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Chiang Rai: Northern red rally dismantled, TV station raided


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Hells yeah. Comes around full circle. Bye bye Red rouge!

You realize that "rouge" already means "red" right?

Unlikely, too much focus on hatred...............( and too little understanding )

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Hells yeah. Comes around full circle. Bye bye Red rouge!

The opposite is true.

the reds are still playing the butter would not melt in our mouth card. They are smart enough to play this out for longer yet. After all they have thwarted all Amart and PDRC and Court attempts for 7 months now. Slowly does it reds

Supporting the martial law to ensure the election proceed.

Army and PDRC still need violent clashes for them to go to the next (prefferred) level of an all out coup and appointed PM.

It is not happening for the moment, so the army's reasoning for couping is still not sufficient.

I have to ask: are by any chance living in Dubai ? I would expect the same BS to come out of the mouth of the criminal that is to much of a coward to show his face in Thailand, and why would, he has his minions doing the dirty work for him. Known as the Thai rouge.

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Hells yeah. Comes around full circle. Bye bye Red rouge!

The opposite is true.

the reds are still playing the butter would not melt in our mouth card. They are smart enough to play this out for longer yet. After all they have thwarted all Amart and PDRC and Court attempts for 7 months now. Slowly does it reds

Supporting the martial law to ensure the election proceed.

Army and PDRC still need violent clashes for them to go to the next (prefferred) level of an all out coup and appointed PM.

It is not happening for the moment, so the army's reasoning for couping is still not sufficient.

The rice farmers in the north have not been paid for last years harvest. They are not happy. Bring on the election and everyone may be surprised with the result.

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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

The that would meaning shutting down all commercial channels 3 5 7 9 11 etc etc .How about facebook twitter etc as while your at it .

And us on TV of course. Some would have to turn to drink and sex to fill their days.

Stroll on. It was too much drink and sex that drove me to TV. wink.png

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Would be nice to see the General bring Mr Shinawatra back to Thailand and charged with crimes he has instigated over the past several years.

no, id be happier if he, never touched thai soil ever, there is too much trash here already. i vomit a little when i see a TACKY ASSchinese temple pagoda decoration thing poop up from the ground. (dont get me on "history of the color RED" tangent, lets just say, a businessman once used this color to insult The last Emporer of China.. A color forbidden to be worn on commoners)

Its ..just Thaksin... he can hire any monkey to deliver "thainess" to him... and please people, dont be cheap about it. imagine, literally "pay" for the rest of their lives to fill an empty hole. EXILE mean NEVER RETURN. he, put himself on exile, hoping his government will beg him back and look like a hero? lol. he can play hitlers handbook all he wants. history tend to repeat.

as for the radio staions and places being raided. im ehh. on that. i believe in free press, at the same time.. advertising ... and propaganda go hand in hand. its all hyped up like a mlm marketing party on crack. people believe what they want to believe. hope. or at least disguised as hope. what need to happen is people take acountability for the things they said and done. and again, history has had a way of dealing with this too.

happy martial law day to everyone.

lets hope i wont have to say,

happy coup day to you.

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After reading a great book on the war between Sparta and Athens, it lasted 30 years, there had to be a ultimate victory to settle the issue and it was the Spartans with financial help from the Persians who defeated democratic Athens. You can see similarities in the current political conflict in Thailand, eventually there has to be destruction of one side or the other to end the conflict or a pull back, surrender and complete exceptance of the winners position.

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Would be nice to see the General bring Mr Shinawatra back to Thailand and charged with crimes he has instigated over the past several years.

no, id be happier if he, never touched thai soil ever, there is too much trash here already. i vomit a little when i see a TACKY ASSchinese temple pagoda decoration thing poop up from the ground. (dont get me on "history of the color RED" tangent, lets just say, a businessman once used this color to insult The last Emporer of China.. A color forbidden to be worn on commoners)

Its ..just Thaksin... he can hire any monkey to deliver "thainess" to him... and please people, dont be cheap about it. imagine, literally "pay" for the rest of their lives to fill an empty hole. EXILE mean NEVER RETURN. he, put himself on exile, hoping his government will beg him back and look like a hero? lol. he can play hitlers handbook all he wants. history tend to repeat.

as for the radio staions and places being raided. im ehh. on that. i believe in free press, at the same time.. advertising ... and propaganda go hand in hand. its all hyped up like a mlm marketing party on crack. people believe what they want to believe. hope. or at least disguised as hope. what need to happen is people take acountability for the things they said and done. and again, history has had a way of dealing with this too.

happy martial law day to everyone.

lets hope i wont have to say,

happy coup day to you.

Sorry, I even tried Google translate, but it still doesn't make sense!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

Censorship in any form is a slippery slope to erosion of freedom.

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This must have been a difficult article for Khaosod to write. Thank goodness the UDD stations are down. UDD radio in particular was not only the source of so much misinformation but it actually routinely instigated unrest. Blue Sky TV is also down and Prayuth is to be commended for using a balanced measure here. It is to the UDD and their supporters continual advantage to pedal the idea of a more sweeping censorship of the mainstream media to come, but it won't happen. If it was going to, for sure those measures would have been released simultaneously. Prayuth knows precisely where the unrest originates - as does everyone else - and to fans of Channel 3, 5 and so on - will doubtless continue to see them, as will newspapers ( yes, even Khaosod ), and social media in full throttle. This is not a Chalerm move. It is a Prayuth move, and there is far more reason in the later than in the former. This is a very good maneuver, because it has brought security to Bangkok, calmed down the rallies, and most importantly released the Senate, the Constitutional Court, and the National Anti-Corruption Commission from the provocation they've been receiving. They can now proceed with safety, as they're supposed to.

