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Police, army join PDRC checkpoints


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In thevery beginning there was police around, but there were provblems with armed undercover policemen, a certain bias against the anti-government protesters fueled by the Yingluck government and Pheu Thai people and CAPO/DSI calling the protesters all king of names. Then is was decided to keep the police out.

Now the police, army and PDRC will guard together. To be seen if this means an end to the almost 100 grenades lobbed on the anti-government protesters

My, my, the hyperbole is bubbling over here, rubl - unless I missed the 60 odd grenades, going by your "count", that have been lobbed since last sunday . Must be that grenade rain you were on about............

Posted by rubl on 2014-05-11 16:04:28 in Thailand News

Did anyone miss the grenade attack on anti-government protesters last night? Two grenades, two anti-government protesters wounded. Must be more than 40 since begin of November. All because the undemocratic blanket amnesty pushing government calls the anti-government protesters separatirst, terrorists, undemocratic etc., etc.


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That is simply not true. I suggest you read the posts. More often than not, it is PDRC sympathisers who make excuses for the violence committed by the sold called security guards.

Logic not correct. TVGerry said "while ignoring the protesters getting MURDERED". Like you ignore that.

If it is logic you want.

They are not protesters. They are actively trying to put their own elitist allies into un-assailable positions of power. Using violence, intimidation and Classic 30's fascist tactics. Not having the numbers to do this and suceed, they are aided and abbetted by an army and court set up that is FRANTICALLY trying to keep them on the streets to legitimise any coup or power grab they may pull off.

Achieving this power grab the Army would be used to shoot any body that protested against the coup as they did last time. There would be no elections, and "reform" would be straight out dissenfranchisement of most of the north of the country.

During the press conference with the Men of State The retired general used the phrase that any objectors to the appointed PM should be destroyed!!!! All of these old boys were in active service when the attrocities were carried out in the 70's

If you want to weep about shot protestors try this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00b1z3s

Please excuse us if we do not weep and wail when this vile mob is given a dose of its own medicine. There are much more worthy things to weep for like the fall of Democracy, the appointment of PDRC figures into all courts and election bodies.

They came out in November to protest the blanket amnesty bill the Yingluck government pushed through parliament and which might have been accepted by the Senate if all protesters went home to wait as Ms. Yingluck asked them.

Furthermore last time we have a coup (around 2006-09-19 if I remember correctly) was completely peaceful. No shooting, no death.

As for destroying, well UDD supporters are good at that. Even our dear Dr. weng talked about eradicating the Democrats and his wife added later that it was time to wipe out the remaining whatever.

The 1976 video fragment is interesting as the late PM Samak once told on Al-Jareeha that only one person died. It angered lots of old student leaders from that time.

To compare 1976 with now and blaming the PDRC seems like ignoring that lots of students can be found on the PDRC side. They are once more targetted, but now by a Pheu Thai led government which seems to like the ignorent more than the knowledgeble people.

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That is simply not true. I suggest you read the posts. More often than not, it is PDRC sympathisers who make excuses for the violence committed by the sold called security guards.

Logic not correct. TVGerry said "while ignoring the protesters getting MURDERED". Like you ignore that.

If it is logic you want.

They are not protesters. They are actively trying to put their own elitist allies into un-assailable positions of power. Using violence, intimidation and Classic 30's fascist tactics. Not having the numbers to do this and suceed, they are aided and abbetted by an army and court set up that is FRANTICALLY trying to keep them on the streets to legitimise any coup or power grab they may pull off.

Achieving this power grab the Army would be used to shoot any body that protested against the coup as they did last time. There would be no elections, and "reform" would be straight out dissenfranchisement of most of the north of the country.

During the press conference with the Men of State The retired general used the phrase that any objectors to the appointed PM should be destroyed!!!! All of these old boys were in active service when the attrocities were carried out in the 70's

If you want to weep about shot protestors try this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00b1z3s

Please excuse us if we do not weep and wail when this vile mob is given a dose of its own medicine. There are much more worthy things to weep for like the fall of Democracy, the appointment of PDRC figures into all courts and election bodies.

Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

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finally after 6 months the police will start doing their job, I dont believe it. They will probably still let the reds toss grenades and shoot at the protesters though after all, they dont really want to stop their team from doing all the damage

Did they have to take 6 months to come to an obvious action like this? Anyway, better later than never.

Why don't you take the time to read the opening post : The PDRC has not previously allowed police to join the checkpoints or enter the rally sites.

