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Mobi’s - The New Bar on Lake Mabprachan

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Mobi, as you say "only in Thailand". It must have been quite an evening!

I admire you for writing about such personal issues for "the world and his wife" to read.

It is hard enough being in the Public eye running a bar/pub/restaurant etc, but to write about it daily on a public forum is incredibly hard and leaves you open to all kinds of ridicule, abuse and negative comments.

I seriously "take my hat off to you", there are not many people who could be so open about their lives, respect.

I would not be surprised If in the future you have written a bestseller and/or featured in a movie about your eventful life.

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Mobi is a legend around the lake, t's nigh time some here started to show him the respect that he has earnt and deserves.

nigh time indeed


Although not as good as Monday, we nevertheless did a fair amount business last night for which I am very grateful, considering that most Lakeside bars were as ‘dead as a dodo.’

Remarkably, my ex-wife made a return visit and stayed for several hours with table full of her friends. This time she was in a more subdued mood but once again they seemed to enjoy the music and ambience that Mobi’s had to offer.

In addition, some of the ‘regulars’ were back from their trip to Kanchanaburi, along with other returnees and even one or two newbies.

Our customers continue to tell us that we are doing everything right and to stick at it. We are assured that our list of regulars will slowly grow. I hope they are right.

In the meantime…..

Mobi's are continuing to show the British Open Golf from The Royal Liverpool and there is live coverage from 3 pm until closing time.

So why not pop along and follow the leaders on Day 2 and imbibe a few ice cold beers?


Weekend Sport at Mobi’s


At the Royal Liverpool; 19-20 July, 2014

From 3 pm. Sat/Sun (to close)


From Hockenheim, Germany

Qualifying: Sat,19 July, 7 pm

Race: Sun, 20th July, 7 pm.

Come and join the fun.


Business at Mobi's this past week has continued to surprise me, starting from the resumption of activities after the 2-day Buddhist holiday, last Sunday, through to last night, (Friday.)

Last Sunday was one of our best nights since we opened and every day since we have been doing consistent business, including last night when the customers kept coming, despite the fact that there was at least one large bar party offering free food further around the lake.

I guess Mobi's must be doing something right.

Our mix of good quality music, (on a more than acceptable sound system), extremely welcoming and friendly service, (whether or not the customers desire the company of one or more of Mobi's ladies), and our ever expanding menu of bar snacks and some 'proper' food seems to click with many,who show their approval by returning time and time again.

On the food front, an increasing number of our regulars are ordering a chicken curry to take with them for a late night meal at home. The curries contains large, tender chunks of chicken and a large bowl of top quality Thai rice; and at 120 baht they are a real bargain.

The new addition of Spring rolls (6 for 80 baht, cut in half to provide 12 pieces) is also proving popular either for the single drinker to fill up a 'hole in his stomach' or to share amongst a small group looking to stave off their hunger pangs.

This consistent business is particularly gratifying considering the fact they we are well into the 'low season', and most bars are struggling to attract a single customer.

Good news for all those single guys out there, (and some married ones as well...), we are happy to report that our distaff staff numbers will be swelled by new arrivals over the coming days.

Come on over and give Mobi's a try - I guarantee a warm welcomesmile.png


Business at Mobi's this past week has continued to surprise me, starting from the resumption of activities after the 2-day Buddhist holiday, last Sunday, through to last night, (Friday.)

Last Sunday was one of our best nights since we opened and every day since we have been doing consistent business, including last night when the customers kept coming, despite the fact that there was at least one large bar party offering free food further around the lake.

I guess Mobi's must be doing something right.

Our mix of good quality music, (on a more than acceptable sound system), extremely welcoming and friendly service, (whether or not the customers desire the company of one or more of Mobi's ladies), and our ever expanding menu of bar snacks and some 'proper' food seems to click with many,who show their approval by returning time and time again.

