has your Social Security "Are you dead or alive?" questionaire ever come to you before the 45 day deadline was already past? Or required you to use the 600 baht EMS to get your reply in under the deadline? Just ask'n.

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Thailands mail delivery in a nutshell is not to well done especially since when I ship just a regular birthday card over here it takes 25 days to reach the destination in thailand, where as when I ship a card from here to the usa it is recieved in 8 days.

By the way never ship anything minor over here otherwise you get hit up for a Custom import Tax which is 30% plus a regular Custom tax which is 7% on top of a 7% Vat Tax, yes it is like that as I shipped a small package from usa to here and got hit up with all these lovely taxes. Thank you thailand for charging me a total of 44% in taxes. Will make sure to only bring in stuff from usa in my luggage only.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If the image is so important it should have been packed properly. Even when it wouldn't have been folded, it would still be wrinkled due to the way it is packed.

Attention seeking drama queen. The guy must be perfect himself.

Absolutely correct. It is the senders responsibility to do everything necessary to protect a valuable package or photo in this case. Many postal operations are mechanical and can inadvertantly bend or mutilate a flimsy flat envelope. Postal employess can be very rushed, tired, or inattentive to notice the warning on the envelope. The sender can place the photo between stiff cardboard or plastic divider that can resist bending and folding. I bet this guy believes that if he puts "Fragile" on a package containing glass that he thinks it will be delivered undamaged. Protect your special package.

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The photo properly packed (hardboard back cover) and sent accordingly, perhaps via EMS could have done the trick. As a Thai, he should know that any "warning" or "prohibited" sign in Thailand is virtually ignored by 99% of the Thai people. So what's the News here???

The news is the Post actually responded to his complaints and got him a new photo. Not something you'd expect in Thailand.

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Well, it is possible...

Reminds me an old joke.

A little school kid missed a day at school.

Teacher: - "Why did you miss the school yesterday?"

Kid: - "I was taking our cow to the Bull".

Teacher: - "Couldn't your father do this?"

Kid: - " Father can, but Bull does it better".

BTW, are there any qualifications needed for raising buffaloes?

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Knock on wood but I've never had problems with Thai Post. I order a lot of stuff from Amazon and from Hong Kong and they've always made it through. Countless orders over the years and no problems so far. One thing I love about Thai Post is that they actually deliver EMS items on SUNDAYS also. I mean even DHL and Fedex don't do that. Bad luck for those who have had bad experience but for me, they're pretty good.

OK, it comes. If you're American, has your Social Security "Are you dead or alive?" questionaire ever come to you before the 45 day deadline was already past? Or required you to use the 600 baht EMS to get your reply in under the deadline? Just ask'n.

Don't know about that, I'm not American. All I have to go on is my experience ordering items from overseas and locally.

As for important documents, I usually have them Fed Ex it to me.

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