In thevery beginning there was police around, but there were provblems with armed undercover policemen, a certain bias against the anti-government protesters fueled by the Yingluck government and Pheu Thai people and CAPO/DSI calling the protesters all king of names. Then is was decided to keep the police out.

Now the police, army and PDRC will guard together. To be seen if this means an end to the almost 100 grenades lobbed on the anti-government protesters

Maybe they become a bit untrusty of undercover policemen after one started shooting among them?

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In thevery beginning there was police around, but there were provblems with armed undercover policemen, a certain bias against the anti-government protesters fueled by the Yingluck government and Pheu Thai people and CAPO/DSI calling the protesters all king of names. Then is was decided to keep the police out.

Now the police, army and PDRC will guard together. To be seen if this means an end to the almost 100 grenades lobbed on the anti-government protesters

My, my, the hyperbole is bubbling over here, rubl - unless I missed the 60 odd grenades, going by your "count", that have been lobbed since last sunday . Must be that grenade rain you were on about............

Posted by rubl on 2014-05-11 16:04:28 in Thailand News

Did anyone miss the grenade attack on anti-government protesters last night? Two grenades, two anti-government protesters wounded. Must be more than 40 since begin of November. All because the undemocratic blanket amnesty pushing government calls the anti-government protesters separatirst, terrorists, undemocratic etc., etc.


Even 40 would be 40 too many already, wouldn't you say?

Unlike you I didn't keep tally. I thought 40, but just read an article on the Bangkokpost which mentioned "nearly 100" Makes it even worse, wouldn't you say?

The article is on the police only having success with PDRC doing something wrong, but are unable to get any details on who targets the PDRC. Same article also wonders what the CAPO does apart from warning people not to go near or join the anti-government protests, and spent lots of money of course.

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Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

So, shooting people, dropping grenades is seem as a perfectly normal response to wanting reforms before elections?

I'm a bit puzzled with the reference to 'decent posters' supporting the Dems. By now I thought all of us had been condemned as fascist, dense, yellow shirts, reactionairs and the like. Mostly because we do not agree with Pheu Thai or UDD.

BTW "Me and my wife"? Now that might explain the member name and avatarrolleyes.gif

Edited by rubl
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Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

So, shooting people, dropping grenades is seem as a perfectly normal response to wanting reforms before elections?

I'm a bit puzzled with the reference to 'decent posters' supporting the Dems. By now I thought all of us had been condemned as fascist, dense, tellow shirts, reactionairs and the like. Mostly because we do not agree with Pheu Thai or UDD.

BTW "Me and my wife"? Now that might explain the member name and avatarrolleyes.gif

It's not the wanting reforms before elections that is the problem. It's the were are right and pure and are going to rid the country of anybody that can beat us at the ballot box. If I thought real reforms and real inroads were being proposed into corruption, cronyism and rule of law, I'd be onside.... but it's not.. IMHO

Also lableing half the country as "too stupid to vote" and statements such as if they do vote, a Bangkok vote must be equal to 300 farmers votes. don't help. Presenting himself as the great mass of people when he is only capable these days of raising a few hundred supporters in his back yard is highlighting the elitist conspiracy.

There are many good points come out of the yellow side of the debate. Well worthy of thought. Reforms are needed, but the mechanism has to involve all.... even Suthep I conceed as he is representive of a large group of Thais (mainly the ones with the money) and we don't want them all leaving the country with their wedge.

Edit: I meant to add, if the money backers can also be brought to heal, it could prevent this situation arising again in future. They too have to have the Country's intersts at heart. So they need to be reforming their ideas rather than angling for a top down (from them) approach enforced by the Army.

Then there are trolls, sissies and class sneaks who clog the forum with inane interjections. You are not in that category and I am sometimes enlightened by your posts.

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As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

So, shooting people, dropping grenades is seem as a perfectly normal response to wanting reforms before elections?

I'm a bit puzzled with the reference to 'decent posters' supporting the Dems. By now I thought all of us had been condemned as fascist, dense, tellow shirts, reactionairs and the like. Mostly because we do not agree with Pheu Thai or UDD.

BTW "Me and my wife"? Now that might explain the member name and avatarrolleyes.gif

It's not the wanting reforms before elections that is the problem. It's the were are right and pure and are going to rid the country of anybody that can beat us at the ballot box. If I thought real reforms and real inroads were being proposed into corruption, cronyism and rule of law, I'd be onside.... but it's not.. IMHO

Also lableing half the country as "too stupid to vote" and statements such as if they do vote, a Bangkok vote must be equal to 300 farmers votes. don't help. Presenting himself as the great mass of people when he is only capable these days of raising a few hundred supporters in his back yard is highlighting the elitist conspiracy.

