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US hopeful Thai military will show restraint


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Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why


19 resets are quite a lot, really.

well yes and is a clear indication that something here is badly wrong - history doesn't lie

But I would also draw attention to the fact that the military in most cases has not been a power hungry dictatorship trying to overthrow democracy, they have generally been active in clearing up a mess caused by a sitting government abusing power with corruption out of control and have then handed power back to the people

The constant failure with Thai politics is the sitting government inability to control their greed and abuse of power and law showing no respect to the people, the main reason for this is they don't quite have a full understanding of what a democracy actually is and think because they were elected they can do what they want with no boundaries - PTP did find boundaries and tried to remove them, the existing boundaries are very obviously not enough which is why the system needs further reform

I have said this countless times on here a 5 year ban from office is not enough - it simply allows the regurgitation of the same corrupt officials taking office again and again - Thailand would be a great place if all these corrupt individuals were flushed from the system for good

Reforms are badly needed and no amount of elections will fix it - I believe the majority of the Thai people believe that now - only those that have something to lose are opposed - the reds are nothing more than mafia thugs who feel they have a right to intimidate communities while they feed their pockets - I am red do as I say or else mentality - it has to stop

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Ridiculous US with their greedy global interests!! Why don't they ask the terrorists to show restraint? The Thai Military will intervene if the terrorist elements become too violent and the Police cannot provide protection to the citizens.

Of course, Thaksinistas would call that a "coup" bah.gif

So obvious: Ukraine if against Russian interests: Good coup. Shooting on civilian?? No no these are all civilian terrorists.

Coup about a murderous government: bad coup.

It is so cynical.....just money.

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Do the seppos realize how offensive their hypocritical twaddle is? Their military has torn the world apart, primarily for selfish reasons, and they have the gall to advise a sovereign nation on the opposite side of the world to show restraint?

"Do the seppos realize how offensive their hypocritical twaddle is?"

Definition of Seppo
  • a "Yank", i.e. a person from the USA. Australian rhyming slang: from "septic tank" rhyming with "Yank".

Those bloody Seppos and their stupid baseball caps.

Hey what did those Seppos just say? Shit, I never can understand them.


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Cut off all aid to Thailand if their is a coup. Both military and civilian aid. The US doesn't need Thailand they have the Philippines and who knows maybe Vietnam would love to give the US it's old bases back which would really upset Red China.

Free speach allows a fool to say what he feels

This in return shows the people who are real idiots

You are living proof of this.

Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

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Cut off all aid to Thailand if their is a coup. Both military and civilian aid. The US doesn't need Thailand they have the Philippines and who knows maybe Vietnam would love to give the US it's old bases back which would really upset Red China.

It is really none of the us business let Thailand solve its own problems.

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Cut off all aid to Thailand if their is a coup. Both military and civilian aid. The US doesn't need Thailand they have the Philippines and who knows maybe Vietnam would love to give the US it's old bases back which would really upset Red China.

Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

I'm just not sure that a coup as a description is used in the correct context, if the military intervene here it is to restore law and order not to abolish it, it could be argues that the military are acting more like a police force were the police have failed to uphold said law and enforcement of the justice system which the reds and PTP have shown contempt and in some cases total disregard

Call it what ever you want but in my opinion the word doesn't quite match the action or good intention were all other avenues have been exhausted especially when you have a group of thugs threatening civil war and a government and a police force that is and is very obviously not representing all of the Thai people like they swore to do

There is no doubt this is a mess - I know exactly were the blame is - the solution not so easy, there is evil in this LOS and it needs to be removed I believe the majority can see that

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

One can go back in the history of the US and see that their case for restraint is hypocritical, however China is no saint and we had an envoy mashing he's gums about what Thailand should do, conveniently forgetting about the large protest in HK last w/end over the imprisonment of a critic of the government in Beijing, China's track record is atrocious , the US has been a good friend of Thailand for some time hence the elephant logo on the Democrat party letter heads, I don't think it hurts to say something , so long as everyone learns from the experience , lets be frank, the red shirt episode in 2010 and Sutheps protest would not be tolerated in the west with harsh measures for control , thank god for small mercy's and General Prayuth"s stamina. coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

The Donkey is the political symbol of the US Democratic Party, circa 1880

The Elephant is the political symbol of the US Republican Party, circa 1874

Both orginated from political cartoons - that may explain why so many Americans like to make and watch cartoons.

