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I need to make a very difficult decision.

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hey 44 years old man.... make your mind yourself....asking here is a bit loosing your time.

ah ....be carefull with a girl friend who promise you to help you etc etc....and dont buy her gold, house or car or whatever....you might get back home poored

i send you a song to make you feel good

best wishes


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If your jobless and without resources, and without a job waiting for you in Thailand, you're a homeless/overstay/please-help-me-I'm-broke case waiting to happen and have no business trapsing over here "on approval". This should be common sense, esp. at your age. If you're so convinced gf is right, then figure out how much money you'll need for the interim until you land the job gf is promising (including the return trip home), and borrow it there at home BEFORE venturing over here! When the time's up, if the job is not in hand, go home (and figure out THERE how to repay the loan...). Thailand is not a welfare state for farangs.

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If your jobless and without resources, and without a job waiting for you in Thailand, you're a homeless/overstay/please-help-me-I'm-broke case waiting to happen and have no business trapsing over here "on approval". This should be common sense, esp. at your age. If you're so convinced gf is right, then figure out how much money you'll need for the interim until you land the job gf is promising (including the return trip home), and borrow it there at home BEFORE venturing over here! When the time's up, if the job is not in hand, go home (and figure out THERE how to repay the loan...). Thailand is not a welfare state for farangs.

i think he already mentioned hes got some emergency funds available and for sure he's got a girlfriend so can probably sleep and eat with her/ her family if need be

he hasn't got a job at home so coming to thailand where any white guy/girl can find a teaching job regardless of teaching experience (which he has) has to be better

usa is not exactly famous for being a welfare state

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If you trust your girl friend go for it. You not doing much in USA anyway. Make sure that she is ok financially and it is not just for moving you there to take care of her. Since you have a gf in Thailand your living cost is also too small. Food, rent etc is cheap and you don't need much money for it but if you want to have fun then you have problem.

Get a visa which is valid for at least few months so you can try your luck in different school. Make sure you have a return ticket or enough money to buy it if you don't find a job. There are many who have financial problem here, living on the road and not have their return ticket to go back to there own country and no one is even helping them to get back.

Good luck

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If your jobless and without resources, and without a job waiting for you in Thailand, you're a homeless/overstay/please-help-me-I'm-broke case waiting to happen and have no business trapsing over here "on approval". This should be common sense, esp. at your age. If you're so convinced gf is right, then figure out how much money you'll need for the interim until you land the job gf is promising (including the return trip home), and borrow it there at home BEFORE venturing over here! When the time's up, if the job is not in hand, go home (and figure out THERE how to repay the loan...). Thailand is not a welfare state for farangs.

i think he already mentioned hes got some emergency funds available and for sure he's got a girlfriend so can probably sleep and eat with her/ her family if need be

he hasn't got a job at home so coming to thailand where any white guy/girl can find a teaching job regardless of teaching experience (which he has) has to be better

usa is not exactly famous for being a welfare state

Oh, really, brit1984... But, as I said, have a plan and bring with the resources needed. If he lands the job you & gf are so sure of, no harm/no foul (and no begging for help...).

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If their are no jobs in NJ move to another State. In Thailand you will likely have difficulty making any money to set aside for the future.Teaching English is a good way to subsidize your income, if you have to. But, not to base your whole life on, in Thailand. You are already 44 years old. It is getting late to build the retirement nest egg. Idealy earn a US school pension. Other wise life will likely be a penny counting struggle. Not much fun as you get older. Vacation in Thailand. Bring your girl friend over to the USA. That is once you have a good job. Build your escape tunnel, dont get buried by it!

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Friend nobody will come knocking on your door throwing money at you, when I was 30 years old I had the chance to move to the USA from UK, I took it and arrived with 400 US in my pocket and a suitcase, after ten years had a lovely house hot sports car four wheel drive truck was an expert skier and had a pilots license, lived with a lot of hot chicks but never married afraid of being wiped out financially, that will not be one of your worries here, go for it you are a long time dead, life is a brief affair, good luck.

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I am in the Northeast: Issan province. You can stay with us for free until you get a teaching job.
You can get a used motorbike/scooter at olx.co.th for 20,000+! Keep your mouth shut how much

money you have. I am so certain that you will get a teaching position anywhere. Good luck.

