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I'd Like To Die In The Land I Love, Would You?


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Well, I haven't seen that in my time here. My gf was prescribed codeine just the other day for a minor complaint so they don't seem to have a problem with opiates.....

It is almost impossible to get anything stronger than low doses of Tylenol with Codeine for having wisdom teeth pulled or a root canal. It the USA you get very strong opiates for that type of pain. Codeine only binds weakly to the opiate receptors, it is not very efficacious as a pain reliever. Codeine is a weak agonist. (It activates the opiate receptors weakly.) It is 20 times weaker than Morphine.

True that

I was once asked by my dentist if I wanted some pain killers for at home.

I said sure vicodin or hydrocodone would be fine

She did not know what I was talking about & said they have Tylenol smile.png

Glad I brought quite a few vicodin of my own from the US when I moved here

Edited by mania
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Imagine being burned/buried on soil you could never own, even if you were alive.

You ought to know we don't own anything in this world. It is delusional to think otherwise. Sorry for getting too philosophical, but we don't even own our own bodies. They leave us in the end too. And we have to leave everything we thought we owned behind.

And to be scientific, everything is a mass of atoms owned by the universe. Nothing is ours.

And if i am still so full of ego on my deathbed that i worry about being burned on a piece of earth that "i never owned", then something is far wrong and life has been wasted.

Let's enjoy Thailand for what it is for however long we choose (and good luck to Neeranam on his quest home...have a decent dram for me mate wai2.gif).

Just out of interest, what exactly do you think would be enjoying Thailand except for the ego or body?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Imagine being burned/buried on soil you could never own, even if you were alive.

You ought to know we don't own anything in this world. It is delusional to think otherwise. Sorry for getting too philosophical, but we don't even own our own bodies. They leave us in the end too. And we have to leave everything we thought we owned behind.

And to be scientific, everything is a mass of atoms owned by the universe. Nothing is ours.

And if i am still so full of ego on my deathbed that i worry about being burned on a piece of earth that "i never owned", then something is far wrong and life has been wasted.

Let's enjoy Thailand for what it is for however long we choose (and good luck to Neeranam on his quest home...have a decent dram for me mate wai2.gif).

Just out of interest, what exactly do you think would be enjoying Thailand except for the ego or body?

buddhists dont believe we have a self so hence no actual ego

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Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

im nearly 80 and im having the best years of my life.
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Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

Hugh heffners life might be allright?

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Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

Off topic,

I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

Hugh heffners life might be allright?

Rupert Murdoch is 83. Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence at 70 years of age. Mandela elected president at 76, Mother Teresa got the Nobel prize at 69, Roget published Thesaurus at 73. Anna Mary Robertson Moses was better known to the world as Grandma Moses, a woman who didn't begin to paint until the age of 76.

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I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

You must be fairly young. If one has plenty of money and good health, sitting on the beach, sipping Margaritas for a living, sounds pretty good.

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I continue to be astounded by the short sightedness of people's view of DEATH. It is as if when the body dies....then all of life stops. What bullshit. Life continues....people should do more research about Life after "death". I don't give a flying f where my body ends up on this screwed up world....my life will have plenty more to offer once I am rid of the vessel / prison called a body.

How IS life on Fantasy Island?

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I want my body parts to be placed in museums in different countries. So i can be all over just like when i was alive.

Someone told me there are churches all over the Mediterranean area that claim to have Jesus' foreskin.

they have his dna as well to make sure its not a fraud .........? coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Imagine being burned/buried on soil you could never own, even if you were alive.

You ought to know we don't own anything in this world. It is delusional to think otherwise. Sorry for getting too philosophical, but we don't even own our own bodies. They leave us in the end too. And we have to leave everything we thought we owned behind.

And to be scientific, everything is a mass of atoms owned by the universe. Nothing is ours.

And if i am still so full of ego on my deathbed that i worry about being burned on a piece of earth that "i never owned", then something is far wrong and life has been wasted.

Let's enjoy Thailand for what it is for however long we choose (and good luck to Neeranam on his quest home...have a decent dram for me mate wai2.gif).

Just out of interest, what exactly do you think would be enjoying Thailand except for the ego or body?

buddhists dont believe we have a self so hence no actual ego

Really, most monks I've spoken to talk about the self and ego.

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Rupert Murdoch is 83. Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence at 70 years of age. Mandela elected president at 76, Mother Teresa got the Nobel prize at 69, Roget published Thesaurus at 73. Anna Mary Robertson Moses was better known to the world as Grandma Moses, a woman who didn't begin to paint until the age of 76.

Scientists assume, that the first human who will live over 150 years is already born...

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No way Rose

If dying here, I would probably reincarnate as a Thai baby.

Having to go through neglected child care, one of the poorest educational system, being part of a country in constant political turmoil, and where human rights are a joke.

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No way Rose

If dying here, I would probably reincarnate as a Thai baby.

Having to go through neglected child care, one of the poorest educational system, being part of a country in constant political turmoil, and where human rights are a joke.

yeah, an american or british slum would be far better! lol

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Please forgive my humble attempt at humour, but on this subject .........

I went to NZ with about forty Thai teachers some ten years ago. I was the translator while they were learning new teaching techniques and we all stayed in homestays in Christchurch. One morning, while waiting outside the workshop venue, one of the young female teachers arrived and I asked her how she was getting along in her home stay. She said it was nice but the husband was strange. "In what way"? I asked

"Well every morning over breakfast, he always asks me where I am going to die and I always tell him I don't know, to which he shakes his head and laughs" she replied.

She really laughed once she understood that a Kiwi pronounces "Day" as :Die"

(It was funny at the time anyhow)

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then you should get a new circle of monks

I think you don't understand what 'ego' means.

My favourite monk was Aj. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, a highly respected monk who died 20 years ago and spoke of the ego often.


I met his translator recently, Santikao, and he also spoke of the ego,


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No way Rose

If dying here, I would probably reincarnate as a Thai baby.

Having to go through neglected child care, one of the poorest educational system, being part of a country in constant political turmoil, and where human rights are a joke.

yeah, an american or british slum would be far better! lol

For me it would be a French village, where I am from.

that's where I would like to die thank you very much

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