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Why do so many farang here work for peanuts?

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While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

no more ridiculous fairy tales please! crazy.gif

-the average fare in London for 10km (6 miles) is £ 28.- (calculated that half of the distance was driven during day time (06.00-22.00hrs) and half at night (22.00-06.00hrs).






The average fare in a black cab is about £10.

Not everybody goes 6 miles.

Just round the corner £8,20.

Take a tenner. He's out there's one at the window waiting if you know how to play the game.

You want real figures. Sorry ain't going Into detail.

I just gave an estimate of what is acheavable.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

my calculation is based on the figures of a UK government website!


even if i slash the result of my extrapolation by 50% it proves that your claim £15k/day belongs to the category "beam me up Scotty!"

sent from QLX-9897 on Klingon encrypted subspace channel.

And thank god for that .

That everyone thinks like you. Including the inland revenue .

I gave an example to contribute to the thread . Being as there were posts comparing a UK taxi.

Not every day is good but I never have a bad week.

At the end of the day we are all working for a better life.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

no more ridiculous fairy tales please! crazy.gif

-the average fare in London for 10km (6 miles) is £ 28.- (calculated that half of the distance was driven during day time (06.00-22.00hrs) and half at night (22.00-06.00hrs).






The average fare in a black cab is about £10.

Not everybody goes 6 miles.

Just round the corner £8,20.

Take a tenner. He's out there's one at the window waiting if you know how to play the game.

You want real figures. Sorry ain't going Into detail.

I just gave an estimate of what is acheavable.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

my calculation is based on the figures of a UK government website!


even if i slash the result of my extrapolation by 50% it proves that your claim £15k/day belongs to the category "beam me up Scotty!"

sent from QLX-9897 on Klingon encrypted subspace channel.

I think Apiwan is referring to THB 15k/day not GBP smile.png

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The Mexican fisherman and a CEO

The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The Mexican replied, "Only a little while."

The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?

The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.

The American then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife and stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play my guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles and eventually New York where you would run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"

To which the American replied, "15 to 20 years."

"But what then?"

The American laughed and said, "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."

"Millions? Then what?"

The American said, "Then you would retire and move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your children, take siesta with your wife and stroll into the village each evening where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

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A friend of mine's company expenses are 260k baht p/m. For housing and international school.

Then he gets his Thai salary to his Thai account, and also his British salary to his UK account.

Says he can't wait to be able to move his family out of this death-trap 3rd World joke of a place, but is tied here financially for the next few years.

260k baht ($7500) per month in expenses just for housing and school? That can't be right, that is more expensive than back home.

Yes it could be...I know of guys working here (not me) who get THB 250k/m for just their housing and the schooling expenses are on top of that, if they have kids here as well + + + + other perks

There is that other reality in Thailand which is equal to or more expensive than "back home"

Yup. I think their rent is 80k, and both kids go to one of the top 2 International schools. Not Harrow, either IBS or Pattana.

He's an O+G manager, based in BKK for 10 years.

To think, I pay that out if my own pocket. And am Thai. I must be scamming someone to do that! That's what all Thais do right??! Edited by samran
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3-4 dollars and hour?

Try $30 an hour.

One hour classes after school, ten kids at 100 baht each, that's 1000 baht. Five days a week, that's 5000 baht, or 150 bucks for a half day's overall work. I know some who are doing that, plus a few hours each on Saturday and Sunday. And they're paying $60 a month on the rent.

I also know people who teach two hours a day, one-on-one for 500 each adult. Attorneys and doctors and such.

Beats the hell out of Mickey D's.

EDIT: Reading post #2, yes miserable. But the smart ones use their position as a teacher to open doors for said private lessons.

Okay, I stand corrected. Makes sense now.

Just so as not to mislead anyone, let alone get some burger-flipper in Buffalo all excited and jumping on a plane, it takes time and contacts and ability to make this kind of money in an ongoing manner. The parents of these kids aren't the typical Thai parent (the 500 baht per hour one-on-one lessons). If you can't teach, they'll catch it and you'll be off down the road. And probably blacklisted to boot.

