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1. I would have told the cab driver to pull over and get another taxi, I wouldn't endorce that bugger with one baht extra. Yes, this have happened to me on several occasions in BKK.

I fixed the issue with I start my GPS map software in my phone and point on it to the cab driver where I want to go, with adress and possibly landmarks.

Have it turned on and make sure I'm going in the right direction, although, in BKK there are a lot of out of the way stretches as it's not always possible to use the route what the GPS tells me.

2.You wrote the waitress took the first drink away, her loss, not yours, just throw the correct amount on the table and leave. And yes, have done that one also before.

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1. I would have told the cab driver to pull over and get another taxi, I wouldn't endorce that bugger with one baht extra. Yes, this have happened to me on several occasions in BKK.

I fixed the issue with I start my GPS map software in my phone and point on it to the cab driver where I want to go, with adress and possibly landmarks.

Have it turned on and make sure I'm going in the right direction, although, in BKK there are a lot of out of the way stretches as it's not always possible to use the route what the GPS tells me.

2.You wrote the waitress took the first drink away, her loss, not yours, just throw the correct amount on the table and leave. And yes, have done that one also before.

I guess that is how quality tourists enjoy their vacations, by turning on GPS software and throwing the correct amountsfacepalm.gif

Well done TAT, keep on attracting quality


I have always thought that the Thai language is not very precise and a simple statement can have a few different interpretations. Look at Members of Parliament. How many times have you read, that after making a statement which went a bit wobbly the speaker then says 'I didn't mean that'. Imprecise, or mouth going off before brain engages? Better not to lose ones rag and face, and heed the advice supposedly given to British colonial ladies, 'When being raped, lay back and think of England'.rolleyes.gif

Very little to do with Thai language.

The truth is, all taxi drivers know the big hotels.

And big hotels do not have similar names.

I am more than certain, OP stayed at $15 guesthouse instead of $150 hotel.

Example being, Every taxi driver knows Holiday Inn, but there are also Holiday Mansion, Holiday Resort, Pattaya Holiday Lodge, Pattaya Holiday City Lodge.

The non-hooker said one of the cheap ones, but taxi driver only heard and understood "HOLIDAY" so he drove from Walking Street to North Pattaya, thats a 200 bah fare. Once OP realized it was wrong, driver had to turn around and come back to one of the others in Pattaya Klang.

Of course the name of the hotels was just an example.

Second incident. could partially be due to OP speaking not clear English. See it all the time, For some reason many newbies do not seem to understand Thai in service sector do not speak good English, so speaking fast and with say Oz accent, will not get you far. They just talk as they would back home, assuming locals understand and know the lingo.

Yes it may well also be a mistake by the staff, who was now responsible to pay for the drink.

This is also pretty easy to deal with, they put bill for each drink, check the bill and if the wrong drink is on there, bring it up with cashier, instead of service, because naturally service will deny it.

Please stop being ignorant.

Taxi drivers in BKK most often don't assume where you want go, they can spend 5-10 minutes trying to figure out where you want to go, but ask yourself if that scenario would happen with only a Thai passenger, NO WAY and you bet your sweet ass there would be a some sort of altercation, harsh language and the taxi driver would have to either let the passenger off or dig in to his own pocket for the differens.

Working in a bar is where most learn English and if they serve wrong because of bad language skills or they don't pay attention, they have to pay the wasted drink themselves, if it's a Thai owner of the bar, if it's a farrang owner, the drink will be put on the blow account. This is also a VERY common way for the girls to earn some extra cash or to get a free drink.


I only pay what they deserve.

Some taxidriver tried to charge me for 597 THB while the route I am normally take is around 79 - 99 THB. Depends on traffic.

He tried to make a problem of it. I had my gf on the phone and some Thai friends in the soi kicking the hell out on the taxi driver trying to screw me. Later he came back with some police officers. Everything was recorded on CCTV of the building I was staying. Also my Thai gf told the police from where I left. They concluded that it never could have been more than 100 THB, what I normally paid the taxidriver, tip included.

So just give them what they deserve and walk away....


