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PDRC to meet Sunday afternoon to decide on action plan

Lite Beer

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I really don't know what the red lot is laughing about. Perhaps they lost touch with the reality. Your dear leader in exile is not coming back, the amnesty bill failed, dumb lady (many of you had wet dreams about) is out of the office, 2.2 trillion baht thieving project has been stopped, caretaker government has zero legitimacy, their criminal actions regarding the rice scheme scam, the tablet per child scam, water management scam were thoroughly exposed etc...etc...

Get a grip on the reality people. It's only a matter of time. Thais are patient people.

So then they will lose another election ??

I mean, the Thai people are the ones who get to choose.. What they wish is their own choice no ?? For good or ill.

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The Thai institutions do not seem to realise that Suthep will only accept an interim Prime Minister of his own choice. His (Suthep) early irrationality has been modified by someone or some substance to make him appear of sound mind, but it is evident that nothing has changed and therefore the irrationality continues unabated.

The extraordinary thing about the Suthep phonomiae is that thousands of middle class Thai are actually sharing the malais with him. This suggests that his followers do not believe in either democracy of the varasity of Thai power and integrity.

However the most disturbing danger of all is that many military person stand alongside Suthep's philosophy even though they are aware of his floored ideology and his willingness to personally fly in the face of Thai law and the Thai constitution these many years past.

What of the future of Thailand's 65,million subjects. Has Suthep corrupted their perception of reality. Certainly many atrocities are being committed daily in the name of Sutheo irrational crusade. Thai is a democracy and will remain so.

To Reform Thailand's Democracy after decades of democratic evolution is in itself irrational.

Thailand needs to find a courages Thai who will stand up and announce that these past six months is over and the Suthep be detained to a sanctuary of help to get him off what he is on and get him on to something that returns his to health.

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Sutheps speech about the (half a) Senates decision (or lack of one) about appointing an interim PM contained this comedy gem

Suthep Thaugsuban (21.25): A careful reading of the statement shows that the Senate is in agreement with the muanmahaprachachon on several issues.

- It criticizes ex-PM Yingluck for corruption
- (4 lines from the bottom of the first page) It notes that, following discussions with the Election Commission (EC), elections could not be held at least for 6 months, which is in accord with what we discussed with the EC yesterday
- It condemns the use of violence against innocent citizens for expressing political views different from the state, and also condemns attempts to incite the public to use violent means against those who express different opinions

To resolve these problems, the Senate proposed the following:

- That a new, legitimate PM with full powers is needed
- **That current care-taking ministers kindly cooperate with the Senate to resolve the current crisis.** This is the paragraph that was the most disappointing to me and judging from your reactions at the time, to all of you. Had it been up to me, I would have demanded the immediate resignation of all these individuals. But the Senate must have had its reasons for this suggestion.
- It also vowed to work until a new PM in accordance with our Constitutional boundaries, international democratic practices, and our customary practices as a Constitutional monarchy was selected.

The senate also vowed to resolve this matter "swiftly." I am also suspicious of this term because I believe in firm, definite deadlines.


My, how we laughed.......................

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Hopefully he will not change his strategy. It really has been a marvelous display of politicking by a master statesman. He has virtually single handedly caused the well deserved implosion of this latest Thaksin government which had only self enrichment as its raison d'etre. That he did so by peaceful means only, and without seeking any power for himself is unheard of in Thai history. So chin up Khun Suthep, keep up the pressure, and your valliant battle against the corrupt amart rouge will soon be over. You will earn the heartfelt thanks of a nation even if a few of the hardcore Thaksin acolytes don't yet fully understand the sacrifices you have made, in time they will learn of their horrific misjudgement in supporting the Shinawatra

Ok Black Heart:Maybe you should take a day off beer and rethink how absurbed the Pro Suthep camp really are.