There are many good points come out of the yellow side of the debate. Well worthy of thought. Reforms are needed, but the mechanism has to involve all.... even Suthep I conceed as he is representive of a large group of Thais (mainly the ones with the money) and we don't want them all leaving the country with their wedge.

Then there are trolls, sissies and class sneaks who clog the forum with inane interjections. You are not in that category and I am sometimes enlightened by your posts.

What you fail to understand it would seem is that only through reforms Thailand can become a real democracy. I'm sure that the younger members of PDRC will have a problem with the older guard, but they are the best chance we have to define reforms which neither sides' oldies will like, but should be forced to submit to. Finally everyone equal not only just by law but also effectively. Now that takes more than good reforms of course. A society still based and performing under the age old patronage system (both inBangkok and especially upcountry in rural areas) needs time to adjusts itself. That something human groups only do when pressured enough, pressured long enough.

The only alternative seems a civil war with the ruin of Thailand and another one or two lost generations.

BTW I'm sorry to say that I'm more likely to file you under "trolls, sissies, class sneaks and others" than under objective members. Sorry.

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If it is logic you want.

They are not protesters. They are actively trying to put their own elitist allies into un-assailable positions of power. Using violence, intimidation and Classic 30's fascist tactics. Not having the numbers to do this and suceed, they are aided and abbetted by an army and court set up that is FRANTICALLY trying to keep them on the streets to legitimise any coup or power grab they may pull off.

Achieving this power grab the Army would be used to shoot any body that protested against the coup as they did last time. There would be no elections, and "reform" would be straight out dissenfranchisement of most of the north of the country.

During the press conference with the Men of State The retired general used the phrase that any objectors to the appointed PM should be destroyed!!!! All of these old boys were in active service when the attrocities were carried out in the 70's

If you want to weep about shot protestors try this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00b1z3s

Please excuse us if we do not weep and wail when this vile mob is given a dose of its own medicine. There are much more worthy things to weep for like the fall of Democracy, the appointment of PDRC figures into all courts and election bodies.

Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!


The list, names, numbers or any kind of cite to all those shot at for protesting against the last coup?

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It's a ploy to surround the ones with arrest warrants on them, ready for the "surprise" assault by the recently appointed elite police squad.

Can only hope

If you think that there will be any attempts to make arrests at protest sites, you are living in dreamland.

All they will be pulling out is dead police.

The protesters see the police as what they really are... the enemy and all part of the murder squads.

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All these multi quote postings remind me of a saying.

"Arguing with a Thai visa Forum member is like wrestling with a pig in mud. After a while you realise that one of you is enjoying it. "

I have learned to avoid reading the multiquotes because they are argumentative and really are not comments.

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All these multi quote postings remind me of a saying.

"Arguing with a Thai visa Forum member is like wrestling with a pig in mud. After a while you realise that one of you is enjoying it. "

I have learned to avoid reading the multiquotes because they are argumentative and really are not comments.

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Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

You and your wife both should be shedding tears over the deaths and injuries suffered by the protestors and bystanders.

You are excused if you don't actually cry, and you should at least be sad about it.

For the record, no tears here, and I do feel sad about the deaths and injuries, and in weaker moments anger against the killers.

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Even 40 would be 40 too many already, wouldn't you say?

Unlike you I didn't keep tally. I thought 40, but just read an article on the Bangkokpost which mentioned "nearly 100" Makes it even worse, wouldn't you say?

The article is on the police only having success with PDRC doing something wrong, but are unable to get any details on who targets the PDRC. Same article also wonders what the CAPO does apart from warning people not to go near or join the anti-government protests, and spent lots of money of course.

I don't keep a tally, rubl, you're the grenade obsessive.

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Then there are trolls, sissies and class sneaks who clog the forum with inane interjections. You are not in that category and I am sometimes enlightened by your posts.

What you fail to understand it would seem is that only through reforms Thailand can become a real democracy. I'm sure that the younger members of PDRC will have a problem with the older guard, but they are the best chance we have to define reforms which neither sides' oldies will like, but should be forced to submit to. Finally everyone equal not only just by law but also effectively. Now that takes more than good reforms of course. A society still based and performing under the age old patronage system (both inBangkok and especially upcountry in rural areas) needs time to adjusts itself. That something human groups only do when pressured enough, pressured long enough.

