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need to rant, that's all


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As your wife said "thats Thai people", irritating, for sure, but if thats how it is in your area you are going to need to learn to just roll with it.

Hope the rant made you feel better.

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One of the major perils in living in Thailand is the insincerities of the locals in regard

to just about any commitments, a complete disregards for ethics, not in the local's

vocabulary, asking some one to come and do/fix/take it's like a crap shot, you never

the outcome until they come, best advice, learn to live with it and around it, some how,

it works, not to sweat the little thing in life....

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i had a problem with my internet connection and Tot were fairly good came on the day they said and fixed it,remember once in the Uk had a leaking pipe in the flat i lived in called out the Plumber [it was sunday] and he never showed,so can happen anywhere i guess.

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Ok, here's what you do. First off, don't go to some large department store / chain and put in a repair order, if that's by chance what you're doing. Instead, just fine some little store that's obviously owned by a family or small business owner.

Go in and talk to them face-to-face, not over the phone. Second, offer a decent tip somehow or another. You know, ask "how much extra to have it fixed today?" type of thing. Might cost you an extra 500 or 1000 baht, but compartively, much cheaper than the West.

actually, that's what I do.

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Sadly mate you'll just have to roll with it. I had to wait 4 days for the painters to show up recently. The upside is that when they did finally make it they did a belting job and that has been my experience all round.

for something like painting, it's not a big deal to wait. I don't care about stuff like that. this time, it's the refrigerator. not something I can live withour for 4 days. It's a Samsung and I called their service center but, Sunday, no tech available and tomorrow (Monday) is a Thai holiday so the earliest they can come woudl be Tuesday. I have a Samsung AC unit in one bedroom that's had problems and they always arrive when they say (at least the same day). it costs more but, worth the extra because I know they are going to show up.

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i had a problem with my internet connection and Tot were fairly good came on the day they said and fixed it,remember once in the Uk had a leaking pipe in the flat i lived in called out the Plumber [it was sunday] and he never showed,so can happen anywhere i guess.

that's been my experience with TOT as well. they come quickly or resolve the problem remotely quickly. I had a buzzing noise on my phone a couple months ago, called them and told them, then they called back and asked me to check it and it was gone. Good attention to service.

my farang friends here have the same problems I do. one friend, who has lived here 16 years, told me the problem is, the Thai people are trying to be polite and not tell you "NO" they don't have time or, have other plans so they just say "later" and 'later' can be a day, or a week or not at all. He told me that, if someone says 'later' go find someone else and not wait. He told on more than one occasion, he has had more than one repairman show up at his house, lol

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It could be where you live, I used for my sins live near Pattaya and could never get anything fixed.

I moved out to mid Thailand and thing's believe it or not are first rate.

Aircon: same day service only a phone call needed, I have had problem's with my Comp: on a few occasions they come within an hour if they cant fix there and then take it away and within a day or two it's delivered back and reinstalled As I got all my comp: stuff from the same small shop they don't even charge for labour only part's. As luck would have it never had a fridge go wrong. Have three + two freezers, but I never buy a Samsung anything after the first Samsung TV I got that never stopped playing up.

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It could be where you live, I used for my sins live near Pattaya and could never get anything fixed.

I moved out to mid Thailand and thing's believe it or not are first rate.

Aircon: same day service only a phone call needed, I have had problem's with my Comp: on a few occasions they come within an hour if they cant fix there and then take it away and within a day or two it's delivered back and reinstalled As I got all my comp: stuff from the same small shop they don't even charge for labour only part's. As luck would have it never had a fridge go wrong. Have three + two freezers, but I never buy a Samsung anything after the first Samsung TV I got that never stopped playing up.

my last time to buy anything Samsung either. Everything Samsung or Sony I have bought in the last few years has had problems. I live far from any large city, at least one hour. I think it's just how they are here. Iwould not live in Pattaya ever though. when visit friends there, I am ready to leave after 2 or 3 days. I love it up north but, it's just trying to get service people to come when they say gets on my nerves.