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" The Senate’s statement read out by acting Senate speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai urged the government to cooperate with the Senate in its attempt to find a “way out” of the impasse, to work out a reform blueprint and to help find a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. "

The coverage of Surachai's statement yesterday in the media was almost fully focused on the decision not to nominate a prime minister through the Senate - yet - but the statement contained nuggets that have been much overlooked. It tacitly acknowledges the absence of a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. Now. It wants to work out a reform blueprint. Now. It wants the administration to cooperate with the Senate to find a way out of the impasse. Now. Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters may be happy that a decision to nominate a prime minister through the Senate was not adopted - yet - but have nonetheless overlooked that the cornerstone of the Senate's observations is based on the belief that the existing administration is not functioning at all. And the fear of the Senate is that an indefinite period of paralysis would be detrimental to the country. As it would. No one expects an administration without legislative power to remain indefinitely. Surachai has made clear that the option to nominate a prime minister through the Senate would be a last resort. But a state of continual administrative paralysis would naturally render such a consideration more likely. The three steps that Surachai unveiled yesterday was a call to the Pheu Thai administration to cooperate. To sit down, and engage in discussion. And to sit down and engage in the discussion of a reform blueprint. Pheu Thai has declined to do any of these things. The Senate's position, as moderate as it is - for now - is actually stronger than people realize. They want first and foremost to get Pheu Thai to the table, because they have the current belief - shared by many - that the Pheu Thai administration does not have the legislative tools to function. As they don't.

Edited by Scamper
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" The Senates statement read out by acting Senate speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai urged the government to cooperate with the Senate in its attempt to find a way out of the impasse, to work out a reform blueprint and to help find a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. "

The coverage of Surachai's statement yesterday in the media was almost fully focused on the decision not to nominate a prime minister through the Senate - yet - but the statement contained nuggets that have been much overlooked. It tacitly acknowledges the absence of a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. Now. It wants to work out a reform blueprint. Now. It wants the administration to cooperate with the Senate to find a way out of the impasse. Now. Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters may be happy that a decision to nominate a prime minister through the Senate was not adopted - yet - but have nonetheless overlooked that the cornerstone of the Senate's observations is based on the belief that the existing administration is not functioning at all. And the fear of the Senate is that an indefinite period of paralysis would be detrimental to the country. As it would. No one expects an administration without legislative power to remain indefinitely. Surachai has made clear that the option to nominate a prime minister through the Senate would be a last resort. But a state of continual administrative paralysis would naturally render such a consideration more likely. The three steps that Surachai unveiled yesterday was a call to the Pheu Thai administration to cooperate. To sit down, and engage in discussion. And to sit down and engage in the discussion of a reform blueprint. Pheu Thai has declined to do any of these things. The Senate's position, as moderate as it is - for now - is actually stronger than people realize. They want first and foremost to get Pheu Thai to the table, because they have the current belief - shared by many - that the Pheu Thai administration does not have the legislative tools to function. As they don't.

And all the above resolved by guess what?

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Hopefully he will not change his strategy. It really has been a marvelous display of politicking by a master statesman. He has virtually single handedly caused the well deserved implosion of this latest Thaksin government which had only self enrichment as its raison d'etre. That he did so by peaceful means only, and without seeking any power for himself is unheard of in Thai history. So chin up Khun Suthep, keep up the pressure, and your valliant battle against the corrupt amart rouge will soon be over. You will earn the heartfelt thanks of a nation even if a few of the hardcore Thaksin acolytes don't yet fully understand the sacrifices you have made, in time they will learn of their horrific misjudgement in supporting the Shinawatra clan.

the judiciary brought down the government as they always do to protect the ammart - he will never win and is failing daily as his numbers of supporters drops and drops and his final, final, final lies come to zero

Thai people are not stupid and come elections will show what they think of these fascists

Fascists? Calling people who have tried to sop the rape of this country by the Shins and their acolytes fascist? Wow! Here's someone who truly understand politics!

Who is supplying the weapons that have so far killed 24 people and injured many others who have been part of the PDRC protests? Any idea?