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First of all, if you are looking for similar jobs as you had in Korea, you will be paid half what you were earning. If you are looking into International schools ignore all posters above and your girlfriend. The best International schools hire at job fairs and from overseas. However since your degree isn't subject speficic, you won't have much luck for the best schools. Your Korean EFL experience will not be considered for international schools. Depending on the area you will live in Thailand, your pay will be between 30-40k baht. You will work the same kind of schedules you did in Korea. Teaching in Thailand pretty much sucks.

You are a little old to have no future plan and to make whimsical choices to appease a girlfriend that you don't actually live with.

Teaching in Thailand is a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Those claiming to have no degree and 80k baht a month salary are either FOS or extremely lucky. That is not by any stretch the norm.

Your 6k USD savings will last you about 6 months and then you are SOL. Start up living costs are quite high.

Build for a future or live a whirlwind life, that is a personal choice, but you don't really want to be 50 years old with nothing and a few years of fun experiences that will amount to nothing getting you a good job when you are spit out of Thailand.

Come to Thailand with a plan and not by whim.

just about everything in this post is inaccurate - first of all, i believe the minimum salary to be legally paid to a foreigner is 60-65k in order to obtain a work permit. the rest i am not going to bother to address.

have a look at http://www.isat.or.th/schools , the thai school term is starting soon but most international schools are still trying to fill positions for next school year (if they have vacancies) which starts in late august. the 'best' do hire most from job fairs, but if you already live here they do not have to pay for relocation, and there are dozens if not more of international schools to choose from.

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Hi Mate

I know nothing about teaching here hence can not give any advice but... If you want you can read this and start thinking positive mate.

You still young and I think you should look on life different way then you doing there in your country getting more depressed....( I know about depression more then you are and I was even close to give up ...loosing everything I worked whole my life)

I am over 60 and waiting for my retirement not even having hope for work there in Australia even I am multi skilled fellow.

I am here in BKK learning Thai and my goal is to be maybe fluent in 2 years time....At this moment after having around 30 hours of study I can read Thai and little write....not really understanding what I read mostly but it is something for me after so short time...

I am in similar budget as yours hence money goes ....same way

I am living in condo which cost me actually a bit expensive (6500bht/mth) then others are paying but I am living in decent and clean place . Even feeding and cooking for myself and girlfriend which more and more likes our western food...(she is to busy working but I do not want her money to share expenses! and future bad feelings if I decide to split)

As you see I have no so bright future and I prefer to be here then spending my little saving there in the country who want me to day quickly instead of paying my pension long years ahead..

Every time i return to Australia I am terrified with cost of living over there and those prices and I need a month to stay tune...

Please consider....this

1 . Are you spending less money over there then you will spent here in Thailand? NOT having real chance for decent work?

2. What will you do if your saving will finished when sitting there waiting for miracle??? .....

3. You have someone who wants to help you in Thailand ....Do you have same in your country???

4. Most important! it is your girlfriend !!! hey mate ....FRIEND not just a girl .. if you know what I mean?

SHE IS YOUR FRIEND ...She knows you have no money hence her feelings are just human feelings OK? she does not count on your wealth OK. IT'S mean a lot! think about it!

I think you have more to gain then loose coming here.

Look on life different way ! Forget about waiting for miracle. This world is collapsing anyway hence start using life....before it's to late

Every morning I wake up I am saying same thing to myself ; Life is unpredictable and to short to stand still. Anything you'll do moving your ass is better then sitting and waiting over there

Hey mate ... "soup is getting cold"

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Thanks for the responses everybody.

I have decided that I am going to go to Thailand next week. My girlfriend has located an apartment for me. It's only $200 w/ kitchen. Electricity and water are separate.

My girlfriend is a good girl who has been waiting patiently for me. She works full time so she isn't a lazy girl who is looking for a handout. If she was looking for money she would have left me a long time ago. I met her mother. She seems like a wonderful person. She doesn't have a father. She grew up in Korat. It's a nice community, I was there a few times.

I've been to Thailand a few times. I was only on vacation, so obviously it's a major difference from living and working there year round. I need the change. I need to be on my own, and I need to succeed and fail as a man. Going to Thailand could be something awesome, or it could be a terrible decision. I'm not going to know unless I take the chance.

Finally, I'm not going to get anything unless I'm there.

I have nothing going on in New Jersey.

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OP, get out of NJ and your behind over here. If your GF has been aiting for a year, chances are that she is a good one.

If you have 6000 bucks, you can buy a ticket and have money left to tide you over 3 or 4 months. You will not be homeless, if you can live at your GFs place.

