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The Farang Is Always Guilty!


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It’s all on down in On-nut. While his girlfriend was away upcountry, khun horny farang invited not one, but two lasses around to his apartment for a round of the bedroom Olympics.

In the middle of the events her got the shock of his life when the door was unlocked and in came his girlfriend, back early to surprise him. When she saw what was going on, she smashed a bottle on his head, cutting it open. He ended up in hospital and someone called the cops.

Despite the fact that it was the farang who would appear to be the “victim” he was forced to pay 3,000 baht compensation to his girlfriend!

--Stickman Weekly 2004-03-07

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It’s all on down in On-nut. While his girlfriend was away upcountry, khun horny farang invited not one, but two lasses around to his apartment for a round of the bedroom Olympics.

In the middle of the events her got the shock of his life when the door was unlocked and in came his girlfriend, back early to surprise him. When she saw what was going on, she smashed a bottle on his head, cutting it open. He ended up in hospital and someone called the cops.

Despite the fact that it was the farang who would appear to be the “victim” he was forced to pay 3,000 baht compensation to his girlfriend!

--Stickman Weekly 2004-03-07

Well George ...admit it....fair is fair. Did the 3 k assuage her hurt feelings ?

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He is still alive with everything at the right place (at least, for now,...). 3000 Baht, small price to pay,...

A better deal by far than your old friend being fed to the duck :o

Couldn't agree more :D

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I heard that they do not feed it to the ducks or chickens anymore. Seems surgery is able to do a lot of miracles in todays day and age. I remember a newspaper article, that they were able to re-attach one after a dog had found it and chewed it up some.

The new twist is to tie it to a bunch of balloons. If you are lucky you find it in Cambodia, depending on the winds of course. You can always opt to become a she-man for the surgery is cheap in Thailand. :o

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being fed to the ducks is primarily an upcountry phenomenon where there are more duck farms around...wherein whole falangs that have pissed off their thai spouse are chopped up with the assistance of family and friends and the resulting 'feed' distributed liberally to our little quacking friends. A bit off the subject perhaps as there is no payoff to be had after this activity.

rough justice in the hinterlands of LOS...

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It’s all on down in On-nut. While his girlfriend was away upcountry, khun horny farang invited not one, but two lasses around to his apartment for a round of the bedroom Olympics.

In the middle of the events her got the shock of his life when the door was unlocked and in came his girlfriend, back early to surprise him. When she saw what was going on, she smashed a bottle on his head, cutting it open. He ended up in hospital and someone called the cops.

Despite the fact that it was the farang who would appear to be the “victim” he was forced to pay 3,000 baht compensation to his girlfriend!

--Stickman Weekly 2004-03-07

I wonder how much of that 3000 baht the girl actually got to keep ?

police snooker club subs up to date no doubt. :o

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Some months ago I accompanied a friend of mine to the police station to talk to his ex-girlfriend regarding a domestic dispute they had had. They had fallen out and at some point the girl had left his apartment and kicked the door causing some damage to it that had to be paid for. He wanted the girl to contribute something. It was a work of art the way the police dealt with this. They twisted every little detail round to make out that it was his fault and threatened him with everything from arrest, confiscation of passport, jail, kicking him out the country – just to get him to drop the matter. He stuck to his guns and eventually they said that she had to give him half the cost. I was very impressed as I think that I would have just given up and gone home and paid for it myself.

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Some months ago I accompanied a friend of mine to the police station to talk to his ex-girlfriend regarding a domestic dispute they had had. They had fallen out and at some point the girl had left his apartment and kicked the door causing some damage to it that had to be paid for. He wanted the girl to contribute something. It was a work of art the way the police dealt with this. They twisted every little detail round to make out that it was his fault and threatened him with everything from arrest, confiscation of passport, jail, kicking him out the country – just to get him to drop the matter. He stuck to his guns and eventually they said that she had to give him half the cost. I was very impressed as I think that I would have just given up and gone home and paid for it myself.

I think I'd have to say that in similar circumstances I'd have rolled over and paid it myself too. :o

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What is it about On Nut......my mate lives up there with his girlfriend and she is one fire breathing dragon as well. You would not want to cross her.......I am sure one would end up more than duck food !!

As the plastic surgeon said when asked about gender re-assignment surgery, - " a snip here and a snip there and Bob's your auntie !" :o

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What's amazing about this story is why he brought 2 gals back to his own place? Not very bright in my books...he was just begging to be caught! :o

Not too well thought out at all. Even if the girlfriend didn't sping him, she'd have still seen sufficient evidence when she got home. Thai women have great eyes for detail.

