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Mobi’s - The New Bar on Lake Mabprachan


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Let him do what he wants to do. If the mods don't have a problem with it, why should the strap hangers?

I have enough strength of mind to not read something I don't have any interest in. Others might consider developing a little more will power to avoid unpleasant, to them, threads.

I read Mobi's thread and enjoy it and I live some 650 kilometers north of his establishment. I previously lived in Pattaya for 20 years and still own a home there.

If/when I return for a visit, I am certain I will be a customer of Mobi's simply for the entertainment factor.

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Mobi? Mobi's?

I'm a little confused...

You have 2 usernames, first i thought: right, it's bec he is a sponsor now and is promoting his business and Mobi's contributions could be given by anybody working for Mobi's, but now, you are exclusively posting under your "private" handle Mobi... why is that?

It would look more professional using your sponsor account for your business related posts; what's it with maintain 2 accounts?

Yes I have two user names as I was given the name 'Mobis' when I became a sponsor.

I fail to see how it matters one iota which name I use. Everyone knows who I am - whether I write as Mobi or 'Mobis'.

It just happens to be more convenient to use my original name of Mobi, which I also use on my blog/website.

I also fail to see how it would 'look more professional'....blink.png

This is a thread about a bar and it is what it is; how on earth would posting using 'Mobis' rather than 'Mobi' make it more or less professional?

If anything 'Mobi' is more the more professional of the two as 'Mobis' is not the name of the bar and the word is grammatically incorrectwink.png

nuff said.... back to bar biz

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Mobi’s new Chicken Curries and Rice

Mobi’s are pleased to announce some new additions to our modest menu.

Effective immediately, we have available three kinds of Chicken curry and rice, namely:

Ø Chicken Korma

Ø Chicken Tikka Masala

Ø Chicken Madras.

Each dish contains 300 grams of chunky Indian curry along with a generous plate of top quality, jasmine Thai rice, (‘khao Hom Mali’), all at the give-away price of 120 baht per serving.

We tried out our new dish out on a couple of our regulars last night and the feedback - no pun intended - was that it was delicious and filled their stomachs very nicely.

These new curries, along with our existing snack menu of Jumbo Hot Dogs, French Fries and Chicken Nuggets are available at Mobi’s from 1 pm until 11.45 pm daily.

If our curries prove to be a hit, then we will expand our curry menu further.

At 35 baht for French Fries, 35 Baht for Jumbo Hot dogs, 50 baht for Chicken Nuggets and now 120 baht for chicken curries, I think you will agree that our ‘drinking foods’ are at bargain prices that are unlikely to be matched elsewhere.

We hope to see you there soon…..

Finally a reason to stop in...couldn't care less about the strumpets, or the "footie," or the cold beers...but some decent eats sounds like a winner.

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Many thanks to all those who have written kind words in support of my thread, I really do appreciate it and it leaves me ‘speechless’….

But not for long….smile.png

As has been pointed out, this is a Sponsor’s thread and I will keep going as long as I am allowed to.

There is absolutely no compunction on anyone to read this thread if they have no interest in it, and indeed, there are many forums and threads on Thai Visa which I do not personally read for that reason.

I am still getting new ‘views’ every day and the current number stands at 21,368 with 350 posts, so for me it is still very worthwhile to keep the thread going.

As for the thread getting tired – well I’m sorry of some feel like that as I try to keep it fresh by reporting the progress of my business and any new innovations that happen to occur, (like the new chicken curries), and also relate accounts- good and bad - of events that occur at the bar from time to time.

Indeed, I failed to post on a single day recently and immediately received PM’s asking if I was OK….

I really fail to see why anyone should feel that it smacks of desperation or has anything to do with pride – I am trying to promote a business, pure and simple, If all the regular posters have seen it, then all well and good – but what about the new posters? They are joining Thai Visa every day.

As someone has already stated, I also write a weekly blog, with similar content, (www.mobithailand.com) and to date there has been no less than 200,000 genuine blog hits and my daily ‘click’ rate has never been higher, ever since the main content of my blog has been about the bar and tales pertaining thereto.

Finally, I can say with absolute certainty that if it wasn’t for Thai Visa and my blog, I wouldn’t have a business, as by far and away the majority of customers have been ‘enticed’ there through those two sources of promotion.

For me, it has been money well spent and at the end of this month I intend to renew my sponsorship.

