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Thai army chief warns military 'may use force' if unrest continues


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Suthep's tactics finally working

What tactics? I believe the army chief was referring to yesterday's bombing of PDRC supporters (while they were sleeping).


I think it is time for the moderation in this forum to crack down on this group of Panthip based "Cyber Soldiers" that have been flooding the news section with misinformation and outright lies for months now.

Absolutely in agreement. It's Pipkins all over again. Literally 'flooding' forum with crappy photoshop pictures in order to spread nonsensical propaganda which has no foundation in reality.

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Suthep's tactics finally working

What tactics? I believe the army chief was referring to yesterday's bombing of PDRC supporters (while they were sleeping).




If you compare the ears you will see that my guess is more accurate.

That's quite good, nose needs to be broader, jaw line harder, and eyes need to be closer, but the eyebrows. Spot on with the eyebrows.

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What tactics? I believe the army chief was referring to yesterday's bombing of PDRC supporters (while they were sleeping).




If you compare the ears you will see that my guess is more accurate.

That's quite good, nose needs to be broader, jaw line harder, and eyes need to be closer, but the eyebrows. Spot on with the eyebrows.

Please stop trolling. You are making a kindergarten out of this forum. I tried to take you serious by showing my guess of who that guy is and then you come up with these childish comments.

How old are you, seriously!

Edited by Nickymaster
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You can't make this up.

The yellow shirts have spent 6 months disrupting Bangkok, intimidating people, allowing armed thugs who are supposedly "security" do as they please.

The slightest hint of red shirts coming to Bangkok and the army threatens to start using deadly force against people.

Where were they when yellow shirts were lobbing grenades at police.

It's now or never for the red shirts.

The world supports you my Isan brothers in your struggle to retain your civil rights.

You are wrong. This has nothing to do with red shirts coming to Bangkok (never heard about this please prove). It's in responds to the constant killings of anti-government supporters.

Edited by Nickymaster
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If you compare the ears you will see that my guess is more accurate.

That's quite good, nose needs to be broader, jaw line harder, and eyes need to be closer, but the eyebrows. Spot on with the eyebrows.

Stop trolling.

It is quite good, but his nose is wrong. His chin needs to be flatter, too much ear lobe, eyes too far apart, eyebrows spot on.

I believe the one Pantip lot found to be a perfect match.


My earlier comments stand, there is very very good reasons why we look at PDRC's own guards for these attacks, they were the likely source of the Friday bomb.

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If you compare the ears you will see that my guess is more accurate.

That's quite good, nose needs to be broader, jaw line harder, and eyes need to be closer, but the eyebrows. Spot on with the eyebrows.

Stop trolling.

It is quite good, but his nose is wrong. His chin needs to be flatter, too much ear lobe, eyes too far apart, eyebrows spot on.

I believe the one Pantip lot found to be a perfect match.


My earlier comments stand, there is very very good reasons why we look at PDRC's own guards for these attacks, they were the likely source of the Friday bomb.

Impossible. Are you blind?

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Watching Asia Update, the red crowd is well down. Both groups of supporters are down. It's too damn hot and most people don't care. I think the majority of the population is sick and tired of this fight between elite families.

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Hahaha a bit late now the army chief should have taken action when national elections where interrupted / prevented through violence and intimidation!

Where was the army then?

Useless as always - now go back to your barracks and go on wasting taxpayers money that's what you do best!

Oh and yes - staging coups as well!

If the army chief thinks this is violence then he has nothing seen yet - the armed forces can not even handle a small insurgency in the south - imagine that all over Bangkok if a "neutral" puppet PM is installed!

Do the country a favor go out and arrest Suthep and his gang of criminals otherwise stay inactive nobody expects you to do anything!

And no mention of the law enforcers of this country. The gold old Shin police force.

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So the PDRC attacks on the peaceful protesters is going to get the results they wanted.

You are a disgusting individual. You should be banned for making such sick comments. There is no way you can ever proof what you have said.

No need to get upset. The photos of the PDRC guard throwing grenades at the peaceful protesters is all over the net.

Would you kindly share some links or evidence, or just apologize for what you wrote?

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Suthep's tactics finally working

What tactics? I believe the army chief was referring to yesterday's bombing of PDRC supporters (while they were sleeping).

...by PDRC guards? The only side that benefits from a coup is the PDRC. Hence they should be the primary targets of an investigation, especially following up on the stash of bomb making equipment found in Lumpini park.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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With the benefit of hindsight, the army ought to have had a proper coup as soon as it was obvious that the PM had hobbled the judges during his asset hiding case after he first won power. He had no place continuing in a public capacity after that disgraceful event. The dozen or so years of chaos that his over-riding the justice system gave us was unfortunately quite an obvious result.

For this impending coup, they need to have a clear cut goal. That is to remove any trace of Shin DNA from any position of authority, for all time. I know how I would do that.