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If some of you are so blinded that you still want to call the hypothetical intervention of the army a "coup", at least call it a "coup against cops", not a traditional "coup d'etat".

As Smedly has said in a previous post, if the military intervene here it would be to restore law and order, not to abolish it.

If they intervene, it will be to fill the vacuum of the ineffective, negligent, and corrupted Thai Police that is being unable to protect the life of the people. Nothing more or less than that.

Edited by MGP
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Cut off all aid to Thailand if their is a coup. Both military and civilian aid. The US doesn't need Thailand they have the Philippines and who knows maybe Vietnam would love to give the US it's old bases back which would really upset Red China.

Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

I'm just not sure that a coup as a description is used in the correct context, if the military intervene here it is to restore law and order not to abolish it, it could be argues that the military are acting more like a police force were the police have failed to uphold said law and enforcement of the justice system which the reds and PTP have shown contempt and in some cases total disregard

Call it what ever you want but in my opinion the word doesn't quite match the action or good intention were all other avenues have been exhausted especially when you have a group of thugs threatening civil war and a government and a police force that is and is very obviously not representing all of the Thai people like they swore to do

There is no doubt this is a mess - I know exactly were the blame is - the solution not so easy, there is evil in this LOS and it needs to be removed I believe the majority can see that

It's a military mutiny coup d'état. The tanks roll and the armed forces come out. Please, you go out there to welcome with open arms an oncoming tank. I'll provide the flowers - before and after.

Have one here and find out what virtually if not all the world's respected democracies say, to include Asean democracies. It's a military coup d'état here, there, anywhere, everywhere.

On the other hand, a fascist militarist intimidated by the word coup in a certain country would try change the meaning of the word coup and even try to ease it out of the vocabulary. The effects of that would be to try to legitimize the act of martial law military mutiny into an act of wonderful kindness and love by the nation's paternal grandfatherly military leaders who have the best interests only of the children in heart and mind.

Military mutiny coup d'état.

Fascist militarists.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music.

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Maybe the Americans could bring Democracy to Thailand

The people in






are loving it. Of course their support for democratic regimes like this in Saudi Arabia is loved. Just unlucky Cambodians. USA supported the democratic Pol Pot and he still lost.

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Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

I'm just not sure that a coup as a description is used in the correct context, if the military intervene here it is to restore law and order not to abolish it, it could be argues that the military are acting more like a police force were the police have failed to uphold said law and enforcement of the justice system which the reds and PTP have shown contempt and in some cases total disregard

Call it what ever you want but in my opinion the word doesn't quite match the action or good intention were all other avenues have been exhausted especially when you have a group of thugs threatening civil war and a government and a police force that is and is very obviously not representing all of the Thai people like they swore to do

There is no doubt this is a mess - I know exactly were the blame is - the solution not so easy, there is evil in this LOS and it needs to be removed I believe the majority can see that

It's a military mutiny coup d'état. The tanks roll and the armed forces come out. Please, you go out there to welcome with open arms an oncoming tank. I'll provide the flowers - before and after.

Have one here and find out what virtually if not all the world's respected democracies say, to include Asean democracies. It's a military coup d'état here, there, anywhere, everywhere.

On the other hand, a fascist militarist intimidated by the word coup in a certain country would try change the meaning of the word coup and even try to ease it out of the vocabulary. The effects of that would be to try to legitimize the act of martial law military mutiny into an act of wonderful kindness and love by the nation's paternal grandfatherly military leaders who have the best interests only of the children in heart and mind.

Military mutiny coup d'état.