On the food front, an increasing number of our regulars are ordering a chicken curry to take with them for a late night meal at home. The curries contains large, tender chunks of chicken and a large bowl of top quality Thai rice; and at 120 baht they are a real bargain.

The new addition of Spring rolls (6 for 80 baht, cut in half to provide 12 pieces) is also proving popular either for the single drinker to fill up a 'hole in his stomach' or to share amongst a small group looking to stave off their hunger pangs.

This consistent business is particularly gratifying considering the fact they we are well into the 'low season', and most bars are struggling to attract a single customer.

Good news for all those single guys out there, (and some married ones as well...), we are happy to report that our distaff staff numbers will be swelled by new arrivals over the coming days.

Come on over and give Mobi's a try - I guarantee a warm welcomesmile.png

Best bar on the lake. No doubt.


Mobi, as you say "only in Thailand". It must have been quite an evening!

I admire you for writing about such personal issues for "the world and his wife" to read.

It is hard enough being in the Public eye running a bar/pub/restaurant etc, but to write about it daily on a public forum is incredibly hard and leaves you open to all kinds of ridicule, abuse and negative comments.

I seriously "take my hat off to you", there are not many people who could be so open about their lives, respect.

I would not be surprised If in the future you have written a bestseller and/or featured in a movie about your eventful life.

Been there done that, but it is only a 'seller' - not a 'bestseller' unless you guys feel like helping me outsmile.png

You can buy from Amazon from either of the links below (UK or Worldwide)



The comments and reviews I have received have been overwhelmingly positive, and if you think I have laid myself 'bare' in the annals of Thai Visa, then you ain't seen nothing until you read 'A Lust For Life'

I'm still awaiting an offer for the film rights....blink.png

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Today's Sport at Mobi’s


From 3 pm. to close)


Race starts at 7 pm.

Come and join the fun.


Mobi’s "Tales from a Barfly"

I guess we should call it “Crazy Saturday”.

We had a few customers trickling in during yesterday afternoon, but nothing to get too excited about. Amongst this number was a very friendly German gentleman who insisted in telling everyone that he was ‘ting tong’ (crazy).

I arrived at the bar at around 5.30 and this gentleman insisted on shaking my hand. His English wasn't great, and what with his advanced state of inebriation, it was quite difficult to figure out what he was saying. Anyway, I congratulated him on his nation’s World Cup victory, and his eyes immediately lit up and he ordered another round of drinks.

By the looks of him I wouldn’t mind betting he hasn’t been sober since Germany won the final.

Anyway, he was pretty harmless and genial and as afternoon turned to evening he became our sole customer.

The bar remained quiet until around 9. pm when a few customers came and went, including a ‘newbie’ who told me he had recently retired as a police dog handler for the Ministry of Defence back in Blighty.

We had an interesting conversation as a few more customers drifted in.

It then became apparent that the German gentleman was so pissed out of his mind that he could barely stand let alone ride his motorbike back home. He kept assuring us he was ‘OK’ and he was ‘Ting Tong’.

Lek decided that the best thing to do was to drive him home in our car and have her aunt follow along behind with his motorbike.

Seemed like a good plan except….. as soon as they left, more customers arrived and we had no staff to work the cash till. (These duties are shared between Lek and her aunt).

Anyway, we were able to serve the drinks (without bills) and waited for the two-some to return.

Sure enough, 15 minutes later they returned, but to my shock and horror- so did the drunken German!

He couldn’t remember where he lived…

Somehow, one of the girls managed to extricate his mobile phone from him and we looked at his list of contacts. One was entitled ‘Tilak’ and seemed a pretty good bet, so we called the number and to our relief she was indeed his ‘Tilak’ and told us where he lived. I was a bit disappointed that Tilak didn’t volunteer to come and take him home.

Unfortunately, by this time, he refused to go home again and insisted on ordering another beer.

‘I’m Ok… I can walk home…. I’m Ting Tong…’ he kept mumbling at us, in between shaking our hands.

