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Can i go back to Uk if i 'owe' money?

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The title of closalind's post says it all... I agree with jonnychopsticks... As long as this is a legit business and the business owner has all the evidence to prove this, the police will do something to help. You can be traced! Throw your towel in and pay up, it's not worth the hassle for your family.

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No. They cannot prevent you from leaving. What kind of nonsense are all of these answers? It is not a criminal matter. It is a civil matter. They are not claiming that you stole (criminal) but that you did not pay (civil). Even with a court order there is nothing they can do, short of taking any assets you may have in Thailand. The available remedies to the claimant is to seek enforcement of the order against you on the UK, and in that case seize to take your property, wages, etc. Do not listen to any of these pseudo lawyers on the forum!

Edited by Braddockrd
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The question if someone was paid or not or someone cheated is for a court to decide and off topic.

Stick to answering the question if one can leave or not when a complaint has been logged with the police.

my understanding is this

If a complaint is lodged with the police which I believe it has, the Police will request the person to attend the Police station on a specific date to discuss the issue with all parties to try and find a "solution"....if the person who owes the money doesn't turn up, or ignores the request, then I believe the Police can request an arrest warrant, and once you have an arrest warrant for none attendance at the police station you will not be leaving until you have had a "chat" with the BiB

Upto this point whether Civil or criminal case is irrelevant, the warrant is for none attendance at the police station.

I also believe if you leave a unpaid hotel bill, there is also provision for the hotels to inform immigration and you are put on a watch list and snagged by immigration when you try and leave....this legally would be a Civil claim as well..wink.png

As a topical link to illustrate the point, you will notice the complaint lodged with the police has nothing to do with the "bribery" bit but none payment of said bribe...rolleyes.gif


Edited by Soutpeel
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No. They cannot prevent you from leaving. What kind of nonsense are all of these answers? It is not a criminal matter. It is a civil matter. They are not claiming that you stole (criminal) but that you did not pay (civil). Even with a court order there is nothing they can do, short of taking any assets you may have in Thailand. The available remedies to the claimant is to seek enforcement of the order against you on the UK, and in that case seize to take your property, wages, etc. Do not listen to any of these pseudo lawyers on the forum!

In my pseudo opinion, the above opinion would merit adequacy in most common law jurisdictions. I am afraid to note that this case is outwith the workings of such an application.

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I understand that in theory it can be done, but I suspect it more an ideal threat. There have been reports on this forum whereby people have been prevented from leaving Thailand in similar circumstances though.

I will move this to the Thai Visa section as you might get a better response.

I will resist the urge to say you should have got a receipt.

Never do things on a hand-shake in Thailand, IMO..... In fact never do any business in the world today without a contract and receipt...... Best to keep it black and white..... I only speak from experience mind you.......



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The only way to ensure that you leave Thailand unmolested is to settle the bill that you owe the school.

I'm sure you don't want to spend the night in the clink with your husband and children.

You'll miss your flight and have to pay at least four times the amount for new airfares than it would have cost to settle the original bill.

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A thai scam threat. Tell her to go to hell and dont be scared of the scum

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ha ha ha. Poor kingalfred obviously didn't bother to read all the posts, and is confused about who the scum actually are. Nothing to do with 'Thai' at all. Very entertaining thread though. Sure hope there are more twists in this story. 555

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I have a feeling that "he said, she said" farang on farang crime is not quite as much of a priority for the Thai Police as a crime against Thais and whether or not it will become an issue at the airport will come down to how well connected and respected the school "owner" is amongst those that matter.

So the question for the OP, is "do you feel lucky(punk)?"

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It doesn't really matter whether she owes the money or not, there is no quick legal recourse for the nursery owner/manager.

Have you even considered consulting a lawyer. The first consultation is normally free

Try querying immigration lawyers bangkok. There is one on Summumvit just north of the landmark hotel, The lawyers name is Kwang Li, licensed to practice here and in the US and specializes in immigration.. After all this might be the only smart thing you have done since you got here

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It doesn't really matter whether she owes the money or not, there is no quick legal recourse for the nursery owner/manager.

Have you even considered consulting a lawyer. The first consultation is normally free

Try querying immigration lawyers bangkok. There is one on Summumvit just north of the landmark hotel, The lawyers name is Kwang Li, licensed to practice here and in the US and specializes in immigration.. After all this might be the only smart thing you have done since you got here

Who are you talking to?

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I would just like to inform all the armchair judges and keyboard heroes in this forum, that the person who started this topic has, after being confronted with the reality of an police investigation, already admitted to lying about it all, apologized to the nursery, is in the process of tranferring the money owed and has even offered a compensation (which has been declined). And no there was no intimadation at play, just proper legal channels, responding to the evidence provided (emails, bill, texts)

Maybe in the future people should not take every posted (mis) information for fact and without any actual knowledge of the real story, immediately jump to conclusions, make ridiculous assumptions and offer help to crooks as to avoid prosecution. You all embarressed yourself greatly, and one hopes that none of you will ever be in a position of power to act on your immediate prejudices and wrong judgments.

The nursery in question is most popular in the community, the local kids are happy there and well taken care of and so are the tourists kids. There was no rip-off whatsoever, the only mistake of the nursery was trying to be helpful and believing some false stories about them being robbed and waiting for funds.

Our community is very tighknit and we respect and support each other, hence the immediate great response on this. Obviously these cheating guys didn't expect that, maybe some other place they would have gotten away with it. I feel sorry for the kids, that maybe sometime will have to bear the consequences for their parents wrongdoings.

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"Maybe in the future people should not take every posted (mis) information for fact"

Out of interest, did the school actually send the email as quoted earlier in the thread?

"You all embarressed yourself greatly"

That's not how you do PR...

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Since the OP has not posted since the first page and things appear to of been resolved I see no reason for further discussion.

If the OP would like this topic reopened they can PM me or do a report,.


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