It's also against the law in Thailand.

There are no work permits issued that allow foreigners to teach private lessons, off school premises or out of school hours.

Get caught and you will be jailed and deported.

Thai teachers of English still do this in Starbucks in Bangkok. I have never heard of a foreigner doing this as the logistics alone would be tough. There is extra work doing classes on weekends at institutes but the simple fact is that unless you want to work 7 days a week, you will not make much more than 40000 here as an English teacher.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

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I still find it " absolutely amazing " that anybody needs to earn 30,000 baht a month to live on! 10,000 baht a month is plenty to live on here in Thailand.My rent is 4,000 baht a month with balcony ( in naklua ) and the rest is for food and bills! OK i dont drink or smoke or have any interest in " Bars,booze or football " and i am single too! (out of choice) Its an " outside life " here in Thailand offering " walks,beaches and all in the glorious sunshine that costs " nothing " ! I couldn't think of anything worse than being " trapped in a classroom all day with aircon" with the glorious sunshine outside!
I'm off to the beach!

Are you joking? Some of my staffs earning 12,000 per month are complaining that they sometimes cannot make ends meet. My house , car , diesel, main food is free and I still find it hard to live on 70k .

No i am not joking! lol Its quite simple really- firstly i live a " simple lifestyle " with renting an apartment for 4,000 per month (bills water& electric about 500 baht ) You only need 100 baht a day for fresh food from the market! I dont drink or smoke but love to take train trips out of Hua Lampong ( Bangkok ) I have no interest in " owning a car " Its nice to walk everywhere or even use a bicycle ( and healthier!) I am outside most days walking in the mornings and the afternoons on the beach soaking up the sun and swimming (" splendid ") you see its quite simple really - But many farangs come to Thailand where it can be so cheap to live but live a " farang lifestyle " that they have been used to over the years.Of course if you drink,smoke or eat farang food on a daily basis then life will become expensive! But why come to Thailand to do that? Thailand offers a very cheap " outdoor lifestyle " .........

Greetings to you all! lol

Farang Jaidee

wai2.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

"But why come to Thailand to do that?"

Because I have the money in which I can afford to do that.

Which you would to if you had the money.

Which you obviously don't.

Maybe I do catch more Colds from my air con. But at least I won't get Skin Cancer like you. From all your outdoor walks in short pants and shirt, and lieing on the beach fully exposed to the hot UV Sun.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

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Maybe they enjoy the experience..? and how do you know how much everybody here makes?

No idea how much they make...just saw ads for English teachers paying 30,000 baht per month. It just seems a miserable existence here if you have no money and a weak salary...what is it that attracts them to stay?

Well first 30,000 Baht a month is still double a good wage in Thailand and less hours. So if you live like a Thai then you should be able to live a comfortable life on that as things are cheaper here and you generally need less luxury..

I highly doubt the people you refer to are equal in there own country as they are here. An English Teacher here is not a sure thing they could be teachers back home, although some I am sure are that qualified. Just more not as qualified. So a Taxi Driver back home could in fact be an English Teacher here with minimal training. I am sure some people do that just for the experience. A Change is as good as a rest sometimes and this takes the boredom out of life.

But more often then not it is some special woman they met here. Perhaps on a short trip over here. I is not easy to just take some woman you met and bring here back home. So in order to stay together you have to come here. Jobs a very limited to Expats, but teaching is one you can do. So it is either go back home and work for years to save the money to bring her their, or come here.

I don't personally do this as I don't have to, but I do understand why someone would do this. For a little while anyway.

Yes an UK taxi driver back home could be an English Teacher here. But he would earn a lot less than driving the taxi:) And 30k is NOT "double a good wage in Thailand" . Do you really belive 15k is a good wage here in Thailand?

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

You may not believe this, but what is also true is that the Minimum Wage in Thailand is 300 Baht per day. That you can easily look up for yourself! Unlike your country, there are probably more Thais working for minimum wage as a percentage (Farm Labour) then back in your country. So based on a 6 day week, and using Grade 2 Math, this works out to 24 days worked /month x 300 Baht / day = 7,200 Baht / month. If you double that this gives you 14,400 Baht a month.