An hour later, we decided we had to take him home before he passed out and became even more of a liability, but I told Lek that we can’t have both cashiers escort him as by this time we had a sprinkling of customers – and indeed all the girls were ‘otherwise engaged’.

Believe it or not the problem was solved when my new customer – the ex-dog handler cop – volunteered to ride the bike with Lek taking the German in her car.

The ‘getting him home’ operation went off without further hitch, except that the German failed to pay his final beer bill, but never mind, we’ll keep it for his next visit – if he doesn’t expire first…..

We now have an unpaid Bill with the heading ‘German Ting-Tong’ written on it.

Time marched on and our few customers started to depart. By 11.45, there were only four left and we started to wind the night down with some slow, romantic songs.

I turned my attention to my laptop for a few moments, and behind me someone said ‘Sawadee Krap’.

‘Sawadee’ Krap’ I replied, without tuning round, as I assumed it was the last my customers leaving…

Imagine my shock when I finally turned round to discover that about a dozen well-sozzled men had suddenly taken over the bar!!!

The leader of the group – the manger from Rendezvous – came over and shook my hand and told me they had all come to pay us a visit as they had got bored drinking at the Rendezvous!!!

We had little choice but to crank up the music again, and take a chance with the cops.

It paid off, as the crowd continued to drink their heart away until nigh on 2 am, and many joined in singing the songs we were playing.

We had no problems with their bills and they all eventually made their farewells with the minimum of fuss, for which I am very grateful.

I think they really enjoyed their couple of hours at Mobi’s and maybe some of them had seen enough to come back under their own steam…

Let’s hope so.

But what a night!



Hi Mobi, first visit to your bar Saturday evening and meeting you in person. Glad I could be of assistance to your wobbly German customer. Getting him home in one piece and knowing he was safe put everyone's mind at ease. I have to say your bar is a credit to you and it's nice to know that there is a genuine concern for your visiting customers. It was a pleasure to meet your staff who were relaxed, friendly and polite. I know I said I would be back to watch the Race tonight but something Has cropped up that may curtail my visit to another time. But I will be back! Again thank you and your staff for making me feel welcome. Take care and see you soon.


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Hi Mobi, first visit to your bar Saturday evening and meeting you in person. Glad I could be of assistance to your wobbly German customer. Getting him home in one piece and knowing he was safe put everyone's mind at ease. I have to say your bar is a credit to you and it's nice to know that there is a genuine concern for your visiting customers. It was a pleasure to meet your staff who were relaxed, friendly and polite. I know I said I would be back to watch the Race tonight but something Has cropped up that may curtail my visit to another time. But I will be back! Again thank you and your staff for making me feel welcome. Take care and see you soon.


Thank you for your kind report, John.

I would also like to thank you for helping us out last night to get the drunken gentleman home in one piece. it was very kind of you.

Can you believe he is back today as though nothing had ever happened.....

Hope to see you again soon,

BTW I am writing this post as the formula 1 race is running and the bar is chok-a-block...with race enthusiasts....


This is the only bar Me and the missus only go to, usually for our after dinner drinks, and also I guess to the rendevous for karaoke nights. Reason being that the music is spot on and the atmosphere is friendly and relaxing at Mobis. Highly recommended. Best bar on the lake by far, and some amusing characters for sure (the German was very amusing).


This is the first time I have heard about your new venture Mobi. I have been out of the loop for some time.

So a very belated "GOOD LUCK' to you both



So Mr Ting Tong came back! Hope he paid his left over Bill. Did he manage to get himself home unaided this time?

Was glad to help the other night. To many times people turn their backs on others that need help of some sort. Sounds like you had a busy evening. Catch up with you soon.


This is the first time I have heard about your new venture Mobi. I have been out of the loop for some time.

So a very belated "GOOD LUCK' to you both

Hi TP, thanks very much for your good wishes. Hope all is OK with you.



