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Adul: Thai police stand ready to cooperate with military under martial law


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Adul: Police stand ready to cooperate with military under martial law


BANGKOK, 22 May 2014 (NNT) – Police are ready to cooperate with the military to maintain order in the nation, in accordance with martial law, said national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew.

According to Police General Adul, the police are ready to provide support if the military asks for it. Currently, the police force is functioning normally, although the military has taken over all affairs related to supervision of protest sites and the police have discontinued manning all security checkpoints.

Leading up to the imposition of martial law, the police worked to their fullest extent to avoid conflicts and clashes with the political demonstrators, while having to deal with the intricacies involved with the situation and taking care to observe all legalities, asserted the Police General.

The head of the Royal Thai Police added that prosecution of those wanted for crimes committed during the political demonstration must take place, because arrest warrants had already been issued. However, there was plenty of time to make the arrests because the cases had a statute of limitations of 20 years.

-- NNT 2014-05-22 footer_n.gif

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Police are ready to cooperate with the military to maintain order in the nation,

I would suspect he has been given some words of advice as to what could happen if he, they didn't.

Leading up to the imposition of martial law, the police worked to their fullest extent to avoid conflicts and clashes with the political demonstrators

Indeed they did, taking particular care to avoid being anywhere near when the protesters were being shot at and bombed.

The head of the Royal Thai Police added that prosecution of those wanted for crimes committed during the political demonstration must take place, because arrest warrants had already been issued. However, there was plenty of time to make the arrests because the cases had a statute of limitations of 20 years.

While forgetting to say that warrants can be cancelled.

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BANGKOK, 22 May 2014 (NNT) – Police are ready to cooperate with the military to maintain order in the nation, in accordance with martial law, said national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew.

But remember this... We will remain bias to government supporters and do everything in our power to keep the PDRC in order.

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I hope Adul is the first to be fired from his position as chief of the RTP. There is no excuse for his inaction during the anti-govt protest rally killings in which innocent kids and adults alike were killed. Adul is an absolute disgrace to the country and needs to be removed.

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Watch the Army Adul - a profesional organisation might just rub off on you and your band of robbers and bribe takers. I shiver every time i see them slip the 100baht into their pockets from under the driving license

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One possibility would be to decentralize the RTP and make them accountable to provincial Governors. As it appears now, they are free agents, answerable only to their Commanders in Bangkok.

The local governments are helpless to deal with police corruption when they lack the tools to remove and punish these uniformed offenders.

The police have no option but to cooperate with the Army, otherwise they run the risk of being arrested by the same.

I hope a total reorganization and dismantling of the current RTP is considered.

One can only wait and see what will unfold. As for those whose fingers are on their keyboards to type "Will never happen", please lend me your crystal balls. I want to manipulate my stock options.

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Seems only in Thailand that it is news that police are going to enforce the laws. Those of you who slam cops for not protecting protestors (or arresting them either) perhaps can recall that in no uncertain terms Suthep et al told the police to stay away. And then cried because they weren'td being protected....

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I hope Adul is the first to be fired from his position as chief of the RTP. There is no excuse for his inaction during the anti-govt protest rally killings in which innocent kids and adults alike were killed. Adul is an absolute disgrace to the country and needs to be removed.

In support of Gen. Adul, he defected from the government side and became neutral near the end of January. Also, the structure of the chain of command in the RTA is not as 'top down' as you might want. Each district commander is his own little emperor and even those commanders have trouble with subordinates acting on their own. Really, no one is actually in charge of the RTA. It's more of a loosely aligned 'syndicate'.

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If an outcome from the coup is a complete reorganizing of the " Royal" Thai police away from the

incredibly corrupt entity it is, people will sing praises of the military for generations to come....

there is just no way in the world the thai police force could be "reorganised" to be corruption free

they will never say no to the bribes and the opportunitys to get rich as the salary is a pittance

and many / most have payed to get the positions they have now by kicking money upstairs so

anyone in the middle of the ladder probably feels hes owed his tea money

eve worse are the chiefs who want a % of money from everyone under them and anyone who wants to

be promoted to a higher rank or richer district needs to have a fat envelope for his C/O or its not going

to happen and he will stay at the bottom of the ladder while his more corupt buddies rise up to better positions

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If an outcome from the coup is a complete reorganizing of the " Royal" Thai police away from the

incredibly corrupt entity it is, people will sing praises of the military for generations to come....

there is just no way in the world the thai police force could be "reorganised" to be corruption free

they will never say no to the bribes and the opportunitys to get rich as the salary is a pittance

and many / most have payed to get the positions they have now by kicking money upstairs so

anyone in the middle of the ladder probably feels hes owed his tea money

eve worse are the chiefs who want a % of money from everyone under them and anyone who wants to

be promoted to a higher rank or richer district needs to have a fat envelope for his C/O or its not going

to happen and he will stay at the bottom of the ladder while his more corupt buddies rise up to better positions

Maybe they could make an independent police promotion board to vote on promotions and deal with complaints etc. the board could be a mix of military, senate, and local politician. Many board members so costly/ difficult to bribe them all.

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Adul has been a disgrace to the office he holds. He's in the position he's in because of one man - Thaksin - as both have been very close over the years. There is no fairness or equality in how the police have handled the protests, and that's why the army has relieved them from being closest to the action. They are not trusted, plain and simple. And for good reason. How many times have we seen fly by night grenades attacks ( that have now all but disappeared ) where nothing was done by the police - either to prevent them, or to investigate them ? Well, they've stopped, because the army is in control. The army is showing what the police could have done if they had the will or competence to. Sooner or later that had to come to an end. There is a tremendous loss of face to Adul over this, and the smile he has is the best he can come up with for a reaction to it.

Adul's acts of negligence are acts of terrorism at the highest level. He should be hanged!

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