Says a few interesting things about the average T-V reader then...at least the ones reading the Pattaya sub-forum.

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The trials and tribulations of running a Bar on the Darkside

I must admit that since the grand wedding/opening party last Friday, business has been somewhat slow.

June business was 50% up on May business, but so far this month, apart from the party night, it has not been going very well at all.

I know Mobi's is not the only one that is suffering from lack of business, and my few remaining customers tell me that just about every bar on the Darkside is very quiet at the moment. I guess it is a combination of many residents heading back to Europe for the summer and the effects of the World Cup, as many are staying at home to watch the football.

A long time successful bar owner - whose opinion I respect - told me last night that July through September are really bad months for the bar business and he reckons that up to 50% of the Darkside residents are making trips back to their home countries at this time of year. He told me that I will have to hang on until October before things get going again.

I hope he is wrong but know in my heart that he is probably correct. After all, I knew the first six months would be a struggle when I opened the bar.

Every night I sit in the bar - occasionally devoid of a single customer - and try to figure out what it is that makes a customer go into one bar rather than another.

Many have told me it is all down to the girls. Well we now have 9 girls, most of whom are under 24, and they are all pretty, extremely friendly, without being pushy. They will never ask a customer to buy them a drink and are only too pleased to sit next to them and chat unless the customer(s) indicates he(they) want to be alone.

Every customer who enters our bar gets a warm welcome when they arrive, receives solicitous attention while there, and a friendly good bye when they leave. Most will receive a personal welcome from ‘yours truly’ which is often followed up with a friendly chat, should they seem to want it.

The music is played at a tolerable volume level and is mainly from the 1940’s through the early 2000’s - both pop and jazz/swing. However, I also try to tailor the music to the age and tastes of the customers and occasionally we have a bit of a rave up to the latest pop hits (excluding hip hop) and also sometimes watch live pop concerts.

One night I had an old-ish group in and was playing some jazz when they arrived. I wasn’t sure what kind of music they might appreciate and switched to ‘bluegrass’. Then one of them asked me for some Bee Gees and I played an entire live concert for them which went down extremely well.

On another occasion I played the ‘Concert for George’ which was staged in memory of George Harrison after he died, and included everybody who was anybody (including 2 Beatles) .This concert proved to be so popular that the customers stayed until after 1 am to see the concert’s conclusion.

We have also played full live concerts by Neil Diamond, Simon & Garfunkel, Michael Bublé, Frank Sinatra, Witney Houston and many more.

So we try to cater for all manner of music tastes.

Then there is the food. We have a simple but very cheap menu of jumbo hotdogs, chips, chicken nuggets and now, chicken curry. Many have asked me how on earth I can make a profit at the low prices I charge and the answer is that I’m not in the catering business and I have no desire to get rich on selling meals.

The whole idea is to keep my customers there when they get a little hungry, and hope that the snacks and curries will tide them over and that they will stay a little longer and spend more money on drinking.

In other words, it is an extra service that I am providing.

Then there is the sport. I have been showing the EPL, Formula 1 and two grand slam tennis tournaments live and I hope to extend the sports coverage in the future, to include some of the golf and Rugby world cup matches when they are played in our time zone.

So you would think with all these little ‘extras’ that I might have a slight edge over my rivals.

Well, on some days this has been true, but on others – the next bar but one in particular has more than outdone us on customers, and even the next door bar is occasionally the chosen ‘drinking hole’ for some punters, rather than sampling the delights that can be found in Mobi’s. (Although there is little doubt that they are hurting even more than us.)

So it is good luck to them and I wish them well in their endeavours, but it doesn't stop me wondering why a particular customer chooses to go in one bar rather than another.

The reasons for this are undoubtedly great and variable.

For example: ‘Bar loyalty’, close ‘friendships’ with a particular girl, or maybe with the bar owner, a dislike of Mobi and what he represents, ignorance as to what ‘delights’ can be found in Mobi’s (as they have never sampled them), and so on and so forth.

Parking is definitely an issue. Mobi’s has parking space for about 5 cars, whereas the two adjacent bars only have enough space for 2 cars each. You would think that would give Mobi’s the edge, but what happens in practice is that many customers park in the large public area alongside the 3rd bar and then take a short walk back to the bars.

The first bar they reach is the next bar but one to mine, then to the next door bar, and finally to Mobi’s. In other words, they have to ‘run the gauntlet’ of two other bars to get to Mobi’s, and suffer the indignity of enquiring ‘looks’ and welcoming shouts from the girls working at the two other bars as they pass.

