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Thai protesters occupy heart of power as crisis deepens


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What an obscenity! On the front page of the BP today is a photograph of the seditionist Suthep sitting confidently with nine of his fellow gangsters inside Government House. They have apparently been allowed in with no resistance from the police or army. Indeed, I expect that they are being pampered and served with as much food and drink as they want. Meanwhile the elected government of this country has to hide out furtively in some suburb.
The worst aspect of this photo of the seditionists is that right behind them hanging on the wall is a painting of His Majesty.
How can people who proclaim adherence to the country's leader, a leader who has repeatedly proclaimed his belief in democracy, show this level of disrespect? They should all be arrested for lese majeste, not to mention open sedition against the elected (caretaker) government of Thailand.

So sorry to see you in such pain and agony, anteater. While I don't care much for Suthep, I must admit the way the Reds go on about him sometimes makes me sympathize with him. Good job you're doing, eh.

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What an obscenity! On the front page of the BP today is a photograph of the seditionist Suthep sitting confidently with nine of his fellow gangsters inside Government House. They have apparently been allowed in with no resistance from the police or army. Indeed, I expect that they are being pampered and served with as much food and drink as they want. Meanwhile the elected government of this country has to hide out furtively in some suburb.
The worst aspect of this photo of the seditionists is that right behind them hanging on the wall is a painting of His Majesty.
How can people who proclaim adherence to the country's leader, a leader who has repeatedly proclaimed his belief in democracy, show this level of disrespect? They should all be arrested for lese majeste, not to mention open sedition against the elected (caretaker) government of Thailand.

yes you got it....the power is slowly shifting....away from Thaksin to Suthep, hard to accept isn't it.

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Reds won't stand for it

I hear a rally is to take place in Hua Hin on Friday led by a monk to petition the King

I am sure our active monk from Chaeng Wattana won't be the chosen representative.

Heard but not verified?

Rumor? Speculation? Wishful thinking?

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"He is smashing the hearts of the Thai people. His action destroys the democratic system -- it is the same as dictatorship."

Words of truth from the P.T.P. outlining clearly the aims of Thaksin Shinwatra.

I am dismayed at the lack of comprehension displayed by you and others. Was your education that lacking?

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Considering that Thailand is a country of show with little substance, the occupation of this building has great symbolic value. This was undoubtedly a smart move by Suthep. The symbolic value couldn't have been lost on the army so we must assume it was handed over with the purpose of raising Sutheps status,which calls into question their impartiality, or it could be that since things aren't moving forward the army is forcing the situation to come to the boil to get it over and done with.

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"Protest leaders say the move into the government compound reflects their status as representatives of the majority, although they are reluctant to put their claim to the test at the ballot box."

That's because they don't represent the majority, they represent a self-serving minority in Bangkok.

Yeah I know, none of the past elections were perfect, but nobody has provided evidence that they were so flawed as to affect the results. That's why Suthep and company don't want elections, they want power.

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