I am about to go out and buy some blocks of ice for my coolers.

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Try getting a gas bottle delivered at 10.30 pm half way through cooking a roast lol

I used to own a hunting cabin in the mountains with a LP stove. lesson learned long ago, always have a spare tank.

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They obviously know that bad luck follows you... just look at how many problems you have.... in 5 years I haven't had any failures. Trust the Thais... go get some good luck... Oh, all I said is in jest.

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They obviously know that bad luck follows you... just look at how many problems you have.... in 5 years I haven't had any failures. Trust the Thais... go get some good luck... Oh, all I said is in jest.

all is good except for finding qualified repair people that show up when they say they do. Everyone I know that lives here has the same problems. that's why it was a rant. Rant means no solution. It's just about blowing off steam. I have a friend that has lived here 16 years and speak fluent Thai and has the same problems. The only solution is to get used to it instead of getting angry about it.

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Ever heard of the phrase "Mexican Time".

It's now universal and from my last visit there, the Thais have deemed it fit and adapted to their culture.

So, be angry with the Mexicans, not the Thais.

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Ok, here's what you do. First off, don't go to some large department store / chain and put in a repair order, if that's by chance what you're doing. Instead, just fine some little store that's obviously owned by a family or small business owner.

Go in and talk to them face-to-face, not over the phone. Second, offer a decent tip somehow or another. You know, ask "how much extra to have it fixed today?" type of thing. Might cost you an extra 500 or 1000 baht, but compartively, much cheaper than the West.

Exactly correct....well said....perfect answer from Nautilus05

I have had the exact same issues when trying to get some major home appliance repaired via Dept stores/Chains......even though they sold me the appliance in the first place.

In many of the little Soi's around my apartment are many 1 man band repairmen (you need to ask around)....... I take my hat off to these thai repairmen.....while they don't advertise that they fix e.g washing machines, .....they are damn clever and have a natural bent to repairing alot of stuff.

Since I forgot about asking for repairs via the Dept stores...and used these small Ma and Pa type repairmen.....I have had darn good service, and no problems whatsoever.

Ok...yes they can take 1 or 2 days to get to you....but they do get there in the end..........

I always pay an extra 200/300b for the repair and offer him a beer/water/cigarette while he's is on the job.....this in my view helps secure the repairman and sets up a repore' should you ever need him again

i.e. falang good man, pay extra, have beer, and he give me cigarette

It's the small things and the small people that make this world go around...believe me

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My aircon unit started leaking water the other day, so I called the service guys. They couldn't come right away but said they'd come on Saturday (yesterday).

Three guys arrived at 11am, which was a surprise as I thought they'd be later....

The 3 guys who'd turned up spent 20 minutes extensively checking every part of the unit.

Then they said it was all ok now and went to leave. I asked the main guy how much I owed him and he replied - no need to pay this time, we didn't do much.

So I gave him 3x 50 baht notes so they could at least each have a tip.

My AC has been running constantly since with no further leaking so whatever they did sorted it out.

Sometimes things here are just excellent.

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One of the major perils in living in Thailand is the insincerities of the locals in regard

to just about any commitments, a complete disregards for ethics, not in the local's

vocabulary, asking some one to come and do/fix/take it's like a crap shot, you never

the outcome until they come, best advice, learn to live with it and around it, some how,

it works, not to sweat the little thing in life....

Maybe where you live,everywhere not the same.

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Sadly mate you'll just have to roll with it. I had to wait 4 days for the painters to show up recently. The upside is that when they did finally make it they did a belting job and that has been my experience all round.

They are not sitting around waiting for you to call you know,they have other work.

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You are not alone – at least from what I’ve learned – but the area you live in may also have something to do with it, and whom you contact for service. Know many, including myself, having same problems or difficulty in finding qualified service – friends or other farangs can sometimes help with recommendation.