Many will cave in and enter one of those, even if their original intention was to come and visit Mobi’s. I know this because some customers have subsequently told me.

Inadvertently upsetting customers is another business hazard.

I know that I have probably lost at least three of my regular customers since I started - all on the evening of last week’s party

The first, a gentleman who used to come in most days but absented himself during the World Cup, kindly came in on the night of the party, drank for a couple of hours and then departed in high dudgeon.

Before he left, he came over to me, shook my hand and said: “That’s it! I’m done” , before quickly exiting the bar. I could tell he was upset but had no idea of the reason until I asked Lek who told me that that she had mistakenly told him the wrong amount to pay.

I had a quick look at the till and saw immediately that she had keyed in the wrong’s customers running bill which was still being displayed. The customer had stormed out, leaving the correct amount of money in his bill pot.

I have no idea how to contact him to apologise for the mix –up and am resigned to losing him as a customer. The incident occurred when there was still a big crowd in the bar and my inexperienced cashier, (Lek), made an error. Mistakes were bound to happen, but unfortunately I wasn't on hand in sufficient time to put matters right, and the customer just assumed we were trying to rip him off.

Then there was the farang/Thai couple – both regulars at my bar, (and long-time friends) - who decided to have a row at my party, which was not an uncommon occurrence for these particular two ‘lovers’.

The farang stormed off leaving his Thai girlfriend ‘stranded’. She then started crying and one thing led to another before long many of my remaining guests became involved in trying to comfort the girl, who by this time was quite inebriated.

I needed all this like a hole in the head.

This was supposed to be a happy wedding/opening party, but two of my friends had turned it into a drunken fracas, dragging in Lek and my staff in trying to calm things down. Just when it looked like the drunken girl had agreed to take a lift home with a friend, she inexplicably took a violent lunge at one of my girls and all hell was let loose.

I won’t bore you with the resultant mayhem, but it succeeded in turning our happy little evening into a bit of a nightmare.

By this time we had closed the bar but the girl still refused to home and her friend came and asked me if she could buy her drink while she was waiting for her friend to calm down and go home with her.

I’m afraid I was a little angry – after all, she had ruined the end of my party – and I told the girl’s friend in no uncertain terms that this wasn’t the first time her friend had made trouble (which is true) and I was fed up with it.

Of course my angry remarks were fed back to the drunken girl friend the next day and now Mobi’s is off the list of their places to drink at.

The other day I ran into them in another bar and they wouldn't even say hello to me……

Apart from upsetting the customers – and it is always going to happen - trying to figure out what makes a customer go into one particular bar rather than another, and what might persuade him come into Mobi’s is probably an impossible task.

I just have to keep on what I am doing – as I have received very little criticism that I am doing anything wrong – and hope that over time things gradually improve.

This doesn't mean that I am in any complacent with how the bar is being run and I welcome any practical suggestions that may help improve my business.

I always said I would give it 6 months, and I am fully dedicated to that end, so I will see where I am, come the end of October.

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Live Sport at Mobi’s this Weekend

Saturday, 5 July

Wimbledon Tennis - Women’s Final

7 pm local time

Bouchard (CAN)


Kvitova (CZE)

Formula 1

7 pm: Qualifying


Sunday, 6th July

Wimbledon Tennis - Men’s Final

7 pm local time

Djokovic (SER)


Federer (SUI)

Formula 1

7 pm: Main Race

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With all the apparent drunks and hysterical females in the place, your bar doesn't really sound like a place I would fancy. The fact I don't give a wit about sports is another. As for the dek serves and their overtime work, it's the same...no interest. I think you've already pointed out your main problem...they're already lots and lots of bars with music, sports, and cheap eats on the Darkside so your place isn't unique. You have 3/4 bars in your little strip there alone you're competing with. However, for me personally, the past couple weeks it' seems to have gotten even hotter than April/May, if that's even possible, so I confine my trips out of my aircon house to the bare minimum. I would imagine that's a. If issue for many and not much you can do about that for a few more months. However, like I said before, the curry is a draw for me and I hope to get in there soon for a feed.