Here's a funny one. My dad is 82 years old and he lives in Bangkok with his 50 something Thai lady friend. They have a Mercedes but like to take the mini busses whenever they can. My dad is a take no crap kind of guy. He uses his age advantage to regularly curse out a careless or rude drivers. First, he gets up real close to them, in their personal space, and curses them out in english. He leaves out nothing as he is a former marine. Then comes the kicker. He also curses them out in perfect Thai in front of everyone. He's very thorough and never breaks eye contact with them. I've seen him do this and it's brilliant to see. Seems to work too. He's never been challenged in the last 5 years he's lived here. Go dad! Hehehe.

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Recently got scammed at Terminal 21 cinema. The kid at the ticket counter told me 300bht for the single ticket. I thought I caught him and gave him only 200bht. He put the money under the counter and I left. Later I learned the ticket was only 160bht.

Just this week I caught a taxi to the airport. I clearly said 3x I want Swampy airport. Half way to Don Muang I realized we were going the wrong way. His mistake. He looked so confused and obvisouly didn't know where Swampy was. I gave him directions all the way there. Of course, I had to pay the whole meter.

In Thailand, if you get scammed, its your own fault. TIT.


Why the hell should I pay for your mistake when she spoke to you in Thai?

First lesson failed. wai2.gif


I have always thought that the Thai language is not very precise and a simple statement can have a few different interpretations. Look at Members of Parliament. How many times have you read, that after making a statement which went a bit wobbly the speaker then says 'I didn't mean that'. Imprecise, or mouth going off before brain engages? Better not to lose ones rag and face, and heed the advice supposedly given to British colonial ladies, 'When being raped, lay back and think of England'.rolleyes.gif

Very little to do with Thai language.

The truth is, all taxi drivers know the big hotels.

And big hotels do not have similar names.

I am more than certain, OP stayed at $15 guesthouse instead of $150 hotel.

Example being, Every taxi driver knows Holiday Inn, but there are also Holiday Mansion, Holiday Resort, Pattaya Holiday Lodge, Pattaya Holiday City Lodge.

The non-hooker said one of the cheap ones, but taxi driver only heard and understood "HOLIDAY" so he drove from Walking Street to North Pattaya, thats a 200 bah fare. Once OP realized it was wrong, driver had to turn around and come back to one of the others in Pattaya Klang.

Of course the name of the hotels was just an example.

Second incident. could partially be due to OP speaking not clear English. See it all the time, For some reason many newbies do not seem to understand Thai in service sector do not speak good English, so speaking fast and with say Oz accent, will not get you far. They just talk as they would back home, assuming locals understand and know the lingo.

Yes it may well also be a mistake by the staff, who was now responsible to pay for the drink.

This is also pretty easy to deal with, they put bill for each drink, check the bill and if the wrong drink is on there, bring it up with cashier, instead of service, because naturally service will deny it.

Please stop being ignorant.

Taxi drivers in BKK most often don't assume where you want go, they can spend 5-10 minutes trying to figure out where you want to go, but ask yourself if that scenario would happen with only a Thai passenger, NO WAY and you bet your sweet ass there would be a some sort of altercation, harsh language and the taxi driver would have to either let the passenger off or dig in to his own pocket for the differens.

Working in a bar is where most learn English and if they serve wrong because of bad language skills or they don't pay attention, they have to pay the wasted drink themselves, if it's a Thai owner of the bar, if it's a farrang owner, the drink will be put on the blow account. This is also a VERY common way for the girls to earn some extra cash or to get a free drink.

Let me get this right, you telling me to stop being ignorant while you spout utter drivel that Thai learn english working in the bar?

You going to tell me taxi drivers in BKK need your GPS?

You do not have a single clue what happens with Thai passengers, so go back to your bar stool and turn on your GPS to find fastest way home

F..., k, me, you truly are quality


I only pay what they deserve.

Some taxidriver tried to charge me for 597 THB while the route I am normally take is around 79 - 99 THB. Depends on traffic.

He tried to make a problem of it. I had my gf on the phone and some Thai friends in the soi kicking the hell out on the taxi driver trying to screw me. Later he came back with some police officers. Everything was recorded on CCTV of the building I was staying. Also my Thai gf told the police from where I left. They concluded that it never could have been more than 100 THB, what I normally paid the taxidriver, tip included.

So just give them what they deserve and walk away....

Was it a wet dream? or just a snooze?


