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Worldwide Traffic Fatalities, put Thailand in Perspective


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It seems on ThaiVisa that all the accidents in Thailand are down to stupidity, lack of education, carelessness, lack of policing, lack of humanity etc etc, but the accidents in Western countries are, just that, accidents.

So what do you think about the other 1.2 million + deaths that do not occur in Thailand ?

Are they also down to the same reasons, are the 35000 + Deaths in the USA down to stupidity, lack of education., carelessness, lack of policing, lack of humanity etc etc.

1.4 Million Americans are arrested for DUI each year, even with the fine Police they have and great drivers , they fail miserably.

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What an inane OP. No one is suggesting all traffic fatalities in Thailand are as you describe or that fatalities don't happen in other countries but the statistics speak for themselves. Thailand has one of the worst records in the world for traffic fatalities and it makes sense to be aware of this if you don't want to be added to those statistics.

Inane ?

I have been living and driving here for over 23 years, and have driven and Biked hundreds of thousands of Kms, how about you ?

What I wanna know is this, why are the deaths in Thailand down to being stupid, and the over 1.2 Million deaths elsewhere down to accidents ?

Just remember, old men are <deleted> drivers anywhere in the world, that especially includes old Farangs who are too old to adapt to a different system in Thailand, they are a menace to society and should never get behind the wheel or sit astride a Bike again.

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What an inane OP. No one is suggesting all traffic fatalities in Thailand are as you describe or that fatalities don't happen in other countries but the statistics speak for themselves. Thailand has one of the worst records in the world for traffic fatalities and it makes sense to be aware of this if you don't want to be added to those statistics.

Inane ?

I have been living and driving here for over 23 years, and have driven and Biked hundreds of thousands of Kms, how about you ?

What I wanna know is this, why are the deaths in Thailand down to being stupid, and the over 1.2 Million deaths elsewhere down to accidents ?

Just remember, old men are <deleted> drivers anywhere in the world, that especially includes old Farangs who are too old to adapt to a different system in Thailand, they are a menace to society and should never get behind the wheel or sit astride a Bike again.

Here's your answer

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

So. I'm absurd, explain to me in simple terms.....................

If Thais are stupid when they have accidents, how about the rest of the world, are they having intelligent accidents ?

And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

So Bad, you choose to live in Thailand.

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What an inane OP. No one is suggesting all traffic fatalities in Thailand are as you describe or that fatalities don't happen in other countries but the statistics speak for themselves. Thailand has one of the worst records in the world for traffic fatalities and it makes sense to be aware of this if you don't want to be added to those statistics.

Inane ?

I have been living and driving here for over 23 years, and have driven and Biked hundreds of thousands of Kms, how about you ?

What I wanna know is this, why are the deaths in Thailand down to being stupid, and the over 1.2 Million deaths elsewhere down to accidents ?

Just remember, old men are <deleted> drivers anywhere in the world, that especially includes old Farangs who are too old to adapt to a different system in Thailand, they are a menace to society and should never get behind the wheel or sit astride a Bike again.

Lack of a helmet and driver education are the two main reasons.

Here's another answer to your question.


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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

The fast driving is not the problem.....its the slow and insecure drivers that cause the biggest problems.

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And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

That's 'cause they actually arrest them in the USA, and a few hundred baht (or the USD equivalent), or driving a nice Mercedes doesn't get them back behind the wheel on the spot.

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What an inane OP. No one is suggesting all traffic fatalities in Thailand are as you describe or that fatalities don't happen in other countries but the statistics speak for themselves. Thailand has one of the worst records in the world for traffic fatalities and it makes sense to be aware of this if you don't want to be added to those statistics.

Inane ?

I have been living and driving here for over 23 years, and have driven and Biked hundreds of thousands of Kms, how about you ?

What I wanna know is this, why are the deaths in Thailand down to being stupid, and the over 1.2 Million deaths elsewhere down to accidents ?

Just remember, old men are <deleted> drivers anywhere in the world, that especially includes old Farangs who are too old to adapt to a different system in Thailand, they are a menace to society and should never get behind the wheel or sit astride a Bike again.