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from personal experience the (home made) curries are excellent and great value. Even the 'vindaloo', should Mobi choose to serve that too, is not butt burning but highly flavoursome

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With all the apparent drunks and hysterical females in the place, your bar doesn't really sound like a place I would fancy. The fact I don't give a wit about sports is another. As for the dek serves and their overtime work, it's the same...no interest. I think you've already pointed out your main problem...they're already lots and lots of bars with music, sports, and cheap eats on the Darkside so your place isn't unique. You have 3/4 bars in your little strip there alone you're competing with. However, for me personally, the past couple weeks it' seems to have gotten even hotter than April/May, if that's even possible, so I confine my trips out of my aircon house to the bare minimum. I would imagine that's a. If issue for many and not much you can do about that for a few more months. However, like I said before, the curry is a draw for me and I hope to get in there soon for a feed.

I have to agree, I can not be arsed with drunks or stupid hysterical females if I have come out for a quiet cold un', also what does hold me back is, I can not do with the heat, I dont mind if there is a nice breeze but to be honest I will wait for it to get cooler, if after 6 months its still there/ I wish Mobi well and I know hes trying his best but , when I come out for a beer I want it stress free!

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double post for some reason

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Not sure whether I would get along with Mobi or not. He writes a lot and what he writes fills in a few minutes quite well. He and I are not really alike but one thing we both have in common is that what you see is what you get. I value that in people. Too many people here are trying to be something they are not. One thing for sure is that if I ever get down there I will call in and see him. It would be nice to put a face on someone I have seen here so often.

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With all the apparent drunks and hysterical females in the place, your bar doesn't really sound like a place I would fancy. The fact I don't give a wit about sports is another. As for the dek serves and their overtime work, it's the same...no interest. I think you've already pointed out your main problem...they're already lots and lots of bars with music, sports, and cheap eats on the Darkside so your place isn't unique. You have 3/4 bars in your little strip there alone you're competing with. However, for me personally, the past couple weeks it' seems to have gotten even hotter than April/May, if that's even possible, so I confine my trips out of my aircon house to the bare minimum. I would imagine that's a. If issue for many and not much you can do about that for a few more months. However, like I said before, the curry is a draw for me and I hope to get in there soon for a feed.

I have to agree, I can not be arsed with drunks or stupid hysterical females if I have come out for a quiet cold un', also what does hold me back is, I can not do with the heat, I dont mind if there is a nice breeze but to be honest I will wait for it to get cooler, if after 6 months its still there/ I wish Mobi well and I know hes trying his best but , when I come out for a beer I want it stress free!

There has been one instance in over two months of Mobi's trading of girls being drunk in my bar, and at no time were they hysterical nor did they bother the customers.

Even the slight problem I have written about at the end of my party was never hysterical and didn't bother anyone except me and my staff as the customers had all gone home.

All other accounts of drunken behaviour and hysterical women occurred in the bar adjacent to mine.

People who come to Mobi's are all assured of a quiet, very cold beer. If anything happens to disturb them, as on the night one of them had had his car kicked by THE GIRL IN THE NEXT BAR , I paid his bill, even though it wasn't our fault.

So I would be very grateful if you could get your facts correct before writing adverse comments, as people might jump to the wrong conclusion.

To my knowledge, there is no bar offering food at our prices and not many offering sport.

it is so easy to rubbish a bar that is trying hard to be different... how about offering a bit of POLITE and constructive advice?

PS my response is directed at OMG, BUT lemel's response shows how destructive posts like OMG's can be.

Edited by Mobi
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Tonight we are enjoying our best night since the party a week ago....

We have sold 6 curries tonight and the comments were all very positive.

I don't think the increase in customers it is in response to my post this afternoon... just the vagaries of the bar biz I guess...

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With all the apparent drunks and hysterical females in the place, your bar doesn't really sound like a place I would fancy. The fact I don't give a wit about sports is another. As for the dek serves and their overtime work, it's the same...no interest. I think you've already pointed out your main problem...they're already lots and lots of bars with music, sports, and cheap eats on the Darkside so your place isn't unique. You have 3/4 bars in your little strip there alone you're competing with. However, for me personally, the past couple weeks it' seems to have gotten even hotter than April/May, if that's even possible, so I confine my trips out of my aircon house to the bare minimum. I would imagine that's a. If issue for many and not much you can do about that for a few more months. However, like I said before, the curry is a draw for me and I hope to get in there soon for a feed.

