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Deadly clashes in Ukraine as troops push toward rebel-held city


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Deadly clashes in Ukraine as troops push toward rebel-held city
C.J. Chivers and Noah Sneider

Slaviansk, Ukraine: Ukrainian security forces and anti-government rebels clashed on the edges of this rebel-controlled city on Monday as the acting president, Oleksandr V. Turchynov, said roadblocks were being set up around Ukraine's capital, Kiev, because of fears of disturbances or violence during an emotionally charged holiday later in the week.

As many as 10 rebels and four soldiers were killed in the fighting, according to the official accounts from both sides, along with a woman who was shot while standing on an apartment balcony during a bloody firefight along the highway to Slaviansk's east.

But at the end of the day the violence accomplished little for either side besides deepening resentments and anger and appearing to push the crisis further from a chance at peaceful resolution.

The rebels yielded a single checkpoint to the government, at Rybkhoz, from which they withdrew during a morning advance by a Ukrainian armored unit. But the anti-government forces still held Slaviansk, where residents continued to fell trees and stack tires to create obstacles to any military push.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/deadly-clashes-in-ukraine-as-troops-push-toward-rebelheld-city-20140506-zr5g8.html

-- The Age 2014-05-06

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Hang on.....

Since when were the pro Russians the rebels?

If I am not mistaken, this bunch of neo nazis with US and EU backing are the ones who overthrew the then government.... So doesn't that make THEM the rebels?

Looks like the US state department propaganda machine has been hard at work.

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An article like this I consider as an attack on my intelligence, where the inhabitants of a city, proper and peaceful people who only want to defend their lives are called rebels and the criminal Nazis are referred as to be the good guys. This is propaganda on the lowest stage.

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This is being engineered by Russian dictator Putin so he can do a much bigger land grab in Ukraine and perhaps other countries as well. This is entirely predictable after his shenanigans in Crimea. Remember the liar said he didn't want Crimea ... don't believe one word out of his mouth. He'll go in there with the excuse to "protect Russians" ... but guess what, Ukraine is not Russia! These new regions are a bit more challenging for Putin because they aren't as overwhelmingly ethnic Russian as Crimea. As far as the internal change of government in Ukraine, that is an internal matter. Grabbing lands from a foreign power ... Russia ... is an entirely different kettle of carp.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hang on.....

Since when were the pro Russians the rebels?

If I am not mistaken, this bunch of neo nazis with US and EU backing are the ones who overthrew the then government.... So doesn't that make THEM the rebels?

Looks like the US state department propaganda machine has been hard at work.

Oh boy, let the USA stay out of it. It is a European problem. No Americans dying in Europe. Let them fight it out and get what they deserve. Europeans in Thailand better start learning Russian from your Russian visitors. You will need it in the new Europe. Just my humble opinion.

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Oh boy, let the USA stay out of it. It is a European problem. No Americans dying in Europe. Let them fight it out and get what they deserve. Europeans in Thailand better start learning Russian from your Russian visitors. You will need it in the new Europe. Just my humble opinion.

Tensions are certainly rising.

I don't think the USA or Russia are interested in a direct military confrontation with each other ... but the conflict will manifest in other ways.

Ukraine's government and many in the West believe that the separatists are backed by Russia and fear that Russian President Vladimir Putin is fomenting trouble to increase his influence in the region.


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This is being engineered by Russian dictator Putin so he can do a much bigger land grab in Ukraine and perhaps other countries as well. This is entirely predictable after his shenanigans in Crimea. Remember the liar said he didn't want Crimea ... don't believe one word out of his mouth. He'll go in there with the excuse to "protect Russians" ... but guess what, Ukraine is not Russia! These new regions are a bit more challenging for Putin because they aren't as overwhelmingly ethnic Russian as Crimea. As far as the internal change of government in Ukraine, that is an internal matter. Grabbing lands from a foreign power ... Russia ... is an entirely different kettle of carp.

Read the history of the Ukraine, then eat your words.

As for "As far as the internal change of government in Ukraine, that is an internal matter." Why then have the US spent 5 billion dollars fermenting unrest and unseating a democratically elected government?

US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters ...

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa

Russia is not the problem here.

Edited by fasteddie
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