Now if you were that person, wouldn't earning 15,000 Baht a month look to you like you just won the Lotto, or at least a good wage? Well then, how about earning 30,000 Baht per month as an English Teacher? As I said if you double the Minimum Wage that gives you 14,400 Baht a month, so then 15,000 Baht a month would be a good wage in Thailand. So since we established that 15,000 Baht a month is a good wage then in fact 30,000 Baht a month is double a good wage in Thailand, and as I said before.

Sure, you could be a Bus or Taxi Driver in London or New York and earn more than 30,000 Baht a month. But I pay 15,000 Baht a month for a nice fully furnished Condo with 2 Satellite TV\s and a private swimming pool to go for a swim in, and easy walking distance to the Beach. What do you think your Taxi Driver would pay for an equal Condo in London or New York?

Get the Picture?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I still find it " absolutely amazing " that anybody needs to earn 30,000 baht a month to live on! 10,000 baht a month is plenty to live on here in Thailand.My rent is 4,000 baht a month with balcony ( in naklua ) and the rest is for food and bills! OK i dont drink or smoke or have any interest in " Bars,booze or football " and i am single too! (out of choice) Its an " outside life " here in Thailand offering " walks,beaches and all in the glorious sunshine that costs " nothing " ! I couldn't think of anything worse than being " trapped in a classroom all day with aircon" with the glorious sunshine outside!
I'm off to the beach!

Are you joking? Some of my staffs earning 12,000 per month are complaining that they sometimes cannot make ends meet. My house , car , diesel, main food is free and I still find it hard to live on 70k .

No i am not joking! lol Its quite simple really- firstly i live a " simple lifestyle " with renting an apartment for 4,000 per month (bills water& electric about 500 baht ) You only need 100 baht a day for fresh food from the market! I dont drink or smoke but love to take train trips out of Hua Lampong ( Bangkok ) I have no interest in " owning a car " Its nice to walk everywhere or even use a bicycle ( and healthier!) I am outside most days walking in the mornings and the afternoons on the beach soaking up the sun and swimming (" splendid ") you see its quite simple really - But many farangs come to Thailand where it can be so cheap to live but live a " farang lifestyle " that they have been used to over the years.Of course if you drink,smoke or eat farang food on a daily basis then life will become expensive! But why come to Thailand to do that? Thailand offers a very cheap " outdoor lifestyle " .........

Greetings to you all! lol

Farang Jaidee

wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

"But why come to Thailand to do that?"

Because I have the money in which I can afford to do that.

Which you would to if you had the money.

Which you obviously don't.

Maybe I do catch more Colds from my air con. But at least I won't get Skin Cancer like you. From all your outdoor walks in short pants and shirt, and lieing on the beach fully exposed to the hot UV Sun.

Well actually i do have the money! I just don't like " aircon " ! we are all different (which i respect) but i just don't understand anybody who would want to come and live in Thailand in this gorgeous sunny weather and " sit indoors all day " ??????

Time for the beach...I take it you won't be joining me..??? LOL


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Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

And do said workers on this good wage have new I-phones, I-pads, lap tops, Galaxy tabs, new cars, just bought property/house or condo, True vision TV, air conditioners in their houses/condos, internet connections at home Do they have children in school, medical/life insurance ? etc etc ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

And do said workers on this good wage have new I-phones, I-pads, lap tops, Galaxy tabs, new cars, just bought property/house or condo, True vision TV, air conditioners in their houses/condos, internet connections at home Do they have children in school, medical/life insurance ? etc etc ?