With the benefit of hindsight, the army should have rounded up the yellow shirts back in 2006, when they began to obstruct democracy. The government at the time had led strong economic growth, repayment of public debt, reduction in the military budget and perhaps most importantly an improvement in income equality. The potential growth lost in the past 8 years through the actions of a few greedy and jealous individuals has robbed the Thai people of their peace and prosperity. The facade of reforms and transparency is simply a ploy to maneuver their way back into power. They as well as any clear-headed individual knows that reforms will take decades, not months.
Be careful not to confuse democracy with elections. And vice versa of course.
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If you compare the ears you will see that my guess is more accurate.

That's quite good, nose needs to be broader, jaw line harder, and eyes need to be closer, but the eyebrows. Spot on with the eyebrows.

Stop trolling.

It is quite good, but his nose is wrong. His chin needs to be flatter, too much ear lobe, eyes too far apart, eyebrows spot on.

I believe the one Pantip lot found to be a perfect match.


My earlier comments stand, there is very very good reasons why we look at PDRC's own guards for these attacks, they were the likely source of the Friday bomb.

Since you seem so sure about it, why are they the likely source?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Suthep's tactics finally working

On the other hand perhaps the good general is saying that if the police can't / won't fulfill their responsibilities then someone else will need to do so.

This will be the army that handed over government house to suthep and his merry men, that kind of fulfilling responsibilities do you mean?

Well Fab, they seem capable of protecting the red shirt protest but unable to protect the other side.

As for the other poster about protesters bombing themselves, use your brain a wee bit. Surely, the police would have been able to find and arrest at least one of them by now - it's been 6 months of bombings / shootings....

they have stopped plenty of armed personnel coming and going from PDRC camp sites

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by srsv1238
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Wow the coup mongers must be doing handstands now!

Wipe the shins DNA off the earth.I know what I'd do.

Blah blah blah most of the key board warriors have never seen a angry man an couldn't rip the skin off a rice custard!

The last thing Thailand needs is a coup!

What have a coup shove the lame duck abhisit back in unelected or sutep .Maybe throw the fake monk in.Hes earning quite a rep as a stand over man like his boss.

Democracy is the worst form of government ! Except for all the rest!

Good on ya Winston !

I asked you numerous times in other threads what you think about having governors elected...

You always have a big mouth but never reply. Weak.

. Having elected governors seems reasonable. What's the problem with that? While we are at it, let's make sure the senate is fully elected now as well.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Given the only legal, democractic way forward is an elected government, chosen by the people to rule the country, an election seems to be a must.

I can see from everyones suggestions that you accept the vote. e.g. Abhisit's 'Referendum', is really just a vote, so he accepts the vote. Likewise the Senate is not calling the elected half of the senate a rigged vote, yet its run the same way by the same EC.

So the (appointed) Senate part clearly accepts the principle of elections.

The laughable thing is that the Democrats also voted for a Senator! So one minute they're claiming the vote is invalid, but when it suited them they voted as though its valid.

The alternative, is we appoint Suthep our master, everyone bows to his demands, and we all get to live our happy serfdom lives. Obviously that's not going to happen, 7 months in, his 1500 guards/protestor are clearly not winning.

It's also extremely clear that a vote would reject Suthep and the Democrats, not just in the North, but also in Bangkok and the South.

Bangkok and the south will reject Suthep??? Anyhow, a lot of personal opinion without any form of prove. And still didn't answer my question.

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Wow the coup mongers must be doing handstands now!

Wipe the shins DNA off the earth.I know what I'd do.

Blah blah blah most of the key board warriors have never seen a angry man an couldn't rip the skin off a rice custard!

The last thing Thailand needs is a coup!

What have a coup shove the lame duck abhisit back in unelected or sutep .Maybe throw the fake monk in.Hes earning quite a rep as a stand over man like his boss.

Democracy is the worst form of government ! Except for all the rest!

Good on ya Winston !

Whether a coup is a good thing depends on which side you are and what the military do afterwards. If they just make sure that an election takes place without disruption then I would assume those calling for one would be happy. Providing their side won of course.

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Suthep's tactics finally working

I hope the army doesn't step in for that's exactly what Thaksin has been trying to get them to do for some time.

But as the reds continue with their violent attacks and the police stand idle they may see they have no choice to try and prevent farther bloodshed.

As I posted before the army should force the police to combine with them and never work alone.

In fact making up a peacekeeping force rather than doing anything themselves.

There would be great resistance from the police top brass but with the right inducement they would come round and I'm sure the rank and file cops would be only to happy to join with the army in patrols.

After all it will be the families of the police who will suffer should there be a coup and Thaksin brings out his red army in the civil war his so called red shirt leaders have been talking up.

the army had checkpoints all over Bangkok. What good did that do?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Wow,i think the beers must be kicking in,i can just see some of you guys raging over the keyboards,and Jeez,some of you can type and post very fast.

Maybe we've had a lot of practice. Or possibly you're slow. smile.png

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Can Prayuth be trusted at all?

Five infantry soldiers and one militia man suspected of involvement in the shooting of hardcore redshirt leader Kwanchai Praipana were granted bail by the Udon Thani provincial court after they were escorted by the police to face murder charges.


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