I have to agree, I can not be arsed with drunks or stupid hysterical females if I have come out for a quiet cold un', also what does hold me back is, I can not do with the heat, I dont mind if there is a nice breeze but to be honest I will wait for it to get cooler, if after 6 months its still there/ I wish Mobi well and I know hes trying his best but , when I come out for a beer I want it stress free!

There has been one instance in over two months of Mobi's trading of girls being drunk in my bar, and at no time were they hysterical nor did they bother the customers.

Even the slight problem I have written about at the end of my party was never hysterical and didn't bother anyone except me and my staff as the customers had all gone home.

All other accounts of drunken behaviour and hysterical women occurred in the bar adjacent to mine.

People who come to Mobi's are all assured of a quiet, very cold beer. If anything happens to disturb them, as on the night one of them had had his car kicked by THE GIRL IN THE NEXT BAR , I paid his bill, even though it wasn't our fault.

So I would be very grateful if you could get your facts correct before writing adverse comments, as people might jump to the wrong conclusion.

To my knowledge, there is no bar offering food at our prices and not many offering sport.

it is so easy to rubbish a bar that is trying hard to be different... how about offering a bit of POLITE and constructive advice?

PS my response is directed at OMG, BUT lemel's response shows how destructive posts like OMG's can be.

Re the girl at your party, didn't I read that customers were trying to comfort her or words to that affect? I don't go out to bars to interact with drunk girlfriends who have just had a row with their partner. I assume the row itself was also a noisy affair as well. In fact, If I have misunderstood your musings my apologies. However, now you have given me additional worries about the safety of my car. I really have to ask, because I really don't go out to the little bars that dot the Darkside much, is this what one can expect...some strumpet (likely drunk) takes a whack at ones car for some perceived slight or indignity? It seems to be a rowdy environment and not the quiet and fun place you are always promoting.

And a question. Is Mobis completely open-air or is there an enclosed air-con section as well? From the photos, it appears to be open air only.

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With all the apparent drunks and hysterical females in the place, your bar doesn't really sound like a place I would fancy. The fact I don't give a wit about sports is another. As for the dek serves and their overtime work, it's the same...no interest. I think you've already pointed out your main problem...they're already lots and lots of bars with music, sports, and cheap eats on the Darkside so your place isn't unique. You have 3/4 bars in your little strip there alone you're competing with. However, for me personally, the past couple weeks it' seems to have gotten even hotter than April/May, if that's even possible, so I confine my trips out of my aircon house to the bare minimum. I would imagine that's a. If issue for many and not much you can do about that for a few more months. However, like I said before, the curry is a draw for me and I hope to get in there soon for a feed.

I have to agree, I can not be arsed with drunks or stupid hysterical females if I have come out for a quiet cold un', also what does hold me back is, I can not do with the heat, I dont mind if there is a nice breeze but to be honest I will wait for it to get cooler, if after 6 months its still there/ I wish Mobi well and I know hes trying his best but , when I come out for a beer I want it stress free!

There has been one instance in over two months of Mobi's trading of girls being drunk in my bar, and at no time were they hysterical nor did they bother the customers.

Even the slight problem I have written about at the end of my party was never hysterical and didn't bother anyone except me and my staff as the customers had all gone home.

All other accounts of drunken behaviour and hysterical women occurred in the bar adjacent to mine.

People who come to Mobi's are all assured of a quiet, very cold beer. If anything happens to disturb them, as on the night one of them had had his car kicked by THE GIRL IN THE NEXT BAR , I paid his bill, even though it wasn't our fault.

So I would be very grateful if you could get your facts correct before writing adverse comments, as people might jump to the wrong conclusion.

To my knowledge, there is no bar offering food at our prices and not many offering sport.

it is so easy to rubbish a bar that is trying hard to be different... how about offering a bit of POLITE and constructive advice?

PS my response is directed at OMG, BUT lemel's response shows how destructive posts like OMG's can be.

Re the girl at your party, didn't I read that customers were trying to comfort her or words to that affect? I don't go out to bars to interact with drunk girlfriends who have just had a row with their partner. I assume the row itself was also a noisy affair as well. In fact, If I have misunderstood your musings my apologies. However, now you have given me additional worries about the safety of my car. I really have to ask, because I really don't go out to the little bars that dot the Darkside much, is this what one can expect...some strumpet (likely drunk) takes a whack at ones car for some perceived slight or indignity? It seems to be a rowdy environment and not the quiet and fun place you are always promoting.