You will get work in that time as a teacher.


She is a good girl. I'm going to get my own place, but it's going to be cheap.

No problems.

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Option 1:

Continue to masturbate alone every night living a lonely terrible miserable life in an ugly depressing part of New Jersey that has not yet been gentrified not making any money with no friends and with with no reason to believe that anything will improve.


Option 2

Roll the dice in Thailand with a woman who claims she loves you. At the very least you can give five finger Mary a vacation.

Why aren't you on the plane yet?


The plane ride to Thailand sounds more appealing. And 5 finger Mary does need a vacation.

There is nothing here for me in New Jersey. I just fear that I will be homeless in Thailand.

Still, I don't want to look back 20 years from now and be filled with regret because I didn't take a chance.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Buy a round trip ticket because when the gf finds out that you are 44 scrounging around for menial jobs and have nothing she can glom onto you will be history. Oh, and if you like life, be sure to not buy any life insurance when you arrive in LOS.

She already knows my age, and I don't plan to scrounge around. Finally, I don't consider teaching jobs as being menial. I do have a teaching license so I'm in a different position from most people who are just there with a bachelor's degree.

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Maybe this is the push you need In your life, I don't know... Have you been procrastinating? is that why such a sense of urgency on her part?

My suggestion is: if you have the itch to go to Thailand to see your girlfriend then go. However, if it were me I would do 1-2 months which should be enough time to better feel the flow of things in Thailand with respect to employment opportunities, etc...

You should have enough funds to sustain your financial responsibilities in NJ during your time in Thailand and enough funds to do the things that are needed while there with your gf. If you don't have the funds that I'm talking about then it will be difficult if you want to make your dream come true and sustainable long term.

Hopefully once you visit there your gf will settle down and not rush you as much which will provide you more time to make important plans and decisions.

Best to you!

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I disagree with most of the posters. Your first mission should be to get a job in a country where pay is good so that you will break out of your lethargy and feel a sense of purpose again. Japan, China (esp. Macau,) and Vietnam have good opportunities. Your second mission is to spend time with your girlfriend. Bringing you to Thailand and getting you a job might be a good solution for the short-term but not for the long-term because you won't make enough to support a family well and also save for your retirement. Planning for it at the age of 69 is too late and you can read many threads on ThaiVisa written by teachers in a country who simply don't know what to do about their impending retirements. My advice is to put a good well-paying first and let the girl follow along. If she is really clever, she will accept that a good income will lead to a stable and happy life for her, her children and you.

It is very easy to get trapped into an acceptable life in which you can get by reasonably comfortably for quite a long while until you hit your "golden years" without enough money to support yourselves properly. At the age of 44, you could do anythingq1 including getting advanced degrees to shoehorn yourself into the university circuit for highly paid positions. With the right university, after enough years of service, you would probably eventually collect a pension and health. Whatever choice you make now, you can always re-evàluate and change in the future. Good luck!


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I have heard that Lert Lah school on Kaset-Narwamin Rd, Ladprao are looking for qualified teachers, maybe worth a try in contacting them. Sorry don't have any phone numbers.

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Still lots of jobs (not great jobs, but enough to live on) but you do need to be here to apply for them. The entry level jobs normally do not hire from abroad. The window for jobs will mostly close over the next 3 weeks.

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You better go back to that job in Korea if possible. Send me a PM and I will give you job lead in the Middle East. The best idea is getting the best job you can now where ever that might be so you can save for retirement. You need to make your own decisions with your brain, not other parts of your body so do not do what a GF wants unless you think thats best for you. The economy is terrible in the USA with an over supply of teachers in many areas. I was reading on the net that China has now passed the USA as the worlds largest economy. It was predicted in 2019 but came early due to facts and a change in the method they calculate. Good luck!

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You better go back to that job in Korea if possible. Send me a PM and I will give you job lead in the Middle East. The best idea is getting the best job you can now where ever that might be so you can save for retirement. You need to make your own decisions with your brain, not other parts of your body so do not do what a GF wants unless you think thats best for you. The economy is terrible in the USA with an over supply of teachers in many areas. I was reading on the net that China has now passed the USA as the worlds largest economy. It was predicted in 2019 but came early due to facts and a change in the method they calculate. Good luck!