A sarcastic troll comment has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf



So Mr Ting Tong came back! Hope he paid his left over Bill. Did he manage to get himself home unaided this time?

Was glad to help the other night. To many times people turn their backs on others that need help of some sort. Sounds like you had a busy evening. Catch up with you soon.

For some reason the girls forgot to ask him to pay it... grrr...

Well I guess things were a bit hectic with the F1 crowd in

Anyway, Mr Ting Tong came and went all evening, (don't ask me where he kept going), and was the last to leave at midnight under his own steam, so I guess he deserved a free beer.

I have no idea if he had any recollection of being taken home the previous evening. He made no mention of it.

So quite possibly not....


Mobi’s tales from a Barfly

Darkside’s Singha John strikes again!

Well I suppose it had to happen sooner or later… a new episode in the sorry saga of Singha John, that scourge of Mobi’s who still drinks next door and still nurses all manner of alcohol induced grudges.

I have to say he has been behaving himself for quite a while now. I have been a sly observer as he eyed our customers comings and goings, sitting forlornly alone – often the sole occupant of the bar next door.

I watched him seething inside as we made preparations for our party night, hoping against hope that no one would come and then reading in Thai visa next day that we were packed to the gunnels.

But as long as he behaved himself, I have mainly kept him out of my musings - after all, he is more to be pitied than pilloried.

But all that changed today at 6 p.m.

Earlier in the afternoon lek had put our new ‘White board" sign advertising our food on the edge of the road at one corner of our bar and our blackboard which advises our Happy Hour details, in the other corner. I should add that the black board was well within Mobi’s parking space, and effective creating a sort of barrier between Mobi’s bar and the one next to us.

Guess who parked his ancient CRV in front of the next bar, adjacent to our blackboard sign?

None other than our dear friend Singha John….

Dusk was approaching, and after since drinking since before dawn, it was time for dear old Singha John to climb into his rusty steed and seek his way home with his bleary, cataract ridden eyes.

There was all the room in the world for him to reverse his car out and onto the road for his journey home, but I guess the resentment that been had building up for the last few weeks finally exploded, and Mobi’s blackboard sign near to his car must have been like a black rag to a bull.

He manoeuvred his car onto the road, then he drove up to the sign, opened his window and gave it a mighty heave, sending it crashing to the ground. Then he gave the two finger sign at all the girls sitting in the bar along with a mouthful of obscenities.

Mobi’s empire strikes back!

Mobi One Kenobi’s dark damsels were so incensed that one of their number, a certain ‘Princess Ja’ picked up a glass of water and threw it at the departing vehicle.

Then the fun started.

The dark destroyer of blackboards has so far phoned me about 30 times and still hasn't stopped.

I have sent him a message telling him that if he has any problems then he must take it up with the owner of the bar – namely Lek – and that everyone was a witness to his drunken, disgusting behaviour.

He still refused to stop calling me, so I sent him another message :

“Actions have consequences. Dwell on this when you sober up.”

He still keeps calling, but I have no intention of listening to a drunken oaf shout obscenities down the phone at me.

Anyway it’s nothing to do with me. I don’t own the bar and I wasn't even there when the incident took place.

His ancient CRV is so full of scratches and dents that I doubt whether you could even see the damage the glass made, if there was any at all….

Even if there was some extra scratches , he fully deserved it and I’d like to see him try and get recompense from a coterie of angry bar ladies…..

Watch this space…..(assuming Darkest Vader John doesn't eliminate me in the meantime)


Problem is, Mr M, in that he believes in his sozzled mind that you were behind the "glass of water" attack, it is your truck or car that will be damaged by him in return, when he is drunk enough to have the balls to do it, and sober enough to remember that he wants to do it.

Why not get him barred from the next door venue? I'm sure with some cunning and guile you can get him to overstep the mark on their turf, or convince the wailing banshee next door that he is her enemy....


