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Thai Army to 'reconsider' PCAD wanted list: DSI


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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs


The general does not favor the reds, the government has weakened more and now are forced to come up with a compromise before any elections can be held and still you cry victory.

I predict the following, the PTP will do enormous concessions and at least some reforms will happen before any election.

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"If we do not proceed with the arrest warrants, we might be held accountable for negligence of duty," Mr. Tharit said.

Said the guy who vowed to get whistle blowers and neglected to charge anyone for attacking innocent people.

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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs


The general does not favor the reds, the government has weakened more and now are forced to come up with a compromise before any elections can be held and still you cry victory.

I predict the following, the PTP will do enormous concessions and at least some reforms will happen before any election.

I doubt that there will be anything approaching "victory" for either side. But a good measure will be the winner of the next election. Surely, even you would concede, a good measure of the public sentiment

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So a one sided amnesty issued by the Army for one side of the political divide? That is going to heal all wounds for sure!

Where did it say anything about Amnesty?

On top of that, you of course don't (want to) remember that the court already decided that the demonstration was peaceful and that in a democracy people have the right to demonstrate?

The warrants for insurrection are stupid and illegal, and they were fabricated by your buddy Chalerm to incite unrest.

So does that mean protesters in your country can go and occupy government buildings? And install road blocks and armed check points?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So will he also be reconsidering the murder charges that suthep and Abhisit have been too busy to show up for?

Somehow I doubt that either of these 2 will ever be charged when they should be sharing a cell with certain red leaders.

Looking more like a coup by the hour with selective laws being applied. No wonder certain people looked so happy when this happened coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Abhisit did show up.

What selective laws make it look like a coup?

The certain people who would be happy with a coup are your red shirt buddies. They have been hoping and fighting (through terrorist attacks) for a coup for the last 6 months. Luckily Gen Prayuth didn't fall for that sneaky red trap....

there were your heros and friends, the pluriassassins convicted torturers of the Yellowish-Black shirts who threw bombs to innocents . Even dogs and cats are aware of that. I see that your boss Suthep, the most corrupt people in Thailand (according to former Dem leader Chuan Leekpai) pays large ammounts of money to people like you to support dictatorship, coups and massacres of innocents (specially women and children who are the favorite target of your hero and boss Suthep)

Looks like mad Max has invented a new word whilst venting his spleen. "pluriassassins"

Total bovine excrement of a post.

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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs


The general does not favor the reds, the government has weakened more and now are forced to come up with a compromise before any elections can be held and still you cry victory.

I predict the following, the PTP will do enormous concessions and at least some reforms will happen before any election.

I doubt that there will be anything approaching "victory" for either side. But a good measure will be the winner of the next election. Surely, even you would concede, a good measure of the public sentiment

What election?

I think now the Thais realize their big mistake of 82 years and will throw away the ballot boxes and go back to the system of rule, pre 1932.

Edited by Basil B
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So a one sided amnesty issued by the Army for one side of the political divide? That is going to heal all wounds for sure!

Where did it say anything about Amnesty?

On top of that, you of course don't (want to) remember that the court already decided that the demonstration was peaceful and that in a democracy people have the right to demonstrate?

The warrants for insurrection are stupid and illegal, and they were fabricated by your buddy Chalerm to incite unrest.

So does that mean protesters in your country can go and occupy government buildings? And install road blocks and armed check points?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

In my country of birth protesters don't have the need to go to such measures. The Netherlands mostly has a multi-party coalition government and concensus is deemed very important.

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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs


The general does not favor the reds, the government has weakened more and now are forced to come up with a compromise before any elections can be held and still you cry victory.

I predict the following, the PTP will do enormous concessions and at least some reforms will happen before any election.

I doubt that there will be anything approaching "victory" for either side. But a good measure will be the winner of the next election. Surely, even you would concede, a good measure of the public sentiment

What election?

I think now the Thais realize their big mistake of 82 years and will throw away the ballot boxes and go back to the system of rule, pre 1932.

You are not listening to The General.

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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs


The general does not favor the reds, the government has weakened more and now are forced to come up with a compromise before any elections can be held and still you cry victory.

I predict the following, the PTP will do enormous concessions and at least some reforms will happen before any election.

I doubt that there will be anything approaching "victory" for either side. But a good measure will be the winner of the next election. Surely, even you would concede, a good measure of the public sentiment

I don't really care whoever wins the elections as long as checks and balances are in place to make sure the government cant do what this government did corruption wise and power abuse wise. If they govern good and fair and transparent, then I really don't have a problem with them. However if they like this corrupt bunch of crooks slash the budget of the NACC by 50% and try to get 25.000 corruption cases under an amnesty then I would be against them as much as I am against this government.

I think the winner will be the anti government for getting reforms before the elections (my prediction how this will end, I could be wrong of course)

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I was kind of hoping this Martial Law was going to be a good thing, getting all sides sat at a table together, making sure elections happened unhindered etc. But the reality is that Prayuth is now running the country without the military coup. He's now single-handedly deciding who will or won't be arrested (passions from both sides will be rampant at this). Who is he to decide who is above the law? Warrants and summons have been issued, arrests been made. Let the police try to do their job and let the courts sort it out. This is a farce. People from both sides of the divide need to face up to their actions.