Lack of a helmet and driver education are the two main reasons.

Here's another answer to your question.


I agree, do I really have to pull you tube videos from all over the world, to cement the fact that it is not only Thailand ???

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

So. I'm absurd, explain to me in simple terms.....................

If Thais are stupid when they have accidents, how about the rest of the world, are they having intelligent accidents ?

And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

So Bad, you choose to live in Thailand.

You seem to be on a racist rant.

In the west, or the US, which, incidentally, has given this country almost a billion dollars when the tsunami in a decade ago, has many more police officers on the street actively looking for drunk drivers.

That means, they pull up behind you if they suspect you of being drunk, and they are highly trained in making this analysis. They don't set up pointless check points where a taxi driver can drive you through for 200 baht.

The numbers will seem to indicate that the US is worse, but it's not. In the US the police don't take payoffs.

I can name names of people here who have paid off the police here so they can go free. These are Thai people.

Get off of your racist rant, crawl back under your rock!


Edited by roguewo
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What an inane OP. No one is suggesting all traffic fatalities in Thailand are as you describe or that fatalities don't happen in other countries but the statistics speak for themselves. Thailand has one of the worst records in the world for traffic fatalities and it makes sense to be aware of this if you don't want to be added to those statistics.

Inane ?

I have been living and driving here for over 23 years, and have driven and Biked hundreds of thousands of Kms, how about you ?

What I wanna know is this, why are the deaths in Thailand down to being stupid, and the over 1.2 Million deaths elsewhere down to accidents ?

Just remember, old men are <deleted> drivers anywhere in the world, that especially includes old Farangs who are too old to adapt to a different system in Thailand, they are a menace to society and should never get behind the wheel or sit astride a Bike again.

Here's your answer

I can find worse, not in Thailand.

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

So. I'm absurd, explain to me in simple terms.....................

If Thais are stupid when they have accidents, how about the rest of the world, are they having intelligent accidents ?

And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

So Bad, you choose to live in Thailand.

You seem to be on a racist rant.

In the west, or the US, which, incidentally, has given this country almost a billion dollars when the tsunami in a decade ago, has many more police officers on the street actively looking for drunk drivers.

That means, they pull up behind you if they suspect you of being drunk, and they are highly trained in making this analysis. They don't set up pointless check points where a taxi driver can drive you through for 200 baht.

The numbers will seem to indicate that the US is worse, but it's not. In the US the police don't take payoffs.

I can name names of people here who have paid off the police here so they can go free. These are Thai people.

Get off of your racist rant, crawl back under your rock!


Most Farangs I know drink and Drive.

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

The fast driving is not the problem.....its the slow and insecure drivers that cause the biggest problems.

Correct, if fast driving is the problem then Germany should have very high accident rates

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

So. I'm absurd, explain to me in simple terms.....................

If Thais are stupid when they have accidents, how about the rest of the world, are they having intelligent accidents ?

And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

So Bad, you choose to live in Thailand.

You seem to be on a racist rant.

In the west, or the US, which, incidentally, has given this country almost a billion dollars when the tsunami in a decade ago, has many more police officers on the street actively looking for drunk drivers.

That means, they pull up behind you if they suspect you of being drunk, and they are highly trained in making this analysis. They don't set up pointless check points where a taxi driver can drive you through for 200 baht.

The numbers will seem to indicate that the US is worse, but it's not. In the US the police don't take payoffs.

I can name names of people here who have paid off the police here so they can go free. These are Thai people.

Get off of your racist rant, crawl back under your rock!


Most Farangs I know drink and Drive.

I meet manee Thai who treats 'farangs' like stpid and trii to half fee ingish leson on sights like TV. Don't thai too me!

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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

The fast driving is not the problem.....its the slow and insecure drivers that cause the biggest problems.

Correct, if fast driving is the problem then Germany should have very high accident rates

It's not fast driving, it's not slow driving. It's when they're both happening in the same little patch of road.