Most of the things listed are all " material items " !!! with respect but Sat TV and aircon is an abosolute waste of money! As i mentioned before with the lovely weather over here -who is going to sit indoors and watch TV!!! lol You dont need to buy a condo when you can rent so cheap ( something nice from 5,000 baht a month ) Why not buy a bicycle instead of a car ? enjoyable in this climate and great exercise too! and who needs Apple and Samsung " electronic devices " when a lot of the new chinese brands " Lenovo,Huawei,i mobile offer the same thing ( if not better ) for a fraction of the price! It just seems such a waste to me but then perhaps i am living on " another planet " LOL w00t.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

And do said workers on this good wage have new I-phones, I-pads, lap tops, Galaxy tabs, new cars, just bought property/house or condo, True vision TV, air conditioners in their houses/condos, internet connections at home Do they have children in school, medical/life insurance ? etc etc ?

Most of the things listed are all " material items " !!! with respect but Sat TV and aircon is an abosolute waste of money! As i mentioned before with the lovely weather over here -who is going to sit indoors and watch TV!!! lol You dont need to buy a condo when you can rent so cheap ( something nice from 5,000 baht a month ) Why not buy a bicycle instead of a car ? enjoyable in this climate and great exercise too! and who needs Apple and Samsung " electronic devices " when a lot of the new chinese brands " Lenovo,Huawei,i mobile offer the same thing ( if not better ) for a fraction of the price! It just seems such a waste to me but then perhaps i am living on " another planet " LOL w00t.gif

The sun has just set. How was the beach today?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

And do said workers on this good wage have new I-phones, I-pads, lap tops, Galaxy tabs, new cars, just bought property/house or condo, True vision TV, air conditioners in their houses/condos, internet connections at home Do they have children in school, medical/life insurance ? etc etc ?

Most of the things listed are all " material items " !!! with respect but Sat TV and aircon is an abosolute waste of money! As i mentioned before with the lovely weather over here -who is going to sit indoors and watch TV!!! lol You dont need to buy a condo when you can rent so cheap ( something nice from 5,000 baht a month ) Why not buy a bicycle instead of a car ? enjoyable in this climate and great exercise too! and who needs Apple and Samsung " electronic devices " when a lot of the new chinese brands " Lenovo,Huawei,i mobile offer the same thing ( if not better ) for a fraction of the price! It just seems such a waste to me but then perhaps i am living on " another planet " LOL w00t.gif

I wasn't asking your opinion of whether you believe Sat TV and aircon is a waste of money,

I was asking do the people you refer to as to being on a "good salary" and one presumes in your opinion are leading a comfortable life on THB 15,000/m do... they have the some or all of the goodies things I mentioned ??

So please answer the question...to illustrate what I am getting at to quote the link.

Thai households during the first 6 months of this year, 54.4% of the households were indebted. The survey says that housing loans, daily purchase of commodity products and education expenses accounted for the majority of the household debts currently averaging at 159,492 baht.

However when looking at household expenses in each part of the country, the survey shows households in Bangkok and its vicinity have the highest average income of 44,129 baht, with 33,095 baht of average expense, or 75% of the income. The average household debt in these area is at 283,560 baht.

The northeastern region holds the highest expense-to-income ratio at 79.1%, causing households in the zone to have the least savings and the least debt clearing ability. Holding the least expense to income ratio is the households from in the northern region, which stands at 72%.


Reading this struggling to see how THB 15,000/m is considered a good salary for a Thai, if it was so good, why are 54.4% of the households in the hole on average THB 160k ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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You know when people say, "university educated" in Thailand you are not comparing like for like. There is a world of difference between a Thai degree and a western degree. A fair comparison to the English education system would be a Thai degree is equivalent to A levels.

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Maybe they enjoy the experience..? and how do you know how much everybody here makes?

No idea how much they make...just saw ads for English teachers paying 30,000 baht per month. It just seems a miserable existence here if you have no money and a weak salary...what is it that attracts them to stay?

Well first 30,000 Baht a month is still double a good wage in Thailand and less hours. So if you live like a Thai then you should be able to live a comfortable life on that as things are cheaper here and you generally need less luxury..

I highly doubt the people you refer to are equal in there own country as they are here. An English Teacher here is not a sure thing they could be teachers back home, although some I am sure are that qualified. Just more not as qualified. So a Taxi Driver back home could in fact be an English Teacher here with minimal training. I am sure some people do that just for the experience. A Change is as good as a rest sometimes and this takes the boredom out of life.