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Was that a pink Bentley I saw rushing through the Cambodian border? The driver looked drunk and was wearing a really old and tight police uniform.

Or was this a bad dream?

Not sure as I didn't hear it. Not enough medicine I guess.

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I was kind of hoping this Martial Law was going to be a good thing, getting all sides sat at a table together, making sure elections happened unhindered etc. But the reality is that Prayuth is now running the country without the military coup. He's now single-handedly deciding who will or won't be arrested (passions from both sides will be rampant at this). Who is he to decide who is above the law? Warrants and summons have been issued, arrests been made. Let the police try to do their job and let the courts sort it out. This is a farce. People from both sides of the divide need to face up to their actions.

This is indeed a farce, but since people from both sides of the divide didn't face up, someone needed to 'force' them to start discussions rather then just accuse the others. As there doesn't seem to be anyone else or no other organisation, it fell to the army to do so.

Please note that not-yet-stepped-down DEpt. PM, MoFA and ex chief advisor to CAPO Surapong wanted the army the declare Martial Law so they could 'safeguard' the elections. Of course he forgot that when the army declares Martial Law the army is put in charge even if not absolutely as in coups.

Edited by rubl
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He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But General Prayuth is more than smart enough to have worked out that those responsible for the anarchy over the last few months must be held accountable. Perhaps not immediately. Thais are not going to quickly forgive or forget the antics of Suthep and his cronies/acolytes/lapdogs

You forgot to add: coup-mongers/fascists/scum/thugs/ammart

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Meanwhile in Phitsanulok Third Region Army Commander Lt General Preecha Chan-ocha the Generals's brother is rounding up and having warrants executed for Local Red shirt leaders.... one would hope that this is not a one-sided affair and that others with outstanding warrants in BKK will also finally be acted upon... apparently it was an "incitement" arrest and another on alleged murder... so there certainly is activity going on... not just dialogue... a PCAD was arrested at the Airport after returning from USA as well... this may well be a major balancing act hopefully it will be ( dare I say) fair? and impartial.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So will he also be reconsidering the murder charges that suthep and Abhisit have been too busy to show up for?

Somehow I doubt that either of these 2 will ever be charged when they should be sharing a cell with certain red leaders.

Looking more like a coup by the hour with selective laws being applied. No wonder certain people looked so happy when this happened coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Abhisit did show up.

What selective laws make it look like a coup?

The certain people who would be happy with a coup are your red shirt buddies. They have been hoping and fighting (through terrorist attacks) for a coup for the last 6 months. Luckily Gen Prayuth didn't fall for that sneaky red trap....

there were your heros and friends, the pluriassassins convicted torturers of the Yellowish-Black shirts who threw bombs to innocents . Even dogs and cats are aware of that. I see that your boss Suthep, the most corrupt people in Thailand (according to former Dem leader Chuan Leekpai) pays large ammounts of money to people like you to support dictatorship, coups and massacres of innocents (specially women and children who are the favorite target of your hero and boss Suthep)

Well Max, you clearly have no idea what you are saying. All of the thing you blame the yellowish-black (interesting new color btw) shirts off, are actually completely (and in most cases only) applicable to the red shirts. Your ludicrous tirade about me being paid is really laughable. It is really sad that you think that Suthep is killing his own people, but that of course is what the Red propaganda wants you to believe.....biggrin.png

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Lock Suthep and the mad monk,in a padded cell together,feed them, only som tam lao,deny them accsess to toilets,let's see who breaks first.

Apart from just having a topic with

"If Thailand must have places to contain wrongdoers, they should be entitled to better treatment, at least with cleaner clothes and better food. Indeed, having their freedom ripped off them is bad enough."


we also have to consider that many here said the protests and the monk were political. Now the Yingluck administration build a special, nice prison for just such prisoners. K. Korkaew already knows it I think.

Finally your suggestion is against the human rights, right of prisoners, rights of political prisoners, etc., etc. Especially denial of access to sanitary facilities is considered torture nowadays.

So, concluding, forget it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So a one sided amnesty issued by the Army for one side of the political divide? That is going to heal all wounds for sure!

Where did it say anything about Amnesty?

On top of that, you of course don't (want to) remember that the court already decided that the demonstration was peaceful and that in a democracy people have the right to demonstrate?

The warrants for insurrection are stupid and illegal, and they were fabricated by your buddy Chalerm to incite unrest.

I don't want to put fuel on fire, but don't you find appropriate charges of insurrection for who incited people to disrupt an election? if not, which kind of charge would you put for them?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So a one sided amnesty issued by the Army for one side of the political divide? That is going to heal all wounds for sure!

Where did it say anything about Amnesty?

On top of that, you of course don't (want to) remember that the court already decided that the demonstration was peaceful and that in a democracy people have the right to demonstrate?