Perhaps you should listen to the red speeches. Here's one: "I have good news to tell my red-shirt brothers and sisters from all provinces. The People’s Democratic Reform Committee members of Suthep (Thaugsuban) at the protest stage in Khao Saming (Trat province) were deservedly given a reception by the locals. Five PDRC people were killed and over 30 injured."

This was the speech celebrating the deaths of children. Fascists?

The police have seized weapons that were to be used by the reds against PDRC. These weapons were the same type as those used during their occupation of Bangkok. The reds themselves admit to being armed and trained in the use of weapons of war. It is blindingly obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense that calling Suthep's followers 'fascists' is to continue the Thaksin lie.

" Here's someone who truly understand politics! "

Is it politics he understands or is it more an understanding of the gullibility of some people ?giggle.gif

" Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy "

Benito Mussolini facepalm.gif

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So I wonder if some government supporters will copy the PDRC tactic of invading the meeting and see how they like it?

they are not brave enough...spineless without a weapon.

2500 armed paid for civillian PDRC guards walking the streets is totally lawless and should be met with extreme force....but we know thats what Sutheps wants.

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" The Senate’s statement read out by acting Senate speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai urged the government to cooperate with the Senate in its attempt to find a “way out” of the impasse, to work out a reform blueprint and to help find a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. "

The coverage of Surachai's statement yesterday in the media was almost fully focused on the decision not to nominate a prime minister through the Senate - yet - but the statement contained nuggets that have been much overlooked. It tacitly acknowledges the absence of a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. Now. It wants to work out a reform blueprint. Now. It wants the administration to cooperate with the Senate to find a way out of the impasse. Now. Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters may be happy that a decision to nominate a prime minister through the Senate was not adopted - yet - but have nonetheless overlooked that the cornerstone of the Senate's observations is based on the belief that the existing administration is not functioning at all. And the fear of the Senate is that an indefinite period of paralysis would be detrimental to the country. As it would. No one expects an administration without legislative power to remain indefinitely. Surachai has made clear that the option to nominate a prime minister through the Senate would be a last resort. But a state of continual administrative paralysis would naturally render such a consideration more likely. The three steps that Surachai unveiled yesterday was a call to the Pheu Thai administration to cooperate. To sit down, and engage in discussion. And to sit down and engage in the discussion of a reform blueprint. Pheu Thai has declined to do any of these things. The Senate's position, as moderate as it is - for now - is actually stronger than people realize. They want first and foremost to get Pheu Thai to the table, because they have the current belief - shared by many - that the Pheu Thai administration does not have the legislative tools to function. As they don't.

Tell the Senate to shove its reforms up its rear end. Elections are the way forward

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Hopefully he will not change his strategy. It really has been a marvelous display of politicking by a master statesman. He has virtually single handedly caused the well deserved implosion of this latest Thaksin government which had only self enrichment as its raison d'etre. That he did so by peaceful means only, and without seeking any power for himself is unheard of in Thai history. So chin up Khun Suthep, keep up the pressure, and your valliant battle against the corrupt amart rouge will soon be over. You will earn the heartfelt thanks of a nation even if a few of the hardcore Thaksin acolytes don't yet fully understand the sacrifices you have made, in time they will learn of their horrific misjudgement in supporting the Shinawatra

Ok Black Heart:Maybe you should take a day off beer and rethink how absurbed the Pro Suthep camp really are.

Sutheps proposals have been proposterous since day 1. Nothing Suthep has done is for the people, its for a few and the promises they made him. After those who were disolutioned with Thaksin saw the folly of Suthep and his rants they slipped away but not unnoticed. Blue Sky cannot show big wide shots of the crowd..frankly there are but a few left and mostly paid for armed thugs who attend these sideshows..numbers maybe 5000+. So what allows Suthep to continue with waning support, easy it the corrupt courts, EC, Anti Corruption mob, the old generals at the Senate and even the army.

If this fool wants to talk about corruption he should start by making promises to reforms these old boy networks so they cannot defeat democratically elected governments.

