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Is Buddha Issara, PCAD leader a real monk ?


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These 3 questions are directed at former monks, or those with good knowledge of Monk rules according to Thai Buddhism.

Firstly, from what I understand, for a monk to title himself as "Buddha" is a major offense, claiming he is enlightened (Buddha means enlightened one). It is one of the rules that can cause immediate expulsion, together with murder. Would this apply ?

Secondly, from Access to Insight,

A bhikkhu's wrong mode of livelihood also includes:

"running messages and errands for kings, ministers of state, householders, etc. A modern example would be participating in political campaigns." (BMC p.152)

http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/ariyesako/layguide.html#fn-116. would this apply ? I believe 100% yes.

Thirdly, does a monks status end immediately after committing a major rule breach, or does this happen after he is formally defrocked by his seniors ?

From what I understand, he loses his status immediately after committing a disrobing offense.


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Thai monk nicknames by no means indicate the level of one's practice. Often times they are given by ones preceptor or by his followers.

And for the rest of your question, as much as this saying irks me, it applies here. This is Thailand, and there are many holes in the sangha here. If you are within this monks circle or that monks circle, you're pretty much invincible - that is, unless you cause a tremendous amount of thai to lose face. Even then action will be taken but only to tue extent of making others think something is being done - even if true action was taken he would still have followers.

I don't believe Buddhism is tarnished; I do believe there are many out there who have no sense of shame in their actions, and their pride is off the radar. This is what those who are not Buddhist cling on to as what is Buddhism, for the most part, it seems.

Even many monks are divided on this wannabe historical man. Even though his actions aren't proper for the rules he decided to undertake. This is the thai sangha.

His seniors couldn't disrobe him if he tried. He has too much support and followers who believe they are making merit through assisting him. Even those policemen performed a forgiveness ceremony after planting him with tear gas.

The lines are too blurred.

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You got your answer, moonao.

Although, you tried hard to discredit Buddha Issara, your efforts had no success.

Try harder next time.smile.png

Well,as we have seen often lately,a monk does not need any help in descrediting himself;he is fully capabel to do it himself .

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