Recently got scammed at Terminal 21 cinema. The kid at the ticket counter told me 300bht for the single ticket. I thought I caught him and gave him only 200bht. He put the money under the counter and I left. Later I learned the ticket was only 160bht.

Just this week I caught a taxi to the airport. I clearly said 3x I want Swampy airport. Half way to Don Muang I realized we were going the wrong way. His mistake. He looked so confused and obvisouly didn't know where Swampy was. I gave him directions all the way there. Of course, I had to pay the whole meter.

In Thailand, if you get scammed, its your own fault. TIT.

This thread is troll galore,

A taxi driver did not know where Suva was, whats next? Som Tam lady does not know where to buy papaya?


Here's a funny one. My dad is 82 years old and he lives in Bangkok with his 50 something Thai lady friend. They have a Mercedes but like to take the mini busses whenever they can. My dad is a take no crap kind of guy. He uses his age advantage to regularly curse out a careless or rude drivers. First, he gets up real close to them, in their personal space, and curses them out in english. He leaves out nothing as he is a former marine. Then comes the kicker. He also curses them out in perfect Thai in front of everyone. He's very thorough and never breaks eye contact with them. I've seen him do this and it's brilliant to see. Seems to work too. He's never been challenged in the last 5 years he's lived here. Go dad! Hehehe.

Really? in perfect Thai? did he pick it up in the bar? or when he was in SAS?

a 77 year old learned perfect Thai, w00t.gif ,

Indeed amazingcheesy.gif


Sometimes it's better to suck it up and say nothing. I learned that very quickly in Thailand. You get no where with losing you temper. It just makes you angrier and frustrated. You handled them well my friend

You understood it. My appreciation. thumbsup.gif


If this was the worst scams that you recall from a trip a few years ago, you did ok.

Been scammed a lot more when Drivers in the USA know I am not familiar with certain areas and they take the long way...and I find out later.

You were probably scammed a lot more than that and didn't even know it.

Personally, I don't lose my temper, but I can be very caustic with words and questions and make them lose face without escalating the situation.

Personally, I don't lose my temper, but I can be very caustic with words and questions and make them lose face without escalating the situation.

Yeah this is kinda fun, even.

When they make stupid mistakes like food orders , and try to get out of it without simply rectifying it, I put on dead pan face when they start that annoying giggling, makes 'em real uncomfortable.

Highly exaggerated sarcasm too, takes them a while to get it, but they do...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....

and yet you stayed here so long in spite of all this misery? why?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....

I am surprised you have not left earlier.

People with your attitude is one of the main reasons why the rest us have it hard.

Fark, if i knew you, i would not respect you and would not want you anywhere near me.

Anyway, i guess now that 30 day visa's are out, you need to start packing, so do not let me hold you upthumbsup.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....

and yet you stayed here so long in spite of all this misery? why?

Visa's to other countries cost moneycheesy.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....

I am surprised you have not left earlier.

People with your attitude is one of the main reasons why the rest us have it hard.

Fark, if i knew you, i would not respect you and would not want you anywhere near me.

Anyway, i guess now that 30 day visa's are out, you need to start packing, so do not let me hold you up alt=thumbsup.gif>

555555...i knew it would not take long for this.....i am on a retirement visa and could stay if i wanted to, but yes i will be packing. My attitude was much different a few years ago, but i have had enough of the BS here lately. Feel free to hang around for the eminent destruction. Have you been paying attention to the current events? Maybe i should move to some village and become one with the rest of the.....enjoy the rest of your time here. Good Luck!!!


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?! alt=whistling.gif>

I have had tonnes of wrong drinks and never charged for it.

Thousands of taxi rides going the wrong way and never asked to pay extra.