But more often then not it is some special woman they met here. Perhaps on a short trip over here. I is not easy to just take some woman you met and bring here back home. So in order to stay together you have to come here. Jobs a very limited to Expats, but teaching is one you can do. So it is either go back home and work for years to save the money to bring her their, or come here.

I don't personally do this as I don't have to, but I do understand why someone would do this. For a little while anyway.

Yes an UK taxi driver back home could be an English Teacher here. But he would earn a lot less than driving the taxi:) And 30k is NOT "double a good wage in Thailand" . Do you really belive 15k is a good wage here in Thailand?

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

You may not believe this, but what is also true is that the Minimum Wage in Thailand is 300 Baht per day. That you can easily look up for yourself! Unlike your country, there are probably more Thais working for minimum wage as a percentage (Farm Labour) then back in your country. So based on a 6 day week, and using Grade 2 Math, this works out to 24 days worked /month x 300 Baht / day = 7,200 Baht / month. If you double that this gives you 14,400 Baht a month.

Now if you were that person, wouldn't earning 15,000 Baht a month look to you like you just won the Lotto, or at least a good wage? Well then, how about earning 30,000 Baht per month as an English Teacher? As I said if you double the Minimum Wage that gives you 14,400 Baht a month, so then 15,000 Baht a month would be a good wage in Thailand. So since we established that 15,000 Baht a month is a good wage then in fact 30,000 Baht a month is double a good wage in Thailand, and as I said before.

Sure, you could be a Bus or Taxi Driver in London or New York and earn more than 30,000 Baht a month. But I pay 15,000 Baht a month for a nice fully furnished Condo with 2 Satellite TV\s and a private swimming pool to go for a swim in, and easy walking distance to the Beach. What do you think your Taxi Driver would pay for an equal Condo in London or New York?

Get the Picture?


Earning twice as much as the lowest paid worker in Thailand, does not make you look like you won the Lotto. It's still a rather low salary

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Definitely! Sign up with the following organization to help you get grounded:


we don't need an organisation to assist us in what we are doing since >30years.

Your lack of perspective and empathy for the less-rich, defy that claim.

take a wild guess how i evaluate judgments and/or assumptions from people who post most ridiculous claims concerning their finances.


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take a wild guess how i evaluate judgments and/or assumptions from people who post most ridiculous claims concerning their finances.

I would start by transposing "wild guess" and "evaluation."

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Thai teachers of English still do this in Starbucks in Bangkok. I have never heard of a foreigner doing this as the logistics alone would be tough. There is extra work doing classes on weekends at institutes but the simple fact is that unless you want to work 7 days a week, you will not make much more than 40000 here as an English teacher.

Plenty of IELTS teachers (NES) charging 1000+bht an hour per student in CM for tuition at home.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You know when people say, "university educated" in Thailand you are not comparing like for like. There is a world of difference between a Thai degree and a western degree. A fair comparison to the English education system would be a Thai degree is equivalent to A levels.

That's a rather generous assessment.

Most Thai university degrees are the equivalent of a US high school graduation.

(As far as I can see)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So what you are telling me is that in your country, if a Taxi Driver works 6 days a week, with an average day earning 15k Baht, as you said, he would earn $156,000 US per year?

Well Bud!

They sure as Hell don't earn that kind of money in my country, even working 7 days a week or by driving the Prime Minister around.

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While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So what you are telling me is that in your country, if a Taxi Driver works 6 days a week, with an average day earning 15k Baht, as you said, he would earn $156,000 US per year?

Well Bud!

They sure as Hell don't earn that kind of money in my country, even working 7 days a week or by driving the Prime Minister around.

You say driving the PM around has if it's a big deal.

It ain't.he probably gets about 30K GBP PA ++

Drove Arabs round in the old days. Minted it.

Now a days in London its slave labour

I done the knowledge for the money and freedom.

If you own your own cab and work hard ( not really working as such )

You can make good money.