And a question. Is Mobis completely open-air or is there an enclosed air-con section as well? From the photos, it appears to be open air only.

From what I can recall, the chap had his car smashed up as it was parked outside the bar next door, that was it.

You may get into a scrap at Mobi's, you may be witness to others scrapping and arguing and you may have your motor smashed up, but at the end of the day all advertsing is good avertising as far as I'm concerned. Mobi has not at any time denied any of these happenings at his fine establishment, so you go there at your own peril and you may neeed to keep your wits about you.

Be careful out there.

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You have never been to Mobi’s yet you continue to try and pick ‘holes’ in my thread musings and distort what I say to somehow prove to the readers that the bar is not worth visiting.

My I respectfully request that you desist and find some other target to try and put out of business.

For the record:

The incident at last week’s party occurred after all the customers had left, save the girl’s friend who was waiting to take her home. As previously stated, we had closed and were cashing up at the time.

The incident with the lady and the car was a ‘one off’, happened some 6 weeks ago and did not involve any staff from my bar. The damage to the car was so slight that it couldn’t even be seen in dark – so it could hardly qualify as having his car ‘smashed up’. (He even refused any compensation payment that the cops were trying to extract from the girl).

The lady in question was arrested and the bar she worked at was closed for the night and all the staff were taken to the police station.

I very much doubt whether such an incident will re-occur and neither do any of the customers – including the gentleman whose car was kicked - who continue to park their cars outside the bars daily.

I am quite sure that you could talk to any bar owner in Pattaya and he will tell you of similar – if not worse – tales, but mine simply get told on this thread and thus become public knowledge.

Then you read my reports, in which I tell it the way it happened – good and bad - and then throw them back in my face and try to show that these incidents make my bar a bad place to visit, instead of coming to see for yourself what a happy, peaceful place it is with cold beer and the cheapest food in Pattaya.

Edited by Mobi
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Been in several times, not had my car smashed up, not seen or had a punch up. Guess must go at the wrong times. But did have nice cold cider at very nice happy hour price.


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I am just a lurker here, but i do enjoy keeping up with this thread. I appreciate the candor and it is interesting to me to read the ups and downs of trying to succeed as a bar owner in that part of town. It is also amusing to read the couple of surly detractors who for some reason either are doing their best to scuttle a little bar via obvious distortions of what is written, or perhaps they really do have an issue with reading comprehension. Either/or, it is entertaining.

I will be in Patts this August, and would like to visit Mobi's, but I am not sure what the cost would be for mototaxi and how long it would take (from Soi Chaitapoon).

If I do go, I will certainly 'keep my wits about me' wink.png

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I must say that I have enjoyed reading Mobi's updates here on Thaivisa from his initial request to of what to call his bar to the latest news about his marriage etc.

There are not many people in this world who would be so frank and open about their business and ask for suggestions and comments both good and bad. There are already many issues with running a bar here in Thailand and Mobi has laid himself open to ridicule from the Members here on Thaivisa. Mobi has let us have an insider's view to all the happenings inside his bar, some quite personal, for that I admire him.

I would like to wish him the best of luck with his bar, I sincerely hope that he can last through the current "low season".

As far as I am aware I have never met Mobi and as yet I have not yet frequented Mobi's. The next time I venture down to Pattaya I will make a point of visiting Mobi's and hope to meet the man himself.

Chok dee Mobi

Thank you kind sir,

It is posts like yours that make the whole effort worthwhile.

I hope to meet you one day and buy you a cold beer....

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I really fail to see what's not to like about this thread. It's the only one in the Pattaya section that I read every day. Still haven't been to visit but one day soon I really must.

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Mobi's area bars are not high risk of anything but chilling out in the heat. As I commented, my other half does not really let me out, but as a local resident with plenty of friends in the area. I know it well. If someone got their car kicked or vandalized, it was a very rare incident around the lake and could have happened even in a gated village if the wrong drunk decided to do something stupid. I would not consider any of the lakeside bars threatening in any way.

But, there are occaisonal trouble makers in the safest of areas. Some show up with a seeming sense of humour but then turns out they have none, or they are over emotional from too much drink possibly mixed with a few pills. Happens sometimes, but not on a regular basis around the lake.

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I am not a moderator but forum rules are quite clear about derogatory comments of all kinds ....

Oops the post I was referring to was just deleted ....

Maybe you spoke too soon biggrin.png

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