One thing I’ve learned is, that bigger companies normally do come instantly and also gives a good service; however there are exceptions. For example I prefer to buy Samsung stuff whenever possible, as they have service centres, do show up and do repair in short time; saying short time, as they sometimes may need to order a spare part from Bangkok. HomePro is another example; they can refer to qualified service/repair and that work fine, as the serviceman or shop otherwise loose the HomePro business.

Whenever finding a good and fair priced service shop, which can be auto repair or whatever, or a good workman for house repair, stick to them. I’m always polite and gladly give a little tip – never too much, as it may raise price – and that often helps, they remember me and I’m having instant service next time.

However, when something new comes up for repair or service, so do the “headache” for finding someone….

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Ok, here's what you do. First off, don't go to some large department store / chain and put in a repair order, if that's by chance what you're doing. Instead, just fine some little store that's obviously owned by a family or small business owner.

Go in and talk to them face-to-face, not over the phone. Second, offer a decent tip somehow or another. You know, ask "how much extra to have it fixed today?" type of thing. Might cost you an extra 500 or 1000 baht, but compartively, much cheaper than the West.

Exactly correct....well said....perfect answer from Nautilus05

I have had the exact same issues when trying to get some major home appliance repaired via Dept stores/Chains......even though they sold me the appliance in the first place.

In many of the little Soi's around my apartment are many 1 man band repairmen (you need to ask around)....... I take my hat off to these thai repairmen.....while they don't advertise that they fix e.g washing machines, .....they are damn clever and have a natural bent to repairing alot of stuff.

Since I forgot about asking for repairs via the Dept stores...and used these small Ma and Pa type repairmen.....I have had darn good service, and no problems whatsoever.

Ok...yes they can take 1 or 2 days to get to you....but they do get there in the end..........

I always pay an extra 200/300b for the repair and offer him a beer/water/cigarette while he's is on the job.....this in my view helps secure the repairman and sets up a repore' should you ever need him again

i.e. falang good man, pay extra, have beer, and he give me cigarette

It's the small things and the small people that make this world go around...believe me

I always tip and, if they are here at lunch time, buy their lunch and, also give them a large bottle of Leo when they leave. that's been SOP since I have been here.

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Haha, in the new neighborhood we live in, the garbage men sometimes decide to skip a day, which is kind of bad since they only come 3 times a week. Fun, fun, trash on the street for everyone. Then they still come to collect their monthly fee. Woopee!

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Sadly mate you'll just have to roll with it. I had to wait 4 days for the painters to show up recently. The upside is that when they did finally make it they did a belting job and that has been my experience all round.

They are not sitting around waiting for you to call you know,they have other work.

I guess that's the point I am trying to make too. I know they are not sitting around waiting for my call. If they can't come today, just tell me. If they can't come for 3 days, just tell me that. I don't have a problem with that and can make other arrangements. a few months ago, I had a leaking water pipe in the yard. There were a couple square meters of soggy ground that I would have to dig up to find the pipe and the leak. We contacted someone that said he would come by the next day and no show. I gave up and started digging. took me 3 days and had to dig down over a meter, following the water flow. I ended up with a hole the size of a VW beetle. I cut out the broken pipe, put in a new section and was wait for the earth to dry a bit before backfilling the hole. THen, the man showed up with his crew to do the work. It had been a week since he said he would come. Now if he had told me in the beginning "I am quite busy and can't make it for a week" I understand that. But, JUST TELL ME, that's all I ask. if you can't make it CALL.

But, sometimes, the guys go show up when they say and do a great job. However, that seems to be the exception more than the rule. I am very pleased with service here sometimes and it's outstanding.

But, I am a type A person. I have that working against me.

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If you want to survive...you have to lower you expectations...not get excited or surprised when promises are not kept...and buying a new appliance is a viable option...in the land of lies...

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