Oh Scamper you really are the ultimate cringeing apologist, aren't you?

Voltaire's 'Candide' satire has nothing on your self-satire.

"All is for the best", right, in this happy land of smiles, ruled over by the benevolent wise ammart.

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After reading a great book on the war between Sparta and Athens, it lasted 30 years, there had to be a ultimate victory to settle the issue and it was the Spartans with financial help from the Persians who defeated democratic Athens. You can see similarities in the current political conflict in Thailand, eventually there has to be destruction of one side or the other to end the conflict or a pull back, surrender and complete exceptance of the winners position.

Or they could just have an election.

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As repeatedly predicted, the red shirt thugs have and will disperse quickly and the lunatic fringe professionally and quickly dealt with by the military. There will be no civil war. The question for the politicians is how to go foward without the shin clan influence distorting the businessof government. It may be a generation before the damage caused can be repaired.

Out of 'Likes'. +1

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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

Are you being ironic?

It's possible he's being mo ronic.

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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

Censorship in any form is a slippery slope to erosion of freedom.

Like censorship against yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater, talking about bombs or hijacking at an airport, or inciting to riot or murder, preaching sedition. Yes, those rules are a 'slippery slope' to erosion of freedom. BTW, those are laws in countries with the most freedom of speech.

Edited by rametindallas
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You know when you are in a civilized advanced democratic country when the government control the army and the army earn 'standard' salaries for soldierly work. Way to go Thailand ! The hidden hand of the real rulers of Thailand surfaces once again. Thailand world leader as the hub of military coups. Suthep like Sondhi before him will be sidelined and pensioned off.

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

Censorship in any form is a slippery slope to erosion of freedom.

Like censorship against yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater, talking about bombs or hijacking at an airport, or inciting to riot or murder, preaching sedition. Yes, those rules are a 'slippery slope' to erosion of freedom. BTW, those are laws in countries with the most freedom of speech.

Surely the examples you provide bear little relation to or are extreme to the alleged "propaganda" being broadcasted from the radio station. If in fact someone at that station is instructing others to commit crimes or violent acts, then those individuals should be arrested. You, however, don't seize the entire stations because they are propaganda that does not comport with your views.

Fox news pumps out extreme one-sided political propaganda 24/7 here in the US. I am sure Obama would love to shut them down and seize their station . . . Thank God people here are smart enough not to let that happen even if the propaganda is offensive to one's own political views.

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whistling.gif Looks to me like what a mother would do with two petulant children quarreling with each other.

Mom just got tired of listening to the unruly quarreling, walked into the room, and said clearly, "Stop all this nonsense right now. Clean up your room and put away those toys you have scattered all over the floor. Get this room tidied up, and stop all this nonsense right now".

So far it looks like both quarreling sides are doing exactly what "Mom" wants .... because they both know that "Mom" is really in charge and she is unhappy.

Nobody in the family crosses swords with "Mom" when she speaks.

Just like in a family, "Mom" is clearly in charge.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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whistling.gif Looks to me like what a mother would do with two petulant children quarreling with each other.

Mom just got tired of listening to the unruly quarreling, walked into the room, and said clearly, "Stop all this nonsense right now. Clean up your room and put away those toys you have scattered all over the floor. Get this room tidied up, and stop all this nonsense right now".

So far it looks like both quarreling sides are doing exactly what "Mom" wants .... because they both know that "Mom" is really in charge and she is unhappy.

Nobody in the family crosses swords with "Mom" when she speaks.

Just like in a family, "Mom" is clearly in charge.

You make it sound like an episode of the Waltons rather than the brutalist fin-de-siecle power politics it actually is.

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Great news, the rally wouldn't attract that much of a support anyway, but do this people not have to work??

The seizure of the local radio station, is the first in many stations who should be shut down for ever, other ways this one sided propaganda keeps going on and peace will never been installed in the country.

All media should report only facts, and no propaganda for any side involved

And I hereby nominate our beloved poster Bangmod for the job of "Decider what is fact, and what is propaganda".

Life can be so simple!

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It's pretty shocking that the military is now outright ignoring the constitution. Very dangerous times in Thailand right now.

Since they wrote it, they have the right to ignore it.

Anybody murdered by those expressing their constitutional "rights" last night?

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They should have exactly the same rights to a rally as the PDRC do, lets not have one set of rules for the rich elite in Bangkok and another for the rural poor. Treat everyone equally or the whole thing will blow up in your face.

Edited by chooka
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They should have exactly the same rights to a rally as the PDRC do, lets not have one set of rules for the rich elite in Bangkok and another for the rural poor. Treat everyone equally or the whole thing will blow up in your face.

All we need is some morally challenged mercenaries willing to subject red rallies in the North to gunfire and grenade attacks. But would that move to closer equality of treatment improve the situation?

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"If there's an attempt to find a neutral Prime Minister under Article 7, we will come out to protest such action," said Songtham Kid-an, another activist of the Redshirt group.

555, god forbid Thailand have a neutral PM!

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We've got over 300 channels of shit on our TV. Perhaps the Army can shut down those with advertorial talk shows, Takes ages to find something to watch, more often than not I just give up.

TV and radio media promoting hatred and violence on any occasions should be shut down, let alone under marshal law. As with many aspects of Thai life, standards need a reset. To suggest that the shitstorm that everything is, and shrug it off as is 'Thainess', is not good enough.

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