I guess moral of the story is to hang around hookers when coming for a holiday alt=thumbsup.gif>

Hooker or not "they" are as thick as thieves. Commission or not "they" will help their follow country man to f-U every time so they can go back home and tell their "friends' how they made the "buffalo" pay more! "They" smile when "they" see us coming and "they" laugh when "they" see us go! We are all buffaloes here . Your G/F..Your wife, your "Thai Friends" 55555555555555555. BS....You are not wanted, loved our respected here. Farangs are lower than soi dogs. Anyone that believes different is delusional. Many times they have tried this BS with me, i just say "No" and walk away. Never had a conflict or a problem. Respect is not a given. Stand your ground and you may or may not get it but its better than cowering like a bitch! OK..maybe their is the 1% that are genuine. After 12 years....i am still looking for the 1%. I know i will get a lot of backlash from this post and i could really give a rats.....TIT, racism on a whole new scale. But, dont you know that the center of the universe is in that Temple/Wat in Ayutthaya or some horse excrement...what a joke!!! Love it or leave it...555555. For me...i see the writing on the wall. It is time to go.Thailand is determined to destroy its self by, ignorance, greed,corruption...etc..etc...etc....

and yet you stayed here so long in spite of all this misery? why?

Visa's to other countries cost moneycheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Thailand was not always like it has become. Money is not the issue....peace of mind is!!!


star.png 1 votes

TCT: Martial law would help tourism sector in long run

To all FARANG. Welcome to Thailand. If we see you we shout FARANG! and we are delighted to see your money, and rape you financially.

The current martial law is to HELP YOU, because we are your UNCLE and we help the world. We generate new ideas, never plagiarised from the West (That thing we have nothing to do with, and don't need - because we have never been occupied), and we are FINE thanks.

TAT 21/05/ century 1, 1554. HELLO, IS ANYONE GETTING THE MSG!!!


star.png 1 votes

TCT: Martial law would help tourism sector in long run

To all FARANG. Welcome to Thailand. If we see you we shout FARANG! and we are delighted to see your money, and rape you financially.

The current martial law is to HELP YOU, because we are your UNCLE and we help the world. We generate new ideas, never plagiarised from the West (That thing we have nothing to do with, and don't need - because we have never been occupied), and we are FINE thanks.

TAT 21/05/ century 1, 1554. HELLO, IS ANYONE GETTING THE MSG!!!

we might if it was written in proper english

  • Like 2

My Thai friend let constructionguys re-tile her floors. When they were almost finished it looked crappy (big gaps between the tiles) and she told them to do it over. She had to pay the new tiles and the labour.

I feel scammed every time i let a Thai do something for me. If something goes wrong and my clothes or property is damaged they never offer to pay for that. Also not in expensive places. We even had parkingguards helping my wife to park and they let her drive backwards into another car, he didnt even say sorry.


My Thai friend let constructionguys re-tile her floors. When they were almost finished it looked crappy (big gaps between the tiles) and she told them to do it over. She had to pay the new tiles and the labour.

I feel scammed every time i let a Thai do something for me. If something goes wrong and my clothes or property is damaged they never offer to pay for that. Also not in expensive places. We even had parkingguards helping my wife to park and they let her drive backwards into another car, he didnt even say sorry.

perhaps she should have checked references


Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?!whistling.gif

I have a theory that when someone goes to great lengths to point out the lady concerned is not a BG etc. they have already admitted to world that the young lady concerned is a hooker, its a defensive mechanism me thinks, certainly when the statements concerned have absolutely no relevance to the topic being discussed

bit like the posts on TV that start...."My wife/GF is a well educated non-EX BG, Hi-So Thai/Chinese Nuclear physicist and would like to know where to get a Thai drivers license BKK ? "

hey dont give nuclear physicists a bad name on here, youll have Naam or at least the dog on here in a minute



I understand your point completely, it can be very frustrating to deal with cultural differences, and make no mistake these are cultural differences and Thailand is one of the most frustrating in my experience. The loss of face is a big issue for Thai people as you mention so I assume you understand this.

If it is just a small amount of money I would ignore it and try an forget the "principle" point that you would argue back home. However, if it is significant then of course you have to stand your ground and make your point as no one should be a door mat.

Just try and remember it isn't your country, you are a guest and you cannot impose your culture and beliefs on the country, even when logically they seem like common sense. It won't change because you don't like it and your not used to it, so not point in raising your blood pressure by getting too frustrated.

Imagine if a foreigner were in your country back home and they were barking at you how things are back in their country and they are not happy,, I am sure you agree it will fall of deaf ears.

