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Why are farang so unhappy about successful farang in Thailand?


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Thank you Wheretostay for bringing this up. FYI - I'm a novelist and artist, and was successful in my career. I was honored in my community and yes, loved. I didn't know a troll existed. I was good to people and they were good to me. I didn't mean to come to Thailand, I came with a friend and ended up staying - three years ago. I found a good home in Chiang Mai and can write my novels here without distraction. I don't like FB and sometimes I get lonely - so I post on TV. I truly appreciate the replies and a dialogue that is helpful, thought-out and friendly. But there have been so many times when I have wanted to quit TV - why subject myself to ignorant ridicule? - because some of the responses can be so mean and thoughtless. Maybe I'm pipe dreaming, but I'd sure like to see TV evolve to the place where we're honoring and supporting out ex-pat brothers and sisters, and give a serious question a well-thought-out answer. Maybe one of those sun icons can be used for "just joking." ?

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Personally, I believe it's very healthy to have people responding in various ways.

The sad people with all too negative comments are easily spotted and I myself feel sorry for them.

But in my book, people I feel sorry for I look down on, there's a huge differens to feel sorry and to have sympathy, isn't it.

People in TV also have to remember that too many without knowledge in running a bar or a restaurant, actually bought, started one.

Too many of those people lost all their savings and in the process became alcoholics or worse.

None of those, wants to hear someone else made it where they failed.

Every farrang I know who is working here in LOS have a real hard time making it, but it is possible but not for many if their background/knowledge isn't in par with their business.

Us westerners also have problems with "lost face" when it comes to lack of money and possible alcohol addiction.

In a forum with sailers or people interested in sailing, there's still a feeling of positive attitude for the future, I assume.

In TV you have all sorts, people who failed, people still trying, people who made it.

In a country like Thailand who's not forgiving when it comes to lack of profesionalism and lack of "do it by the book" business, they will loose in the long run and hence, getting frustrated and bitter.

To become a cynic is just a thread of hair away.

People with success, might do what I do, not much response to success stories but I do clap my hands for them and silently wish them good luck in the future etc.

It doesn't mean I don't appreciate to read about someone who is succesful, on the contrary, I prefer that to the opposite.

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

Sorry I have to ask, who are we?

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

"Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't be posted here"


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My thread about the 3 girls actually had nothing to do with me per se...it was intended as a reflection of how Thai girls can so accepting of such an arrangement in contrast to normal society.

I recall the thread about the 40 million baht house for sale where half the posters could do nothing more than criticize it. It was a beautiful home by any standard.

I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes. I simply don't get what they're trying to achieve. They'll likely never amount to anything if they don't go back to society and establish a career. If they're happy, then more power to them but they sure look frustrated.

Maybe their is such a diverse range of people living here that there's no common interests....I have no idea but I've sure met some unhappy people in my time here. One guy tried to convince me that anyone who chose to live east of Sukhumvit in Pattaya would be murdered within a year, as locals would knock you off your bike to rob you. When I informed him that I drive a car, he couldn't grasp that not all farang were as rundown as him.

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This is what I am referring to. If someone has nothing to contribute, they say you are a "troll"??? But why can't they simply ignore a topic if they have nothing worthwhile to contribute? Puzzling....

because a troll is a troll....

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

I hear ya! I'm not going to boast about the 3 bisexual ladies, one Japanese, one Thai, and one Korean, all of them stunners, that I daily gave massive multiple orgasms to for 3 months when I was in Paris waiting for the bronze statue of myself I had had commissioned a world famous sculptor to create. Nor am I going to boast about the twin Texan beauty queens I had as guests on my 50 meter yacht last time I cruised the Caribbean.

I won't even talk about the photos and videos, because that would imply I think you wouldn't believe me....and why wouldn't you?

So, no, I will not brag about anything.

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My thread about the 3 girls actually had nothing to do with me per se...it was intended as a reflection of how Thai girls can so accepting of such an arrangement in contrast to normal society.

I recall the thread about the 40 million baht house for sale where half the posters could do nothing more than criticize it. It was a beautiful home by any standard.

I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes. I simply don't get what they're trying to achieve. They'll likely never amount to anything if they don't go back to society and establish a career. If they're happy, then more power to them but they sure look frustrated.

Maybe their is such a diverse range of people living here that there's no common interests....I have no idea but I've sure met some unhappy people in my time here. One guy tried to convince me that anyone who chose to live east of Sukhumvit in Pattaya would be murdered within a year, as locals would knock you off your bike to rob you. When I informed him that I drive a car, he couldn't grasp that not all farang were as rundown as him.

I think you have a mental problem and should back off.......facepalm.gif

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It depends on how you define success. I'm not rich, but earn a decent salary in Bangkok which allows me to save a little more each month. I juggle multiple girlfriends, eat and exercise well and avoid unhappy people.

Long ago I asked myself: What do I want from this life? Wealth or wisdom?

To become super-wealthy, you can't work a 40-hour work week, but have to work 60 hours, at least 6 days a week and take your work home with you. In your limited free time you think and talk a lot about work. Which leaves little time for interesting books, movies and travel. Is happiness becoming rich and impressing other people? That sounds a little sad and pathetic.

So I chose wisdom and hence I read voraciously, watch obscure movies and documentaries, and travel to tourist-free locations.

Sorry, just had to comment.

I work between 60 to 80 hours a week, and I don't have time to read any books except nonfiction litteratur.