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I think the driving problems are 90% due to TOTAL lack of education. As Westerners, we probably feel that much of what we know/do is common sense, but we have a lot of education, all through our lives. In the US, we have at least 6-12 months of in-class driver's ed, then we have months of in-car ed, and then we also have 1 year of driving with a permit that only allows you to drive under the guidance of other adult drivers. Then IF you pass the driving test, you start driving, and still learning.

I think we all know that the first few years of regular driving, which I did daily starting at 16, you still have a lot of learning to do. I had a few fender-benders, mostly in parking lots, due to NOT really looking well behind and around me ...and a few close calls ...those teach you a lot. But at least the other drivers around me, were mostly good, experienced drivers as well, and not doing stupid things all day and night! I must have been learning a lot als0 , from my lifetime of driving with my parents and other people, who had consistently good skills.

I can't figure out why people can't even bother to drive within the lanes/lines, what do they think they are for? But I guess, if that is all you have ever seen, everyone weaving all over the road, you think that is normal. It is also pretty shocking that Thai people often seem to feel, that we are making mistakes all over the road, by NOT doing, the same things they tend to do.

I can't tell you how many Thai people made fun of me, for looking over my shoulder, after checking mirrors ...when I changed lanes ...they just thought I was a total retard, who didn't know how to use my mirrors. Sitting down low, only checking mirrors I guess looks COOL to them. They haven't heard of the "blind spot" which I find a favorite location for most motorbikes.

Anyway, with absolutely no driving education, how are they supposed to learn? They, seem to not even be able to handle elevators or escalators without causing major bottlenecks, and we Western people, do NOT have any special education in those areas, but seem to make it flow much better of our own accord. Well, I would extend that to walking in general too!

It is pretty sad in my opinion.

Maybe, one day, the schools can do less "sports day" and "scouts" and other total BS with their time, and use it for some driver education and other basic safety education!

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119 deaths in Thailand per 100,000 vehicles per Wikipedia.

5 deaths in the UK per 100,000 vehicles per Wikipedia.

Enough said.

These figures mean nothing if you don't consider the type of vehicle.

100,000 vehicles in UK less than 2% motorbikes

100,000 vehicles in Thailand over 60% motorbikes

Of course people on motorbikes are more likely to be injured, even in relatively minor incidents, than with other types of transport.

It would be better to compare Thailand to Vietnam or Malaysia or Philippines but nobody ever does cuz they just want to Thai bash.

"the real"

'nuff said


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119 deaths in Thailand per 100,000 vehicles per Wikipedia.

5 deaths in the UK per 100,000 vehicles per Wikipedia.

Enough said.


farang000999 : with a cool headed look at facts 1

banzai99 : on racist rant 0

Facts are really a bitch to argue against....... :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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And the 1.4 Million DUI arrests in USA, is that intelligence, or stupidity, or just a bad luck percentage that are caught, you guys should really research more, the West is bad!!!!!

That's 'cause they actually arrest them in the USA, and a few hundred baht (or the USD equivalent), or driving a nice Mercedes doesn't get them back behind the wheel on the spot.

so there is no corruption in the Police in USA.....LOL hahaha

Do I really have to go to YouTube, nah, you can..

Edited by Banzai99
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^ Allow me then .

Thailand is unsafe due to a selfish, greedy, mentality that has most drivers incapapable if thinking of other's safety before their own need to get somewhere 20 seconds earlier . Me first me first me first sums it up.

Rather absurd to compare stats of 200 + million to 60 million It's called apples and oranges.

Do you choose to live here ?

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It seems on ThaiVisa that all the accidents in Thailand are down to stupidity, lack of education, carelessness, lack of policing, lack of humanity etc etc, but the accidents in Western countries are, just that, accidents.

So what do you think about the other 1.2 million + deaths that do not occur in Thailand ?

Are they also down to the same reasons, are the 35000 + Deaths in the USA down to stupidity, lack of education., carelessness, lack of policing, lack of humanity etc etc.

1.4 Million Americans are arrested for DUI each year, even with the fine Police they have and great drivers , they fail miserably.

Using those figures about 0.018% of the worlds population die every year in road traffic accidents.

Using WHO figures 0.04% of the Thai population die every year in road traffic accidents.

More than twice as likely to die in a road accident in Thailand than the rest of the world average.

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