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Suthep yesterday

"seize control of sovereign power"

Suthep also declared in earlier harangues to become dictator and name this and that fellow to this post, etc. and to cure cancer and Aids and turn Thailand into a PDRC paradise....

What the Suthep apologists have to say about that?

Don't you forgot that he said, that he'll make the necessary reforms to allow fair elections, which may need 12-14 month. Than he hold elections. Everyone of his government will be banned for 5 years and he himself will leave politics forever....


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" The Senate’s statement read out by acting Senate speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai urged the government to cooperate with the Senate in its attempt to find a “way out” of the impasse, to work out a reform blueprint and to help find a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. "

The coverage of Surachai's statement yesterday in the media was almost fully focused on the decision not to nominate a prime minister through the Senate - yet - but the statement contained nuggets that have been much overlooked. It tacitly acknowledges the absence of a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. Now. It wants to work out a reform blueprint. Now. It wants the administration to cooperate with the Senate to find a way out of the impasse. Now. Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters may be happy that a decision to nominate a prime minister through the Senate was not adopted - yet - but have nonetheless overlooked that the cornerstone of the Senate's observations is based on the belief that the existing administration is not functioning at all. And the fear of the Senate is that an indefinite period of paralysis would be detrimental to the country. As it would. No one expects an administration without legislative power to remain indefinitely. Surachai has made clear that the option to nominate a prime minister through the Senate would be a last resort. But a state of continual administrative paralysis would naturally render such a consideration more likely. The three steps that Surachai unveiled yesterday was a call to the Pheu Thai administration to cooperate. To sit down, and engage in discussion. And to sit down and engage in the discussion of a reform blueprint. Pheu Thai has declined to do any of these things. The Senate's position, as moderate as it is - for now - is actually stronger than people realize. They want first and foremost to get Pheu Thai to the table, because they have the current belief - shared by many - that the Pheu Thai administration does not have the legislative tools to function. As they don't.

Tell the Senate to shove its reforms up its rear end. Elections are the way forward

yes banning vote buying and fraud is something very evil, that must be stopped at all costs. Else the great leader in Dubai may loose power. People may even vote for new parties and all the politic Dinosaurs loose.

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Hopefully he will not change his strategy. It really has been a marvelous display of politicking by a master statesman. He has virtually single handedly caused the well deserved implosion of this latest Thaksin government which had only self enrichment as its raison d'etre. That he did so by peaceful means only, and without seeking any power for himself is unheard of in Thai history. So chin up Khun Suthep, keep up the pressure, and your valliant battle against the corrupt amart rouge will soon be over. You will earn the heartfelt thanks of a nation even if a few of the hardcore Thaksin acolytes don't yet fully understand the sacrifices you have made, in time they will learn of their horrific misjudgement in supporting the Shinawatra clan.

the judiciary brought down the government as they always do to protect the ammart - he will never win and is failing daily as his numbers of supporters drops and drops and his final, final, final lies come to zero

Thai people are not stupid and come elections will show what they think of these fascists

Fascists? Calling people who have tried to sop the rape of this country by the Shins and their acolytes fascist? Wow! Here's someone who truly understand politics!

Who is supplying the weapons that have so far killed 24 people and injured many others who have been part of the PDRC protests? Any idea?

Perhaps you should listen to the red speeches. Here's one: "I have good news to tell my red-shirt brothers and sisters from all provinces. The People’s Democratic Reform Committee members of Suthep (Thaugsuban) at the protest stage in Khao Saming (Trat province) were deservedly given a reception by the locals. Five PDRC people were killed and over 30 injured."

This was the speech celebrating the deaths of children. Fascists?

The police have seized weapons that were to be used by the reds against PDRC. These weapons were the same type as those used during their occupation of Bangkok. The reds themselves admit to being armed and trained in the use of weapons of war. It is blindingly obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense that calling Suthep's followers 'fascists' is to continue the Thaksin lie.

