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What I've heard is that CMP was voted out at the last general meeting a few weeks ago. For reason having to close ties with the lady "wanttobuyacondo" is talking about. A resident told me of many "arranged" things between those two.
As for "Joy"; I bought a Riverside studio and sold it a year later. I was happy with the profit and the service she gave us on those two occasions. She was introduced to me as being the best agent of all dealing with Riverside. I don't know the others but Joy was very professional and effective. I know of 2 webistes she runs, www.chiangmairiversidecondo.com and www.chiangmaigolfmansion.com. She can use both names as an agent she told me. My friend was at the last meeting and they voted Joy into the committee, being part of the new trend?
As for the flooding: I have friends staying at Riverside for over 10 years and never Holiday Inn or Riverside were under threat of flooding. Yes the main road a few times but never the Riverside area itself. Be clear "chiang mai" as those pictures have absolutely nothing to do with Riverside or Holiday Inn.

The pictures I posted above are of flooding at Floral in Watkate where I live, they were offered in the context of statements made earlier about RS condo's being expensive at 40k per sq where floods were prevalent, vs Floral where they are substantially more prone to flooding at 67k per square metre. Yet again the subject poster demonstrates he does not understand the scope or nature of the issues.

appreciate your above views that i am unable to come to grips with the scope and nature of the issues,smile.png as i have said they are my personal opinions,if any interested party wishes to buy in at that condo for 40 k baht sq metre.. go for itbiggrin.png your last post has given floral a price tag of 67 k baht a sq metre,your previous post a 65k tag,sad.png go back a couple weeks ago to *buying a cheap condo in c/mai*thread your post #23 says the price tag @the floral was 45k to 55k baht a sq metre then a short time later post# 28 u state 60 k baht a sq metre,so in a matter of a couple weeks your prices @the floral has dramatically risen from 45 k to 67k baht a sq metrelaugh.png this surely demonstrates (as u kindly put it to me)you do not know the real value of your own condo that u reside incheesy.gif but again thks for your kind wordssmile.png have a lovely evening

Sadly my reply was deleted because I used the "j" word and I can't be bothered to reconstruct the post and its content,

Suggest most strongly if you wish to quote me you do so in context in future rather than cherry picking words from here and there. And when discussing local issues, do your research more thoroughly before trying to influence opinions with narrow thinking. Have an evening!


your above comments have been noted,but would nt it be nice to be nicesmile.png ,and not resort to name calling (post removed) when u are unable to come to terms with factual comments or personal opinions made by me, any forum sutch as thaivisa is to be shared by all members in a amicable manner,sure there will be differences of opinions , thats the beauty of a forumsmile.png not to take it personally, as your recent posts suggest,and remember its a good life as long as dont weaken,and its still shaking in mae rimsmile.png


What is it about TVisa?? The OP asks a reasonable question looking for information, and by page 2 it degenerates into name-calling.

If you wouldn't talk to each other like that in a bar (maybe you would?) why do it online? Male ego maybe??

And for now Riverside is still standing - and I see no reports from Floral who claim to be the highest building in CM? I think they were built by a Japanese company and Riverside by a Singaporean company, with some 'tolerance' for quakes if that is the right word - not an expert,sorry.


Useful perhaps to read posts 21 thru 35 of this thread to understand the context of the foregoing, "Research", only if that means reading the classifieds, I mean really!


Yes, Floral is the tallest building, it swayed and it was truly scary, the folks above floor 20 had a nightmarish experience but all lived.


i have heard many stories about riverside,true or not.I would be very careful in buying or renting in the complex.there are many better condo,s round to invest or rent

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Interesting that Joy (alone) has some 20 or so properties at Riverside for sale on web site.

Just checked Chiangmaiproperties ...had 29 (which may well be a bit high)....a few others realtors had numbers similar to Joy.

I saw that also, but the number of properties on an agents web site rarely reflect the number they actually have for sale, invariably also some of the nicer ones are "teasers" or "come ons", I've found a number of them last week and this from an agent mentioned previously!

I have also met with another previously mentioned agent who incidentally is a very pleasant and professional lady and she appears to have less than ten units for sale, although only about three or four are proceedable due to existing tenant leases.

  • 5 months later...

Many of the 2012 problems are gone. Having said that, we have our 2014 problems now...as do all condominiums around the world. Still...at Riverside...things are looking very positive .


Riverside has over 500 condos...so it's not unusual for a fair amount of condos to be on the market. The foreign percentile figure has remained at a constant 49% over the past few years. THAT is a teling inidicator.

As for the Real Estate Agents mentioned in the posts....my advice is - BUYER BEWARE. I know there have been court cases recently - and not just one - where someone's " favorite agent " was implicated. She lost both cases....and had there been a counter suit - would be in jail today.

For those of you who are new to Thailand - there is NO Title Search in this country...no Insurance if your agent cheats you. Agents are Not bonded. Many do not even have a license. My suggestion is to use a lawyer when buying - and NOT the Real Estate Agents lawyer.

Most real estate transactions go smoothly because they are relatively simple. But for the ex pat who is usuing a sizeable portion of his retirement income to purchase a cono - be sure to cover the t's and dot the i's.

At a constant 49 percent for the last few years? I don't think so.

It probably is at the moment. And the quota has been "flirting" with the 49 percent ceiling for the last few months... But as far as I know it has only been the last few months in River side's history that the foreign quota is full or near to full.

But I do think that Riverside is a well managed, reputable, well priced building. Similar to the other buildings in Chiang Mai of the same age...

I think it got mentioned before, but if you put a few hundred owners together, it is only natural that there will be committee members fighting, managers getting sacked and money going "lost".

In my country they say "High trees catch a lot of wind"

Riverside is one of the highest trees in "CNX condo land"

The other, old, high trees like Floral, HS4 and Rimping, are not really comparable because they are each more or less managed by a majority that owns a lot of condos..

Let's just say that Riverside suffers from a problem that most big condos have. Too many people want to be involved.

In the end I am sure it will all turn out OK. Wether they renovate the swimming pool, repaint the hallways, or hire a new manager. It doesn't matter. In a condo building with 500+ units democracy will always prevail...

My 2 cents. ..


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