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Shipping house items when moving to Chiang Mai


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Good day

I will be moving to Hang Dong , Chiang Mai , I have no date as yet but it is going to happen.

I won't be shipping all my furniture or white goods etc, as these can be bought in Chiang Mai. It will be my personal stuff and other times that are sentimental and cheaper over in the UK.

The question is simple, does anyone know of a reliable company I can use ( I live in the Midlands ) to do this, and an idea of the price. ( I know it depends on how much, etc etc, but a ball park figure would be nice so I have an idea of costings.

I have been give a few tips, have it in your wives Thai name, Less change of it being looked at by Thai customs, don't buy took many new items so it looks like you will be selling them etc.

Thank in advance

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