You are correct. The economy is still horrible in America. I'm in Jersey and Governor Christie has waged a war against teachers. He has made it very difficult to land a teaching position, and competition is fierce. Too many applicants and not enough teaching positions. When I worked at an elementary school in NJ we would get 300 resumes for one lousy job.

I'm not thinking with my tool. I'm beyond that at this stage in my life. My goal is to possibly get setup in Thailand and I would go from there. I think meeting people will benefit me. I don't have to stay in Thailand forever.

I will PM you when I get home. I'm currently out. Thank you.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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If you have a Bachelor of Education and a teaching certificate you may get a teaching job in China for $3000.00/month. See me on Facebook and I will give you details. There are actually a very large number of English teachers required in China but they get about 1/2 to 2/3 of my quote. There are however English immersion schools that teach curriculum from abroad that allows Chinese students direct access to North American and European Universities. If you are unable to reach me on Facebook try * email edited out* . If you are interested I can at least get you looking in the right direction. I taught there for one year and loved it.

Of course the advantage of teaching in North America is the pension which you will not get in Thailand or China. On a teachers salary you will likely retire poor if that is your only resource if you teach in China or Thailand.

You can also search the web for Thai teaching jobs. The typically pay about $1000 /month which is manageable in Thailand ( approximately $30,000 THB ). I live very well on $2000/month. The average salary in Thailand is $4600.00/ YEAR . The high average for an airline pilot in Thailand is $1600.00/month.

As the ladies in Thailand are fond of saying " up to you ". By the way the ladies in China and Thailand are wonderful as i am sure they are in Korea.

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Hi Ben.

My son who is similar age to you and lives and teaches in Thailand and has 2 children now lives on his own with the children after dumping his GF who was a bad mother to the children but he still loves to work and live in Thailand.

He does not want to come back to the UK where he will struggle to get by as finding work over here is as bad as you in the States.

He has just moved into a large rented house with air con and all ameanaties and a 1 acre lake in his back garden as he loves fishing which he pays 5K baht a month for.

With your savings you should be able to seatle into the Thai way quite easily but just be careful with your cash flow as it can soon whittle away.

Once you have found a teaching job as I am sure you will remember that you will still be paid at the end of the month from which you start so that's about 20 per cent of your savings gone already.

You will find that you will have other expenses as well like renting a bike or car which you will also have to pay upfront deposits for

And the rent and expenses fitting out a house or apartment with the likes of bedding and consumables so that's another 20 per cent gone already..

I am 67 years old and as Frank says ( Regrets I've had a few but I did it my way )

Life is very short and it seams that I was 44 just a few years ago so get off your arse and do it your way

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Hello All.

I have a very difficult decision that I'm currently facing. My Thai girlfriend wants me to come to Thailand soon. By soon I mean by next week. I last taught in South Korea for 2 years. I have been home for almost 6 months now, and I am currently jobless. I've been substitute teaching but that's it. I've sent out resumes but not much is biting. If I want to find a teaching job in NJ I'm going to have to sub next year. I don't think I want to do that. The American job market is still bad. Anyway, my girlfriend has told me that I need to go to Thailand to secure a teaching job, and she can help me find a job. But she has stressed that I need to be in Thailand! Also, she told me that I need to get there quickly because school semester starts in 15 days.

My concerns are:

1. I'm going to have to pay for my plane ticket, and flying from America is not cheap.

2. Not finding a job when I get to Thailand.

3 My age. I'm 44 years old. If I was 25 I would be thinking differently. Or maybe not.

Maybe I've been home for too long. I live in a resort area so there is nothing here 9 months out of the year. It's very common for people to work 4-5 months and collect unemployment checks the other months. I've fallen into a depressive stupor. When I was in Korea I had purpose. Although the job was stressful and I was working long hours, I was making money and I was working with great people. The only person I currently see is my father.

I do have a teaching degree in Special Education. I keep thinking that to get anywhere you need to take chances. Maybe I can get into a great school once I'm in Thailand, but I will never know until I'm there? What do you guys think?

My gf has been waiting for me for over a year now. It's not fair to her. I understand that. Should I just take the leap and move to Thailand?

I'm experiencing fear which I guess is normal.

I just need some more advice. smile.png

I am 46 years of age and i have left england after 27 years living there and running my own business in advertising/promotions on various media's.

I have a GF here in thailand and i went back to England for 2 weeks sold everything I have and came back to thailand.

So 2 choices really ... do it ...jump.in the water and swim.... or don't do it...and always wonder what would have happened if.....

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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