Fascist militarists.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music.

I was here at the 2006 coup. People gave flowers and food to the soldiers. The government acted more democratic than any democratic government. They turned off the internet censorship with the comment: Who is smart enough to use a computer is smart enough to build his own opinion, etc etc.

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US hopeful Thai military will show restraint
by Shaun TANDON
WASHINGTON, May 13, 2014 (AFP) - The United States voiced confidence Tuesday that Thailand's military will not stage another coup as worries mount in Washington of prolonged turmoil in its oldest Asian ally.
Does the headline match the opening line?

If it was not for the red shirts threatening violence and separation of the nation the idea of a coup would not even be thought of.
It would be nice if they would try to do some thing legal other than threaten violence.

With all his money you would think Thaksin could hire some people with an IQ higher than the temperature in a kitchen refrigerator.wai.gif

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This is the most clear abuse of power and really goes to show which side a supposedly neutral organization is on. The privy council, the military and their associated elites are using the Democrat Party and PDRC as a front to further their financial gains within their power circles. They've instigated 25 coups against multiple democratically elected governments and still have not been charged in court, yet they have more than enough time to nitpick every single detail on the Pheu Thai leadership. They're using lese majeste as a threat to scare the people away from voting anyone in opposition to the democrats.

Edited by anantha92
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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

Edited by Publicus
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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

I was here for the 2006 "coup" too, as were a number of us.

It was a crackdown against terrorists that caused havoc in Bangkok

A gang of scum terrorists dressing in red

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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

I was here for the 2006 "coup" too, as were a number of us.

It was a crackdown against terrorists that caused havoc in Bangkok

A gang of scum terrorists dressing in red

I don't know if you're trolling but if not, this is probably one of the most mis-informed statements i've read on Thai Visa. The UDD / Red shirts started as a response to the coup of 2006. Prior to that, Thaksin's PPP party had a white theme, not red.

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Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

I'm just not sure that a coup as a description is used in the correct context, if the military intervene here it is to restore law and order not to abolish it, it could be argues that the military are acting more like a police force were the police have failed to uphold said law and enforcement of the justice system which the reds and PTP have shown contempt and in some cases total disregard

Call it what ever you want but in my opinion the word doesn't quite match the action or good intention were all other avenues have been exhausted especially when you have a group of thugs threatening civil war and a government and a police force that is and is very obviously not representing all of the Thai people like they swore to do

There is no doubt this is a mess - I know exactly were the blame is - the solution not so easy, there is evil in this LOS and it needs to be removed I believe the majority can see that

It's a military mutiny coup d'état. The tanks roll and the armed forces come out. Please, you go out there to welcome with open arms an oncoming tank. I'll provide the flowers - before and after.

Have one here and find out what virtually if not all the world's respected democracies say, to include Asean democracies. It's a military coup d'état here, there, anywhere, everywhere.

On the other hand, a fascist militarist intimidated by the word coup in a certain country would try change the meaning of the word coup and even try to ease it out of the vocabulary. The effects of that would be to try to legitimize the act of martial law military mutiny into an act of wonderful kindness and love by the nation's paternal grandfatherly military leaders who have the best interests only of the children in heart and mind.

Military mutiny coup d'état.

Fascist militarists.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music.

As it stands now the only people who support the PTP and the red shirts are the people with no education or the people who stand to make money from the corruption.

The first group is from a lack of education in all previous governments including Thaksin's. Thaksin had 5 years and did nothing. He also led the next two governments and with an absence of power of 3 and a half years in 14 has not brought one bit of decent education to Thailand in the last 14 years. The population is still uneducated. They can only copy.

The second group are on the take and stand to lose money in an honest government.

Say what you will about a coup and legality the constitution and any thing else you wish to ponder on. You can not change the fact that the present government is corrupt to the bone and has done nothing for Thailand. Like it or not a coup would improve the lot of the average Thai in Thailand.