But for me, I love my job and it's a journey almost everyday I have to take.(wants to)

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

"Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't be posted here"


Why?? Not see me boasting about my 50 million baht villa and a lambo in the garage along with a 19 year old gf.

And if no one believes me, I could care less because I still be living in my 50 million baht villa , drive my lambo with my 19 year old gf in my fantasy little world wink.png

See? There are actually guys with that life right here in Thailand but its such a unlikely scenario in your mind that you can only joke about it. Which makes you out to be the butt of the joke.:(

This is exactly what I'm trying to post about this this topic. Someone that can't even fathom that there are guys in 50 million baht villas with beautiful girlfriends while they toil away at some crap job while living in Rangsit and eating noodles for breakfast. Its such an inconceivable concept that they can only try and make a joke about it while it in fact exits and they feel it is so unfair.

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

I hear ya! I'm not going to boast about the 3 bisexual ladies, one Japanese, one Thai, and one Korean, all of them stunners, that I daily gave massive multiple orgasms to for 3 months when I was in Paris waiting for the bronze statue of myself I had had commissioned a world famous sculptor to create. Nor am I going to boast about the twin Texan beauty queens I had as guests on my 50 meter yacht last time I cruised the Caribbean.

I won't even talk about the photos and videos, because that would imply I think you wouldn't believe me....and why wouldn't you?

So, no, I will not brag about anything.


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I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes.

Out of curiosity … how do you know they are teachers?

Do you converse with them? All of the suspects?

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It's part of egomania that some folks use to impress themselves with by boasting and bragging. Some need to have their egos stroked regularly, some just a jumpstart now and then. Either way, i am not impressed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

good luck to anyone who can make money here and enjoy life and good luck to anyone who just enjoys life here


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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

I hear ya! I'm not going to boast about the 3 bisexual ladies, one Japanese, one Thai, and one Korean, all of them stunners, that I daily gave massive multiple orgasms to for 3 months when I was in Paris waiting for the bronze statue of myself I had had commissioned a world famous sculptor to create. Nor am I going to boast about the twin Texan beauty queens I had as guests on my 50 meter yacht last time I cruised the Caribbean.

I won't even talk about the photos and videos, because that would imply I think you wouldn't believe me....and why wouldn't you?

So, no, I will not brag about anything.

Why would you choose to lie? You do understand that its a very different scenario between you making yourself out to a some kind of jackass and another person who's actually telling the truth? Would that be enough to wipe your smile right off your face? Yea, I thought so.:)

If in fact you had such a boat and girlfriends, people would want to know about it and see the pictures. But because you don't, why would you post about it? There's absolutely no reason to lie about anything on here. The sad part is when someone is telling the truth, so many posters love to yell TROLL TROLL or say he is lying. Just like the overweight kid in Grade 6 that loved to beat up kids who did well on tests until he was sent to prison at 18.

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

I hear ya! I'm not going to boast about the 3 bisexual ladies, one Japanese, one Thai, and one Korean, all of them stunners, that I daily gave massive multiple orgasms to for 3 months when I was in Paris waiting for the bronze statue of myself I had had commissioned a world famous sculptor to create. Nor am I going to boast about the twin Texan beauty queens I had as guests on my 50 meter yacht last time I cruised the Caribbean.

I won't even talk about the photos and videos, because that would imply I think you wouldn't believe me....and why wouldn't you?

So, no, I will not brag about anything.

Pathetic, needs professional help.

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I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes.

Out of curiosity … how do you know they are teachers?

Do you converse with them? All of the suspects?

Well actually and I cant believe I am defending "Whereustay", certainly in BKK at least, they are not hard to spot...tongue.png

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

"Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't be posted here"


Why?? Not see me boasting about my 50 million baht villa and a lambo in the garage along with a 19 year old gf.

And if no one believes me, I could care less because I still be living in my 50 million baht villa , drive my lambo with my 19 year old gf in my fantasy little world wink.png

See? There are actually guys with that life right here in Thailand but its such a unlikely scenario in your mind that you can only joke about it. Which makes you out to be the butt of the joke.sad.png

This is exactly what I'm trying to post about this this topic. Someone that can't even fathom that there are guys in 50 million baht villas with beautiful girlfriends while they toil away at some crap job while living in Rangsit and eating noodles for breakfast. Its such an inconceivable concept that they can only try and make a joke about it while it in fact exits and they feel it is so unfair.

Because the multi-millionaires that are on this site don't write about it, unless it is in some discreet reference that is apt. (Have you ever read a post of mine doing the humblebrag about my millions? No you haven't.)

The real high libido guys with legendary prowess who actually have genuine sex olympics with stunners every night don't talk about it either.......(Have you ever read anything of my exploits? No you haven't.)

Thus, those that do brag, or as in your case humblebrag, are as transparent as some really transparent stuff and are not believed at all, and hence scoffed at.

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I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes.

Well actually and I cant believe I am defending "Whereustay", certainly in BKK at least, they are not hard to spot...tongue.png

Southpeel ... facepalm.gif

Off to the bathroom for you!

Don't come back will you have scrubbed your (typing) fingers.

... and don't forget to use soap!

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I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes.

Well actually and I cant believe I am defending "Whereustay", certainly in BKK at least, they are not hard to spot...tongue.png

Southpeel ... facepalm.gif

Off to the bathroom for you!

Don't come back will you have scrubbed your (typing) fingers.

... and don't forget to use soap!

yes miss...tongue.png

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