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Thai woman sentenced to death in Malaysia on cannabis smuggling charge


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Her defence lawyer must have thrown in a hell of a defence! All it needed was reasonable doubt the bags were hers.

Anyway, I don t use myself but it is true it is a well known herb. Slowly gaining recognition world wide. Only known cure for glucoma, pain, helps with cancer, all sorts of intestinal problems as well as high blood pressure.

Sentence is barbaric, I agree. Yes, she should know she can get this in certain countries. No, the punishment does not fit the crime. A crime it is, though.

I agree!

A couple of years in a stink hole prison their should have been enough. But it is odd that she was so calm and seemed like she almost welcomed this sentence. Or maybe she knew she did not have a leg to stand on and expected it.

Not sure what her lawyer could do if this is the Mandatory Sentence for crimes like this and she was caught cold handed and admitted to the crime. But I am sure the punishment does not fit the crime here.

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

Well, if these 4 coutries also gives a death sentence, then it cannot be barbaric, right...

And if you can find 4 african countries that have excision as part of their daily life, then it is not barbaric, by etension....

Must be many more good equations I am sure....

I don't doubt you but because it is Law it does not make it right.

They used to have laws in the United States (Land of the Free) were Black Kids could not go to the same school as White Kids. Or drink out of a Public Water Fountain. Or ride at the front of a Public Bus! In Germany the Law was that Jews where not allowed to own property or a business anymore or get jobs. They had everything confiscated by the government and had to wear the Star of David so people would know who they were and not to hire them. In Canada, Laws took away all the land and had Indians put into Reservations. Canadian Laws where put into place so that the Chinese, who were brought over to help build the Transcontinental Railway, could be treated like Slave Labour. Or in Saudi Arabia, where owning a Slave was perfectly okay until the 1950's.

So can I now say, like you did, that just because these 4 countries had these Laws in place they must not be wrong or barbaric?

You don't need to search Africa to find Laws like this!. You just need to know your own history and be thankful that many of these Laws have been changed. Which many poster here have suggested about Malaysia.

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The death penalty is a barbaric punishment and state sanctioned murder. I hope Thailand do what they can to get her home, and as important get on the list of countries that no longer let the courts give capital punishment.

As an ex toker I understand your argument but if a country has certain drug laws you break at your own risk. You know the risks, profit margins involved and take a gamble. Most of the times you're a winner but the one time you're the loser you lose big time.

I agree that weed should be classed lower than tobacco and alcohol on the health damage scale but it'll take time for the rest of the world to realise this as tax revenues are astronomical on these legal drugs.

I can't even estimate the amount of Muslim men smoking weed as they're not allowed to have a beer or two to help them sleep.

I agree that people like you and me know the risks, and that is partly why we don't do such foolish things. Or at least not often. But can we say the same for a single uneducated woman and single parent mother perhaps, desperate for money? Who is befriended by some Rich Guy who treats her like Gold. Then when she is hooked tells her she will never get caught as he has people working on the inside. That he would never do anything to her to cause her harm as he....loves her? Thus a new Mule has been found for 20,000 Baht.

I befriended a Saudi Co-worker who used to be pretty high up in Saudi Customs at an International Airport. I had just read in the local newspaper that there was to be some beheading on Friday for some guys from Pakistan and Bangladesh, who were caught and tried for Drug Smuggling. Knowing the harsh punishment in Saudi Arabia for this crime, I assumed this was rare but decided to ask my friend anyway.

I was very surprised when he told me it is not that rare and when he worked their they would catch 1 or 2 of these guys a week. I asked if they knew the punishment before hand and he said most of them did. It is shown everywhere so I guess a dumb question. I then asked him what would make these guys take such a big risk! He said sometimes it was more but in most cases, it was for only $100. He could not understand why either.

Now who would value their life for just $100? All I can say is..."Thank You Mom & Dad, for having me born in Canada."

I would not have such a problem with a Death Sentence for the guy that befriended this woman and talked her into being a Mule. In a way he will cause her death which then is murder. So the authorities should make ever effort to find this guy with cooperation from the Mule. He/She is the one that needs to be stopped. When you put the Mule to death there is just another and another to follow, as the world is full of desperate people. But then maybe they are afraid it will lead to their brother, or a cut in there bonus check? Who knows for sure?

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Oh no nothing barbaric about sentencing a woman to death for a relatively harmless plant that was used during history for thousands of years being perfectly legal...nothing at all.... whistling.gif

That being said, it is kind of a stupid Idea to be transporting ANY amount of cannabis into Malaysia, let alone 23 kg.....When I am back home I usually smoke about 1/4 kg every 2 months ...so by that calculation, that amount would last me a a few lifetimesbiggrin.png

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