Time you took off your blinkers.


I don't have any 'blinkers'. Can you explain?

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" Here's someone who truly understand politics! "

" Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy "

Benito Mussolini facepalm.gif

And Thaksin Shinawatra also enlightened the world with his quote on democracy.

" I will protect democracy with my life."

Thaksin Shinawatra

Took the money and ran. And you still believe him? coffee1.gif
Edited by Mackie
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Didn't they meet last week and the week before and the week before... to form a final plan


Instead of these pushes, where is the detailed Reform Plan? Didn't the pdrc (lower case intended since they are the minority) hold reform forums several weeks ago looking at many different types of reforms for education, police, elections, etc.? Where is the media reporting on the outcome of these forum meetings, which were to include academics, business leaders, et al? Guess the media was too busy covering other important issues like a fire in someone's back yard.

The lack of good news reporting in Thailand is scandelous to say the least. Where is the investigative jounalists, and follow up on national issues instead of the "he said, they said" reporting along with every single day "Yingluck is the sister of furtive premier...." like nobody knows about this matter.

Lack of reforms plans after 7 months only tells me its got nothing to do with Corruption. Its about the real powers of Thailand, not governmental powers, maintaining their place which would seriously come under threat if a reported Thaksin friendship was true. The futality of Suthep only gives further credence to these friendship rumours. The only way to keep this friendship at bay is to control power and keep Thaksin as a fugitive. The next few years in Thailands history will explain quite clearly to the those who refuse to see it, why power at all cost was Sutheps only plan

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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

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Hopefully he will not change his strategy. It really has been a marvelous display of politicking by a master statesman. He has virtually single handedly caused the well deserved implosion of this latest Thaksin government which had only self enrichment as its raison d'etre. That he did so by peaceful means only, and without seeking any power for himself is unheard of in Thai history. So chin up Khun Suthep, keep up the pressure, and your valliant battle against the corrupt amart rouge will soon be over. You will earn the heartfelt thanks of a nation even if a few of the hardcore Thaksin acolytes don't yet fully understand the sacrifices you have made, in time they will learn of their horrific misjudgement in supporting the Shinawatra clan.

the judiciary brought down the government as they always do to protect the ammart - he will never win and is failing daily as his numbers of supporters drops and drops and his final, final, final lies come to zero

Thai people are not stupid and come elections will show what they think of these fascists

Fascists? Calling people who have tried to sop the rape of this country by the Shins and their acolytes fascist? Wow! Here's someone who truly understand politics!

Who is supplying the weapons that have so far killed 24 people and injured many others who have been part of the PDRC protests? Any idea?

Perhaps you should listen to the red speeches. Here's one: "I have good news to tell my red-shirt brothers and sisters from all provinces. The People’s Democratic Reform Committee members of Suthep (Thaugsuban) at the protest stage in Khao Saming (Trat province) were deservedly given a reception by the locals. Five PDRC people were killed and over 30 injured."

This was the speech celebrating the deaths of children. Fascists?

The police have seized weapons that were to be used by the reds against PDRC. These weapons were the same type as those used during their occupation of Bangkok. The reds themselves admit to being armed and trained in the use of weapons of war. It is blindingly obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense that calling Suthep's followers 'fascists' is to continue the Thaksin lie.

Time you took off your blinkers.


I don't have any 'blinkers'. Can you explain?

It's a British slang term for tunnel vision, or narrowmindedness

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

Forgot who's post it was you answered ??? just picked out a little bit to lock on to ????

why not answer the poster?? all the rest of the post was true so that was difficult to answer anyway. you are a hit and run merchant.

I believe it was put this way-----that Suthep took on the task no others had the balls to do, try to kick out a regime of nuts who seemingly governing for themselves rather than Thailand.

Suthep is no saint-no mistaking that BUT the point was WHY he did it-----in this case his background had nothing to do with the getting rid of Thaksin, Shinawatta.