Trouble is loads of guys get their badge and enjoy the honeymoon period .

We say 2 years. After that you become a miserable git 555

I've got a few things on the side giving me money .

The cab is for living money.

Loads of London cabbies in pattaya.

Not bragging . But has the saying goes.

You'll never be rich driving a cab.

But you'll never starve.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe they enjoy the experience..? and how do you know how much everybody here makes?

No idea how much they make...just saw ads for English teachers paying 30,000 baht per month. It just seems a miserable existence here if you have no money and a weak salary...what is it that attracts them to stay?

Well first 30,000 Baht a month is still double a good wage in Thailand and less hours. So if you live like a Thai then you should be able to live a comfortable life on that as things are cheaper here and you generally need less luxury..

I highly doubt the people you refer to are equal in there own country as they are here. An English Teacher here is not a sure thing they could be teachers back home, although some I am sure are that qualified. Just more not as qualified. So a Taxi Driver back home could in fact be an English Teacher here with minimal training. I am sure some people do that just for the experience. A Change is as good as a rest sometimes and this takes the boredom out of life.

But more often then not it is some special woman they met here. Perhaps on a short trip over here. I is not easy to just take some woman you met and bring here back home. So in order to stay together you have to come here. Jobs a very limited to Expats, but teaching is one you can do. So it is either go back home and work for years to save the money to bring her their, or come here.

I don't personally do this as I don't have to, but I do understand why someone would do this. For a little while anyway.

Yes an UK taxi driver back home could be an English Teacher here. But he would earn a lot less than driving the taxi:) And 30k is NOT "double a good wage in Thailand" . Do you really belive 15k is a good wage here in Thailand?

Yes! I do believe this because I know for a fact that 15,000 Baht for a Thai Worker is a good wage. That is what a University Educated Government Employee's starting wages are here. You might do better privately if you want to work more hours, but if you are not University Educated, which most Thais are not, then you will earn less.

You may not believe this, but what is also true is that the Minimum Wage in Thailand is 300 Baht per day. That you can easily look up for yourself! Unlike your country, there are probably more Thais working for minimum wage as a percentage (Farm Labour) then back in your country. So based on a 6 day week, and using Grade 2 Math, this works out to 24 days worked /month x 300 Baht / day = 7,200 Baht / month. If you double that this gives you 14,400 Baht a month.

Now if you were that person, wouldn't earning 15,000 Baht a month look to you like you just won the Lotto, or at least a good wage? Well then, how about earning 30,000 Baht per month as an English Teacher? As I said if you double the Minimum Wage that gives you 14,400 Baht a month, so then 15,000 Baht a month would be a good wage in Thailand. So since we established that 15,000 Baht a month is a good wage then in fact 30,000 Baht a month is double a good wage in Thailand, and as I said before.

Sure, you could be a Bus or Taxi Driver in London or New York and earn more than 30,000 Baht a month. But I pay 15,000 Baht a month for a nice fully furnished Condo with 2 Satellite TV\s and a private swimming pool to go for a swim in, and easy walking distance to the Beach. What do you think your Taxi Driver would pay for an equal Condo in London or New York?

Get the Picture?


Earning twice as much as the lowest paid worker in Thailand, does not make you look like you won the Lotto. It's still a rather low salary

I see you still don't get "The Picture".

Just look at your own country and the Minimum Wage there. Now double that.

Would you then not say that this new wage was a good wage. I do not mean a good wage for you. Or a good wage for a University Graduate. Or a good wage for an experience highly trained Engineer like me. I mean a good wage for the average person.

If the answer is yes, then why should not the same rule apply here? If your answer is no then carry a sign outside of McDonald's demanding your government pay them 3 time more money, so you can pay 3 times more for your hamburger.

If you are asking me personally if I think that 300 Baht a day is a wonderful wage for Thai's, or if I think it is a fare wage, then my answer is.......that this has nothing to do with the original Ops Post!

