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Book suggests missing Malaysian airliner accidentally shot down

Lite Beer

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Still very hard to say what actually happened. Your guess is as good as mine.

My guess is though, it was hijacked, either something went wrong or it was put down where its hard to find (pakistan or whatever). I still do NOT understand how after a little while they were so sure it was not hijacked.

Why were the transmitters stopping? Why was it still moving after that? What s with the flight path change?

But its all guesswork. One day we ll know, I guess.

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Anythings possible but poor taste trying to profit from a book imo.

Nothing better to write about.

You would think more than 1 would see a burning plane going down from an oil rig

Plenty of people saw it, just not all in the same place.

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Actually I am surprised that no one has followed up on the Bangladesh / China joint naval exercises and the suspicion that perhaps China accidentally shot down the airliner.....and then planted some bogus black box deep in the Indian Ocean. Remember...it was a chinese ship in a non-search area that discovered the 'pings'....no one knows why the chinese ship was in this unauthorized area????? I wish I could find the source for this report but now I can not find it on google anymore.

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Maybe the men from Mars came in there big space ship and took the plain for there studies of all old things that used to fly in there past. Oh good idea I will write a book smile.png

do we have men on Mars? When did this happen....I will google it right now.

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If you wrote something like this crap on TV the mod would shut it down for being a rumor mongers. This guy would say anything to write and book and fools to read it.

This could be true Bob when you look at how many countries have been involved and not found any wreckage. It is about the best reason to come out, if the yanks and Thais involved in training and this is what happened they would keep it very secret.

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Must be a big novel. I mean, how many pages could it be?

After all what does he claim to see......a burning light In the sky at 40 miles or something. A few seconds later it was gone. Later he hears about the missing flight, puts 2 + 2 together and comes up with 654.3.

No doubt a riveting read and possibly the first novel to be printed on the rear of a postage stamp?

Can't wait until the movie comes out.

You don't have to wait to long I guess


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Last I read about the U.S.'s involvement in the search was when someone was wondering why the U.S. wasn't doing anything, especially since there were a few U.S. citizens on board. Unless the poster was wrong or something's changed since then, I don't think they're spending millions, it's just the other countries.

One wonders how he explains the millions being spent by multiple govts, including the US, on the search effort if they already know where the plane is.......

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I have read dozens and dozens of posts on this incident, and want to ask one question.....

The position the MH370 did it's final report puts it very close to Hatyai International Airport....less than 20mins flight.

Yet not one mention of the proximity of this airport in any NEWS REPORTS.....Why?????

Edited by weegee
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If the US made a gross error like this, what would keep the Chinese from making a huge propaganda coup out of telling world about it?

If the Thais shot it down, why would the US bother to keep it quiet?

If the Chinese shot it down, why would the US gain from not telling the world?

Which government do we trust least? Take your pick...

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Does anyone who says the 'friendly fire' theory is actually untrue have any evidence of this? Until you have the facts, nothing can be dismissed. Never forget that the USA and UK went to war over a b---s--t cover up involving non existent WMD in Iraq and the fact that thousands of 'innocents' lost their lives was never given a second thought, Tony Blair still makes a lot of 'after dinner speaker' money on the back of his subservience to 'Dubbya'. Don't ever dismiss a 'cover up' or 'face saving' public relations exercise as being a sham.

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Based on the known and proven facts it is still a difficult puzzle, with it only being possible to hypothesize, but to a reasonably accurate degree if one keeps an open mind. The big money is saying that there were people and / or cargo on the plane that was vitally important to someone and that the lives of a few hundred was a small price to pay for an alternative that would have altered the "balance of power" in the military world. It will probably be noted in future as the trickiest international con that has ever been pulled off in this decade.

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One wonders how he explains the millions being spent by multiple govts, including the US, on the search effort if they already know where the plane is.......

It's called a 'cover up'. The more time, effort, and money invested in a cover up tends to lend credibility to the hypothesis offered by those covering up.

I'm going with the Occam's razor theory on the basis that among competing hypotheses, the one with the least assumptions should be selected. More complicated solutions may eventually prove to be correct, but in the absence of certainty—the least complex hypothesis should be selected.

Somebody in the US military got trigger happy accidentally, or the plane was considered a security risk (correctly or incorrectly) and the instructions were issued to bring it down. The quantum of misinformation released subsequent to the disappearance regarding flight paths, hijackings, transponders turned off, etc ad infinitum is just too far fetched to accept.

I think you need to revisit the meaning of Occam's razor if you believe that the US, during combined military exercises, managed to shoot down a civilian plane without producing any debris and that the whole thing could be so effectively covered up despite the number of personnel who would have had to be involved etc etc.

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We all know that this book is rubbish, because everybody knows what really happened with MH370, don't we ?

Well, I must be the only one then, I wait for you all to enlighten me.

PASSENGER 57 found a bunch of SNAKES ON A PLANE on approach to the AIRPORT!

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Early in the search process this oil worker was still giving free radio interviews, one of which I heard on a local radio station here in the US. He seemed to be a pretty down to earth guy just stating that he saw something aflame at about the right time and in the area (Gulf of Siam) that, at the time, it was thought that the missing plane went down. Everything else is mere speculation, but without any evidence speculation is all we have.

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There really should be a book about how its possible to lose a civil aircraft in the 21st century . Ohhh if it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by kingalfred
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Check him out on Wikipedia. If nothing else, he's prolific, writing on every conceivable subject, including a huge number of books on "The Sex Lives of ...(insert any job description)". Only two newspapers seem to have commented on the book so far, and there's an incredible paucity of info coming from Cawthorne, which suggests there's nothing in the book except a journalistic wrap up. Boring. Oh, and there's another book on the flight due out as well. Oh well, back to the second hand bookshop.

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If the plane was shot down by anyone, where's the debris in the area where it disappeared?

If it was shot down, why did it first make a left turn and shut off all of its communication devices?

If the left turn and shutting off of electronics was actually a result of being shot down, where's the debris? They know where that happened.

Rarely mentioned is that the US has surveillance satellites over that area at all times due to its concerns about China, allies, the surrounding seas, and its presence in Guam and Diego Garcia. Am I to believe that some specious data from a private satellite is all there is?

It is less than an hour's flight from where the plane took off to where it turned and disappeared. Am I to believe that they couldn't find debris in a 400 mile stretch?

That plane turned left, turned off its communication devices and kept going or there would be a near debris field. The only question for me is: To where?"

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