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Any advice on moving Thai lodger along please


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Go to the police explain the situation I am sure for a 1,000 baht the policeman will come around and chase him for you it is that easy, as soon as the guy is in your apartment call the policeman a few of my mates have used this tactic to get out of a sticky situation good luck

Total rubbish.

This is a civil matter as the OP first invited or permitted the guy to stay at his home.

Your opinions of the Thai police is a misconception and visiting the police offering to bribe them to break the law and illegally evict this guy without going via the proper legal process will land the OP in a lot of trouble, perhaps even doing jail time.

The OP first allowed this guy to stay at his home and this is now 100% his problem. He must either devise some ways of getting him out peacefully or have to deal with the consequences.

Agreed, Kopite is in fantasy land believing everything he/she reads on these forums. If you turn up at your local police station clutching a nice crispy 1,000 baht note expecting to hire somebody with a uniform as your own private policeman will more than likely land you in hot water up to your neck. I don't think Kopite or any "mates" have ever done this and to even suggest it is irresponsible.

Dont worry, they will simply ask OP....do you need a friend.......OP returns to ask.....how much......price right.....done deal.........and yes to naysayers......thats how it works.......personal experience.....

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Only see two options:

1 ) wait for him to leave your appartment, move his stuff out on the street, change the locks and tell the police that there will be trouble coming...

2 ) get yourself a new place to stay, and then do the same as in 1 ) but move yourself to the new appartment at the same time.

sorry, but if you don't have connections to the local police to come and help you move him out, then the above seems the way to do it.

1 tell landlord and security --not allow him go to your room and tell him you already move out. if he want to stay, he has to pay for the rent.

2 change key, move his stuff, tell police.

3 don't give him anything.

Edited by susan d
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You received some good advise on solving your problem. Now you have to decide what you are comfortable with. Reading your posts tells me the over the top, harda-- stuff isn't your thing. Use your intelligence and logic first. Just remember, this is Thailand and intelligence or logic doesn't guarantee the results you want. Many of your options may not be in your comfort zone but as long as you don't break the law this is exactly what might have to be done. I feel your pain and frustration. Most of us in this country have been taken avantage of at one time or another. Once we leave our home country we are outsiders. This kind of thing happens all the time(locals taking advantage), everywhere!

I don't believe you could become one of the people who laughs at another's dilemma or so jaded that everyone here sucks and you get what you deserve. You made the first step and aren't alone. It will work out! Make your plan and put it into play. Good Luck and All the Best.

Thank you for your encouragement. Getting may thoughts here has helped bring together all the thoughts spinning in my head over the last few months. I have this morning taken the first step moving my plan along.

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re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

As of this morning I have the card back.

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No need to change locks as the OP said he does not have a key, only a security pass for the building.

Tell him you can't afford the place and you need to get a lodger to help pay. Get a mate to bring some stuff over and both of you can put the squeeze on him. Give him some bus money to get home.

Don't back down. You are just too soft.

I am having serious doubts as to whether this is a true situation.

Surely the building management can void all electronic keys on one particular lock, reset and issue a new key. What do they do when a key is lost? Once they void the key and issue a new one then the malingerer can no longer enter the condo.

The story about the security guard always being asleep and the unwelcome visitor eating the OP's food and smirking are too inflammatory to be true. My guess is this is all made up, as others have alluded to.

Thanks for your input. You are free to believe what you want. This is the situation I have put myself in and I have only asked TV members for advice which I have many good recommendations. I am grateful for those that took the time. You have a good day.

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re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

As of this morning I have the card back.
Now you have the card back Mac, there is no way he can get in ........ surely?

Was there a scene when you got it back?

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re CC non payment - visa came right to the work of a friend of my wife's - as she didn't answer any letters sent to negotiate payments that weren't being made - they garnashied her big 8000 bt a month salary for 4000 bt a month...also in all this meantime... if your buddy gets a whiff of being kicked out - you also might come home one day and find all your stuff cleared out if he can hook up a pick up truck...yes evicting him might be painful - but you can't move out and let him stay as then you are liable for any damage and non rent payment...dunno - what will it cost to get out of a lease? myself I might have to say look - here is 2-3-4000 bt for getting your stuff out the door and you are going to have to hire a pick up and move it... but then you better be prepared to stay until he does... like on a weekend - or you might have your stuff gone...