The only alternative seems a civil war with the ruin of Thailand and another one or two lost generations.

BTW I'm sorry to say that I'm more likely to file you under "trolls, sissies, class sneaks and others" than under objective members. Sorry.

"older guard, but they are the best chance we have to define reforms which neither sides' oldies will like, but should be forced to submit to"

You have no embarrassment rubl, do you . Still pushing that "forced reforms" angle I see. You really do deserve suthep, or prayuth, you've got a lot in common.

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finally after 6 months the police will start doing their job, I dont believe it. They will probably still let the reds toss grenades and shoot at the protesters though after all, they dont really want to stop their team from doing all the damage

Why don't you take the time to read the opening post : The PDRC has not previously allowed police to join the checkpoints or enter the rally sites.

In thevery beginning there was police around, but there were provblems with armed undercover policemen, a certain bias against the anti-government protesters fueled by the Yingluck government and Pheu Thai people and CAPO/DSI calling the protesters all king of names. Then is was decided to keep the police out.

Now the police, army and PDRC will guard together. To be seen if this means an end to the almost 100 grenades lobbed on the anti-government protesters

Maybe they become a bit untrusty of undercover policemen after one started shooting among them?

Great story on that link, an undercover policeman taking photos was attacked by the thugs. When he broke free and ran, the thugs chased him and he was hit on the head with a brick and surrounded again. He then drew his weapon and fired one shot to save his own life.

So the PDRC thugs do like policemen because they can fight back and defend themselves?

Edited to remove central block of text because of limit

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Maybe they become a bit untrusty of undercover policemen after one started shooting among them?

Great story on that link, an undercover policeman taking photos was attacked by the thugs. When he broke free and ran, the thugs chased him and he was hit on the head with a brick and surrounded again. He then drew his weapon and fired one shot to save his own life.

So the PDRC thugs do like policemen because they can fight back and defend themselves?

Edited to remove central block of text because of limit

As clearly shown on the video of the incident, the beating and brick to the head happened after he shot two protestors, one in the abdomen not shown on the video and another on the foot seen hopping on one leg at the beggining.


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Even 40 would be 40 too many already, wouldn't you say?

Unlike you I didn't keep tally. I thought 40, but just read an article on the Bangkokpost which mentioned "nearly 100" Makes it even worse, wouldn't you say?

The article is on the police only having success with PDRC doing something wrong, but are unable to get any details on who targets the PDRC. Same article also wonders what the CAPO does apart from warning people not to go near or join the anti-government protests, and spent lots of money of course.

I don't keep a tally, rubl, you're the grenade obsessive.

Actually it would seem that red-shirtsunknowns are somewhat grenade obsessed.

Plus of course you are avoiding the question "even 40 would be 40 too many., wouldn't you say"

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Even 40 would be 40 too many already, wouldn't you say?

Unlike you I didn't keep tally. I thought 40, but just read an article on the Bangkokpost which mentioned "nearly 100" Makes it even worse, wouldn't you say?

The article is on the police only having success with PDRC doing something wrong, but are unable to get any details on who targets the PDRC. Same article also wonders what the CAPO does apart from warning people not to go near or join the anti-government protests, and spent lots of money of course.

I don't keep a tally, rubl, you're the grenade obsessive.

Actually it would seem that red-shirtsunknowns are somewhat grenade obsessed.

Plus of course you are avoiding the question "even 40 would be 40 too many., wouldn't you say"

How many times does one have to denounce violence on this forum? Every single incident? Miss out one and you get someone bleating you are avoiding the question "even 40 would be 40 too many., wouldn't you say".

What do you expect me to say rubl "No, 40 is not nearly enough"?

Stupid question. Stupid post.

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As clearly shown on the video of the incident, the beating and brick to the head happened after he shot two protestors, one in the abdomen not shown on the video and another on the foot seen hopping on one leg at the beggining.


It doesn't clearly show him shooting anyone. It does show a load of thugs kicking the crap out of him, I'll give you that.

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..................................."Stupid question. Stupid post."....................................

So now, on top of being a condescending, arrogant and nasty banned troll, he has added "insulting" to his repertoire. clap2.gif

My, my, the hyperbole is bubbling over here, rubl - unless I missed the 60 odd grenades, going by your "count", that have been lobbed since last sunday . Must be that grenade rain you were on about............