To tell you the truth I am more concerned with the Fat Cats and CEO's of large organizations who earn millions of dollars a year for going to a few Board Meetings a month then spend the rest of their time flying around in the Company Jet or Company Yacht, but then getting severance packages over 20 Million Dollars when they leave after 5 years, and whether that Stock went up or down in that period.

But what I will tell you is that many people think that the recent raise in Minimum Wage Rates from 200 Baht per day, to 300 Baht per day was far too much! So go after them! .

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I do not mean a good wage for you. Or a good wage for a University Graduate. Or a good wage for an experience highly trained Engineer like me.

What do you consider a good wage for a highly training engineer like you is ?

What do you consider a good wage for a Non-specific university graduate, on the understanding not all university graduates are created equal in the earnings stakes

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So what you are telling me is that in your country, if a Taxi Driver works 6 days a week, with an average day earning 15k Baht, as you said, he would earn $156,000 US per year?

Well Bud!

They sure as Hell don't earn that kind of money in my country, even working 7 days a week or by driving the Prime Minister around.

You say driving the PM around has if it's a big deal.

It ain't.he probably gets about 30K GBP PA ++

Drove Arabs round in the old days. Minted it.

Now a days in London its slave labour

I done the knowledge for the money and freedom.

If you own your own cab and work hard ( not really working as such )

You can make good money.

Trouble is loads of guys get their badge and enjoy the honeymoon period .

We say 2 years. After that you become a miserable git 555

I've got a few things on the side giving me money .

The cab is for living money.

Loads of London cabbies in pattaya.

Not bragging . But has the saying goes.

You'll never be rich driving a cab.

But you'll never starve.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I am not insulting Taxi Drivers! I like Taxi Drivers! Maybe you could answer the OP and tell him why you gave up such a good job driving cab to come here? The comparison I made was that a Taxi Driver in the UK could come to Thailand and with a minimum of Teacher Training could teach English here. But he could not do that back home with the same minimum training. So am I right? If so that that is not an insult! That is a compliment!

But when someone like you tries to tell me that a Taxi Driver in the UK can easily make over $156,000 US a year driving cab 6 days a week, well Bud, I know BS when I see it and I call it when I see it to.

Oh Ya! To me Make means money in my pocket after taxes and not what he handles. Otherwise all Bank Tellers Make over a Million a Year!

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You know when people say, "university educated" in Thailand you are not comparing like for like. There is a world of difference between a Thai degree and a western degree. A fair comparison to the English education system would be a Thai degree is equivalent to A levels.

That's a rather generous assessment.

Most Thai university degrees are the equivalent of a US high school graduation.

(As far as I can see)

Depends on the University, same as everywhere else in the world, Lets face it university in Kentucky gave YK a Masters degree..rolleyes.gif

I work with Thai guys with BSc/MSc in varying engineering disciplines and they would easily stand their ground with any graduates coming out of a UK or US university with similar credentials.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I do not mean a good wage for you. Or a good wage for a University Graduate. Or a good wage for an experience highly trained Engineer like me.

What do you consider a good wage for a highly training engineer like you is ?

What do you consider a good wage for a Non-specific university graduate, on the understanding not all university graduates are created equal in the earnings stakes

Sorry! Off Topic!

That is like me asking you what an experienced Footballer should make.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So what you are telling me is that in your country, if a Taxi Driver works 6 days a week, with an average day earning 15k Baht, as you said, he would earn $156,000 US per year?

Well Bud!

They sure as Hell don't earn that kind of money in my country, even working 7 days a week or by driving the Prime Minister around.

You say driving the PM around has if it's a big deal.

It ain't.he probably gets about 30K GBP PA ++

Drove Arabs round in the old days. Minted it.

Now a days in London its slave labour

I done the knowledge for the money and freedom.

If you own your own cab and work hard ( not really working as such )

You can make good money.

Trouble is loads of guys get their badge and enjoy the honeymoon period .

We say 2 years. After that you become a miserable git 555

I've got a few things on the side giving me money .

The cab is for living money.

Loads of London cabbies in pattaya.

Not bragging . But has the saying goes.