As of this morning I have the card back.
Now you have the card back Mac, there is no way he can get in ........ surely?

Was there a scene when you got it back?

No scene as yet. Normally he will have the pass card on his person this morning he left it on the table, shoes kicked off middle of the floor which would suggest came back under the influence. He is passed out on my sofa. I have two Thai friends coming over later today and we will take it from there.

No he cannot get back in to the apartment or the security door leading to the lifts and cannot access the lifts. However the fire exit doors leading to the stair well are not secure and he has used that in the past to get up to my floor (left the pass card at friends place), he just banged on my door upsetting neighbours at 3 am until I finally answered. Security are hopeless and waive everyone through the boom gate. The building has along drive way off the main road, security merely operate the boom gate never bothering with individuals on foot. I hope he gets the message when my Thai friends assist in putting him later today.

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Maybe tell him you are going to rent the 2nd room out as you need the money. Offer to let him rent it for (a price he would not pay) but if not, he needs to move out in X days as a new renter will be coming. That we he can save face and you avoid conflict.

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Years ago an unwanted visitor decended upon us and royally took the piss for 32 days. I got rid of him once I had established that he had never flown in an airoplane by purchasing a one what ticket to Bkk. By the time he realised what I had done he was 500 miles/12hrs away from my wallet/fridge/motorcy....

That was the best THB 2k I ever spent & there has never been a repeat:)

Edited by evadgib
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Dear Op,

The best possible solution would be to let the tourist police deal with it. I'm also a volunteer for them and I know it would make them more than happy to help you.

Just call 1155.If you need further advice, please page me, I can tell some friends ( Thai) who are really high up the ladder to help you.

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Firstly never allow a thai to stay at your place even for a night. secondly. You do know you can change locks on the doors right? Better yet put doorknob cover on door. Leave note saying you will be gone on on busuness trip for work unknown return date.Box his stuff up leave outside apartment. call his cell tell him your be gone his stuff outside of apartment front door come and get it Them catch cab stay at hotel for week or two. He will check with landlord but you tell nlandlord what your doing then ask landlord to say you call and moved out to new place.

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Years ago an unwanted visitor decended upon us and royally took the piss for 32 days. I got rid of him once I had established that he had never flown in an airoplane by purchasing a one what ticket to Bkk. By the time he realised what I had done he was 500 miles/12hrs away from my wallet/fridge/motorcy....

That was the best THB 2k I ever spent & there has never been a repeat:)

Are you saying 12 hours flying time is 500 miles and this cost you 2,000 baht?
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Go to the police explain the situation I am sure for a 1,000 baht the policeman will come around and chase him for you it is that easy, as soon as the guy is in your apartment call the policeman a few of my mates have used this tactic to get out of a sticky situation good luck

Total rubbish.

This is a civil matter as the OP first invited or permitted the guy to stay at his home.

Your opinions of the Thai police is a misconception and visiting the police offering to bribe them to break the law and illegally evict this guy without going via the proper legal process will land the OP in a lot of trouble, perhaps even doing jail time.

The OP first allowed this guy to stay at his home and this is now 100% his problem. He must either devise some ways of getting him out peacefully or have to deal with the consequences.

I disagree. This is a police matter. Here's why;

- Man was an invitee for a set period.

- The "guest" has no legal right to remain at the premises as he is not a signatory of the lease, nor is he considered part of the the signatory's immediate family.

- The "guest's" permission to enter the premises has been revoked. As such, a continued presence on the premises becomes trespass. Trespass is a criminal offence in Thailand. For example, go into any condo complex in Bangkok and just plunk yourself down and tell the staff that you will be spending the night. The staff will either physically remove you, or call the police who will cart you off.

There is no reason to move. The police are there for these types of situations and they will hell help if one goes and explains the situation and files the complaint.

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Years ago an unwanted visitor decended upon us and royally took the piss for 32 days. I got rid of him once I had established that he had never flown in an airoplane by purchasing a one what ticket to Bkk. By the time he realised what I had done he was 500 miles/12hrs away from my wallet/fridge/motorcy....