#26 was the one you should have answered properly.--Aussie dear. (oz venison)

Edited by ginjag
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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

Forgot who's post it was you answered ??? just picked out a little bit to lock on to ????

why not answer the poster?? all the rest of the post was true so that was difficult to answer anyway. you are a hit and run merchant.

I believe it was put this way-----that Suthep took on the task no others had the balls to do, try to kick out a regime of nuts who seemingly governing for themselves rather than Thailand.

Suthep is no saint-no mistaking that BUT the point was WHY he did it-----in this case his background had nothing to do with the getting rid of Thaksin, Shinawatta.

#26 was the one you should have answered properly.--Aussie dear. (oz venison)

ginjag #26, try a Google search both for Thaksin and Suthep

and just see what comes up, Thaksin comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep with several positive's for the Thai economy in there for Thaksin. but as for Suthep,, hahahahaaha...

and that's why in an election he is unbeatable and the other party's know it and that's why they don't want elections.

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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

Forgot who's post it was you answered ??? just picked out a little bit to lock on to ????

why not answer the poster?? all the rest of the post was true so that was difficult to answer anyway. you are a hit and run merchant.

I believe it was put this way-----that Suthep took on the task no others had the balls to do, try to kick out a regime of nuts who seemingly governing for themselves rather than Thailand.

Suthep is no saint-no mistaking that BUT the point was WHY he did it-----in this case his background had nothing to do with the getting rid of Thaksin, Shinawatta.

#26 was the one you should have answered properly.--Aussie dear. (oz venison)

ginjag #26, try a Google search both for Thaksin and Suthep

and just see what comes up, Thaksin comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep with several positive's for the Thai economy in there for Thaksin. but as for Suthep,, hahahahaaha...

and that's why in an election he is unbeatable and the other party's know it and that's why they don't want elections.

I just did what you said. Allow me to summarize the search result.

Crimes and charges against Thaksin. Ratchadapisek land case. Thaksin sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. He tried bribing the judges and when that didn't work fled the country. He still has to answer to charges of forcing the govt bank to give his mates in the Burmese junta 4 billion baht to buy ipstar products from his families company. Rubber tree sapling case with his old mate Newin. Extrajudicial slaughter of thousands of innocent men, women and children in his war on drugs in a fit of rage after catching somebody close to him using drugs. Lottery scandal. Funding insurrection and terrorism during the Bkk seige and subsequent burning. Selling Shin corp amongst a flurry of fraudulent transactions in an attempt to dodge tax on the sale. Tak Bai and Krue Se massacres. The list goes on and on and on....

Suthep on the other hand. He seemed to have possibly had some peripheral involvement in a Phuket land distribution scandal some decades ago, although nobody has claimed that he had either direct involvment or profited personally from any actions he took.

Your statement that after reading this summary that Thaksin "comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep" is absolute bunkum.

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" The Senate’s statement read out by acting Senate speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai urged the government to cooperate with the Senate in its attempt to find a “way out” of the impasse, to work out a reform blueprint and to help find a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. "

The coverage of Surachai's statement yesterday in the media was almost fully focused on the decision not to nominate a prime minister through the Senate - yet - but the statement contained nuggets that have been much overlooked. It tacitly acknowledges the absence of a fully functional prime minister and cabinet. Now. It wants to work out a reform blueprint. Now. It wants the administration to cooperate with the Senate to find a way out of the impasse. Now. Pheu Thai, the UDD, and their supporters may be happy that a decision to nominate a prime minister through the Senate was not adopted - yet - but have nonetheless overlooked that the cornerstone of the Senate's observations is based on the belief that the existing administration is not functioning at all. And the fear of the Senate is that an indefinite period of paralysis would be detrimental to the country. As it would. No one expects an administration without legislative power to remain indefinitely. Surachai has made clear that the option to nominate a prime minister through the Senate would be a last resort. But a state of continual administrative paralysis would naturally render such a consideration more likely. The three steps that Surachai unveiled yesterday was a call to the Pheu Thai administration to cooperate. To sit down, and engage in discussion. And to sit down and engage in the discussion of a reform blueprint. Pheu Thai has declined to do any of these things. The Senate's position, as moderate as it is - for now - is actually stronger than people realize. They want first and foremost to get Pheu Thai to the table, because they have the current belief - shared by many - that the Pheu Thai administration does not have the legislative tools to function. As they don't.