The warrants for insurrection are stupid and illegal, and they were fabricated by your buddy Chalerm to incite unrest.

I don't want to put fuel on fire, but don't you find appropriate charges of insurrection for who incited people to disrupt an election? if not, which kind of charge would you put for them?

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Lock Suthep and the mad monk,in a padded cell together,feed them, only som tam lao,deny them accsess to toilets,let's see who breaks first.

Apart from just having a topic with

"If Thailand must have places to contain wrongdoers, they should be entitled to better treatment, at least with cleaner clothes and better food. Indeed, having their freedom ripped off them is bad enough."


we also have to consider that many here said the protests and the monk were political. Now the Yingluck administration build a special, nice prison for just such prisoners. K. Korkaew already knows it I think.

Finally your suggestion is against the human rights, right of prisoners, rights of political prisoners, etc., etc. Especially denial of access to sanitary facilities is considered torture nowadays.

So, concluding, forget it.

you did not mention feeding them som tam lao,would this not be against human right's,jeez mate,my post was a joke,have you ever smiled in your life rubl,i guess not your are far to serious in sorting out human rights,you must be great company .

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Lock Suthep and the mad monk,in a padded cell together,feed them, only som tam lao,deny them accsess to toilets,let's see who breaks first.

Apart from just having a topic with

"If Thailand must have places to contain wrongdoers, they should be entitled to better treatment, at least with cleaner clothes and better food. Indeed, having their freedom ripped off them is bad enough."


we also have to consider that many here said the protests and the monk were political. Now the Yingluck administration build a special, nice prison for just such prisoners. K. Korkaew already knows it I think.

Finally your suggestion is against the human rights, right of prisoners, rights of political prisoners, etc., etc. Especially denial of access to sanitary facilities is considered torture nowadays.

So, concluding, forget it.

you did not mention feeding them som tam lao,would this not be against human right's,jeez mate,my post was a joke,have you ever smiled in your life rubl,i guess not your are far to serious in sorting out human rights,you must be great company .

Looking at some of your posts I thought you were just trolling around rather than having fun. Of course it might be you think trolling around is like having fun.

As for feeding prisoners "som tam lao" I'm sure Dick Cheney would have considered your recommendation for the nice guys in Gitmo.

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Hey I see things a little differently .... the Army essentially takes control of all the media and suddenly the media is writing that all sides are cheering on the general and all sides are bowing down and becoming agreeable. If course it could be true, but get real, this is thailand ...

So before everyone says what a great job he's doing, if it's too good to be true, it usually isn't ... and only a fool would believe everything a controlled media reports!

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So will he also be reconsidering the murder charges that suthep and Abhisit have been too busy to show up for?

Somehow I doubt that either of these 2 will ever be charged when they should be sharing a cell with certain red leaders.

Looking more like a coup by the hour with selective laws being applied. No wonder certain people looked so happy when this happened coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Abhisit did show up.

What selective laws make it look like a coup?

The certain people who would be happy with a coup are your red shirt buddies. They have been hoping and fighting (through terrorist attacks) for a coup for the last 6 months. Luckily Gen Prayuth didn't fall for that sneaky red trap....

there were your heros and friends, the pluriassassins convicted torturers of the Yellowish-Black shirts who threw bombs to innocents . Even dogs and cats are aware of that. I see that your boss Suthep, the most corrupt people in Thailand (according to former Dem leader Chuan Leekpai) pays large ammounts of money to people like you to support dictatorship, coups and massacres of innocents (specially women and children who are the favorite target of your hero and boss Suthep)

I asked my cat and my dog to read your post and they both agree that you don't make any sense.

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I was kind of hoping this Martial Law was going to be a good thing, getting all sides sat at a table together, making sure elections happened unhindered etc. But the reality is that Prayuth is now running the country without the military coup. He's now single-handedly deciding who will or won't be arrested (passions from both sides will be rampant at this). Who is he to decide who is above the law? Warrants and summons have been issued, arrests been made. Let the police try to do their job and let the courts sort it out. This is a farce. People from both sides of the divide need to face up to their actions.

Who is he to decide who is above the law?

Under Martial Law, he IS the law. It's been two days and you are bitching he hasn't solved all the political problems yet. At the moment he is waiting for the resignation letters from the remaining caretaker cabinet. As soon as those letters arrive, the path will be clear for the Senate to appoint a new temporary, neutral, caretaker government and PM who will oversee the bureaucracy while a reform committee collects suggestions for reform. In six months to a year, there will be a nation-wide vote to choose which reforms the people want. Once the people have spoken, the caretaker government, with permissions from relevant authorities, can install the reforms into the constitution. Elections will be held soon after. At any time during this process, if Thaksin concedes to the inevitable and ceases his resistance, General Prayuth will withdraw his troops in kind. In poll after poll, the majority of Thai people want reform before elections (Every political party is ready to wait excepting Thaksin's puppet PTP and affiliates). Gen. Prayuth will make sure that the people get their reforms before elections. Anyone who does not believe what I just wrote can happen, hasn't been in Thailand very long.

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