That was the best THB 2k I ever spent & there has never been a repeat:)

Are you saying 12 hours flying time is 500 miles and this cost you 2,000 baht?

i assume he means the thai guy was flow somewhere it would take 12 hours to drive back from ...........

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Dear Op,

The best possible solution would be to let the tourist police deal with it. I'm also a volunteer for them and I know it would make them more than happy to help you.

Just call 1155.If you need further advice, please page me, I can tell some friends ( Thai) who are really high up the ladder to help you.

Are you in The SWAT team as well?

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The ansser is "im not an effin charity and i dont want you here you have 5 minutes to get your stuff out"

i really dont understand the problem

Maybe they were lovers previously?

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I really find this post hard to believe,after the second week you must have known that you had a problem, you should have done something right a way, now you have three options in my view. 1 physicaly sort the problem out. 2 get the cops to help you sort the problem out and 3 see a lawyer to sort this mess out, I still can't believe how this can be for real

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I really find this post hard to believe,after the second week you must have known that you had a problem, you should have done something right a way, now you have three options in my view. 1 physicaly sort the problem out. 2 get the cops to help you sort the problem out and 3 see a lawyer to sort this mess out, I still can't believe how this can be for real

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I read up to the part, about," on some thing", that would be the red light for me, and his things would be put out of the Room/building Thai style, You could spend time in the Bangkok Hilton , with any sniff of drugs about. They take advantage of your good nature. Take some advice move him on quick.

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Dear Op,

The best possible solution would be to let the tourist police deal with it. I'm also a volunteer for them and I know it would make them more than happy to help you.

Just call 1155.If you need further advice, please page me, I can tell some friends ( Thai) who are really high up the ladder to help you.

Are you in The SWAT team as well?

I don't know what your real problem is. I just help them out sometimes, as I speak English, German and Thai. Any problems with that?

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The ansser is "im not an effin charity and i dont want you here you have 5 minutes to get your stuff out"

i really dont understand the problem

Maybe they were lovers previously?

Your intelligence is breathtaking.....

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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop, jail or prison. Who knows, he may even a load of priors which could help see him doing a nice stretch for substance abuse..

Edited by somchaismith
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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop or jail.

Do you honestly think a Thai police officer would take the word of a Foreigner against a Thai, when there is a chance of money crossing hands, Just put his things out and make him make the move towards the police , I put money on it he will shout a bit but move on , Because if he is a user of any drugs he will not want to get the police involved, you don't need this crapp, just put him out , He is abusing your generosity.

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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop, jail or prison. Who knows, he may even a load of priors which could help see him doing a nice stretch for substance abuse..

Chances are the farang will get dragged into this as his wallet will be fatter. Never ever even let the police have the smallest inkling you know where drugs are.
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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop or jail.

Do you honestly think a Thai police officer would take the word of a Foreigner against a Thai, when there is a chance of money crossing hands, Just put his things out and make him make the move towards the police , I put money on it he will shout a bit but move on , Because if he is a user of any drugs he will not want to get the police involved, you don't need this crapp, just put him out , He is abusing your generosity.

Do I believe? I know for a fact the Thai police will act on your suspicions, especially if it's your own home. You would only need to take one of their ice pipes, bongs or whatever down to the police station with you, as proof of someone's drug abuse.

Do you honestly think that a drug user would voluntarily go to have his wee wee tested?

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If he's on the gear, like the OP suggested, find out what he's using and if it's illegal, get him PP tested. You won't have to see him again until after he's released from the cop shop or jail.

Do you honestly think a Thai police officer would take the word of a Foreigner against a Thai, when there is a chance of money crossing hands, Just put his things out and make him make the move towards the police , I put money on it he will shout a bit but move on , Because if he is a user of any drugs he will not want to get the police involved, you don't need this crapp, just put him out , He is abusing your generosity.

Do I believe? I know for a fact the Thai police will act on your suspicions, especially if it's your own home. You would only need to take one of their ice pipes, bongs or whatever down to the police station with you, as proof of someone's drug abuse.

Do you honestly think that a drug user would voluntarily go to have his wee wee tested?

yes he would deny it was his and it was the falangs. I know for a fact My wife is ex Thai police

Edited by Thongkorn
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