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he deserves to be smashed in the head ...

not for cheating

but for his stupidity

come on ... u know girls have radars detecting those kinda stuff ... <_<

and bringing TWO back home ... on her bed ...

that's a NO NO

Like I said, she'd have caught him out when she got home anyway. He was lucky and the duck unlucky it seems. :o

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Reminds me of one of my mates from Samui days who had an argument with his Thai g/f and she hit him in the face with a beer bottle, breaking his nose. Eventually the police turned up (which for Samui is amazing in itself) and arrested him of course, still dripping blood on their coffee table.

Funny part of the story is they drove him in the police car to the main town, Na Thon, and on the way my mate just *had* to go for a wee-wee. No problem, they stopped so he could take a leak on a piece of wasteground, but they wouldn't take off his handcuffs... So 1 of the boys in brown had to fish out his fowling piece, hold it for him, then give it a shake and put it away for him.

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I was dating a BKK girl and she tracked me down one night in Nana and spotted me all

over a mint TG and came up behind me. No words were exchaged but the TG

bolted after seeing the girlfriend. So there i am sitting alone and she winds up

and slaps me, which i deserved. I didnt block it, didnt move an inch.

SO what happens next, the security guard walks overs - takes my 1/2 full Singha

away, makes me pay up my bill


I didnt do a thing !!

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I was dating a BKK girl and she tracked me down one night in Nana and spotted me all

over a mint TG and came up behind me. No words were exchaged but the TG

bolted after seeing the girlfriend. So there i am sitting alone and she winds up

and slaps me, which i deserved. I didnt block it, didnt move an inch.

SO what happens next, the security guard walks overs - takes my 1/2 full Singha

away, makes me pay up my bill


I didnt do a thing !!

:D You were there :o and obviously guilty of something or she wouldn't have belted you.

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Now does this guy not understand Thai women or what ????? when it comes to messing around Thai men are better at it so naturally The Thai woman is pretty tuned in .....

Don't do it on your doorstep, and by the way did he not think his girlfriend would notice signs? perfume, things moved, stray hairs, gossip etc etc .....

By the way 3000 bt is pretty cheap compared to the possibilities eh guys?


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  • 2 weeks later...
By the way, if such situation happen with you farang wife, will it cost you 3000 Baht?

By the way, if such situation happen with you farang wife, will it cost you 3000 Baht?

I can, by personal experience, testify that it cost me considerabley more...and it ain't over yet.

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Guest IT Manager
By the way, if such situation happen with you farang wife, will it cost you 3000 Baht?

By the way, if such situation happen with you farang wife, will it cost you 3000 Baht?

I can, by personal experience, testify that it cost me considerabley more...and it ain't over yet.

So the nick is finally explained.


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It’s all on down in On-nut. While his girlfriend was away upcountry, khun horny farang invited not one, but two lasses around to his apartment for a round of the bedroom Olympics.

In the middle of the events her got the shock of his life when the door was unlocked and in came his girlfriend, back early to surprise him. When she saw what was going on, she smashed a bottle on his head, cutting it open. He ended up in hospital and someone called the cops.

Despite the fact that it was the farang who would appear to be the “victim” he was forced to pay 3,000 baht compensation to his girlfriend!

--Stickman Weekly 2004-03-07

I will say "som nam na" to the man, and

"na song sarn" to the girl. :o

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By the way, if such situation happen with you farang wife, will it cost you 3000 Baht?

-or reverse, if you caught your Thai GF and did the same to her, ..say not in LOS, but in the heartlands of political correctness. Would she be fined B 3000.- ?


-stupid me, I mean Dollars, not Baht

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Now does this guy not understand Thai women or what ????? when it comes to messing around Thai men are better at it so naturally The Thai woman is pretty tuned in .....

Don't do it on your doorstep, and by the way did he not think his girlfriend would notice signs? perfume, things moved, stray hairs, gossip etc etc .....

By the way 3000 bt is pretty cheap compared to the possibilities eh guys?


Ole Horny wasn't too bright methinks. Even if she didn't turn up,Thai chicks have very sharp eyes.

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My GF and I once visited a mate of mine in Bangers while his wife was up-country. We stayed in his condo for about 10 minutes before we went out to dinner.

Later that night my GF told me that she could tell that my mate had had a girl in his place.

These girls can see things that us blokes wouldn't.

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