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My Thai Girl keeps Asking for Money.


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It's not going to get better its only going to get worse. If she is 35 she is already over the hill by many years as far as a Thai is concerned. You should be in total control or at least calling the shots in most cases. My suggestion is to get back online and arrange a few more dates for your next visit.

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At thirty-five and unmarried, she is feeling unloved and insecure. You should use as much of your money as possible to help allay those feelings. You will find then that her gratitude towards you will dissipate her anger and turn to feelings of love and tenderness.

In addition, look for another job; teaching doesn't pay much, even in Korea.

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How do all you blokes so easily find women online? When I contact women, the talks go ok, then when I send my photo they suddenly go quiet??


LOL That is because you are not as handsome as the rest of us

Wife beater shorts partial beard and teh beer gut are not doing the trick.

You need to wear a girdle shave and a nice shirt to hide the girdleclap2.gif

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In Asian culture, and I have lived in Japan, Korea and Thailand for more than 30 years total, the mans responsibility in a relationship is to take care of the woman finanically. As far as the woman is concerned Love has nothing to do with finding a partner but financial security." No money no honey", get used to it.

She might not ask for money at first but the time will come if you do not meet her financial expecttions she will mention it.

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OP you said you have spent 400 on her since you met. Does that include when you are here.

If so she is looking at you like CHEAP CHARLIE.

I would think that you need to actually sit down with her. many thai's do have financial dificulty.

They have learned the famous military term CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT THE OTHER TERM "PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you really like her then you will want to help her.

Then again a friend of mine had what i think you need.

He had a gf that he contacted a few weeks before he came here on holidays. She met him at the airport and stayed with him until he left. Anything she needed during that time he paid for including some money for her family.

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What else she's going to ask from you,? love and affections? can't pay debts with that,

Run for your life my boy. run away as fast as you can, while you have some money and dignity left in you..

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My Canadian British American Australian French Italian Spanish Norwegian Dutch Swedish Japanese Chinese Thai girlfriend wants me to pay for everything.

On the other hand, I want a super rich girlfriend who owns a Lear Jet and wants to pay for everything.

Men and women will never understand each other. coffee1.gif

PS Don't fall for it. She could have 6 other guys around the world, all paying for her apartment. Her anger should run you off.

Lol, yea she does get angry easy.

She told me "If no help. why should I keep you around?"

I haven't heard from her since last night.

I believe you have answered your own question.

Thai females do expect some financial support from men.

Amounts vary on backgrounds and up bringing.

$250 is not a an outrages amount but I am afraid this will not be all.

Then there will bills and more help needed .

The truth is you do not know her and being player is very common here, especially on dating sites.

Do not worry she will not run away, they do not give up so easy until they got something out of you

What b.s., it really depends who you are dating and on stuff like how desirable are you compared to her. If I want to date a 18 year old coyote dancer I will have to pay. If i date a girl a bit younger but not too much younger and i look good too I dont pay.

This is the experience of me and quite a lot of friends. If you have to pay your dating out of your range or your a mug. If you are happy to pay extra because she is so much better as what you could get without money so be it. But that b.s. about always having to pay is crazy.

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After the rent pay of $250, the brother gets into an accident and is in the hospital. Her mother fell down and broke her hip, her motocy is broken and needs first class brakes, her other "brother" wink wink crashed the car and needs money for car AND hospital bills.

See, the bills get bigger and bigger as this "relationship" moves along. RUN, teacher, RUN!!thumbsup.gif

Buffalo's..... what about the Buffalo's ?....they get sick too whistling.gif

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OP at 35 your teerak, contray to what you think most likely has a husband, EX-husband and maybe a few sprogs hidden away somewhere, she may be working in a job far away from hubby said sproggies....and is shagging anything she can get her hands on and she is looking for a cash cow to finance her life styles....and this is where you come in dear boy and possibly a few others on the hook....wink.png

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Where is she living?


7,500bht is a lot for a condo outside of Bangkok.

Most Thais pay under 3,000bht a month for accomodation.

A cynical person may suspect she has doubled her rent, to make some money out of you.


Why not rent yourself a condo, in your sole name, and let her live in it.

That gives you a lot more power, than giving her money, and you can pay the landlord directly.