Problem is, Mr M, in that he believes in his sozzled mind that you were behind the "glass of water" attack, it is your truck or car that will be damaged by him in return, when he is drunk enough to have the balls to do it, and sober enough to remember that he wants to do it.

Why not get him barred from the next door venue? I'm sure with some cunning and guile you can get him to overstep the mark on their turf, or convince the wailing banshee next door that he is her enemy....

Very perceptive of you.

After non stop efforts to call me last night (I have counted more than 30 calls between 6 p.m and 11 p.m.) he finally left a drunken voice mail threatening to damage our cars.

I sent him one in return suggesting that we meet today and all go to the police station together to resolve it.

This morning (after he had sobered up) he sent me an sms rejecting my suggestion and once again he threatened to damage our cars.

We will report all this to the police, but of course they won't take any action until he actually does something.

But if he does....then that's a different matter...

Unfortunately, the bar next door needs his custom and I very much doubt that anything he does, short of starting a riot there - will get him banned. I have already heard him have a few loud 'verbals' there but they haven't taken any action.

Few bars around the lake will ever ban anyone as they are all desperate for business.


I have sent him a message telling him that if he has any problems then he must take it up with the owner of the bar – namely Lek – and that everyone was a witness to his drunken, disgusting behaviour.

He still refused to stop calling me, so I sent him another message :

“Actions have consequences. Dwell on this when you sober up.”

He still keeps calling, but I have no intention of listening to a drunken oaf shout obscenities down the phone at me.

You cannot reason with a drunk. Drunks are self absorbed selfish peoples. A bar owner must know this?


I have sent him a message telling him that if he has any problems then he must take it up with the owner of the bar – namely Lek – and that everyone was a witness to his drunken, disgusting behaviour.

He still refused to stop calling me, so I sent him another message :

“Actions have consequences. Dwell on this when you sober up.”

He still keeps calling, but I have no intention of listening to a drunken oaf shout obscenities down the phone at me.

You cannot reason with a drunk. Drunks are self absorbed selfish peoples. A bar owner must know this?

Yes, you are quite correct, and I try to avoid arguments with him, I just tell him the way it is.

This morning I sent him an sms:

"We have reported you to police. This is not the first time. If you touch any of our property police will arrest you and you will go to jail. Everyone saw what you did yesterday . We have many witnesses."

He replied by voice mail . He was very angry and demanded we pay for his damage and accused my 'maid' Lek, of damaging his car twice. In a previous voice mail he admitted he wasn't sure who threw the 'stone' (it was a glass) at his car....He tried to claim that his car was parked on public land , as was our sign, and he had a perfect right to push it over..... etc and so forth.

I wrote:

"Your further threats have been noted and are being passed on to the police"

He sent me an sms:

"You think I am going to let this go a second time that your maid has caused damage to my car. .....If your maid agrees to pay for the damage that she caused yesterday and on the previous occasion.....all that I did yesterday was to push a sign out of the way to enable my car to exit....If you did go to the police which I seriously doubt....I think you are pissed off because the bar is not doing as well as you expected...."

I replied:

"If you don't believe me you can go ask the police. You will get no money from anyone. And if you try to do something you will be in a lot of trouble. My wife's business is doing very well thank you. What do you know? You're too drunk and blind to go anywhere after dark. BTW, the police just love the way you talk down to Thais by calling my wife a maid. Everything you have said on my voice mail and in your sms is with police. Also BTW my wife did nothing yesterday. She had an injured leg and couldn't even walk! You can lie till the cows come home . It doesn't change what you did. It is totally irrelevant who the land belongs to. You had plenty of room to drive away but deliberately threw down our sign when it was NOT obstructing your exit. Everyone saw you and heard you. You cannot win this."

I think I may have shut him up as he has gone all quiet, now he knows that everything he says or writes will be copied and passed onto the BIB.