An election asap, then a representative constitutional convention, followed by a referendum on a new democratically created constitution.

So that's


Representative Constitutional Convention


The senate can take its one paragraph of long and winding elitist political sleaze back to the Stone Age where it belongs and where it comes from.

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Not another final push only to be countered by a civil war threat from Jatuporn.

When will they ever learn and we know the answer.

What happened to you?

You used to be a PDRC supporter and agreed with their cause, and now you subscribe to the red view of lambasting the cause according to Khaosod.

Some of us have family at the rallies who tell the truth about what is said on stage, and Suthep has hardly ever mentioned the word 'final'..... It is only the media that has cashed in on that time after time and all the media fed suckers suck it up and play with it.

The country is in a dire position and most people think the most important thing to come out of the calamity is the fact they can take the p''''ss out of such a meaningless aspect.

This is serious, people are dying and the best thing people can come out with is final this and final that..... well this IS the final push now, and if you can't see that, then can I suggest you all go and hang out in the comedy thread because this is not where humour is appreciated.

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Here's a great piece from Professor Winichakul of the University of Wisconsin, USA:


He's basically saying that the conservative forces in Thailand (who took over in 2006 and put all their place-men in the poodle courts, the military etc) seem to have had considerable success to date, but he sees their plans facing a rocky road ahead.

It's nice to see a Thai saying it how it is, and condemning the anti-democratic plans of Suthep and his fascist movement. Which makes me think: why is it that Thais only START to understand democracy when they leave Thailand and go to countries like the USA; whereas many falangs (at least on ThaiVisa) seem to STOP believing in the ideals of democracy when they come to live in Thailand?

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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

Forgot who's post it was you answered ??? just picked out a little bit to lock on to ????

why not answer the poster?? all the rest of the post was true so that was difficult to answer anyway. you are a hit and run merchant.

I believe it was put this way-----that Suthep took on the task no others had the balls to do, try to kick out a regime of nuts who seemingly governing for themselves rather than Thailand.

Suthep is no saint-no mistaking that BUT the point was WHY he did it-----in this case his background had nothing to do with the getting rid of Thaksin, Shinawatta.

#26 was the one you should have answered properly.--Aussie dear. (oz venison)

ginjag #26, try a Google search both for Thaksin and Suthep

and just see what comes up, Thaksin comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep with several positive's for the Thai economy in there for Thaksin. but as for Suthep,, hahahahaaha...

and that's why in an election he is unbeatable and the other party's know it and that's why they don't want elections.

I just did what you said. Allow me to summarize the search result.

Crimes and charges against Thaksin. Ratchadapisek land case. Thaksin sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. He tried bribing the judges and when that didn't work fled the country. He still has to answer to charges of forcing the govt bank to give his mates in the Burmese junta 4 billion baht to buy ipstar products from his families company. Rubber tree sapling case with his old mate Newin. Extrajudicial slaughter of thousands of innocent men, women and children in his war on drugs in a fit of rage after catching somebody close to him using drugs. Lottery scandal. Funding insurrection and terrorism during the Bkk seige and subsequent burning. Selling Shin corp amongst a flurry of fraudulent transactions in an attempt to dodge tax on the sale. Tak Bai and Krue Se massacres. The list goes on and on and on....

Suthep on the other hand. He seemed to have possibly had some peripheral involvement in a Phuket land distribution scandal some decades ago, although nobody has claimed that he had either direct involvment or profited personally from any actions he took.

Your statement that after reading this summary that Thaksin "comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep" is absolute bunkum.

Now just remind us:

- which are the courts that sentenced Thaksin?