It will not happen. There are enough Thai people who are awakened to what is going on that the military will only intervene if the red shirts who are supported by the PTP try their civil war. Even then you will probably back the red shirts.

Get off your self righteous ignorant high horse and start thinking of the people for a change.

It is no wonder they defend the corruption . they have deliberately set up business here in Thailand because with all that Thailand has to offer they can make big money by simply greasing the right hands.

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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

I was here for the 2006 "coup" too, as were a number of us.

It was a crackdown against terrorists that caused havoc in Bangkok

A gang of scum terrorists dressing in red

Nope, no red shirts on the streets in 2006. You've got your time line mixed up I think.

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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

I was here for the 2006 "coup" too, as were a number of us.

It was a crackdown against terrorists that caused havoc in Bangkok

A gang of scum terrorists dressing in red

Both wrong and false.

The post is laughable revisionist history, which is to make a kind description of the post.

The PAD led by Sondhi that were at the time constantly in the streets and packing stadiums were feudalists demonstrating against the government. The PAD were not terrorists. The PAD always were anti-democratic feudalists but never terrorists. Incipient fascists yes, terrorists no.

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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

Abject nonsense. I was also there and that was probably the most peaceful military coup ever. Fully supported by the majority of Thais and foreigners alike. No one was hurt and the country was saved from the autocratic rule of clearly deluded megalomaniac.

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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

Abject nonsense. I was also there and that was probably the most peaceful military coup ever. Fully supported by the majority of Thais and foreigners alike. No one was hurt and the country was saved from the autocratic rule of clearly deluded megalomaniac.

The 2006 coup was the biggest mistake and the single most divisive event in all of Thailand history.

And you want to do it over again times one hundred.


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I was here for the 2006 coup too, as were a number of us.

It was a fascist militarist action which is now recognized as being the most divisive event in the history of Thailand.

A gang of militant military fascists.

Abject nonsense. I was also there and that was probably the most peaceful military coup ever. Fully supported by the majority of Thais and foreigners alike. No one was hurt and the country was saved from the autocratic rule of clearly deluded megalomaniac.

The 2006 coup was the biggest mistake and the single most divisive event in all of Thailand history.

And you want to do it over again times one hundred.


The biggest mistake was letting the red shirts get within 50km is the city centre,

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Cut off all aid to Thailand if their is a coup. Both military and civilian aid. The US doesn't need Thailand they have the Philippines and who knows maybe Vietnam would love to give the US it's old bases back which would really upset Red China.

Mango Bob - you got a just response to your stupid statement, one of the most idiotic I've seen on TV for some time - How would cutting off aid be of benefit to anyone

Take it on the chin and move on

Further although I don't approve of the military stepping in sometimes these things are the only way to hit the reset button, also I don't regard a military coup in Thailand the same thing as some crackpot General in Africa chasing a dictatorship rule - in Thailand it's more like preserving society when it all breaks down with no way back - the blame is firmly with PTP in this case - no other and we all know why

It's a matter of law in the United States that the President is required to sever by Executive Order any US financial aid and assistance to any government that establishes itself by means of what in law is called a military mutiny against the properly constituted civilian authority (government).

The common term is coup d'état and the United States has done this many times to include to Thailand after the 2006 military mutiny coup d'état.

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, so I absolutely do not want to hear your collection of classical music. And I completely reject whatever bizarre and skewed notions you might have of justice in a given society anywhere, anytime.

Military rule is extra-constitutional rule and it almost always occurs in the form of a dictatorship to include martial law.

Supporting or advocating a military mutiny in Thailand advances the eerie Thai notion that two wrongs make a right and that five wrongs make it even more right. This dog chasing its tail tautology has put Thailand where it is and will lead to the collapse of the Thai nation and state, society.