It also lowers the chances of her having 4 different foreign guys all paying her 'doubled' rent.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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OP at 35 your teerak, contray to what you think most likely has a husband, EX-husband and maybe a few sprogs hidden away somewhere, she may be working in a job far away from hubby said sproggies....and is shagging anything she can get her hands on and she is looking for a cash cow to finance her life styles....and this is where you come in dear boy and possibly a few others on the hook....wink.png

Ask him when was the last time he had sex with her?

perhaps, never

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Tell her your name is not "ATM". The only test of true Thai love is to cut off the money. If she gets angry and leaves, you are better off. If she is understanding and stays with you, then you found a Thai girl who really loves you. I agree with the other comments, 1 month out of a year does not qualify you as her boyfriend. And I'll also join the pool and say that she has done this a few times before, and probably has more than a couple of guys "taking care" of her.

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How do all you blokes so easily find women online? When I contact women, the talks go ok, then when I send my photo they suddenly go quiet??


how do you expect to get any reply at all, without a few pictures already on your profile page?

many, and I mean many of the girls I have met online have had mutliple pictures telling their story,

you cannot allow them to wander off thniking you look like George Clooney, or Richard Gere and then turn up looking like this guy:

Nice house

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"She is 35 years old. No children and has never been married. She's attractive as well."

You should have smelt something wrong there already, she's either mad, a predator chicken or both, run and look for better one!

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I'm sure you've got the picture by now ( I'm not going to read all the replies ), but you've only known her a month in total. Would you support a western woman after the same amount of time?

And, yes, if you are serious about a Thai woman, you generally have to support her financially, unless she's from a hiso family and has lots of money.

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I was in the same situation and I know how you feel. I gave her a bit here and there and we kept in contact for quite a while but... in the end to save you some time, well I just got sick of it. They are lovely girls and there is so much emotion I guess only you can decide what is best.

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Just playing devil's advocate here, as it's clear everyone is towing the party line of "no money!."

OP, is this woman truly your "girlfriend," or is she just a convenient, free shag every time you visit Thailand?

If the former, I would think you'd want to help her out a bit if you have the means. If the latter, pay her for her time you cheap charlie!!

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I am constantly amazed by the naïvety of people oin this forum. Some of whom are even supposed to be, by their own statements, intelligent enough to be teachers.

Loathe as I am to use an 'Americanism', but please - wake up and smell the coffee.

Do they genuinely not notice the cultural differences between the rich West and the poor East?

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I am constantly amazed by the naïvety of people oin this forum. Some of whom are even supposed to be, by their own statements, intelligent enough to be teachers.

Loathe as I am to use an 'Americanism', but please - wake up and smell the coffee.

Do they genuinely not notice the cultural differences between the rich West and the poor East?

There is a huge difference between wanting to help a 'real" girlfriend and not being a sap

This is a situation where he has been all over TV and ven went to Scott, the american in bangkok, and he is still not convinced.

She is demanding he send money, and throws a fit if he hesitates,

what that really means is,

she has already strapped it on, and is pissed because he keeps moving,

the OP should check to make sure that thing actually comes off

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One should support their partner if needed but your girl sounds like she's just looking for a man to fix her financial problems.

She got angry and called you selfish for not giving enough? Thai girls are generally not confident enough to be so daring unless they have the security of other men to fall back on. She more than likely has other men sending money too.

Get rid of her, there are plenty more girls available who aren't in desperate need of money.

"She got angry and called you selfish ....so daring..."

I like this comment because it isnt knee jerk , it demonstrates an astute understanding of the overwhelming majority of Thai women.

Sure they can all get angry , thats human nature , but to feel empowered enough to blurt out stuff like she has definately indicates to me that you either are not first on her list, or she cannot control her emotions ( extremely un-Thai ) - no Thai lady considering a man as a 'husband' would dare be so insensitive...

You have to consider whether you want to START off a long term relationship with a baseline like this. To me pursuing a Thai lady like this points to a future of misery.

The woman is 35 and has a job and no dependents .

If she was the type that would make a great long term partner , she should not be in any debt.

You have to ask yourself what is wrong with her that she has not been snapped up by 10 years ago.

I assure you this is not how any new Thai gf wanting to be a wife behaves around here.

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