You'll never be rich driving a cab.

But you'll never starve.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I am not insulting Taxi Drivers! I like Taxi Drivers! Maybe you could answer the OP and tell him why you gave up such a good job driving cab to come here? The comparison I made was that a Taxi Driver in the UK could come to Thailand and with a minimum of Teacher Training could teach English here. But he could not do that back home with the same minimum training. So am I right? If so that that is not an insult! That is a compliment!

But when someone like you tries to tell me that a Taxi Driver in the UK can easily make over $156,000 US a year driving cab 6 days a week, well Bud, I know BS when I see it and I call it when I see it to.

Oh Ya! To me Make means money in my pocket after taxes and not what he handles. Otherwise all Bank Tellers Make over a Million a Year!


Per that link its stated London taxi drivers can earn up to GBP 100k p.a - so in colonial money thats USD 168k/p.a

So obviously you dont know BS when you see it....so don't step in it whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I do not mean a good wage for you. Or a good wage for a University Graduate. Or a good wage for an experience highly trained Engineer like me.

What do you consider a good wage for a highly training engineer like you is ?

What do you consider a good wage for a Non-specific university graduate, on the understanding not all university graduates are created equal in the earnings stakes

Sorry! Off Topic!

That is like me asking you what an experienced Footballer should make.

not off topic at all...."you stated a good wage for an experienced highly trained engineer like me"

I am asking what you consider a good wage for a highly experienced highly trained engineer like you is ?.....I am not asking you speculate what a good salary is for a footballer, I am asking what you consider is a good wage in your own profession ?, you should know...even a salary banding is ok...

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While your talking about UK taxi drivers.

15K is achievable on an ordinary day.

30K is very rare but can be done on a Saturday/ Sunday .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So what you are telling me is that in your country, if a Taxi Driver works 6 days a week, with an average day earning 15k Baht, as you said, he would earn $156,000 US per year?

Well Bud!

They sure as Hell don't earn that kind of money in my country, even working 7 days a week or by driving the Prime Minister around.

You say driving the PM around has if it's a big deal.

It ain't.he probably gets about 30K GBP PA ++

Drove Arabs round in the old days. Minted it.

Now a days in London its slave labour

I done the knowledge for the money and freedom.

If you own your own cab and work hard ( not really working as such )

You can make good money.

Trouble is loads of guys get their badge and enjoy the honeymoon period .

We say 2 years. After that you become a miserable git 555

I've got a few things on the side giving me money .

The cab is for living money.

Loads of London cabbies in pattaya.

Not bragging . But has the saying goes.

You'll never be rich driving a cab.

But you'll never starve.

Be lucky

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I am not insulting Taxi Drivers! I like Taxi Drivers! Maybe you could answer the OP and tell him why you gave up such a good job driving cab to come here? The comparison I made was that a Taxi Driver in the UK could come to Thailand and with a minimum of Teacher Training could teach English here. But he could not do that back home with the same minimum training. So am I right? If so that that is not an insult! That is a compliment!

But when someone like you tries to tell me that a Taxi Driver in the UK can easily make over $156,000 US a year driving cab 6 days a week, well Bud, I know BS when I see it and I call it when I see it to.

Oh Ya! To me Make means money in my pocket after taxes and not what he handles. Otherwise all Bank Tellers Make over a Million a Year!

I never said I came here to teach.

Couldn't afford it. Too many out goings.

If I worked every day for the year driving the cab then yes those figures are acheavable.

But I DONT .

I come and go.

Work 2 months

Off 2 months.

The OP asked . Why do they work for peanuts ?

They don't. The cost of living here and the way of life is by far superior to the west.

Who wants to work in a UK school for exactly peanuts .

And the kids don't want to study.

You'll probably get punched by one and the ILEA will say it's your fault.

The west is good in some things and bad in some.

I have the upmost respect for teachers .

They do a hard job here or there.

Because what we don't see is what they do out of hours.

Marking .planning lessons etc

My friend in London is a teacher. And she has a BA

So let's not rush to judge them

BS ???

Never from me

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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