I'm just not sure that a coup as a description is used in the correct context, if the military intervene here it is to restore law and order not to abolish it, it could be argues that the military are acting more like a police force were the police have failed to uphold said law and enforcement of the justice system which the reds and PTP have shown contempt and in some cases total disregard

Call it what ever you want but in my opinion the word doesn't quite match the action or good intention were all other avenues have been exhausted especially when you have a group of thugs threatening civil war and a government and a police force that is and is very obviously not representing all of the Thai people like they swore to do

There is no doubt this is a mess - I know exactly were the blame is - the solution not so easy, there is evil in this LOS and it needs to be removed I believe the majority can see that

Your posts above read like PR to justify a coup and that a coup is a nice sweet and gentle affair, so wonderful to a country and its people.

Below is some of the Wiki account of the 1992 battle between the people for democracy versus the military coup dictators in which thousands of Thai people were killed or suffered severely from the vile armed assault of the Army against them in the streets of Bangkok. Some of the place names identified in the battles of the time have a familiar ring to them today.

Gen Prayuth and his generation of senior military chiefs and commanders were very junior officers during the events that transpired below. Gen Prayuth and his generation of officers across the armed forces experienced the 1991-92 slaughters of the Thai people by certain vile units of the Army, and they experienced the 2006 coup, then the 2010 Bangkok clashes, so they have decided enough is enough. No more military mutiny coups d'état. Were you to join them, you'd be in excellent company (a radical change indeed).

On February 23, 1991, Army Commander Suchinda Kraprayoon overthrew the government of Chatichai Choonhavan. The coup-makers, who called themselves the National Peace-Keeping Council (NPKC), appointed Anand Panyarachun as Prime Minister. Gen Suchinda said he conducted the coup to end a "parliamentary dictatorship."

May 18, 1992

By midnight two fire engines had been set on fire, and the situation was spiralling out of control. Some 700 troops had been called in and the fighting fanned out from Phan Fa Bridge. At 12:30 AM Suchinda declared a state of emergency, making gatherings of more than ten people illegal. The government urged people to go home, as hospitals in the area were already receiving the injured, including four with gunshot wounds who died that night.[2]

Chamlong remained near Phan Fa Bridge and the nearby Democracy Monument. About 4:00 AM, soldiers threatened the nearly 40,000 protesters by firing M16 rifles into the air. An hour and a half later, they began firing again. By the morning, the army brought in more troops, and crowds grew larger at other sections of the city.

Early on the afternoon of May 18th, Suchinda publicly accused Chamlong of fomenting violence and defended the government’s use of force. Shortly afterward, troops firing continuously in the air moved in to surround Chamlong. He was handcuffed and arrested.

However, the crowds did not disperse, and the violence escalated. After government troops secured the area around Phan Fa Bridge and the Democracy Monument, protests shifted to Ramkhamhaeng University in the east of the city. By evening of 19 May, some fifty thousand people had gathered there.

The violence resulted in 52 officially acknowledged deaths, hundreds of injuries, and many disappearances. Over 3,500 people were arrested; hundreds of them were women and children. Many arrested claimed to have been tortured; some were beaten, left to sit in sweltering sunlight, soaked in gasoline and threatened with immolation, and left to go hungry.

Suchinda was later appointed Chairman of Telecom Asia (today known as True), a company which received a concession to install 2 million telephone lines in Bangkok during the Anand government. Anand later became Chairman of Saha-Union Group, which had received an Independent Power Producer concession during his government.


Edited by Publicus
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Yea Yea a lot of us were here for 2006 etc etc. it was a coup and set the country on the path to the violence in 2010.... cause and affect simple really

Just because Thailand has coups more regularly than elections going to term dosnt make them acceptable or the right thing to do, in fact Thailand IS the worlds hub of coups ... by far.

Funny bunch of farangs we have here, back home they wouldnt stand for it, here they have gone so native they forget what a decent system looks or runs like and think its normal. Probably fear of the Mrs.

Just because you have a crap government some didnt vote for does not mean you have to stage a coup ... or should.. you vote them out next time with campaigning and polices people want.

Then again if a certain political party actually campaigned properly and worked at changing hearts and minds they may... just may win something sometime.

Edited by englishoak
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