I wasn't bluffing, we have reported everything to the cops and I even have recordings of all his voice mails. Transcripts of his threatening sms have been handed over.

He is not at the bar today - not yet anyway - so we will see if he turns up tomorrow. It wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't find a new place to drink , but who knows? We shall see.

I really didn't seek this fight. He started it all with his loud and abusive behaviour towards me at no provocation from my side before the bar was even open. He was immediately banned and he has born a grudge ever since.

Ah well,, at least life is never dull....

Bring em' on, the forces of right will prevail and the combined powers of Mobi one kenobi's Dark damsels will surely triumph in the end .....


Mobi's are delighted to announce three new additions to our female staff.


Here's an almost full compliment - two were absent on 'knicker-washing' duties....

Come and check us out....


Just get a CCTV Cam installed pointing to the space outside of your Bar (but dont tell him).

Yes that is a good idea, I had thought of it before but put it to one side when he seemed to be behaving himself.

I'll look into it....


I have sent him a message telling him that if he has any problems then he must take it up with the owner of the bar – namely Lek – and that everyone was a witness to his drunken, disgusting behaviour.

He still refused to stop calling me, so I sent him another message :

“Actions have consequences. Dwell on this when you sober up.”

He still keeps calling, but I have no intention of listening to a drunken oaf shout obscenities down the phone at me.

You cannot reason with a drunk. Drunks are self absorbed selfish peoples. A bar owner must know this?

Yes, you are quite correct, and I try to avoid arguments with him, I just tell him the way it is.

This morning I sent him an sms:

"We have reported you to police. This is not the first time. If you touch any of our property police will arrest you and you will go to jail. Everyone saw what you did yesterday . We have many witnesses."

He replied by voice mail . He was very angry and demanded we pay for his damage and accused my 'maid' Lek, of damaging his car twice. In a previous voice mail he admitted he wasn't sure who threw the 'stone' (it was a glass) at his car....He tried to claim that his car was parked on public land , as was our sign, and he had a perfect right to push it over..... etc and so forth.

I wrote:

"Your further threats have been noted and are being passed on to the police"

He sent me an sms:

"You think I am going to let this go a second time that your maid has caused damage to my car. .....If your maid agrees to pay for the damage that she caused yesterday and on the previous occasion.....all that I did yesterday was to push a sign out of the way to enable my car to exit....If you did go to the police which I seriously doubt....I think you are pissed off because the bar is not doing as well as you expected...."

I replied:

"If you don't believe me you can go ask the police. You will get no money from anyone. And if you try to do something you will be in a lot of trouble. My wife's business is doing very well thank you. What do you know? You're too drunk and blind to go anywhere after dark. BTW, the police just love the way you talk down to Thais by calling my wife a maid. Everything you have said on my voice mail and in your sms is with police. Also BTW my wife did nothing yesterday. She had an injured leg and couldn't even walk! You can lie till the cows come home . It doesn't change what you did. It is totally irrelevant who the land belongs to. You had plenty of room to drive away but deliberately threw down our sign when it was NOT obstructing your exit. Everyone saw you and heard you. You cannot win this."

I think I may have shut him up as he has gone all quiet, now he knows that everything he says or writes will be copied and passed onto the BIB.

I wasn't bluffing, we have reported everything to the cops and I even have recordings of all his voice mails. Transcripts of his threatening sms have been handed over.

He is not at the bar today - not yet anyway - so we will see if he turns up tomorrow. It wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't find a new place to drink , but who knows? We shall see.

I really didn't seek this fight. He started it all with his loud and abusive behaviour towards me at no provocation from my side before the bar was even open. He was immediately banned and he has born a grudge ever since.

Ah well,, at least life is never dull....

Bring em' on, the forces of right will prevail and the combined powers of Mobi one kenobi's Dark damsels will surely triumph in the end .....

If you need some back up then count me in. The knuckle duster has been gathering dust in the draw for far too long now..

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