Don't think it is right to make light of a subject like grenades being thrown at people. "Grenade rain", that is hilarious.

Are you aware they are capable of killing people ? Or did you think when a red grenade explodes colored streamers and jelly beans went everywhere ?

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As clearly shown on the video of the incident, the beating and brick to the head happened after he shot two protestors, one in the abdomen not shown on the video and another on the foot seen hopping on one leg at the beggining.


It doesn't clearly show him shooting anyone. It does show a load of thugs kicking the crap out of him, I'll give you that.

It clearly shows that the assault happened after the shooting, which part of "As clearly shown on the video of the incident, the beating and brick to the head happened after he shot two protestors" is it hard to understand?

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Who is "us" Pipkins?

I fail to remember anyone shot for protesting against the junta after the last coup, you wouldn't be lying about that, would you?

As it is logic night.

Me and the wife. She is not worried about a few PDRC thugs being targetted whilst trying to deny her and our children the right to vote.

Soo logically which is what we were talking about that gives me the right to say us. Or can you prove with facts and witnesses that my wife IS weeping about the PDRD who were injured or shot?

Thought not.

Wish some of the decent posters who used to support the Dems would come back and raise the bar on your side of the debate smile.png some hope though innnit!!

You and your wife both should be shedding tears over the deaths and injuries suffered by the protestors and bystanders.

You are excused if you don't actually cry, and you should at least be sad about it.

For the record, no tears here, and I do feel sad about the deaths and injuries, and in weaker moments anger against the killers.

Hard reasoning with a 'jenny' with a wife and kids that think the right to vote in fixed elections is more important than a human life and then starts about the level of 'yellows' on TV!

All I can say: hope this works in protecting these people. The innocent are usually first to fall. Just like those kids in Trat.

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There's still a police checkpoint tucked away somewhat out of sight, about 200 yards from the NACC main office on Sanam Bin Nam - about 6 cops there.

Noticed it this morning when I went by on my bike.

I was surprised it was still there, but I suppose the police are still being careful, because the rice scheme verdict still isn't out yet.

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It would be nice if it made a difference. But with the police involved, I'm skeptical.

The problem has been that the police dare not do anything unless the Army approves first. The Army is generally supportive of Suthep and strongly anti-Thaksin, although I understand there are some disagreements within the top ranks. Suthep's strategy is to provoke the police into committing violence against the PDRC, which might give the Army an excuse to run another coup. The Army, as I understand it, wants to leave it to the courts and the "independent" anti-government agencies. With soldiers in the checkpoints too, the police can beel safe from being attacked by the PDRC "guards." When you accept this basic dynamic, you can understand why the police allowed the protesters to invade Police Headquarters.
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finally after 6 months the police will start doing their job, I dont believe it. They will probably still let the reds toss grenades and shoot at the protesters though after all, they dont really want to stop their team from doing all the damage

Oh, come on. Are you that new here? Were you here in 2008? There's a reason the police have been keeping their heads down. The PDRC are the visible, public relations part, for showing the international TV networks. Behind them, invisible to the foreign reporters, is the Army. Have you noticed how many of the "guards" are "off-duty" service members? Special Forces, SEAL, etc. The end game will depend on maneuvering going on inside the Army's top ranks and among the elite groups struggling to be in an advantageous position when something happens.

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finally after 6 months the police will start doing their job, I dont believe it. They will probably still let the reds toss grenades and shoot at the protesters though after all, they dont really want to stop their team from doing all the damage

Oh, come on. Are you that new here? Were you here in 2008? There's a reason the police have been keeping their heads down. The PDRC are the visible, public relations part, for showing the international TV networks. Behind them, invisible to the foreign reporters, is the Army. Have you noticed how many of the "guards" are "off-duty" service members? Special Forces, SEAL, etc. The end game will depend on maneuvering going on inside the Army's top ranks and among the elite groups struggling to be in an advantageous position when something happens.

Thanks for the info. I haven't been to Bangkok to visit the protest sites and check out the guards.

Are these "off-duty" service members from specific units or all over the armed forces? Have you noticed a specific pattern, ie specific commanders/units that are providing the men or is it an individual choice to do something?

Did you think to make a detailed list with their ID's? I think the DSI should be prosecuting them. It seems likely that soldiers shouldn't be moonlighting while on active-duty. At the very least, have the media publish the list of names and id's to shame them publicly.

What percentage of guards did you discover are soldiers? Are you basing this on a statistical sample or did you check them all?

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