- and which are the courts/agencies that allowed Suthep to stop citizens from voting in the February 2014 election and then disallowed the very election that Suthep had blocked?

- and which are the courts that have failed to summon or convict Suthep for mass murder in 2010 and for insurrection in 2012-2013?

Is a pattern emerging here? I wonder who set up these courts?

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His, Supthep, background has little to do with it??? You are kidding me..

I would suggest the recent crap happening in Phuket in National Parks land and the requested relocation by the park administrator was probably caused by the same 11 that Suthep gave land to in 1995..

Which by the way led to a dissolution of parliament.. tongue.png

Forgot who's post it was you answered ??? just picked out a little bit to lock on to ????

why not answer the poster?? all the rest of the post was true so that was difficult to answer anyway. you are a hit and run merchant.

I believe it was put this way-----that Suthep took on the task no others had the balls to do, try to kick out a regime of nuts who seemingly governing for themselves rather than Thailand.

Suthep is no saint-no mistaking that BUT the point was WHY he did it-----in this case his background had nothing to do with the getting rid of Thaksin, Shinawatta.

#26 was the one you should have answered properly.--Aussie dear. (oz venison)

ginjag #26, try a Google search both for Thaksin and Suthep

and just see what comes up, Thaksin comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep with several positive's for the Thai economy in there for Thaksin. but as for Suthep,, hahahahaaha...

and that's why in an election he is unbeatable and the other party's know it and that's why they don't want elections.

I just did what you said. Allow me to summarize the search result.

Crimes and charges against Thaksin. Ratchadapisek land case. Thaksin sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. He tried bribing the judges and when that didn't work fled the country. He still has to answer to charges of forcing the govt bank to give his mates in the Burmese junta 4 billion baht to buy ipstar products from his families company. Rubber tree sapling case with his old mate Newin. Extrajudicial slaughter of thousands of innocent men, women and children in his war on drugs in a fit of rage after catching somebody close to him using drugs. Lottery scandal. Funding insurrection and terrorism during the Bkk seige and subsequent burning. Selling Shin corp amongst a flurry of fraudulent transactions in an attempt to dodge tax on the sale. Tak Bai and Krue Se massacres. The list goes on and on and on....

Suthep on the other hand. He seemed to have possibly had some peripheral involvement in a Phuket land distribution scandal some decades ago, although nobody has claimed that he had either direct involvment or profited personally from any actions he took.

Your statement that after reading this summary that Thaksin "comes out looking a hell of a lot better than Suthep" is absolute bunkum.

No worse deaf than the one who doesn't want to hear.

QUOTE " SUTHEP had possibly some peripheral involvement in a Phuket land distribution. END OF QUOTE.

Peripheral you say? A matter of public record.

In 1995, Suthep as Minister of Agriculture orchestrated the Sor Por Kor 4-01 land scheme.

It exploded into a scandal because the land in question had been allocated to be distributed among poor farmers. Suthep instead, gave that land (and tittles) to 11 rich families in his political circle. The reason that as a Miniser of Agriculture he resigned under threat of being indicted....

That land scheme scandal resulted in the downfall of the Democrat-led Chuan Leekpai government. The last time that Thai Democrats were elected to office.

Fast forward to the post 2006 coup tenure and you will find another scandal with Suthep at the helm of: the Palm Oil Scheme.

He was also in charge of the Red crackdown i 2010.

In the same way that Thaksin’s political support is built around a network of families heavily into politics...SURPRISE!!! Suthep had four family members in politics. This was before they resigned to protest the Amnesty Bill and more.

Abhisit is no fool and that is why he had Suthep as his Deputy PM, his attack dog if you will. Suthep is the most powerful man in the Democrat Party as he controls the southern MPs.

That is a partial background of a man who you claim had possibly a peripheral involvement.

Aren't you simply lambasting one criminal while defending another?

Oh, yes I know, Suthep has not been convicted yet, blah, blah, blah, blah,

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