I saw a TV program recently where an English tourist in Spain got stopped by the police and as told to produce ID. He didn't have any ID which they take very seriously in Spain as you are supposed to always carry ID or your passport. In England you don't have to carry ID and no one thinks it's a big deal. Well the English guy decided to tell the police that he doesn't have to carry it back home and whats the big deal,,, total idiot of course and the policeman had no problem reminding him the he isn't in England anymore.

Not suggesting you are ignorant like this guy, just making a point that you have to adjust when you are overseas and that includes accepting behaviour (within reason) that is out of sorts with things back home.

So, relax and try not to stress too much, could be that you just can't accept the Thai way and you should give it a wide berth,, I have thought that a few times myself. Still not sure if its a longer term thing for me.

  • Like 1

When I hear people say "I didn't lose my temper because i know I would be losing face"....I smile to myself and think How convenient for the person trying to rob me.....they won't even have the wrath of a potential victim to deal with.....it's like saying "If you are going to rob me that's OK, I won't even get angry". I posted one time before..............After changing my Estate agent for the 5th time due to the other 4 putting customers in my room when it was supposed to be empty I eventually had enough when the last one pulled the same stunt. ....I thought..."I'm going to use this "loosing face" to my own advantage so I waited till the office was very busy and there were lots of people around and tore into the agent at the top of my voice about having a customer in my room when it was supposed to be empty , I had all the details, name, how long he was there, when he was leaving how much he had paid etc., (I opened the room at 4 AM the previous morning and got all the details from him while he was still half awake) the agent kept running to the door trying to close it as I had deliberately left it open for people outside to hear as well. I got the money for that customer from the agent and a small lump sum I asked for towards previous lets as I had no proof at hand.for them. Why would I be losing face...I don't believe in that wimpish talk....if somebody is robbing me I am entitled to be angry. The agent sure lost face because it was proven that they were thieving a condo owner....that would be the same in Farang Land....although I don't think a Farang thief would be too worried about losing face....more worried about losing business and losing their freedom for a spell of time.

I often think if Thai people got angry more often then they might not have to work such long hours for rich business owners who pay them a pittance. Where has "not losing face" got them....it just plays into the hands of the bosses and the rich.


I would have jumped out of the taxi, left the girl there and caught another taxi Paid 270 baht to someone else if need be.

Being Lucifer, Lucifer, you can obviously get away with just about anything, but with all due respect for your sound recommendation, I would personnally advise non-Lucifers to think twice before they leave the taxi and slam the door in a grandiose show of fury.

Why ? because bullets travel faster than legs.

I did that some 15 years ago in Bangkok. I was in a taxi who had deliberately taken the wrong way, the meter was running, we were stuck in heavy traffic (lo and behold) on Sukhumvit Road.. . I was fuming but trying to keep cool (I already knew a couples of rules about this country) and the more I tried to work out a solution with the driver the more he became rude and insulting. Eventually he called me a rather nasty name which I happened to understand because I had been to Esarn a few times already.

That final insult did it for me. I rushed out of the taxi, leaving the door open, and zigzagued between the cars in the direction opposite to the traffic, assuming that the guy simply could not leave his car in the middle of the road to run after me. I was right, he didn't. Other than that, my reaction was done without much thinking, but looking back on the incident and knowing what I know now about taxi drivers fuse system and how most of them carry guns, I suppose I could easily have been shot at.

Bangkok taxi drivers are not exactly a bunch of harmless choir-boys....whistling.gif but you know what ? they're worse in KL !!


I sat at a table in the Dubliner Irish pub on Sukhumvit Road near Emporium. I was drinking a pint of Guinness. I'd only taken a few sips from it when Somchai comes over with a ladder, sets it next to my table, and climbs it. I'm not there, apparently.

He reaches over my table and tries to unscrew a halogen lightbulb. It breaks. Glass falls in my beer.

Problem one: when I asked him to get a new beer, he actually said nothing went in the beer. Then he walked away.

I went to the bartender, told him what happened, and he gave me a fresh one with a smile, and without saying a word.

When I asked for the bill, there were two beers on it. The bartender wouldn't take one off, nor would the manager after hearing my story.

I waited until everyone was busy, left the exact money on the table for the one beer, and walked out. Never have returned.

You didn't knock it over 'by accident'?? I think I would have fiend a slip and the bar would be full of beer for them to clean up.thumbsup.gif

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